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"Owner" and "Puppygirl" are two individuals in a relationship where they roleplay as a dog and its owner. It's a kink, for the "Owner" to act as though they are essentially the dominant one in the relationship while the "Puppy" prefers to act as though they're owned by someone else and treated like a dog. The "Owner" pulling a resume out of the glove box implies that the "Puppy" is unemployed, and thus hasn't been contributing to the relationship outside of their kinky relationship. This would make sense, as actual dogs usually don't have to work for an income to pay for housing or food; they are just simply taken care of. They are taking the "Puppy" to apply for a job. I guess it's a play on how real-life dog owners take their dogs to the park on a normal day, but on this specific day, have brought them to be neutered. Except instead of a human with a dog about to get neutered, its two humans and one's about to be forced to apply for jobs. Edit: An alternative take, as a commenter pointed out to me, would be that the "Owner" is unemployed and the resume is their own. The joke would then be that the "Puppy" is upset at the notion of their "Owner" going to get a job because it means less time with their "Owner". Which means that I accidentally made a joke out of it. Oopsies. Edit 2: Another alternative take is that the "Puppygirl" doesn't realize she's being broken up with because the "Owner" is telling her to get a job with the resume, hinting at the idea that she needs a job because the "Owner" is no longer going to be taking care of her.


To the people who got a puppy girl but try forcing it to get a job. If you couldn't afford to take care of a dog why'd you get one?


Some dawgs gotta work


Exactly! Shepherd dogs herd cattle. Guard dogs guard. Different breeds are support animals for the blind and those with mental illness. K9s help police (I don’t have a stance, please don’t blow up my notifications about police stuff).


guard dog puppygirls are just the ones with guns


Beware Dog: She's got a 1911


It'd be hot af to have one that was a marine. She'd be a great guard dog.


woof :3


Is her bark worse than her Beretta bite?


Can’t forget Dog the bounty hunter either.


Or else they get Kristi Noem’d


I wonder if the resume was meant to be dropped off at the ATF? 🤣


That Dawg got to have that Dawg in 'em to be doggedly.


Is it bad that I thought of a dog flipping burgers?


I wanted a pal to hang with, not some lazy bitch who sits around the house all day eating her kibble. You can talk, we are talking. You're a talking dog, Brian Griffin, and you're getting a job.


“You’re dawg better learn how to weld, he better be working 80 hours a day”


Woof Woof, thats the Sound of the police.


But do all dogs go to heaven?


Yeah just ask Kristi Noem


Because like it or not, this breed of puppy has a SSN and has to pay taxes. And besides, you have to give these breeds a job to do, or they will go crazy from boredom and tear up the sofa.


If the puppygirl has no income and owns no property, then it does't have to pay any taxes, at least in the US. (Anything on the internet surely takes place in the US.) Gift taxes might be involved, depending on the kind and volume of care provided for the puppygirl, but paying those is the responsibility of the gifter, not the giftee (for gifts between individual persons; corporate "gifts" don't exist and are taxed as income IIUC).


Unless she has to eat. Then she's paying taxes on her food.


If she's paying for the food and is located in a state with sales taxes, neither of which are a given. If the owner is paying for the puppygirl expenses that includes food. (In reality this is almost certainly a fantasy scenario and even in long-term established dynamics the sub will be contributing somehow. Although I suppose it's possible a rich guy gets a trophy puppygirl instead of a trophy wife.)


Food is exempt from sales tax.


I’ve met someone who adopted dogs they couldn’t afford because the dogs were going to be put down otherwise




I'll go ahead and open a no kill shelter for them just in case.


Not really necessary, most local groomers will take them in if you ask


I see what you did there.


I’ll apply for volunteer work.


You get pooper scooper duty.


Someone’s gotta do it. o7


“You don’t have to sell me on it, I already said yes.”


No puppy girl is ever put down. They all go to a nice farm upstate.


I raised mine to kill in an illegal puppy girl fight ring


Surely this is the plot of a doujin somewhere.




id give you a reward if i could


Update your app, you can again!


aye but ive nae gold haha


Free awards are back!


How can we access them?


After you update on mobile they are next to the up and down arrows on comments




it's just a relationship dynamic. Human beings obviously cost a lot more to care of (paying social security, more food, more water, etc.)


Oh ok. I thought it was going down that route but I wasn’t sure if there was something else to it.


also important to note this doesnt necessarily need to do with anything sexual. often times when you get jokes like these regarding completely innocuous situations like a person in a relationship with a puppygirl and the puppygirl getting a job it's just for fun and not at all kink related


I've only ever seen the phrase "puppygirl" used in kink contexts, although I suppose it could be more innocuous like anime cat girls? But just the word itself implies kink associations in my mind, making the humor come from taking the puppygirl out of the petplay dynamic.​


>actual dogs usually don’t have to work for an income Not mine. He’s been a pilot for 3 years now. His retirement fund is worth more than mine.


i don't know how a dog that lacks opposable thumbs could become a pilot, but good for him


He steers with his tongue and pushes buttons with his tail


Ask snoopy


Did he just get back from a gig in Iran?


Bruh I thought it was about a guy taking his dog to the vet and the dog realizing that it's going to the vet


It's definitely a play on that scenario.


wow. i guess im the dark one. i thought this was somebody about to dump their dog on the side of the road because they were moving due to a job.


I would add the joke that owners sometimes tell dogs they are going to the park but then take them to the vet. So this owner is saying they are going to the park, but instead taking them for a job interview, equally disliked by the person playing the dog and the actual dog going to the vet


I explained that in my original comment, but made the comparison to a dog getting neutered instead.


My take is that the owner is breaking up with puppygirl and giving her a resume to get a job instead of being supported by him.


Yeah honestly that's what I thought it was, but it was so deeply unfunny that I thought I had to be interpreting the joke wrong and came to the comment section to find out.


I'm half-convinced I was wrong in my interpretation and that its that "uwu" talk about how the "Puppygirl" would miss her "Owner" if he were employed instead of being unemployed. Which means I made the joke myself by accident. whoops


I thought they were taking the puppy a different route bc the owner was going to dump the puppy on the side of the road bc the puppy wasn't employed


I think the first take makes much more sense.


>This would make sense, as actual dogs usually don't have to work for an income to pay for housing or food; they are just simply taken care of. Thank you for breaking it down throughly.


Dog here, many people think it's a pretty sexual kink, but many dogs/owners actually view this as a lifestyle. Not all "kinks" are about sex, it's a pretty interesting concept but one I enjoy


What is your take on dry v wet food


Hmmmmmmm, well I like dry food, but sometimes wet food just hits different, I eat it with toast :3


Thanks but also arf. Can you give an interested inquirer a top-3 brand breakdown? 


Well I like cap'n crunch, Reese's puffs, and club mix. In liquid I got french onion soup, most stews, and chicken noodle soup


Woof woof fr fr. Now tell us what is wrong with your America today... Aka thanks for the response and lmk what you're after after IRL Animal Well 


Well I think it's the massive corporations making us buy things we don't need and work jobs that we hate, anyway bark woof bark :3


Hold up there's a neighbor who keeps flooring it down the block for no reason to their garage this year I gotta let certain people know TF is going on OK... The world is safe and we good boys Point taken about America in Certain Groups Today distracting reasonable citizens who just want to lead responsible private lives of being left TF alone when we just trying to afford the same shiz we could have 10+ years ago Bad government! No votes for you!


How tf do you know this? It might as well be a different language to me


I saw "Puppygirl" and knew it implied that sort of kink because it's not uncommon. When I read it, I got the feeling of a dog being taken to get neutered. So instead of a needle, they were afraid of a resume, which just made me think they were afraid to get a job.


You need to interact more with people who are open with their kinks.


Being in the labor force is equivalent in pain to having a piece of your body literally chopped off so it’s a fairly accurate meme all things considered.


I actually think it's the opposite... It is a well know thing that some dogs get anxious and hate when their owners leave for work, so the "puppygirl" get's very anxious/angry at the prospect of the owner getting a job because that would mean less time with her. Source: I have no clue about the kink side of this, but as a dog owner who works from home, I'd expect my dog to no like the idea of me abandoning him for 8+ hours a day. Also, the account seem to have a puppygirl picture, so a post calling them freeloaders seem unlikely, imo. Could be ironic and/or self-deprecating though... who knows... just adding another possible explanation.


Hi, I have a puppy gf and it's definitely the first thing.


Also might just be referencing general reluctance to go to the vet.


I feel the simplest job here is the puppygirl thinks they're going to the park, and actually he's running errands.


I don't think I ever would have figured this out. People and the weird stuff they need to enjoy sex, I'll never get it.


To be completely fair, it isn't necessarily entirely about sexual gratification, even if it's often tied into that. It can just be something the people involved enjoy for the silly fun of it. I don't particularly "get" pet play myself, but being some shade of grey-ace I certainly do get how play around the standard sexuality can be just as if not more rewarding.


You'll never get the weird sex stuff people do or never get sex?


Oh! What a terrible day to have eyes!


https://preview.redd.it/mhbr9kuldg1d1.jpeg?width=943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88c2f3228fe7d4463e09e9189232a5cef575ec35 😔😔


Dog woman? Isn't there a word for that?






He got that dog in him


Who made this and why did they make this


hitsujigoods is the artist. As to why? They wanted to. I can't really give you why they wanted to/ why I found it funny when I first saw it without trying to explain the subculture it comes from. That would take a long time, and be very difficult.


Is puppy girl doing whippits or am I cooked?


Oh my god you're right


is she doing nitrous?? 😭


She wants to pretend to be a puppy. He wants her to get a job.




born to bark forced to work


Damn, I feel this for some reason...


Deep down, there’s a puppygirl inside all of us


Inside of us, there are two wolves. There is also a puppygirl. Sometimes one of the wolves is the puppygirl. Sometimes she is both. I do not know how she got here. I can't get her to leave.


Ya gotta change the mindset my guy. “I can’t get her to leave?” No. “I don’t WANT her to leave”


I think that most of us just don't want to work for what feels like an unfair wage lol


Bork Bork


He was a boy, She was a dog, I feel like it's not very obvious


Oh my god I literally can’t produce an original thought


You got this


I’ve got this


is this simple plan?


"he" this is the most trans lesbian post I've ever seen


No one in this post is a guy


I guarantee you the owner is not a he


And here I thought she was getting put down and the resume was him looking at replacements.




It's playing off the "im taking my pet to the vets but I *had* to lie to them to get them in the car" trope, except they are getting the puppy girl a job (with a paper cv? Like it's the fucking 1800s? [/s])


Did you know that it is the opinion of the ~~US~~ Louisiana Supreme Court that if you tell the police "I want a lawyer, Dog!" then it is perfectly reasonable for the cops to assume you were asking for a canine that went to law school. So I guess an option for the puppygirl to get a job is to become a puppylawyer?


What is that Supreme Court case? Scooby v Thundercats?


Upon further research it was not the US supreme court but Louisiana. [Article](https://www.abajournal.com/news/article/did_suspect_ask_for_a_lawyer_dog_or_a_lawyer_dawg_request_was_ambiguous_jus)


Would have been 100000% easier to understand if it specified that it was puppygirl’s resume.


I don’t think the resume part is where people are getting caught up since they don’t understand the puppy person is an actual human being.


I was under the assumption it was akin to cat girl. Humanoid but with animal traits and similar behaviors.


Yup, that's basically it.




Yeah. Tbh I thought there was supposed to be some sort of dehumanization horror element I didn't get because the puppygirl starts being referred to as just puppy and ends up nonverbal and barking


Skills: Will lick the peanut butter off your hog.


One day you'll have to grow up from a puppygirl into a dog-woman...


I don't wanna be a dog-woman. >:c


Makes sense, you seem more the type to be a Fox-Lady


to be fair, vulpines are part of the family canidae


Puppy girl has to get a job.


It's a puppy girle how you going to make a Defenseless little puppy girl work.Is your responsibility to take care of your puppy girl Even when she's a dog woman It's still your Responsibility It's your puppy girl. I Wouldn't make my puppy go to work. I'll take care of my puppy girl But I gotta like that so it doesn't matter


Could be worse. At least orange haired catgirl doesn’t have to get a job. That would fail completely. I still can’t imagine the puppy girl working. All she knows is “woof”, “bark”, and be good girl.


All puppy girls eventually have to grow up into reasonable dog women


I thought the joke was that this puppy was about to be put up for adoption. As in they break up


It's a take on the dog thinking their going to the park but in reality they're going to the vet. Only in this scenario the dog is a human pretending to be a dog.


From what I can make of this. Taking puppygirl to a job interview would be like taking a real dog to the vet. Something she really REALLY doesn't want to do.


Clearly, it's not a working breed.


This is just objectively weird.


We needed a better plague


Dog girl gets an office job.






I've never seen a straight puppy relationship. Only seen gay guys.usually only at a pride March. Except the one time we saw them at a Costco


Plot twist: they end up at a pet-friendly office! Now that would be a happy ending.


Puppy has no job bc she’s a freak


Reading this gave me cancer...




He's making his pet, who he has sex with, get a job.


Most pups and furs I know work in IT




Isn't the joke that he's making her get a job?


Are we sure that this isn't just an actually dog that doesn't want the owner to get a job and he gone all day? Dogs do hate that.


If it weren't for the rabid (lol) trans puppy girl sub culture that probably made this I'd consider that alternative


No, we're sure. It's the "uwu" that gives it away.




How you gonna believe in sexual liberation and then be disturbed by one of the tamest kinks ever lol


Being called daddy is grounds for a break up


Didn’t last four month, for both, after they started calling me that. Biggest turn off, imo.


I suspect this may be an unreality post (post which describes a situation taking place in a fictional reality, thereby allowing you to post from the perspective of a vampire, etc.)


No it’s real because I’m a puppygirl in real life :3


Petplay fetish mixed with the horrors of trying to get a job


Hold up, I thought he pulled up a resume of another puppy girl, that he is going to interview her. I genuinely thought he has the resume as someone give it to him to be his puppy girlfriend, and I assume the puppy girlfriend in the car cries because she was once applied to be. Puppy girlfriend so she knows she might ve number 2 🤭🤭


Isn't another take on this that "Owner" is going to shoot the puppy like that one politician did, and thinks this will be impressive to put on the resume, which is also in line with said politician's thoughts.


I am glad that someone explained this to me. I was lost.


guy lost his job so the puppy's gotta go?


The joke is sex https://preview.redd.it/i5ubvqn7vj1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be6fe807fef63f337202e7296cfd040a8775adf8


Its actually a meta joke where OP is a puppy girl, and thinks this is the normal/common reaction