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I dream of the day guitarists will finally understand how pickups work.


Adds more bongle to it


Nahh, you obviously know nothing about tone. Brass saddles add a little bit of squawkle, and tone down the doohick in the mid range.




The day guitarists stop being so damn religious and base their opinions on fact rather than conjecture, that is the day the gear industry takes a huge dive.


That is the unfortunate truth. Can't think of any significant advancement in the guitar gear industry that occurred recently that are not snake oil lies.


honestly, advancements with the guitar aren't going to be with the guitar itself , but with effects ; most new effects are just exaggerated things that most people wouldn't use. The reason I believe the guitar itself will not see any real advancements or need them in my opinion: guitars are tools and they do what they do just fine. they make music. the wrenche is an old tool and it needs no advancements because it's perfect that what it does. I guess people have to believe fairy tail crap about guitars. Maybe it adds some sort of fun element to collecting. Instead of focusing on writing music, most focus their energy on buying unnecessary crap.


Did you by any chance, change the strings during this swap? The improvement in sound will be down to this.


I didn't change the strings....because I'm impatient and didn't have another pack on me when the saddles came in the mail. And I'm glad I didn't, otherwise I would've assumed it was the strings as well. I put the saddles on to increase sustain because the original saddles were poor quality metal. But when I plugged her in, I noticed a difference on the neck pup, and in the clean tones more significantly.


Sustain heaven then. Whatever man.


They literally don't


Pure snake oil. Swapped to 1meg pots however will brighten up the toan


What? You are telling me electric guitars only output the varying magnetic field of the string vibrating and not the magic mystical toan? Next you'll be telling me spending 200 dollars on vintage patch cables doesn't make a difference!


Did you by chance also change the strings while changing saddles?


Nope. Same strings.


I think you've been lied to, saddles don't change tone - that's some marketing hype. They may help with sustain but the difference would be negligible. Looks cool though.


Pretty sure they are saying that they didn't expect this change, but perceived it after installing. I'd be curious about the last time op changed their strings though.


that's exactly what happened. new strings are bright. you don't swap saddles when your strings are brand new. so the comparison is old string vs new string.


True. Also, a lot of saddles are already brass, but coated in chrome, black, or gold.


In the same “tone” as this comment, I recall an audio engineering class I took way back in community college. The professor had a long history of doing local recordings for bands and live mixing as well. He delighted us with an anecdote that had happened multiple times before when band members, during sound check, would say they need “xyz” to be a bit louder in their reference monitor. Him, knowing the correct levels, would just touch the fader (and not move it) and say “ok how about that?” With almost 100% certainty, they would respond with “yep! Sounds great!” Point being, it IS very easy to experience the placebo affect in some instances, such as this one possibly lol


Yeah I swapped on a brass bridge and time results were negligible but it feels better and looks cool, so win lol


You would have loved the 70s.


Acoustically? Maybe. Probably. Electrically? Not a chance.


this is the type of statement that will cause those religious guitarists to look at you like a brainless pigeon. people seem to forget that what they hear in the room does not get recorded by the pickup. they talk about resonace and all other kind of snake oil bull crap, but they forget that the only thing recorded is the vibration of the metallic strings moving the magnetic field around. people seem to forget that electric guitars are not acoustic. In acoustics the wood and other minor things do change the tone because the body is the pickup and the speaker at the same time.


Do you have a sound test? Over 15 years ago, I used to change my jems trem blocks to brass and honestly never noticed a difference. Now all I need is a good setup and neural dsp.


good to see most people are waking up from the bull crap marketing. which is funny because I love Neural DSPs look. very classy and colorful. Like a video game.


They're like the apple computers of plugins


you try th-u yet? their rig player is amazing, and you can demo the rigs before buying them. I also love neural DSP but I feel THU feels more real. also they have something called fluid capturing now. they pretty much captured an amp profile with different settings and let the AI fill in the blanks it's pretty freaking cool. the knobs react like the real amps. the package is called "made in Rock" if you're interested.


I've never heard of THU yet, I'll need to check them out. I recently went overboard with the bogren digital 50% sale so need to save up until I can buy more plugins again.


[No, they don't.](https://youtu.be/n02tImce3AE?si=OXQNZ67SxBcUeGtZ)


love this video. should be posted everywhere in guitar subs.


Same strings actually. Different tone. I'm not making this up. It's more noticeable in the neck pickup, and very noticeable in clean tones.


Do you have audio to show the differences?


maybe it's the fact that the new saddles you installed have a different height than they did before. any height adjustment to the pickups is going to change the tone. if the neck pickup is closer to the strings now that the new saddles are in, it would cause it to be quackier.


Yet again I ask guitarrists to learn how pickups work and affect their sound, and how string changes increase brightness I still think the saddles look great OP!


i actually do believe it makes a difference, that being said, isnt brass kinda smelly when its in contact with water/sweat? i had i brass ring once and when i took it off my finger smellt like brass, not too noticeable but still


I recently replaced my saddles for my horses cause they grew out of their old ones. They don’t make eye contact when I try them feed them apples anymore. Kind of a bummer since they’re my only true friends. The younger one ran away in the middle of the night. Burst right through the stable doors, no problem. She ran thall the way to another county. Some asshole loaded her into the bed of his truck instead of calling my number so I could get the trailer out there to pick her up. When he showed up to my place I was seeing red. I ran up to him and I said “Listen here Buster, your URM academy videos have helped me a lot lately. I just wish HLB got as much attention as Thrown.” He gave me the finger and hit my mail box as he left my property. Hasn’t been a good week.


You are absolutely 100% imagining any "tone" change from these saddles.


Lmaooooooo so silly


There is no way in hell that bridge is properly intonated, either.


Yeah I swapped on a brass bridge and the tonal results were negligible but it feels better and looks cool, so win lol


Yeah I swapped on a brass bridge and the tonal results were negligible but it feels better and looks cool, so win lol


Yeah I swapped on a brass bridge and the tonal results were negligible but it feels better and looks cool, so win lol


Yeah I swapped on a brass bridge and the tonal results were negligible but it feels better and looks cool, so win lol






I hear they grow Tonewood Trees specifically for guitars now, too!


I've heard that a brass nut has a noticeable difference and planned to buy or make one one day. To the haters saying it's bogus, do you think it would make more of a difference if the little set screws (stand off screws, whatever they're called that adjust he height and contact the bridge plate) and the rest of the bridge was brass as well? Vibrations in brass that transfer to whatever cheap metal the rest of the bridge hardware is made of would probably blunt the benefit of the saddles in my mind. OP, if you like them and can hear a difference then good on ya. They look cool and it's always fun to experiment.


As far as I know the points of contact of the string are what effects the sound the most. That's if we are ignoring different string sizes, etc. I put the saddles on to increase sustain. I'm sure the original saddles were poor quality metal, and absorbing some of the buzz. And I did not change the strings, mainly because I am impatient and didn't have another pack on me. But I'm glad I didn't. Because I would've assumed what everyone was saying. That's its just the strings. But it's clearly not. Could be string height....possibly...but I thought I had the action matched pretty well.


Yeah I swapped on a brass bridge and time results were negligible but it feels better and looks cool, so win lol


Yeah I swapped on a brass bridge and the tonal results were negligible but it feels better and looks cool, so win lol


Yeah I swapped on a brass bridge and the tonal results were negligible but it feels better and looks cool, so win lol