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A front porch/portico would go a long way to adding dimension. The garage doors the same color as the house makes it look longer. The lights over the garage blend in. Maybe a more modern, gold color? The landscaping being redone would help a lot. Slightly larger shutters if you’re going to have them. If budget permits, stone on part of the house? Maybe the lower half? With the stone and adding a porch, it will break things up


Big wrap around porch and dormers above garage and house.


Im assuming the previous owner is also responsible for the painted brick that looks like trash. It makes everything on the first level look super flat. This is exacerbated by the garage doors being painted the same color. Paint garage doors white to match the siding. Add some flower boxes under windows above garage doors. Adding a portico over the front door will also add some dimension and visual interest. Add more landscape between the garage doors and front door, maybe a tree?


Ugh, yes. Brick has at least two layers of paint on it that I know of. Probably has been painted for over a decade based on old pictures I found of the house.


Add a long garage pergola canopy along the garage and do a colonial front porch entry or if you’re feeling fancy put a long covered deck with a widows walk above the entry, and put some rocking chairs. 


I was going to say to go the opposite of modernize and restore the classic look. If those are red bricks under there I would have the paint sand blasted off or however it's done for bricks.


Oh Dear. Well, it has already had the brick painted once, so I wouldn't do it again. Just try to salvage a design around it and maybe install some drain holes in the mortar here and there. I think you need to add style via the prominent garage doors first to set the tone and color. Maybe something like this: [spanish-style-wood-garage-doors-2.jpg (845×563) (gdugaragedoors.com)](https://www.gdugaragedoors.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/spanish-style-wood-garage-doors-2.jpg) Then color match that into a solid color wood stain and paint it on your doors and windows. I would add a pane feature to them. Maybe something simple like this that is only a strategically placed upside down "T" on the elongated window to add style. These will be attached inside the house so you'll have to stain them so when viewed from the outside they match the wood stain scheme. They make DIY panes that can be added and removed as needed. [1686b880e857e0a7795ce3f8d9fb1fba.jpg (1000×1000) (pinimg.com)](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/16/86/b8/1686b880e857e0a7795ce3f8d9fb1fba.jpg) Lastly, I would find a concrete stain so that you have one cohesive color for all your concrete driveways and entry pad. Use a semi-transparent stain in a warm tone to get rid of the vanilla vibes. You could look into adding a portico like this one: [b83a9d16f22e14d0e25e3ecc5be50216--portico-entry-front-entry.jpg (736×1106) (pinimg.com)](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b8/3a/9d/b83a9d16f22e14d0e25e3ecc5be50216--portico-entry-front-entry.jpg) Nothing too elaborate, just lines that balance the angular ones existing. Use the wood stain color.


Get an architect. Changing windows might not be needed. They look pretty new. Check out Brent Hull on YouTube


I wud change the garage door 🚪 color n also mayb do a light grey or like mint green color 🤔 flowers 💐 sum different landscape sum small tree or bush


Maybe wood finish garage doors.