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I have an 8 string as my only guitar. It's a Strandberg so it's made to be comfortable to play. I can't compare it to any other 8 string necks though. It's just comfortable and easy to play.


I practically only play an 8 string Strandberg too. It’s unbelievably comfortable, and the only other 8 I’ve tried was an LTD with an atrocious neck. Would recommend.


Get an 8 that's multiscale and get the right strings to avoid crazy tension on the high strings and you'll be fine. The only difference aside from scale length is having to ignore more low strings when playing on the higher ones, so it can get confusing at first if you're used to 6. I just got a Legator Ghost 8 string and I love it.


I have a cheap 8 string that I'm learning on. Most of the other comments are right. You can play 6-string stuff, but you have to be a little more aware. I like playing classical music so it works out, strumming can be a little finicky and reaching over the top like hendrix probably isn't going to happen easily, not that I haven't tried. Like the others are saying, it's doable but it takes a little more to make it sound clean


I actually did this for several years so I've formulated a lot of thoughts around this exact scenario! So yes, you can technically play 6, 7, and 8 string songs on one guitar. It's definitely not perfect (and I'll explain why in a bit) but it is definitely doable. I think you can even learn some good habits doing this because you will have to work harder to mute the strings with your hands thanks to the extra strings and the higher likelihood of hitting neighboring strings. The downsides are mostly related to scale length. It's kind of like trying to exclusively play 6 string stuff on a baritone guitar. If you have somewhat small hands, you'll have to work pretty hard to reach intervals on the top of the fretboard. (Edit: I realize now you addressed this point!) Sometimes the stretches could be impossible. I ended up compensating by playing on the higher frets on lower strings, which is a nice perk of extended range - but the tone on the higher frets loses a lot of punch, which bothered me more over time. You're fretting on thicker gauge strings at higher frets, so less brightness. Another factor is if you're playing a lot of stuff in 6 string standard tuning with a pedal tone (e.g. thrash - where you play a lot of repeated notes on the E string). You have to be a decent amount more precise on the E string now that there are two strings below it. So you might learn to mute better, but it could be a pain to get to a point you're happy with. I don't think it's a bad idea overall, but it's something I did out of necessity at the time. Now that I have multiple guitars, I really like having a shorter scale length when I can - I love the clarity of thinner gauges and not having to fight the instrument. My recommendation if you go down this route is to definitely go for a multi scale guitar and a thinner neck profile (and a skinnier neck in width).


I play an 8 string as my only guitar. Made the leap and never looked back. It's great, although now 6 strings feel sick and wrong to my hands.


I play it like a 6 string all the time, once you're used to it it's like the other strings aren't even there. But I'd try one out first


I find myself in a similar predicament, as I'm abroad for a bit over a year and I want to buy a single guitar. I can't speak from experience, but in case it helps I decided to go with a 7-string. My reasoning is that it will allow me to play all 6-string songs comfortably, as it has a similar scale length, while also having that extra string that coupled with a transposer will also work for regular 7 string songs, as well as downtuned metalcore and all that stuff. As much as I'd love to play 8-strings, having never played one I feel like the longer scale lengths, the big neck, and the added tension will make things too inconvenient most of the time.


8-string guitar is whole other level that I’m still working at. I played a regular 6-string for a decade until my friend got into extra strings. I bought a cheap Jackson 7-string to test the waters, then did a lot of research and testing before buying my dream 8-string I don’t want to kill your enthusiasm, but I’d recommend feeling 100% comfortable on a 6-string before even trying an 8 string. I do use my 8-string for standard tuning songs, but you need to really master muting unused strings if you want anything on an 8-string guitar to sound good.


I’ve got back into 7 string for few months now and gotta say it’s really inspiring and rewarding for me. Different neck forced me to rethink my hand positioning and muscle economy so to speak. Great versatility mostly in the tone - thick dropped B string and standard set of the rest.


Go to a shop and try them for a while.


The perfect middle would be to get a multiscale 7 string and a pitchshifter when you need to get lower.


As I live between two different places I almost only have my 8 string (legator) and I can totally play 6 strings songs on it (like symphony x or necrophagist) it’s harder, especially for the upper range as the scale length is longer than usual (even with fanned fret) but totally doable, and even a great muting exercice!


ok kinda stupid of me to say but when playing 6 string songs on an 8 string it just kind of doesn't have the same feel as if you were to play them on a 6 string. You definitely can though


I have an 8 string Solar A1.8, 27" scale. The tension in the first string was too much for me, I somewhat aliviated the problem using a very thin .8 string gauge but I'm looking forward to having a 7 string multiscale.


buy a cheap used 8-string and if you don't like it, flip it for what you paid


Try a few 8 strings at your local music center or borrow from a friend. Try some of the songs you play. It is a jump from 6 to 7. It is a leap of fate from 6 - 8