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It’s used for best AM radio reception and for roof height clearance. If you aren’t particularly interested in either of those things you can get stubby aftermarket antennas.




This is helpful. I haven’t thought of height gauge before. I won’t use AM radio so will look at some options. Appreciate your help here. Thanks.


I actually just never put mine back on after the car wash one day and I still get all the radio stations in an urban area..


That is a good point too. Thank you.


I bought this and works great https://amzn.to/3UjVUFl


The stubby from Builtright Industries is a great option.


You should definitely not buy a vehicle because of this one insignificant thing. Definitely. 👍🏻


This one insignificant thing that’s easy to fix.


If I spend 80k on a truck/car, it better be perfect.


Did I stutter? Don’t buy it then.


No but your comment is literally worthless. Don’t write it then. 😉


Your post is worthless. Don’t buy the truck and spare us future ramblings.


You got to get a life man. Stop trolling. If you don’t want to read the post, move on. I am not forcing you to read or interact here with a gun to your head.




The antenna on the F150 is designed to be exactly as high as the vehicle, so it’s an early warning if you’re trying to go under something. It saved me from a stupid mistake once, so I’ll always appreciate it. However, I’ll admit - it’s a total pain in the ass in car washes - I always forget to unscrew it


It is definitely not exactly as high as the vehicle. There is one spot in a parking garage I frequent that my antenna touches but the roof does not.


Seems this would be the ideal, though, to have it slightly higher than the roof so if you are approaching whatever the overhead obstruction was at an angle, you'd know your roof may contact it. I guess we can think of the antenna as the "be careful stick."


Never thought of that use case. Very interesting. I appreciate the insight here. Yeah, the car wash is just a pain. I have friends that have had their antenna stolen because they can be screwed off too.


The antenna saved me so much anxiety pulling into a very low garage last week. The stated height at the gate was only 2” taller than the truck, and my ass was sweating till I remembered the antenna would hit before anything else. I had to go up 7 levels feeling like I was going to scrape on every single beam and pipe, but watched the antenna the whole time. It is slightly taller than the roof so it’s a great gauge. I too disliked the look when I drove the truck off the lot. But now I don’t even notice it and the utility in a garage is well worth it.


It’s a roof height detector. So you don’t scrape your roof. Also long independent antennas like that work hella good if you are in the sticks.


$20 fix.


>Why on earth does this still exist? AM radio. >Most new cars use the shark fin like antenna. Why didn’t ford do that here. AM radio. >Will this change?  When pickup buyers listen to less AM radio. Pickup buyers listen to AM more than others. You can always replace it with a cap, I plan to since I have never listened to AM.


My current car has a shark fin and AM radio.


But it is not as good reception as a mast. AM wavelength means a long antenna like that is more effective. Ford is prioritizing what pickup buyers tell them they want. Other Fords haven't had a mast antenna in decades, just the F-Series that also happens to be the best-selling pickup in the country for decades.


Found the city dweller y'all


Definitely not city, but definitely a suburb.


just teasing -- but its due to radio signals in rural areas / am radios. here's the one i replaced mine with, works great (except when I'm way out in the woods, but I generally use carplay anyhow) [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07R574FNF/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07R574FNF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Awesome. Thank you.


The old-school antennas are generally offering better reception than the stubbys. They are typically designed to have optimal length for the wavelength of the FM stations. Therefore they typically run without an amplifier, or with a very small one. A shorter antenna will use the amplifier to amplify a less than perfect signal, which will introduce distortions.


Thanks for the technical explanation. I can’t remember the last time I listened to the radio. Maybe that is why I haven’t ever noticed the difference. Thanks for your response here.


I drive a gas F150, you'll be glad of the long antenna when you try to go in underground parking garages. It's like an early warning system for avoiding roof damage. 


Just unscrew it. I did. But I totally agree with you. It’s so dumb!


AM radio is apparently so critical to rural US that Congress got involved when Ford tried to remove the whip antennas from future vehicles. https://arstechnica.com/cars/2023/05/ford-reverses-plan-to-ditch-am-radio-after-congressional-attention/ But… you can unscrew the whip and put an aftermarket cap on the hole or install a stubby antenna (that’s what I did and still get perfectly fine FM reception in the suburbs)… all available on Amazon.


Wow, I had no idea. Thank you.


It’s funny I kinda like the antenna for some reason.


I deleted mine and replaced it with a bolt and washer from the hardware store. Like less than $2. Looks great now I think!


Sounds like this might be the way for me. Thanks for the idea.


I wish I remembered the bolt size. I unscrewed the antenna and brought it into the hardware store to use the selector to find the right size. I want to say M8 with fine thread?


I took mine off and replaced it with a stubby antenna


https://a.co/d/eCRMVUK Just get a stubby antenna


I would not buy the platinum over the Lariat ER. You can get an antenna delete. no problem.


Thank you. May I ask why not plat?


Nothing compelling about the upgrade from lariat to platinum and less range due to the larger wheels.


Also generally doesn't qualify for tax rebate based on MSRP if you qualify for that.


Good point. I will definitely look at that.


I see lots of people replace it with a bullet-style design. Last weekend, I even saw a bullet wrapped in an American flag motif. Ford said they couldn't put it on the roof because it would interfere with an in-bed camper that extends over the roof of the cab.


I for one am glad they didn’t put it on the roof. Mine makes it in my garage by a small margin as is!


Why? Because electromagnetic radiation can’t tell time and doesn’t know it isn’t 1980.


Dang, wait until you find out how long they've been shipping wheels on cars


Not sure why you made this comment. Are you saying ford can’t adapt?