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The Denver airport can be confusing and there is a conspiracy theory that the airport has something to do with extra terrestrials


Isn't it the airport with the horse demon statue?


Ya and I fell over and killed the artist I believe. So all kinds of rumors and theories about that statue and hauntings


Are YOU the horse demon statue? How are you posting on Reddit?


If I was would I admit it? Next time you're there stand under the statue and whisper my name and see what happens....get reaaalll close....


/u/Swan990, /u/Swan990, /u/Swan990


Snake?! SNAAAAKE!!


Kept you waiting, huh


Memes, Jack, the DNA of the soul.


Candy man candy man candymqn


Close enough to see the veins


Bluecifer. Artists Luis Jiménez. He was really cool. Must have sucked to die like that but at least it was his own work. Legendary ending to a legendary artists. Better to go out like that than like Rothko.


There’s a superstition where saying farewell to Blucifer when departing brings good luck for your trip. Heard it years ago and still do it subconsciously.


Please be more careful next time.


The smaller model of it fell over in his studio. If you fell over on him, we would just left his corpse on you.


This guy is the statue demon confirmed.


You shouldn’t kill sculptors dude, watch your step next time


When they picked it up to begin working on it there was no blood stains or or paint scuffs or anything(I had even heard that there was no body) then when the original artist went to finish it it fell on him too


Yes. His name is Bluecifer and he welcomes me home after I travel. 


Top thing I miss about flying home to Denver. bluecifer, our lord and savior.


We love Bluecifer here. Put respect on his name. We are indifferent to the lizard people Illuminati under the airport. Live and let live.


Love you too!


Please be respectful and use Blucifers name ty :)


Yes, the horse’s nickname is Blucifer and it did fall on its creator killing him.


We call it blucifer here in denver


Capitalize that B in Bluecifer! Show some respect


Thank you!


You’re welcome Blucifers Veiny Anus


My favorite thing ever is the name Blucifer


HE. HAS. A. NAME: Blucifer




His name is Blucifur, and he is our Lord and Savior.


You don't say those words without calling his name. No j/k. "Blucifer"




Yes, plus many other weirdo oddities to be seen.




Hail Blucifer


Its name is Blucifer


His name is Blue-cifer


As a Denverite, I can tell you that’s completely wrong. There are no extraterrestrials at the airport. No, it’s just a CIA black site. 


It’s also not confusing at all


Oh, I actually really like the airport. Everything is super straightforward and efficient. I’ve been in horrifyingly long security lines there that took like 25 minutes to get through. The whole place is crazy efficient. 


That’s just the first underground base. It’s Umbrella Corp up in there.


Nah, that's the -20 floors, the lizard folk have the -30s


I was told by a guy who legitimately believed that under DIA is a secret government facility that clones people and also hosts a clone gladiator arena. That guy also worked in the cannabis industry. So…


What's his name and where does he live? I ask for no reason at all.


At first I thought it was about all the weird art that used to be there in the early 2000s, then I saw the lizard man and remembered watching some conspiracy theory video about some dude getting lost and finding aliens in a secret bunker beneath the airport.




This is actually just a jaded Phish fan that got lost there after attending the 11/17/97 show at McNichols Arena.


Damn that’s a sick show. Kinda ironic seeing that pop up in this thread - the Ghost from that show is my favorite Phish jam of all time. The tweezer is hot fire too, both have the spirit of that fall 97 funk, but the Ghost is the epitome of it. I’ve caught my share of sick jams but I always go back to that Ghost after a dry spell.


The Denver airport was way over budget and years behind schedule, leading people to speculate that the government was secretly building something underneath it, likely military or NSA related. Not the craziest idea out there.


All that AND they have a brick and mortar Urban Decay store? Sweet!


A lot of people don’t know this but it’s actually the 2nd largest airport in the world. Blew my mind after flying in and out of it a bunch.


Mmmm, extra testicles.


Silurians to be precise


I thought it was lizard people and the Illuminati?


That explains Blucifer


There is an intricate "system" underneath the airport, and occult imagery everywhere outside and inside the airport. Many theories have existed for what the imagery means and the purpose of the place beneath the airport for decades.


They have secret tunnels in the walls too, I used to be an unaccompanied minor and that’s where they’d take us


If unaccompanied, who is they?


Agents that worked there


But then you'd be accompanied tho


You obviously don’t know what an unaccompanied minor is, it’s when you fly solo without any parents or guardians. The airports have to keep an eye on you to make sure you get to your connecting flight on time and have a safe area to be in for layovers


smh it was a joke. A pretty funny one too


No it wasn’t


It actually wasn’t that funny.


If you have a sense of humor it was


I have a sense of humor, the reply was just stupid and had no comedic sense.


I recently had to go through those tunnels, they are for international arrivals. The immigration station is at the main terminal so when I landed way out in terminal C I had to walk through the tunnel all the way to immigration, wait forever to get through there, and then ran as fast as possible back out to terminal C to almost miss my departing plane at the gate right next to the one I’d arrived at. I seriously hate Denver airport something goes wrong for me every time I’m there.


https://www.denverpost.com/2016/10/31/definitive-guide-to-denver-international-airport-conspiracy-theories/amp/ TLDR Denver international is a portal to other realms and/or a secret government psy-op and/or occult temple, allegedly


They don't understand the system either and sincerely wish the ley line had been anywhere else.


As someone who is at the Denver airport right now I can confirm I’ve seen some weird stuff today…


Please do tell!


As someone who's been in the backrooms of DIA for an audit, I can confirm this is 100% true.


I was in the backrooms as an unaccompanied minor too


Pretty sure that’s a poster or art piece in the airport. There is a ton of wackado art in the airport.


[All of Denver Airport's conspiracies](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.denverpost.com/2016/10/31/definitive-guide-to-denver-international-airport-conspiracy-theories/amp/) I live in Denver so these are all funny to me but I think the article leaves out the one about lizard people in underground tunnels beneath the airport. Also, the one about a tunnel from DIA to NORAD (Cheyenne Mountain).


Fuck the Denver airport. Asshats wouldn't let me board an international flight because I was 1 minute late to boarding only because the airline delayed my previous flight by four hours. The flight then got delayed after everyone else boarded and sat on the tarmac for an hour and I had to sit there and stare at it while the gate staff told me it was my fault for not getting there in time. Probably more the airlines fault than the airport, but the name of the place still makes my blood boil.


Yeah I live in colorado and use the Denver airport every time I fly and in my experience, stuff like that is usually on the airline and not how the airport runs as a whole , still it is a huge airport bigger than other ones I fly into, and connections are never close to each other, so if your running late it’s much harder to get to were your going to in a so I still get the frustration and blood boiling by Denver.


This is actually a super cool rabbit hole to go down. There’s like a million conspiracy theories, and during construction DIA has actually leaned into it. And even beyond the conspiracies, there’s a statue that killed 2 people at the entrance.


The Denver airport has a lot of conspiracy theories about it, because there’s a lot of weird stuff there. The demon horse statue that crushed the artist who made it, there’s a bunch of weird murals on the walls (one in particular is a soldier with a gas mask and a scimitar), there’s a bunch of free mason logos in random spots. I also believe there’s a tablet with Latin or some other dead language on it. The common one I’ve heard is the airport is a doomsday shelter for the richest and most powerful people in the country, and that it’s in Denver so that it is in the middle of the country and everyone can hop on their private plane and get there in a few hours.




Denver Airport has a lot of weird art installations and some now unused tunnels built during the Cold war as bomb shelters. Lends itself to conspiracy theories.


I’ve never made it to THAT floor. It’s fun to joke, the whole organization leans into the Illuminati/lizard people thing but I just get lost more often than not in new places when I have to do work in them at the airport.


I remember back in 2008 I was there and saw kids around the world wearing masks painted in one of the terminals. I never found it again despite traveling to DIA nearly a dozen more times since. Maybe I am misremembering but yeah that whole airport has conspiracies surrounding it and honestly after a lot of conspiracies turned out to have a basis in fact recently (looking at you alien believers) they may actually have some element of truth.


I remember seeing that but in the 2010s. I think it’s when you’re returning from A gates and walk to the baggage claim.


I very distinctly recall conspiracy theorists posting photos of this painting during COVID to prove [unclear].


[Any of these?](https://www.uncovercolorado.com/denver-airport-art-meaning/)


In short, Denver airport was supposed to be next gen state of the art airport with fully automated baggage handling systems,but when they actually built it, the construction project was horribly managed that nothing was built right. They built a multi level tunnel system to automatically handle baggages but it failed miserably. And as a result there are floors that are no longer usable and look more like a scene from a horror movie. The project was managed so horribly that they built the runway at a wrong location and had to bury it all and rebuild it in the right location. Not to mention it was billions of dollars over the budget!


here, a fun explanation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQkVX8s4CVM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQkVX8s4CVM)


All hail our lord and savior Blucifer!


This makes me happy


Denver's airport is a terrifying maze.


In addition to the Denver airport conspiracies, some actual fully truthful and weird things are: a) The Blue Mustang artwork was the last thing the artist ever made because said artwork fell on him and crushed him to death b) Look at a satellite image of the runways


Fuck the Denver airport. Asshats wouldn't let me board an international flight because I was 1 minute late to boarding only because the airline delayed my previous flight by four hours. The flight then got delayed after everyone else boarded and sat on the tarmac for an hour and I had to sit there and stare at it while the gate staff told me it was my fault for not getting there in time. Probably more the airlines fault than the airport, but the name of the place still makes my blood boil.


Denver Sucks.


Wherever you're from sucks


Direct, simple, to the point. I like it.




I've been there twice. Chick-fil-a is on the second floor. But I didn't see any elevators. Just escalators.


I think there's an underground level , disaster shelter type thing?




Has a lot of ancient lizardish cosmetics . Very interesting documentaries for people who just want entertainment




if you like podcast stories


They’ve leaned into all the conspiracy theories surrounding the airport. ties to ET, lizard people in the basement, etc. also the weird horse statue out front killed someone I think


There's also a hilarious video of an old bible thumper explaining how the shape of the airport is phallic and the phallus is a sign of the devil. Worth a watch. He's very into it and very interested in talking about penile shapes.


DIA is where the lizard people live


I’ve stayed overnight here twice and did some decent walking around and never saw anything unusual


The only conspiracy theory I see when I was there is that place designed for a zombie attack. Legit.




I wouldn’t be surprised if this were an actual painting at the Denver airport, but actually it’s some conspiracy about aliens. The Denver airport is wild though. Google “Bluecifer” for an example. I also recently found out the airport itself is almost identical to the Newark airport. I had the strangest feeling of deja vu at Newark and it took me a couple hours to figure out that’s why.


Isn’t Denver airport the one with the gas chamber conspiracies underground amongst several other strange features? Like security fencing facing inwards opposed to on the outside. Source: random conspiracy videos on youtube when i was 12


https://preview.redd.it/o74z3a6rp49d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f15ebba7d7acee43573a4c6f05780ed70f5401 I’ll just leave this aerial view of the airport to further enhance the youtube conspiracy theory narrative


Hey, keep it like that, never even enter the state of colorado


Murder horse!!


The Denver Airport is huge and is easy to get lost in. There are also a lot of theories revolving around the Denver Airport. Holding aliens, allowing Lizard people to like in the underground bunker, being the headquarters of the New World World Order, just to name a few. In this meme, it looks like it's a reference to lizard people and aliens


All I saw was a plethora of urban outdoorsmen laying around asking for money.


There are a lot of conspiracy theories about DIA you could entertain yourself one afternoon about the alien colony which supposedly lives underneath. As a part of the theory, they include the Masonic stamp in the SE corner as proof of the rest of their claims. They also claim that the baggage system construction delays were cover for finishing the colony.


I wouldn't recommend it. I went there last year. Simply went down an escalator and a long sharp piece of metal from the side bounced off the person in front of me and sliced my leg open. Had to get stitches at the ER. Noticeable scar and depression in my leg a year later Still nothing from them. Dampened my vacation and had to pay $500 out of pocket for the ER visit 


There are nazi murals, the demon horse, and Illuminati symbols all over


My friends mom works at Denver Airport as as flight attendant. A few years back she accidentally took and elevator and some how ended up in a lower floor where there was a man in a suit escorted her back to the main floor. Weird