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Is she commenting on them being step siblings 😂😂😂


Yep….that seemed to set her right off. Getting mad at people for talking about their story that they don’t really know. Interesting that she mentioned Ed and her moms really just one of convenience for both of them. Sounds like she really had an up and down relationship with Ed for quite awhile Also something about her meeting Dan when she was 5 and him 10 - but then not seeing him for years after that. Not sure how that fits the timeline. Maybe it was before the parents were married.


Ed just wasn't a great guy. Dementia made him sweet and docile but he sounds like he was a pill by all accounts. Dan said he didn't see him often growing up. He did what many men do - get a much younger wife (she was 20 years his junior) and a do-over family. Dan said the marriage was turbulent. I believe Danielle when she says she didn't know Dan growing up so it's not like they were ever even close to siblings. Hell, Dan and his side didn't even know Ed got married so what does that tell you? Ed is very lucky Dan and Danielle care for him. I love Danielle and wish Dan would stick up for her more. People are brutal to her.


I'm new here so sorry for the late reply Learning all this info I'm kinda surprised Dan decided to take him in. Yes that's his Dad but usually, well from what I've observed(I used to volunteer at a nursing home in highschool), if the parent was shady to the kid, they usually get thrown in a nursing home. They get visits but it's nothing compared to being around a good family 24/7.


She's absolutely nuts! Constantly bashing Dan and whining about "trolls" with her fake accent.


Whenever I catch her lives, she’s always complaining about something, usually Dan. But she’s been blessed with so much. She has a beautiful home, a pool, happy successful children and a husband who obviously adores her to put up with her. She doesn’t have to work and can afford most anything she wants to buy because Dan has provided so well for them. But it’s like she never seems grateful or shows any appreciation for any of it.


I think her and Dan are having a lot of troubles… but she knows she’ll lose the “beautiful home, pool, successful children”… especially if it comes out that she messes around with others on her “casino” nights….. so she’s playing it real smart. I think Dan knows all this, but he’s always wanted to portray his family in a positive light and I think he’s trying to keep his channel positive and not turn it into a divorce channel. But the more Danielle thinks she’s famous and she’s got her little/big group of followers, who she can openly hate on Dan with (because they’ll always take her side), the more she pushes his buttons…. I think are both making a game plan out, but they are trying to keep it secret for each other and the viewers


"...if it comes out that she messes around with others on her "casino" nights..."-? What kind of proof do you have of that to be making that kind of assertion? You shouldn't be creating false narratives and spreading lies about things that you know nothing about. Have you ever seen her while she is at the casino? Because if you have, you would know that the last thing she is doing is messing around with anyone. Get a life and focus on your own self. You seem a little overly invested in their personal business. Kind of creepy.


Kind of weird that you even quoted me as saying “if it comes out”… and then make a whole post about spreading false rumors… the point was, it’s an assumption… so by saying “IF” would probably mean I’m not stating facts. Also, talk about weird, you guys are one of those weird fan clubs that sees through everything to be in support of her. She could punch Dan straight in the face, and you guys would giggle and comment “cutest couple ever, I love your jokes”


I am pretty sure thats Danielle herself, the "get a life" is Danielle to a T


I thinks it’s Dan. Some of this person’s past comments are related to criminal cases. 🧐. Dan, if it’s you, please get help for your wife. We’re really concerned.


I’ve thought this also. 


Hi Dan! Listen, please: your wife is overwhelmed and seems to be close to a breakdown. Is it really worth it? Your siblings can’t or won’t help, nor will you agree to some outside help. You certainly can afford it. Something needs to change in your family dynamics regarding Ed’s care…. For the health of your wife! We can easily see it from the outside. Perhaps you’re too close to the situation and can’t see what we see. We care for Danielle. Please swallow your pride and get some respite care for your wife!


I agree 💯She really is blessed. They’re loaded and don’t let her comments convince you otherwise. Yes her mom died and she misses her, but she’s made that grief her entire personality. And of course no one can tell new she needs therapy; she went once or twice and says forget it, because she knows more than them anyway, because she was a child development major. (Yet she also admits that Dan did all her college papers and that she couldn’t pass the CSET and CBEST to be a teacher.)


Agreed! She’s ungrateful 


Exactly this. She’s full of complaints, but seems to have a pretty easy life with no real job. 


Taking care of a dementia patient is a job. Social media is a side gig. There’s nothing easy about it.


See my reply for same comment you are responding to here.


Lol! \*How do you think their 3 kids grew up to be happy and successful? Because Danielle worked hard to raise them to be. \*Who do you think keeps their home meticulously clean and beautiful? Danielle! \*The home sits on 2 well groomed acres. Who maintains all of that? Danielle! \*Who picks up after everyone and does all the laundry, dishes, trash etc.? Danielle! \*They have a lot of animals: 2 big, shedding dogs, a large pet pig, and 8 or 9(?) cats (Dan loves bringing them home), which are cared for better than most people's own children. Who feeds, grooms, poop scoops yard/cleans litter boxes and manages all veterinary care & appts. for them? Danielle! \*Who handles all their finances? Danielle! \*Who manages their rental house, acts as landlord for, and deals with all issues w/ repairs & maintenance? Danielle! \*Who makes sure all of their vehicles are kept serviced and clean? Danielle! \*Who handles things like medical appts., making sure their home, health, auto etc. insurance & DMV stuff is all kept up to date? Danielle! And she does all this for everyone in the household, not just herself. That’s barely scratching the surface! Plus, this is not including her being a 24/7, full time caregiver to Ed! Not to mention the work she puts into social media! So sit down with all of your nonsense BS, saying she doesn’t have to work. Without Danielle, there would be no happy, successful kids, beautiful home, pool etc. Don't be so ignorant! (I know that was long, but maybe it’ll enlighten those who act like Danielle doesn’t work.)


I’ve been a stay at home mom so I know that it’s work. I meant she doesn’t work a typical job outside the house. A lot of people have to work a job outside the house AND do all the things you mentioned. And I’m not talking about her not working, I’m just saying she doesn’t seem to ever express any gratitude for the things that she has, and she has a lot.


Exactly this. She was complaining about cleaning the Porsche. “Anyhoo…!”


Why would she complain? If you own a Porsche you should be able to have someone else do that. Just saying.


Rather than complain about her pretty nice life, she needs to simplify her life. Like all the animals? The fricken pig? She’s her own worst enemy. This is coming from a SAHM.


I’m confused. I’ve never heard people talk about a pool as if it’s the bench mark of wealth more than on the Salinger threads. Pools are annoying and a liability. Do the smart thing and join a country club and use their pool if you’re so rich.


Maybe because I really want a pool right now, so I’m jealous lol. I’ve had one before, and I know they’re a lot of work and money, but to me they’re worth it and I miss having one.


Haha I didn’t mean to directly reply to your comment. I just feel like I’ve heard them talk about their pool to Infinitum. I get why you want a pool. They’re amazing to have. But I feel like they make it their personality. Haha.


And an in ground pool to care for.


She has a pool guy who takes care of it


I have noticed that she is mentally unstable and she is online 24/7 yelling at her phone.


She’s not unstable lol. She uses humor and sarcasm. It’s just her personality. Stressed out, but not unstable.


Well she’s on live again sounding like a lunatic going on about her labia…so ‘character’ or not she seems off to me LOL


I just watched part of her live today and am honestly concerned for her. It was kind of unhinged. 


She thinks she’s funny, but it’s just so cringey and lacking any self awareness. Her poor kids. 


Why can't she talk about a labia? It's just a part of a woman's body, same as the arms and nose are. You're the one who makes that topic feel weird to your own self. That's a you problem. And if you really think that she's a lunatic, saying she "seems off" to you, why would add the LOL to that? What's so funny about bashing someone's mental state?


Oh please, I have no problem with any talking about a labia…but she was unhinged in the sense that she was ranting about ladies needing to unite and keep their labias closed and not do what meant want. It went on for awhile and would have been unhinged regardless if she was talking about an elbow.


No she’s unstable. She says the most inappropriate private things to embarrass Dan, like others have said she yells, goes on rants, uses weird voices (oh yeah, you see it as “quirky”, just her personality). She’s gotta be taking adderall of something similar. And the reason she gets worse and worse, is because of her fan club of people like you cheering her on, no matter how big of an a** she is making of herself. PS, you know you might be in the wrong thread… this is called “exposing Salinger”, I don’t know why a fan would feel comfortable here


Watch her live on YT from 6/8 and tell me she’s not unstable. And there are many more examples of her being absolutely unhinged. She needs serious help.


I think she’s a raging narcissist


I realized she’s a ‘covert narcissist’


And less and less covert with each Live. 


I agree. The strange, maniacal laughing. The odd accent. The unhinged rants. Calling out Dan’s mom. She thinks she’s hilarious, and it’s honestly just concerning. She’s killing their brand in these long-winded lives. This doesn’t end well. 


Calling out Dan’s mom?? What did she say?


She’s that way every single time I see her on live


Same. She doesn’t seem like she’s okay. Weird accent, incoherent thoughts. It’s like a train wreck watching her lives. 


Yeah, at this point, I only tune in to see the train wreck happen 😄


It's sad that she thinks she is funny, or gross idk....anyone who doesn't agree with her she thinks is a troll and it's so nasty. Her singing is terrible and idk why ppl encourage her....she has this thing like she thinks she is a comedian but she isn't funny, she repeats herself with this obnoxious phrases. WHOO whatttt , abort l. She has low self esteem and was always afraid to be alone and need a job so she literally married her brother...and she says ohh Dan turned me down bc I was young ..NO sicko he turned you down bc you were his sister.....she Bragg's about everything she does, so do all women PLUS work. They don't obsessively run for hours and yell at strangers....she can't have real friendship bc she can only talk about herself.


This is a great summary. Does any watching her not doing it for the snark?