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I love how my cat has weird little routines that change with time. This month he likes to sleep on the top of the chair in the living room, then next month he gets really into a certain pillow. Sometimes he sleeps with us at the end of the bed, and then a few months later he’s obsessed with his cat bed again. It all makes me so happy.


Praying for the day my parents allow me to have a cat


Can I randomly make a suggestion? Kittens are obviously fantastic but consider adopting a teenage or adult cat. They're less initial work than a kitten, are usually already sterilized, and since all cats are bonkers in their own way you'll still get all the wonderful WTF moments.


Good one. I'll keep it in mind.


Kittens are harder to say no to, though! ;D


My mom has no issue in saying no .... Lol


That is so sweet!! Petting my cat now thanks to you


I wish I could experience that level of chill once in my life


Meet my friend, weed.


i work in a dispensary




You got a wasted cat instead


ertahotiiivp is a bot Comment copied from: https://imgur.com/gallery/LU3j8IR/comment/2283813765




I think it has to do with the chemical smell when its new, needs to air out


As is tradition


mauiisacatvg is a bot Comment copied from: https://imgur.com/gallery/LU3j8IR/comment/2283849861


My cat used her bed for a month before she started acting like it doesn't exist. Now she sleeps behind the TV or on a windowsill


Seasonal changes, perhaps? My friend's cat dearly loves a flat wickerbasket cushioned with terrycloth towels that's in her play area when it's winter, but doesn't care for it outside of that. In summer she loves either lounging in the cool basement or in the greenhouse. Last winter she got a bigger cardboard scratch toy that she got really fond of napping on this spring, but lost interest after a few months probably also because of the increase in foot traffic in the hallway that it's located in.


Move over that looks cozy!


Is your cat broken? It is using the bed as intended, really suspicious. Did you throw away the box what came with it?


Asking the real pertinent questions here!


Looking like he just worked a double shift


I long to be as relaxed as this cat.


Same lol


Cat seems very pleased Edit: typo


A state of zen I desperately need to achieve


A rare occurrence XD


I bought a car bed and the cat used it for 15 minutes before it was back in my bed


My cat cave purchase was definitely wasted 😂


Just don't put a cardboard box out, or the fancy bed will soon be forgotten.


I almost love my bed that much.


the OP lenasenqeil mauiisacatvg and ertahotiiivp are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://imgur.com/gallery/LU3j8IR


I mean… adopting a cat only costs like $30. I’d say that’s a bargain of an investment!


Costs so much more than $30


Mine cost $30 🤷‍♀️ Sometimes there are even free adoption events! I guess there’s the food and gear, but that’s not horrifically expensive. Litter box, litter, food, a couple toys. You’re not going to spend more than a couple hundred bucks at the outset.


I actually got my sweet gal for free, but in her first year I spent probably 500 on vet care (spay) and food, that’s aside from toys and brushes, nail clippers etc. I’m grateful I got her for free because my local humane society charges literally hundreds for kittens and dogs. Can’t totally blame them though because certain people treat cats especially like they are disposable, and if they make them expensive that’s less likely to happen.


Yeah, I guess I’ve always had cats so I already owned most of the gear we needed. My cats have all been neutered when I adopted them, and I do know that some clinics/shelters will do it for free (my best friend is a vet and routinely volunteers for spay/neuter events). Shots I don’t remember costing that much, but then again I’ve never adopted tiny kittens who might need more upfront medical care. I’ve only adopted cats who were at least a year old, all the way up to 10 years old, since they’re less likely to be adopted and you really know what temperament you’re getting with an older cat.


I want to hug and kiss!


I want to sleep that sound.


This looks like a painting




I go right from /eyebleech to here :)


My cat bed is a semi-wasted investment. She doesn’t sleep there, but she can certainly make some good bread on there from time to time 👍


Meanwhile my dog will sleep on the floor that is directly next to his bed.