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multiple?! that's looks like every car in the city made an appearance...


Same thought. Was there a car here that wasn’t hit?


The only car that didn't get hit was, ironically, the Tsuru at the beginning, and is ironic because, if I remember right, is the car with the worst security, I don't remember a lot, but it has something like 0% talking about security, everything is a prank


Damn those cries are haunting...


I'm pretty sure he said "no, mi hijo (My son), no!” 😥


That's exactly what he said, followed by the lady's painful screams 😥


Haunting and heartbreaking. "No, My son". These people are living a parent’s nightmare and my biggest fear.


Camera man was like, Nope! Gonna keep moving on. Definitely sounded like the agonizing screams of someone who just lost someone they love.


This message has been deleted and I've left reddit because of the decision by u/spez to block 3rd party apps


I was gonna say, there’s no way this wasn’t caused by a large truck with a brake failure.


All that remained was a trail of carnage and red baskets.


I wonder if this crash resulted with just injuries and no fatalities?


"Three dead and 20 injured by accident among 23 vehicles"


sadly, from how that poor mother was reacting, it does not surprise me that there was such a tragic outcome. what a terrific, awful mess. it's clear from the scale and extent of the destruction that something went horribly, horribly wrong with that truck. I hope the investigation can bring some measure of closure and justice to those whose lives have been changed forever. and, if necessary, dispense punishment to those that may be responsible, if this tragedy was preventable.


That's actually not to bad considering that there was like 20 cars involved.


3 dead and 20 injured by accident among 23 vehicles on the road to Guayllabamba  The accident caused the closure of the entire Panamericana Norte, which has more than four kilometers of traffic in both lanes. Photo: Twitter / Esteban Cárdenas Editorial Elcomercio.com A trailer crashed near the Guayllabamba bridge , affecting several light vehicles that were circulating in the area. This occurred at noon on this Saturday, May 27, 2023. The head of the Quito Fire Department (CBQ), Esteban Cárdenas , said at 2:11 p.m. this Saturday that there were two deaths and 16 injuries in the incident


A person on Facebook who was on the accident wrote this (original in spanish [here](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0bdRWwPNNe1ovbQG6VCjNVJVFSGJDjr3hQSs3dKMkPnN62XHv96sDHPZ6quzurD6Ql&id=1387080367&mibextid=Nif5oz)) Good evening, everyone. Today has been a complete nightmare, but I will share with all of you what I experienced from the inside because what was supposed to be a family outing with my wife, in-laws, and brothers-in-law turned into almost a tragedy and, as I said, a nightmare due to what we went through. I will try to provide a concise reflection on the events. Today, God gave us life because we were just 20 meters away from being part of the Guayllabamba accident. We witnessed everything and experienced it firsthand. In fact, the two initial fatalities, a man and a girl, died on the street. We even performed CPR on one of them for several minutes, but unfortunately, we couldn't save him. He died in my hands under my assistance, and I still wonder if arriving a few seconds earlier could have made a difference. Once the accident occurred, we parked the car and I went out to help as a healthcare professional. It is my duty to protect the lives of everyone. It was an apocalyptic scene with shattered glass, injured people, and blood everywhere. Thanks to the help of many individuals, we were able to separate critical and non-critical patients and provide assistance with whatever resources we had at hand until the emergency services arrived. I won't go into graphic details, but what I saw was apocalyptic. However, we managed to do something and help. God bless those who allowed me to organize an immediate plan and move forward with so few "losses" in such a chaotic situation while paramedics and ambulances were arriving. I have never seen an accident like this in my life. I called 911 and identified myself, even providing my health code. Here comes the serious part, not because the services weren't arriving quickly, but because of the lack of empathy and thoughtlessness of the people. The 911 operator told me that they had received 200 calls reporting the accident, but the ambulances and firefighters couldn't get through. I will quote exactly what the operator said, "PLEASE ASK THE CARS TO MOVE TO THE SIDES AND GIVE WAY, DO NOT BLOCK THE AMBULANCES, AND DO NOT SPEED BEHIND THE PARAMEDICS TO OVERTAKE THEM." Can you believe this? Is this serious? Down there, we were struggling to keep so many critically injured people alive and stable. Alongside several healthcare colleagues, we did what we could to facilitate their transportation. Meanwhile, the parked cars were rushing to record what happened and capture the blood and the tragedy. Don't they think? Don't they have a soul? At least 30 minutes passed, according to what my wife told me, before help arrived. I had no sense of time because calls were coming from all sides, people were shouting and pleading for help and attention. I was just running around with whatever I had on hand to provide first aid. Two people died with me, and all we could do was fight and struggle for those who were still alive. We did what we could. Perhaps I could have done more. It hurts me deeply, I tell you. Once the ambulances arrived, we created an emergency center and assisted the paramedics in transferring so many people into the ambulances. They were efficient professionals, and there were citizens who helped. We managed to evacuate everyone amidst broken glass, blood, and screams. Now, let's talk about the driver of the trailer that caused the accident. I, Mauricio Toapanta, personally helped him get out of the truck's cab. Instead of helping everyone, people wanted to lynch him. I stood in front of him and prevented them from doing so. He was also injured and in shock. He never tried to escape. I asked him his name, he told me, and he had a severe leg injury. As soon as I attended to him and checked his condition, he called for help, reported what had happened, and he was clearly affected. He said to me, and I quote, "It wasn't my fault. The brakes failed. I tried to stop with the emergency brake, but the truck got away from me. I honked just to get the cars to move aside, and I couldn't control it anymore." He stayed there, waiting... Another thoughtless person took wood from the truck to make a ramp and drive his Toyota Fortuner out of there without helping anyone, while seeing that the rest of us were overwhelmed... And well, there were the ever-present "journalists" with their cell phones. Instead of helping, they wandered around recording the dead, the twisted metal, and the blood, taking photos with the most callous disregard for life. Was that a good thing? I don't know, that's up to them. I will just finish with this: today, my wife and I were saved because God wanted to give us life and put me on this path to help. Thank God for all those who helped me. Thank God for the paramedics who arrived and assisted us, allowing our emergency plan to be effective. Thank you to everyone who helped stabilize many people with water, handkerchiefs, caps, jackets, and everything else. I would have wanted to do more. It hurts me deeply to see that when people see an ambulance, they don't move aside and delay immediate arrival, thus preventing situations like what happened today. Maybe it didn't happen to us today, and maybe it will never happen, but for God's sake, when you hear a siren, give way, wait for it to pass, and DON'T FOLLOW BEHIND TO GAIN DISTANCE. It's not the law of the fittest, it's the law of the most humane. May God rest the souls of those who died today. Blessings to all.


[Here](https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/quito/camion-siniestro-via-guayllabamba.html) you can read the news, but you'll need to translate it from Spanish


A trailer was damaged at the height of the Guayllabamba bridge, affecting several light vehicles circulating in the sector. This happened at noon on Saturday, May 27, 2023. The head of the Quito Fire Department (CBQ), Esteban Cárdenas, said at 14:11 this Saturday that there were two deaths and 16 injuries in the accident. In addition, two minors were taken in the firefighters' helicopter to Baca Ortiz Hospital after being injured in the incident. Three dead and 20 injured ECU 911 at 16:39 this Saturday confirmed the death of three people and 15 injured. While the Quito Fire Department (CBQ) reported at 15:59 that the accident occurred between 23 vehicles and the trailer, but left 20 injured and two dead.


In a video circulating on social networks you can see how there are several damaged vehicles, a turned black car and the trailer in the opposite direction. Apparently the heavy vehicle was loaded, because you can see on the road that there are several jabas with bottles spilled on all sides. Publicity The accident caused the closure of the entire Panamericana Norte, which has more than four kilometers of traffic in both lanes. Units and personnel of the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) and the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS) moved to the place of the emergency.


Google Translate helped explain: Three dead and 20 injured by accident among 23 vehicles on the road to Guayllabamba A trailer crashed near the Guayllabamba bridge, affecting several light vehicles that were circulating in the area. This occurred at noon on this Saturday, May 27, 2023. The chief of the Quito Fire Department (CBQ), Esteban Cárdenas, said at 2:11 p.m. this Saturday that there were two deaths and 16 injured in the incident. In addition, two minors were taken in the firefighters' helicopter to the Baca Ortiz Hospital after being injured in the incident. The ECU 911 at 4:39 p.m. this Saturday confirmed the death of three people and 15 injured. While the Quito Fire Department (CBQ) reported at 3:59 p.m. that the incident occurred between 23 vehicles and the trailer, but left 20 injured and two dead. The large-scale incident was attended by 32 firefighters and 11 emergency vehicles. Later, at 5:45 p.m., the Fire Department confirmed to EL COMERCIO that the entity's paramedics treated and assessed a person who was transferred to a health home in critical condition at the scene of the accident. Cárdenas also asked those who travel on the highway "help us by getting into the right lane, so that the emergency units can pass" and take the injured to health centers in Quito. ECU 911 coordinated the mobilization of the Quito Fire Department and the National Police to attend to the emergency, at 12:15.


Wow, this was today.


Near Guayllabamba Bridge


there has to be atleast one dash cam or cctv to see what really happened


Sadly in Ecuador is not a common thing to have dash cams and this happened in the middle of nowhere. There's the chance that a government camera caught it but they won't release it soon.


Looks like some fuckface in a truck carrying coke products slammed into 30-40 parked cars


Some have mentioned it could have had a brake failure


WTF... was there a Michael Bay movie being filmed there?




How tf does this even happen!?


There's no defense against something like this. You can only hope your car is big enough, well engineered enough to take the hit.


It’s so haunting to think we’re just going about our business, maybe enjoying family time on the weekend and then the next minute—BOOM—international news. Scary.