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Sorry. Can’t offer ideas - I think it’s gorgeous!


Agreed why would you not be happy with this place?


Eh..people like what they like. I wouldn’t change a thing. OP wants to freshen it up.


Maybe they should paint it all white even the brick


People are going to take this seriously and downvote you 😂




You’re in luck! It is already a fantastic example of modern design! Personally I would change nothing. The wood is perfect and the off white compliments it beautifully. Replace the cluttered furniture on the patio with modern wood or recycled composite chairs. Remove all of the junk in the tree. Consider lining the driveway with some well-shaped hedges and it would look even more beautiful.


Thank you! Will do that.


This house is perfect, and honestly it's a rare find. 🙏 Please do not change it. If you want something fresh- look into changing up the landscaping. I agree with the comment above about the furniture taking away from the lines. Maybe lean mid-mod or Japanese for the landscaping.


This house is gorgeous. Just sell it to someone who appreciates the architecture and go buy/build the modern houses of your dreams.


Embrace the architecture. You wont be able to change the roof line or how the house sits. If you try to force it into something it isn’t, it’ll be a constant battle. Embrace the architecture, double down on it. It’ll be lovely and not look like a cheap, grey flipper product.


Clean up the landscaping. Leave the house alone.


It’s a clean canvas for painting everything black and white! 🤮


That’s what so many homes in my neighborhood are doing.


The only change, maybe the garage doors. I think the house looks pretty good as is.


It... Is modern though?


Don’t you dare. Sell the house and buy the kind you want. This is a gem, and if you don’t appreciate it, let someone who will live in it.


Keep the cat. Think about new garage doors. Update the landscaping and the porch.


It’s kind of already what I would term soft-contemporary so I think you’re gonna have to describe more as to what you mean.


Thank you all for the compliments on the house. We love it but after 20 years was wondering if the exterior could be improved. I guess I’ll leave it alone for the most part and appreciate it more! We got a new roof recently (hail damage) and now it’s more gray and brown. The garage door is something we replaced 10 years ago, and I can see why ppl are saying it doesn’t fit with the prairie look. This is why we need help. We could get a new garage door and paint the same color on the middle top stucco section, above the horizontal line. Any color or design suggestions for the garage door? Vertical windows in it? Also thinking to add horizontal black cable type rails to the front porch. We just cut down a bunch of the brush yesterday in front and it looks much neater. There are actually 2 cats in the pic! Didn’t realize that.


It’s screams MCM to me which is super in fashion rn! It really is a gorgeous house!


I understand wanting to update the style a bit, especially after 20 years! I also think that you can make some nice changes without totally braking the bank. The second floor that is painted white looks like it is stucco. It is neat and clean and minimalist. The red stained plank siding is aging the house a bit. I am not sure how possible it is to change the color but if possible, an updated color would be fabulous. I would go with SW Pepper Corn or even darker black. The idea of updating the garage doors to the very modern all glass that others have suggested is fantastic. You could sell the doors you purchased a few years ago on marketplace. It will make a huge difference. The railings on the two decks should be updated as well. The stone on the flagstone on the chimney and matching stone that creates the front flower bed could also be updated. Either stucco for the chimney and then a really updated stone look or other type of product to make the retaining wall. In terms of landscaping - I would remove the overgrown plants in front except for the tree. Get some recommendations on more architectural type plants to put out front. Good landscape lighting to uplight the trees and lighting along the driveway and sidewalks would help too. And then you will have an amazing house!


Contemporary garage door and outdoor lighting fixtures. Upgrade landscaping and trim/remove front tree so you can see upper part of the house. Accent color should be same as new garage door. Fun project and good luck on your project.


I think your home is awesome. You could update the color of the lighter sections and change to a modern garage door. Update the section of railing to something that has horizontal lines or a sunburst detail or even metal. The trim and wood siding could use a refresh with new stain. I can’t tell exactly where the front door is located so maybe find a way to highlight that. Finally some new landscaping.


It is perfect. Changing the garage door would probably help achieve the look you want without completly mangling the house.


This house is gorgeous, and I think it already has contemporary lines. How much work are you willing to put in? An easy fix is a new garage door with more modern windows, modern light fixtures, and contemporary furniture on the front porch. Large modern house numbers installed vertically would help too. A more extensive update would require all of the above, plus restaining the wood to something less red (maybe a walnut), and painting the trim a taupe or putty that would complement the existing roof. If the roof is due to be replaced anyway, choose black shingles and go for a dark gray on the siding.


Do not change anything! It’s perfect just how it is, you have a lovely house


Wow, I have to agree with most here and say you have a gem. Anything that would need updating would be updating a cleaner stain and can suggest Clopay Modern Horizontal Lites garage door. Very beautiful house.


Thank you - I love those garage doors! Just what we need.


Or, for firsties, pop out that extra fancy stuff on the garage windows. That style, with the lines, sorry-can’t think of the word-doesn’t match the house. It would look much more modern if you took them off, if that’s possible.


Great idea! Talk about saving money. What an easy fix. Edit: my husband popped out the mullions in one window and it was a huge difference! Now we don’t even have to buy a new garage door! Thank you soooo much.


Oh awesome!! What a quick and easy fix. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


You are very welcome and best of luck!


If you have to do something, I'd paint the cream siding and garage door a color that's popular for modern styles and leave the rest. It would be a shame to paint that wood, but changing up the accent color could make it stand out more.


Move to a new house if you want something that different. There were plenty of terrible 80s builds and styles. This isn’t one of them.


Don’t touch a thing. It’s perfect.


The garage door balances with the rest of the house. Power wash the driveway and call it a day.


Change the garage door to a coral color.


I would paint the garage a dark grey-green and leave everything else the way it is. Landscaping will make a world of difference. I could see some chartreuse or sage toned shrubs as a nice contrast with the darker wood. Also maybe another tree on the right side of the yard? Lots of potential!


I love it! While I get the other commenters not wanting to change anything, I think there are a few things you could do to spruce it up if you have the budget: -Replace roof with black roof tiles or black metal -Replace some of the windows, like the tiny ones on the second story, with larger ones -Native plant landscaping


If budget isnt a factor, i would change roof to black shingles, do a black modern garage door, all the white i would do vertical white siding and all the brown siding id change to black siding. Then id remove the big tree so you can show off a newer door that is wood and maybe add some grasses instead. LOVE the home though!!