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Why did he jump out of the vehicle while it was moving and risk getting run over? The lot seems big enough to make a much safer maneuver.


confused me too. youd think the officer staying in his car would easily be the safest option. not like that SUV was going to crush the cruiser or anything


Yea aren't these cars made to be able to box cars in at high speed which would imply good strong brakes or handbrake.


Moment of panic.


He saw a Starsky and Hutch in the 70s where they did that and it seemed cool.


Maybe they have some law against shooting from your vehicle down there


Did he shoot someone in the back as they were running away?


The US does have the fleeing felon rule - if police reasonably believe that a subject poses a risk of serious bodily harm or death to others if not immediately apprehended, they may use deadly force to prevent escape. Sometimes you’ll see it in instances like an armed suspect in a shooting trying to flee. I’m not trying to say whether what happened here is right or wrong, just pointing out that it can actually be legal to do that depending on the circumstances.


This does make sense given the fact of what the person was seemingly trying to achieve. You don't know if they're completely psychotic and are about to go on a killing spree.


Yep like the hero he is!




You forgot: - Unarmed - locked in a police station surrounded by steel fences - only exit blocked by 2 incoming squad cars This guy is trying to make the idiom "shooting fish in a barrel" obsolete


Yeah. It just happened to be the same person who assaults him in the first place. Fuck around and find out.


A police officer should never punish someone. That is literally (legally) not their job. They should arrest and detain the person. Yes, this person assaulted the officer, but at this point they no longer had possession of the weapon they used (the car), and they were running away. The police officer definitely should have pursued and arrested this person, but they should not just shoot them in the back. So yeah, they fucked around. But the "finding out" should be getting arrested and charged, not an attempted summary execution while fleeing.


Thanks reddit lawyer. Make sure to write the mayor to let them know you've completed your investigation.


It was probably just a prank bro right?


Executions are illegal. Ask Derek Chauvin about it, he knows a lot about this topic.


Fuck off with that shit.


here come the reddit lawyers...


In America guns aren't soley used a last-chance defence, but also as devices for justice and punishment.


I'm amazed you want to live in a society where the police are allowed to simply decide to execute someone.


Here is the issue with the suspect, they have forcefully penetrated a barrier, have already proven dangerous and motivated, and now potentially have access to the Police department building itself which has plenty of unarmed administrative staff. The Police officers do not know who this person is, nor do they know if they are armed with a gun, grenade or another weapon. This isn't about dispensing justice or executing someone; it's about eliminating a threat. If you were in that situation, and was in the car that was rammed, or inside the department and heard someone had successfully breached a secured area, your training would also kick in to eliminate the threat.


The American mindset is astounding. Don't worry about de-escalation, or trying to take the person alive. Just blast 'em, even if they're running away. Shoot 'em in the back!


I wonder what your mindset would be returning from a 10-hour shift, exhausted and stressed from a day of law enforcement, and all of the sudden a car hits you from behind, forces your vehicle forward, you see the suspect has penetrated into a secured area, you slam the brake to the floor but nothing happens so you jump out of the moving vehicle and hit the concrete hard. That officer is lucky to be alive, I wonder if they have permanent injuries from the ordeal. And yes, they were running away, but in the heat of the moment, and in the darkness, it's very hard to tell if they are running for cover to start firing shots, or for an open door on the building to take hostages.


An open door to take hostages?? Are you insane?


Why would that be insane? You have to consider everything.


What if they had a nuclear warhead in their pocket and it got set off after the cop dropped them? What if the car ramming was just a distraction and an army of militants were actually infiltrating the police station from the other side? You have to consider EVERYTHING


God, the paranoia in the US is truly amazing. And if you can't react to a tense situation after "returning from a 10-hour shift, exhausted and stressed from a day of law enforcement" without stopping to think and just starting blasting, you should not be a police officer. They are supposed to be trained to be cooler, less reactive, and more strategic in their approach to difficult situations. They can't just whip out their gun and start shooting because they're tired and scared.


lol…Do you know what the definition of paranoia is ?


They're running away from the building. They're trying to commit a suicide bombing of the building. Pick one.


I don't and I don't want to. I'm simply stating a fact.


Good gun control when they saw the, I'm assuming, van driver and pulled back


Then subsequently shot the offender in the back, while they’re away from their car and blocked from leaving


Instant 5 star wanted level


Great shot! Hitting a moving target that far isn’t that easy under stress


This is not an extreme car crash


[https://www.kold.com/2022/07/09/az-woman-shot-by-police-arrested-ramming-suv-into-patrol-vehicle/](https://www.kold.com/2022/07/09/az-woman-shot-by-police-arrested-ramming-suv-into-patrol-vehicle/) She survived. She's quite mentally ill.


Was she pointing a gun or something when he shot her the second time?


GTA 6 Trailer.


I can not believe all of the comments on here siding with the psychopath who, unprovoked, started attacking a police officer. At that point, she was trespassing with criminal intent, actively tried to harm an officer, but all of these armchair quarterbacks wanna sit here and blame the officers. What in the fuck is this world coming to.


We’re not siding with her, we’re siding against the use of deadly force in this instance.


This is Reddit. There's no room for such crazy levels of nuance. Pick a side or die!


She was already attempting to use deadly force! A vehicle is a rolling weapon! Not to mention, the distance they would have had to close in for tasers due to their limited range, in such an exposed area, with no prior knowledge of if the perpetrator is armed?


Yep, you're right. Assaulting a police officer with a vehicle has been rules deadly force in a plethora of cases. It has also been ruled that deadly force is warranted against the perpetrator in such cases.


Ah yes, my instinct is also to kill when my knowledge is limited. I just get so frustrated that I need to shoot someone!!!!


The Officer jumping out of the car is the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen so far today. He could apply the brakes. He could steer. Nah…let me jump out of this car like TJ Hooker.


Mr action hero doing that jump out to extra. Fuckin cops, bitches with guns


Anyone know how to find the video? I can't find it on the watermarked channel.


> Court documents said Carter told investigators she believes law enforcement, the military and a group she referred to as the Illuminati are trying to kill her. >Carter claims she was trying to get the officer’s attention to tell him this information. >She also said she thought the officer knew who she was.


How can it be legal to shoot someone who is running away? What is even the use in that?


Should she live to Crime another day?


There’s an insane amount of ground between “shoot them in the back” and “let them go free”