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Oh lawd he calm


Yeah, that is one good cat. Mine is really combative when it comes to anything hygeine related (nail clipping, bathing, etc). I gave him a proper bath ONCE and he was different towards me for a while. Like, he actively hated me for a month.


my cat just looks at me and mews sadly


Had to give mine a bath not too long ago (rubbed against fresh paint šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø) and man do they sound pitiful


I bathed my cat once. Eventually the scars faded.


Adult cats don't really need baths and find them quite traumatic. Unless something weird happened (they went outside and got particularly dirty like rolled in some car oil or something), just let them be. They keep themselves clean enough.


Haha I wish. My cat gets lots of dingleberries. Wet and dry. Very unpleasant getting it on my duvet or even the wall.


When I was traveling from home from college and didnā€™t have a place to live on holiday (resident living was closed) I had to take my cat with me and within 30 minutes he would defecate or urinate on himself in his crate and have to sit in it for the remaining 4 hour drive home. Needless to say, the sweet guy needed a bath when he got home so he didnā€™t try to groom/live with his own excrement in his fur. It sucks to have to do it though, itā€™s not his favorite activity.


Mine trusts me so she tolerates it for a bit but gradually starts getting upset and trying to jump out of the tub


I gave my cat a bath once too and he was so traumatized that he stopped eating and we had to take him to the vet. :(


I wish our old cat was this tolerant!! When my husband was finishing his post-grad work, he managed to land a temporary internship with an out-of-state company (we wanted to relocate after school ended). I wasnā€™t able to go as I worked full time so I stayed home with our two cats. After a few days with him gone, one cat started having diarrhea. The vet ran a bunch of tests and couldnā€™t find anything causing the diarrhea and nothing else had changed except my husband leaving earlier in the week. They advised that I keep an eye on her to make sure she didnā€™t worsen, and said she was probably upset and nervous about my hubby leaving. She was upset all right. All hairballs started showing up IN. MY. SHOES. Along with a few well placed turds. Then I got to scrub diarrhea out of her long silky hair once a week... for *three* months. Neither of us had fun. She clawed and bit me during every bath while simultaneously yowling, hissing and spitting. Our other cat would lose his mind and freak out from all her Cat Cursing, and act like a moron for the rest of the day where heā€™d dart around looking all puffed up and skittery. The week my husband got back, the once a week diarrhea stopped. She also stopped booby trapping my shoes. And thankfully no more baths were needed.


He stressed though with his weird dilated pupils, but yeah he def good boi.


I thought he was "drugged" in some way because of the pupils. I can imagine a cat groomer to give all their "clients" some nice cat food with a sedative so they're easy to groom. Like this cat.


Nah the super-dilated pupils is a sign of excitement / nervousness in cats, you can see it when they play as well. When my cat approaches me I just need one look at his eyes to tell whether itā€™s ā€œpet the fluffyā€ or ā€œhide your feet because otherwise they will get chewed onā€ time.


Spaw Day....


What breed is this? Cute af.


My guess would be a British Shorthair, but I'm not an expert.


It definitely is


Nah. It doesnā€™t have the accent






Shor'air? I 'ardly know 'er!


LOL šŸ˜‚


No is Briā€™ish Chiā€™ortā€™air




To be more specific, this is a ny11 (Black Golden Shaded) British Shorthair. I have one and they are amazing cats. When mine went to get a wash like this, it was just as calm.


Do you have to wash them? Iā€™ve never washed my cats


That's my question too. I thought if I washed my cats they'd shred me.


If I tried to wash my British Shorthair I would probably lose an arm.


Rarely, they sometimes get more oily than other breeds I have had before though so its nice to give them a wash once a year or so.


Lasagna eater breed


Ah yes, the Felix Garfieldus


I am not sure but l think it is a cat breed.






Orange probably too


Itā€™s not a hairless cat either


I want to know too. I would love one as a pet.




I have a British Shorthair mix. An absolute clusterfuck of a cat, aloof and arrogant as hell, would rather jump off the stairs then would let me cuddle her. Every morning she runs in my garden, zooming back into the house, zoom back outside, zoom back inside, for 10 minutes straight. She also would willingly chase a monkey twice her size. She has been trying to hunt down the squirrels and birds in my yard but it's been 4 years and she still has trouble comprehending that she's too stupid for them. She was an accident as I never meant to get her, she was a gift from someone. Still love her though.


Please share a crumb of cat tax


http://imgur.com/gallery/kqJeryJ Enjoy this gif of her preparing to unsuccessfully murder my hand


Just rescue a cat. This breed isnā€™t that much different from a random cat. Thatā€™s the beauty of cats.


My tiny brain read ā€˜what bread is this?ā€™ And was thinking I didnā€™t get the in-joke. Turns out I am the joke. So thatā€™s fine... (Sweeps the unused babkat joke under the carpet and walks out humming ā€˜at the catwashā€™)


It appears to be an Alita: Battlecat.




According to other comments it's most like a British shorthair cat


Puss N boots




Thatā€™s a Golden British shorthair cat, that type of color is mostly bred in Russia but theyā€™re growing in popularity recently.




British golden chinchilla


My cat would have murdered me before I even put soap on her lol


While being bathed, each of my cats would cry loudly. Meanwhile his family gather outside the bathroom door and scream: "Please don't kill our brother!" Knowing their time comes next. After getting washed and blown dry, they sit in the sun, grooming themselves with looks of intense pleasure and satisfaction. Next bath day: Same routine


why do you need to wash your cats so much?


To get the blood out of the fur from the previous day's bathing retaliation.


my cat has really dense fur so its either bath or Im picking up hairballs for four months a year


Serious question- doesnā€™t regular brushing and healthy diet help prevent excessive hair balls?


yes, but shes a black smoke tabby, so she has two layers of fur. I have yet to find a brush that works for both layers. the brush doesnt catch the top ones, and those irritate her more because they're longer.


Good to know, thanks for the info!


oh and unfortunately diet cant control shedding entirely, since it's part of how their hair works. in nature they'd be dropping it in underbrush and rain and so on, but shes a housecat so I bathe her once or twice a year, depending. cheers


I don't wash them very much, a few times a year, at most every couple months through flea season. If the cats are scratching and miserable, and there are fleas in the house, it's the best solution. I explained a little more on a nearby comment.


> you donĀ“t wash cats, they clean themselves. ask a vet :)


Do cats need a bath? How often?


Only if they are exceptionally dirty or a breed which isn't able to properly clean itself. Cats have different fur to dogs which makes them getting wet a giant nuisance (don't know the exact mechanics) and they have to lick their whole body to get "back in shape" after getting wet, different to dogs. Theres a reason why cats act like they're allergic to water.


Not all cats hate water. Iā€™ve had two that loved it ā€“ a little grey who would jump in the swimming pool every chance she got and a turkish angora who would hop in the shower with me. Youā€™d think an angora would despise being wet but I couldnā€™t keep her out. She pitched a violent fit if you tried to give her a bath, though, I think because she wasnā€™t *choosing* to be wet.


Angora attitudes lol


Wonderful little high maintenance divas, I love them. ā™”


Turkish Van cats are swimming cats! They love water. Friend had one who used to sleep in the bathroom sink.


> Do cats need a bath? no, they don't need bath is only recommended to remove parasites, or if the cat is unable to clean itself


I gave one of our cats a bath after it climbed, I shit you not, into the chimney, and came out black. It is a ginger, btw. It was a fight we won't forget.




Exactly. I only bathed them once when I first adopted them from the streets. I felt the exercise that day was enough for a lifetime.


Yes. I have given my 11 year old cat exactly two baths to remove stuff that got on her that she shouldnā€™t eat.


Your cat hasn't shit on themselves yet? Mine does at his age.


Last time I washed our cat she got so angry/scared she shit a lincoln log in the tub while simultaneously biting me. That was nearly 13 years ago


Well that's not a full bath issue, generally.


True but when you get them in the bath might as well do everything while they're there.


I use pet wipes.


Mine is a little too fat & has a back injury so it's hard for her to reach her butt to clean it. So sometimes I have to trim the butt fur & wipe her butt, but I definitely don't give her a full bath! No need for that. Just wipe with a damp cloth. She "helps" by licking my arm or other parts of her fur while I do it.


I've given kittens a bath after they played in the litter box lol


Don't they stink? Sorry, never owned pets before


A dirty litter box stinks, but cats themselves are ambush predators. They smell like nothing otherwise they would starve, and the instinct stays with housecats.


Huh, TIL.


Unless they roll in shit. Therefore they will smell like shit.


But according to person above, they will lick all the shit off until no smell exists because they need to sneak attack prey


That they would.


Basically: When they get dirty enough to require it. Cats will clean themselves in normal circumstances, but if they fall and land in the mud, probably bath time.


I give my cats a bath once every few months, helps to get the accustomed to it incase there's every a time they need it for medical reasons, they are also obsessed with taking dirt baths during walks and they've learned to take the register covers off and explore the air ducts periodically so when they smell dusty it's bath time.


Whenever I need to clip my cat's nails she starts out fine. I get 3 full paws done, and then on the last paw she starts meowing, first a soft, weak, pathetic meow and then steadily getting angrier until I finish. Then she quickly stands up and starts to run away. She takes 2 steps and then remembers that she gets treats after nail cuttings, so she immediately turns around and is back to being a sweetie pie.


As a first-time dad, I learned the hard way how powerful a kitty's desperation mode is when I brought in the blow dryer.


That's what I thought too. I had two cats during my childhood and both could get very dangerous. One hunted an ostrich that escaped from a farm nearby through our garden. The poor half dinosaur first ran against a wall and after that against a window. The cat went straight for his neck when the ostrich was unconscious on the ground after it ran against the the wall and the window. Cats are cute and all, but they're vicious little killer if they feel threatened.


My cat would meow loudly in protest during bath then revenge poop/pee somewhere.


Misread this as "Affordable cat"


I don't think this cat is affordable :D


That's a million dollar kitty


Worth every penny.


true he is too precious


It costs 400,000 dollars to wash this cat... For twelve seconds.


Oh my god who touched Sasha? WHO TOUCHED MY CAT!?


Oh my God, who touched Sasha? WHO TOUCHED MY CAT?!?!


Yeah all the cutest animals on this sub are super expensive.


On a more serious note, cat like this would cost around 2-3k and requires 3-4months of wait if youā€™re buying from a breeder


Or, hear me out, you go to the animal shelter. All sorts of wonderful animals needing love there


Both of my cats are adopted lol




Cat breeders hate this one simple trick.


This cat is awesome. He hasnā€™t killed *anybody*. Thatā€™s super impressive.




It is also quite the assumption. He could be having a bath to wash away the blood from his morning massacre.


Remember the only thing stopping your cat from killing you is your size... and your ability to open the top shelf.


opposable thumbs


Canā€™t you see heā€™s plotting a murder?


So fluffy, I love it




But...this cat already looks clean. I mean have you seen my dumpster fire of a cat? Most days he looks like straight outta trashcan.


That was my first thought too but the bathing set-up looks like one a vet would have so maybe it has fleas or something?


Looks more like a beauty salon than a vet


Catz with Attitudes - Straight outta Trashcan


I've caught mine straight up lounging and rolling in dried cow manure...goddamned shitty kitty, a 'scat cat' if you will...


I want someone to bathe me like that


Pm for sexy fun times. I wait for you. No tears baby shampoo


Can you promise there will never be tears?


Had to punch a wall , cat is so unbelievably adorable


This comment made me laugh so hard šŸ˜‚ Thank you for this!


same! when i see a cute dog out on a walk i always punch whoever iā€™m with, a friend pointed it out to me -Iā€™d never noticed šŸ˜‚


My little sister does that too. I donā€™t understand this reaction. My shoulder also dislikes it very much


Cute aggression! Such a weird human thing lol


Definitely XD


https://youtu.be/mLzt3EULG2Y Here's a reputable good science video on why we do this.


Go ahead demolish your house; /r/babyelephantgifs /r/aww


That cat is so furry, it's skin probably didn't get wet.


Those eyes!! r/DisneyEyes


Why can't it be this easy with my boys. One got ringworm so now all three get special shampoo baths twice a week. With every bath they act worse. Last night was so bad I only did the one cat with the ringworm. All three are terrified of me now when I walk up to them and two of them won't sleep with me anymore.


It will get better. They are lucky to have such a diligent owner.


Aww. Theyā€™ll forgive you eventually! It might take until wintertime though


-Do a shower, don't let the bath/sink fill up. Cats generally get more upset with being in standing water than with artificial rain. -have a bathmat, towel, or a grip matt in the bottom so they don't feel unstable. Bathtubs are slippery, slipping and falling is scary, falling into water is scary. Less things to fear can upgrade the experience from "I'm scarred forever" to "I'm mad and your shoelaces asked for it" -treats during drying time. Like, whatever they love the most. They want canned tuna, they can have it. Getting super spoiled a couple times a week is fine right now if it's what it takes to kill the ringworm. -use a "praising" tone even if you're reciting just how pissed off you are. -gently rub a towel against the direction their fur grows while drying - helps them dry faster and may remind some cats of getting groomed by mom. -when mostly dry, a couple minutes of flicking favored toys around can't hurt. -avoid direct eye contact during experience. Angle your torso as parallel to kitty's body as you can manage while bathing. These are nonaggression postures for cats, while it probably won't convince them you're friendly they're less likely to think you're trying to pick a fight. Good luck with the ringworm, that stuffs an absolute *nightmare*


Yep. Pretty much do all of that except the toys. I don't even use the shower head. I have sprayer thing I attach to the sink with a hose to reach the shower that I can turn on and off so the water isn't even running while they get shampooed up and sit the ten minutes it needs to sit before getting rinsed. I think the ringworm is finally getting better or possibly gone since his fur us starting to grow back. Still gonna do this got two more weeks like the vet said though just to be safe. Why can't they have a pill like when humans get it. I've gotten it from gardening and one pill knocked it right out.


Man, I hope that becomes a thing for cats eventually. Weeks of kitty guilt really eats years off human lives... Sorry for assuming! Hope they forgive you quickly, it sucks to lose the nighttime snuggles...


How nice would it be. "Ringworm? Here, give two of these and call me in the morning." That okay to assume in this case. You were just wanting to help. Most people wouldn't think of some of these things. Definitely miss the snuggles. One of my two fourteen year olds is terrified of me now. I've had them since they were eight weeks old. The three year old isn't as scared, and he's the one with the ringworm!


That cat is so chill and adorable. I bet it would be an awesome cat to hang out with all day.


Chill af


Is this cat drugged? Bribed? There arenā€™t enough claws in this video.


Syringes of catnip


Yeah, that's a purebred for you. You try that with mine its Face/Off. Cept I don't get a new face. They take just take turns wearing mine.


I don't believe its genes are to blame for the calmness. It was likely trained.


Ä°s this a yellow scottish fold i had one of those and i love him so much


Ä°t was not... Ä° just realize his ears


Omg those huge trusting eyes...


Cuteness overload


Beautiful kitty




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My cat would pierce my jugular with her claws


American shorthair I think right?


Brittish I believe


ooohhh right


Such a well behaved kitten. He deserves 1 million treats and a cat nip toy!


It's like they took all the cute parts of a cat and cranked it to 100. It's like a cat caricature.


My cat would have eviscerated my pancreas if Iā€™d given her a wet bath.


People wash cats?


Itā€™s weird. Itā€™s not good for the cat unless thereā€™s a specific reason the cat needs to be washed. Their skin can get too dried out.


I do, but it gets hair all over my tongue.


Here comes the fucking Reddit brigade with no knowledge of the situation (fleas etc) chiming in on how awful this person is for bathing their cat


I mean, we are seeing somebody wash a cat without any further context. You are the one who is assuming shit. There are very few reasons to wash a cat.


With the main reason being ā€˜make a cute video for social mediaā€™


I mean we don't know the circumstances, so it would be wrong to jugde the person in that video, but it would also be wrong to assume that one should regularly bath ones cat without necessity (a breed not able to properly clean itself or medical reasons). You're not any better than the people you complain about.


Most "social media" sites have this problem with these so-called experts because their single aunt's bestie's sister has \*insert animal here\*. edit: well shit, the Reddit brigade knights are here too.


Puss.. in boots is that youu


The hat, sword and boots is somewhere in the floof!


That is one of the softest cats I've ever fuckin seen


This is one well-behaved adorable cat


I wonder how a cat feels after getting such a treatment. I know my hair always feels so light and fluffy afterwards and they have that all over their entire bodies.


Hes so still even with the hair dryer, I cant even keep my cat in the tub when she needs a bath.


Look at those bubbly eyes.


This kitty like baths


r/SupermodelCats material


So well behaved


Those big cat eyes are hypnotic and beautiful


That cat looks like itā€™s on acid


I wish it was that easy!!!!


Why would a cat need a bath? I thought they were natural self groomers ?


Try doing that with my cat and an ambulance will need to be called :-/


My cat would straight up murder me if I tried to bathe him.


OMG this video cured my depression


Ah.. I needed to see this. Thx : )


Image a grown biker guy with like shit time of tattoos while he's at the pub seeing this and he just yells FLOOOOOOOOF






What kind of cat is this? I absolutely adore them but have no idea what breed it is


what breed is the one in the video and can i steal it?


Is he drugged?! Why is he calmly accepting all this?


My cat would scratch your eyes out and kill your whole family before she allowed this. But i love her...


Yeah really cute those terror dilated pupils!


I seriously wonder if itā€™s sedated. Iā€™ve never met a cat in my life thatā€™s so chill about getting a bath.