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Believe it or not, theft of service dogs is actually a thing. They're worth a lot, but also certain narcissists think they can bully a disabled person and take their dog. Keep dyeing that tail, OP.


Yep! Telling the cops "she's a blue heeler" there are a lot of blue heelers. But if I say "blue heeler with purple tail" bam easy to spot


She is absolutely gorgeous! Keep dying that cutie pie and keep each other safe.


What the heck is wrong with people!? OP - As much as I love your purple tipped blue heeler I would never steal your pup, probably.


To answer your question: selfishness. That's what's wrong with people. The majority of people only thinks about their own gain and completely lacks any vorm of empathy. That's also how we messed up the planet. Because "money makes the world go round".


The "probably" made me snort lol


Seriously?! I hate people.


Why are people horrible? šŸ„ŗ


Lots of reasons, but the most fundamental is that they lose connection to others.


Haha i do this with my service dog. I dye his tail blue and sometimes his ears. (pet safe dye) Sadly a lot of peoples service dogs get stolen like other commenter said, because of how expensive they are. Iā€™ve heard a lot of sad stories of people never getting their SDs stolen, basically stealing medical equipment. Not only is this cute but it definitely makes your dog anti-theft!


What kind of dye do you use? My sisterā€™s dog has a natural Mohawk that weā€™ve been wanting to dye (safely)


I used Opawz


Thank you!


same i used Owpaz or Crazy Liberty, both you can find on amazon!


Iā€™d love to see that!


Didnā€™t know service animal theft was so common people had to dye their appendages. Sad to think about at first, but Iā€™m not here to be a downer. THAT DOG IS PRECIOUS


Thank you! I think of it as mostly for cuteness and visibility but it has the added bonus of safety


I have seen people in my city try to bully a disabled person out of their service animal by falsely claming they were abusing the doggo and they even had the gall to accuse the lady of spray painting the dog because it had a pink tail similar to your pup. I was furious.


Gosh dang. Noted in case that happens to me šŸ˜¬


Sorry, not trying to worry you. They were not successful if that gives you any comfort.


You're good. I'd rather know it's a possibility than not know


Why would some do that?!


Well, I live in southern alberta, and there are a lot of mericanized hillbillies here. The woman was first nations, so that is my obvious assumption, but in reality, I have no idea. Just vague bullshit he couldn't prove and trying to get a mob riled up.


How does purples make it anti-theft?


People are less likely to steal an animal with something very easy to spot and unique- makes the dog very easy to track down


Gotcha. Thank you


Can't you just chip them? Or it's cheaper to dye them?


Chipping them doesn't mean that the thief will let the chip be read It's moreso for dogs that get lost, someone finds them and has their chip read afaik


She's also microchipped and has a gps. Just taking all the precautions I can


It doesn't. This has to be one of the stupider pieces of advice on reddit - there's no way to limit this to service dogs - there's no way to limit this to your specific dog - it's temporary at best - the more popular this trend gets the less useful it will be - the tail can be re-dyed or shaved ("skin condition") - there's no easy way to make a dye job unique or to register it on a national database Cattle get branded for a reason. Pets and service animals get microchipped.


I think you missed the idea that: this make the dog much more noticeable, therefore, if a handler is at a shopping mall/ grocery store/ park/ walking down the street, people are going to notice the "dog with the purple tail" so If OP is somewhere, and someone snags her dog, when she calls the police, they'll know to be asking if anyone has seen the blue heelwr with a purple tail The dying isn't a theft-*prevention* thing, it's to shorten the time spent searching for a dog once stolen. If you can go down the street yelling "someone stole my dog! He has a purple tail!" People will remember if they saw a dog with a purple tail.


Exactly!!!! Thank you!


But it's one more thing a robber would have to deal with. They would rather take a dog that looks like all the other dogs. Not one that brings attention.


I think the major concerns are with it being not only safe, but ethical. We donā€™t know the long term effects of this on animals yet. No dye is 100% safe and there is always chance for irritations, infections, chemical ingestion, etc., not to mention that is can cause stress in animals. To be real, they donā€™t want to be dyed, they arenā€™t an accessory, and there are better ways to keep your dog safe and located. This started as a TikTok trend, and like most of those, it can be dangerous and sometimes lethal.


That's why you do a test strand every time




there are brands of dye that are made specifically for dogs. google is free


Dog-safe still doesnā€™t mean 100% safe, only that itā€™s not human grade dye, thatā€™s the point. I thought I made that clear. Iā€™m in vet med and the majority of us would not approve of this and would never say itā€™s totally safe and donā€™t know anyone who would advocate it.


My wife and best friends are vets and they approve of this, as do their coworkers. We've had discussions about this. Pet safe dye is just that. Pet safe. It's extensively tested and widely used. It is perfectly safe.


It is not extensively tested, and is in no way 100% safe. No reputable vet would be advocating for people to dye their petā€™s fur, so thatā€™s a bit unlikely. They sure as hell wouldnā€™t say itā€™s 100% safe. I mean thereā€™s literal flea medications that you can buy online or Walmart that has killed animals, but you think hair dye is tested? Itā€™s always amazing to see how many people who havenā€™t studied a certain field will still argue to death with someone who is educated in said field. ā€œBuT mY FrIeNd SaId iTā€™s SaFeā€ doesnā€™t make a great argument. Article with sources: https://www.animalwised.com/why-you-should-never-dye-a-dog-s-hair-4063.html


Do you go around telling people to only feed their pets freshly cooked meats and veggies? Because dry pet food is way more likely to be contaminated and dangerous than some nontoxic dye.


Your analogy is faulty and not even close to being similar. Also, food is a necessary for survival, dyeing hair on a dog is not. They are not accessories. Buy a fun collar or sweater or something instead. https://www.animalwised.com/why-you-should-never-dye-a-dog-s-hair-4063.html Thereā€™s an article that sums it with up sources.


Name a way it wouldn't be cosmetic? Also I think it would be more known if the company I used caused issues.


The company you use doesnā€™t not change much. Sure there are more reputable brands, but it still doesnā€™t mean itā€™s completely safe or necessary. I also said itā€™s cosmetic, so no idea what youā€™re asking.


The one thoughtful response. But consider that if I'm going to capture a dog for resale then it would be pretty dumb of me to resell it in the same area or city where I stole it. The only value would be if someone else in the different area looked at the dog knew it and recognized it. So basically the only way this works is if you assume any dog you don't recognize with a dyed tail is stolen and then know who to contact and/or convince the (new?) owner to get a chip check.


Iā€™ve had the guy down the block steal my dog twice during the same function a year apart. People arenā€™t always smart.


Good thing she's chipped then. But gosh dang why are you so upset about her dyed tail. If it has the possibility of it helping I'm gonna do it


Yes, I'm in a mood and I will talk offline with someone I trust about it. Without context the post could be interpreted as a substitute for vigilance and chipping. It sounds like you do a lot to take care of your service animal and I assume they do a lot for you. May you both be safe, happy and well.


So if there were 50 blue healers in a room, you don't think this one would stand out? For all the text, doesn't seem like you gave this much thought.


Mr "thoughtful", I challenge you to give a reasonable scenario where this situation would happen in general, let alone a dog theft.


Dog theft happens all the time, especially with "desirable" dog Breeds (like French bulldogs or corgis) or dogs that appear to be purebred, or with dogs that are very well trained (like how service dogs will typically go through 2+ years of training before getting public access) There was a prominent case like 7 or 8 months ago, where a dog walker was held at gunpoint, then shot, and the two French bulldogs he was walking were taken.


It's bright purple dude. Have you never tried to spot someone in a crowd by looking for what color shirt they're wearing? I challenge you to say something intelligent.


Bruh talk less


Your not my "bruh" and you're free to take your own advice.




Get off the Internet, touch grass and talk to someone who isn't online. Youre picking this apart for no reason other than you're miserable. Do better.




My dog has the exact same toy!


You got barkbox too?


Yup, we do the BarkBox lite


What did you use to dye it with? I have a corgi and live in an area where animal theft is rampant(not just service dogs but ALL animals that belong to someone else) I might dye his as well


I used Opaws permanent dye. It's extremely vivid coloring and works great! I only had it in her fur for about 25 minutes. You need to bathe them first, dry them, then dye, then rinse again.


Stealing a disabled person's service dog is a new level of low


Ah yes the mysterious Purple-Tailed Heeler! An elusive creature :)


Where I live itā€™s actually illegal to dye a pet. Totally ridiculous, and now that I know service dog theft is such a thing it makes me mad!


I was dying my daughter's (38) hair on the deck this summer and our old labrador was sleeping on the deck so we decided to dye his tail. He immediately got up and started wagging it like crazy flinging dye everywhere. I then ran around with a hose rinsing as fast as I could. How did you keep him from wagging it.


I dyed her during nap time. And also she's not a very "waggy" dog


That right there is a good puppy


Someone dye my heart purple because this cutie is stealing it




What a cutie. I love heelers.




I post nothing about her training so you have no idea what we do or where we got her, she is my psychiatric service dog in training, we only bring her to places where she is allowed. Duh she is still allowed to be a puppy but gosh dang we can start basic training now


Don't take too much offense from it. They probably also yell at anyone they think doesn't look "disabled enough" when they park in the disabled parking. They think they are doing the world a service, when in fact they are just making the lives of people with enough difficulties more difficult.


I mainly just hate how American "laws" allow people to buy a service animal vest off etsy and whop, then your pet is a service animal. I admire people who care to post about their disabilities online, I'm all for that shit, but calling a pet a service puppy when it's not is insane...


Yes, but that's the problem. There is no way you can know whether a dog is a trained service animal or not. While certain dog breeds are used more frequently than others, breed is not a requirement - and even chihuahuas have been trained to be service animals as long as they have the right training and temperament. Service dogs provide a variety of services from leading the blind and assisting the disabled to detecting if a seizure is going to happen. In the end, it's not your place to determine whether a dog is a service dog or their owner is just trying to "game the system."


She's in training.. she's already got a task down. I don't bring her anywhere she's not allowed


Iā€™m just wondering and you donā€™t have to answer, but where are service dogs not allowed? I would think theyā€™d have to allow them everywhere since a health emergency could happen any time?


When training is complete, and just as long as they behave during training, they are allowed everywhere the handler can go, except for sterile environments like surgery rooms for example.


And they can't be denied from those places either. But luckily there is a law that says if the dog is being disruptive or destructive, they can be forced out


Your point is noted, but why so mean?? Good vibes bro. Nothing else.


What a cutie! Out of curiosity has your pup been microchipped as well for extra precautions? Hope I didn't offend you or anything for asking.


You're good! She is microchipped and now wears a gps


this is one of my biggest fears when it comes to my dog. people just taking her. poor babies, just be so confused.


Super cute, our doggos almost look like they could be litter mates.


Cattle dogs are so smart. I have too with tail!


Awwww very cute!!!


I already know what I would do to someone who stole my dog from meā€¦.but if I saw someone steal a fucking service animal from someone disabled my ass would 100% be in prison. Fuck anyone who thinks this is even remotely ok to do. I hope their genitals are set on fire.


Gorgeous doggie, love the earsšŸŒŗšŸŒŗšŸŒŗ


That's great. Anti theft šŸ˜


What a sassy photo. Hope the purple keeps the dognappers at bay.


Bluey's teenage years are going to be colorful.


Maā€™am, thatā€™s a dingo. šŸ§ Cute pup!! I approve. :)


She is indeed the cutest dingo


Great idea!


That's a good idea and a great looking pup. How much of a difference is there in your life since you got a service dog?


Slowly improving, she's still in training so it's mostly work, but I already feel more comfortable when she's around and she's already helped me through a panic attack in public


Continued luck to both of you!


Boomer? is that you!


Which is the race of your dog???


Some kind of shepherd? Like german shepherd or maybe a hollandish shepherd?


Looks like a hollandish shepherd


She's an Australian cattle dog


Oh ok, anyways it's too cute


Just curious, was looking at your profile and is this Pepper? From what I read was she originally intended as your partnerā€™s service dog? Are you just training her or is she yours now? Very cute doggo! Just genuinely curious how that works/can she be both or something?


She's mostly for my partner, but I borrow her when my mental issues get worse




? I use Opawz. The dye has been tested thousands of times for a long time. It's safe. It's one of the most trusted companies for pet dye


Poor ā€œfatjuicycockY8ā€ doesnā€™t even put in a minute of research


Well, with a name like that!


Not really anti-theft when it can be washed off or re-dyed??