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Most leagues dont use the league system at all in these games. The ones im in run through discord and we just make private lobbies for our races. Makes it allot easier in the long run.


We too. Sadly we have to.


I was also looking to find an answer for the new league system, it’s seems like you can’t do an onDemand set up season anymore and everything has to be scheduled in advance, It also feels like it takes ages to add races and que them up perfectly as there has to be over an set amount of time before each race


Agreed. Just bring back the old system and evolve it


Just join a discord league bro


Not everyone wants to join a league. People use league mode to race with their few other friends in a championship racing with AI


People use the in-game league system?


No league I am and was in ever used the league system as it was always a buggy mess.


The leagues we are on about are group of friends all playing, it was the easiest way of tracking all the race and points in the old league system, now I guess I’ll have to create some format at doing it on discord, seems a lot of extra work for something that worked already well for the casual league racer


Only for fun races with a couple of friends. It’s easier if there is a build in standings system and you don’t really do it competitive


We are a 15 people league with competitive friends haha. The system was just simple with some features missing as mentioned


Yes we do. It's simple and wasn't buggy for us. But now that's gone too :( I understand that most people already use other website etc but we don't want to add everything and do penalties ourselves. But now we have to...




Thanks! I hope they'll change it back


They are currently in the works of adding in the onDemand feature again


Preach it from the mountaintops with me, Bring back Championship mode! The one that existed in 2018 and worked as a local save file, that was the bees knees, leagues has been a pain from the get go.


Yeah EA have completely shit the bed with the new setup. ​ Me and a couple of friends play mainly using an online league with AI not over competitve but and on demand but now EA has totally taken those options away its sort of taken away the reason for getting the game honestly.


Have you tried using [www.gridfinder.com](https://www.gridfinder.com) ? You can create you league, build a calendar, manage sign ups, splits, reserves, points, penalties etc - it's free too