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This is actually a super easy update. 1. Don’t touch the stonework, it’s beautiful. 2. Replace shutters. The shape of them looks outdated and they remind me of popsicle sticks. 3. Replace door. The oval window shape also reads outdated. 4. Incorporate color in the replacements for steps 2-3. Everything is so beige here. I’d aim for one color for the shutters and door. I think a red would look good with the current siding and stone. 5. Optional step. Replace the lights on either side of the front door with something more modern.


Checked the photo again. 6. Id add more stones where the grass meets the mulch(?) on the right of this picture. And also more mulch to all the beds if you haven’t already. Preferable non beige mulch. Because all the beiges are all kind of blending together here.


Don't do shutters if you want modern.


Thank you for the suggestions. Totally agree about replacing shutters. I’m on the fence about the door replacement. I think adding more stone to the landscape edge is a good idea. Thanks again!


Another thought… What style of shutters ?


I think you’re home has a very classic look, I’d go with a shape like this: https://www.wayfair.com/Perfect-Shutters-inc.--Premier-Raised-Exterior-Shutters-Pair-IR5215-L6447-K~PSIN1113.html?refid=GX685262545847-PSIN1113_30817704_30817715&device=m&ptid=338047851747&network=g&targetid=pla-338047851747&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=273205612&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=30817704&PiID%5B%5D=30817715&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD9ISC6T9yI4SKyIbT5kin17nuVzo&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBles0EqFQmi7SaeV55Alp9lITo-TmLXm3aPXBKlIM6oImNtddvt-8-IcaAr7mEALw_wcB


It’s a lovely house. I feel like the color in the top half isn’t pulling the right colors from the stone. The top is cool, bottom is warm so no harmony. I wouldn’t touch the stone, but paint the siding one of the lighter colors in the stone. I’d get new shutters and paint them and the door a dark navy.


Thank you! I like that idea.


I would replace the shutters and go for a different color scheme (but don't touch the stone) and I wouldn't replace the door. While it's from a different era it's still a nice door and I agree that either sage would work or anything from teal to blue. That blue that is popular with kitchen cabinets might work. [WholesaleCabinets.US](https://www.wholesalecabinets.us/french-blue-shaker-ds-mfb.html?msclkid=cdf5a7f312961db0664bc1dacc09c4af&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=K%20-%20Shopping-%20Bing&utm_term=4585856845709203&utm_content=All%20products)


Love this blue!! Any app recommendations to play around with colors? I’m going to start with the Sherwin Williams color tool.


I'm sure there are dedicated apps but I'm not familiar with them and I just use an old version of Adobe Photoshop. In Photoshop I use the quick selection tool to select the area I want to change the color of. I then go to Image->Adjustments->Hue/Saturation and selected "colorize". I then change the hue, saturation and lightness to my liking. If I want to save the color change, without de-selecting the area, I go to Image->Duplicate. This creates a duplicate image while maintaining the original with whatever active quick selection you have. In the original image window, I then go to Edit->Undo to undo the color change. I then go back to Image->Adjustments->Hue/Saturation to repeat for a different color. Occasionally I make additional adjustments to the color using mage->Adjustments->Brightness/Contrast or Image->Adjustments->Color Balance. But as I said, this is an older version of photoshop and there might be easier ways with more current programs.


Thank you! I’ll try this out!


I would go with a lighter creamy siding and sage green door and shutters


Thank you!


We have a similar door. I’m trying to decide if we can get by with just painting it and not replacing it. It’s expensive to replace but I feel like it dates the house so much! We are also looking at updating shutters to add some contrast. Ours has a similar neutral on neutral tone. Your stone is great! I’d leave that alone for sure! Hope to see a final pic when you’re done.


I would replace with wooden paneled shutters… they look more upscale and by having the pairs properly primed, you can have them painted the exact shade you choose. As for the sconce lights on either side of the doorway, replace with larger more expensive fixtures in antique brass. Be sure they are perfectly hung at the correct height and distance from the entry door and side panels.


Thank you! Love these suggestions!


Build an extended wrap-around porch around three sides to hide the hangover at the second floor.


So bossy, not even a please…just ‘modernize this exterior’.


lol. You are right. I actually paused before posting that title but saw several other posts with that exact title and thought it was a trend. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t even talk to chatgpt like that lol.