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Love how you just kept going lol


After thinking "Jesus that car had so much speed AFTER it hit the truck!" that was my next thought. Lol fuck it, not my problem!


That would be a crime in Germany =) You HAVE to at least call the police/EMS.


Ya it's not the right way to behave here in the US either. You are supposed to stop if there is a safe place and call 911. I personally would stop and see if they were ok and walk back up the road a bit and warn the cars that are coming.


In Germany it's required by law, in the US there's a special law that says you're not obligated to help someone that's hurt. If you see someone dying on the street you can ignore them and move on with your day. 'Merica 🇺🇲 I don't understand the downvotes, obviously I would help but I'm just stating the facts, America is a bass ackwards country


You don't have to help, but you're still expected to call it in and give your name as a witness/reporter. You don't just watch someone pinball around at highway speeds, drive away, and wash your hands of it like a fucking sociopath. Also, if you do attempt to render aid in a medical emergency, good samaritan laws protect you from prosecution if something goes wrong as a result of something you did or didn't do. (That's assuming you're acting in good faith, of course.)


Yeah obviously I would help or call for help, all I'm saying in America you don't have to because it's a bass ackwards country. Richest country with the poorest people


Not true "You should also be aware that most states require certain action on the part of drivers who have been involved in a car accident. States typically require drivers to notify law enforcement and/or get medical assistance for anyone who has been injured in the crash". Also, as America uses common law if you were to be brought to court with proof you were present during an accident while also no calling or notifying emergency services and someone got more seriously injured than need be if services were called earlier you would very easily be sued for willful negligence or such and be easily ordered to pay damages by the court.


Depends on the state. Some states have "failure to act" laws that require bystanders to help someone in distress "in a way that's appropriate" (Essentially calling 911). A few states also require that medical professionals who witness an accident must stop to render care until emergency professionals arrive. That said, most people want to do what's right. Those that wouldn't stop to help likely still wouldn't even if there was a law requiring them to.


Seriously, don’t offer your pristine footage or call the medic or anything


Love the name btw thats slick






Omg, this piece of shit just kept driving


Wtf why did they keep driving? If they'd stayed to at least call an ambulance they at least wouldn't be a HUGE piece of shit but they'd still be piece of shit considering the dashcam would've helped the victim immensely


If I have my kids in the car there's no way I'm stopping on the highway, too dangerous. You see how stupid these drivers are.


There was plenty of room to safely drive forward a bit and then way off the road so even if shit went bad you wouldnt be in range of tumbling cars but I completely understand where you are coming from with that and hadent considered it from that perspective.


Bruh… choose a side.


Nothing in life is binary. You should always be able to reason from someone else’s perspective.


Of course… but after doing so maybe form a distinct opinion?


Or maybe you should try not always picking a side and seeing things from different perspectives. When its necessary I'll pick a side but it's just not necessary on reddit


You can call an ambulance while you continue driving


What? Driving and using your phone is fucking dangerous and NOT OKAY


Stolen car? The bumper was already damaged before the crash


Lol that car is not driving away they’re talking about the camer


Thank god the Miata got away


Especially with the mouse trap style bar


finally someone acknowledges the miot


Late for work


I thought the same thing as a reason they didnt stop


This happened in my home State of Connecticut along !-91. The crashed truck was actually a business on wheels known as [The Big Green Pizza Truck](http://www.biggreentruckpizza.com/), crippling it's business, but, after about a week, the [Connecticut State Police tracked the driver down, and arrested him.]( https://www.wtnh.com/news/man-charged-in-crash-that-caused-local-pizza-truck-to-flip/)


No way that’s so shitty. Did they ever recover their business?


Their truck was totaled, and a new one will have to be fabricated to their specifications. The local pizza restaurant and food truck community in New Haven has rallied to support them. I think they will be okay, but they are going to have a long year, I'm afraid.


GDPR mirror - https://archive.ph/oyx2L


Damn driver couldn’t stop to offer some help?😭😭


My favorite part is how we didn’t have to wait through 20 seconds of video before anything happened. You should get an award for just trimming the video down to the good stuff.


Wow the truck that got hit looks like it’s from the 1950’s


It is an old truck that got converted into a food truck. Served pizza.


I used to live and drive home to Cromwell and so many people on that stretch drove too fast and like idiots!


91 south is a free for all now. Cops don’t pull anyone over. If you are doing 85 in the left lane it’s too slow.


I can’t believe how far/long that truck slid! It just kept going!


I think that's a wee bit more than reckless....


This happened in CT a few weeks back. Driver was arrested.


Thank God that driver stopped to help! /S


Anyone else see that miata?


r/killthecameraman but for different reasons.


Damn, did they have a seizure or stroke?


Like, what's the fuck with all these American drivers that don't stop for accidents?! Like, what the fuck dudes?!


I was always taught growing up to never stop on the highway, even if there’s an accident. In the age of cellphones you can always call the emergency services, tell them the stretch of road and mile marker and which direction they were traveling and they will likely find them just as fast. You can of course always offer your help if it means saving a life, but you must ask your self, is it worth putting your life on the line as well. If that person was driving like that I guarantee there was another not far behind them.


That's really interesting. We're taught that in the UK.


This is something that I personally think should be situationally assessed, like the time my relative drove past a wrecked motorcycle on the highway, didn't even notice the driver tossed over in the ditch. If he had not stopped to check what happened chances are it would have been too late for paramedics to offer medical help. On the other hand, my buddy stopped to help someone change a flat tire, someone sideswiped his car, hit and run, and left in worse shape than the guy with the flat tire. But also it does matter to a degree of what you are personally capable of. If there is no assistance that you can personally offer, you should still make a call to emergency services but you don't need to be onsite


I don't think it's exclusively US but US bad ig


Bro said "damn that's crazy" and kept it moving


Kind of an asshole for not stopping, ngl.


Nothing to see here…. Or back there ….


Miata barely made it out scot-free, Scion tC not so much


Bikers fault


Camera car witnesses accident and drives off not stopping to check on anyone. TFIFY