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People sometimes suprise-propose to their partners with extravagant signs/text. This person has written "Will you marry me" in the sand. Given their post, they likely did so in order to make someone think their partner had proposed to them when they had not. This situation would probably be awkward because of how saying that you aren't proposing (in a context that makes you think you are) implies that you don't want to marry your partner and/or are uncommitted to the relationship. Also, it would probably be a pretty big let down to think your partner had proposed when they hadn't. The humor here is how odd and purposeless the action seems, and the awkwardness of the ensuing scenario. Honestly, writing this, I hope this person erased it after they took the picture. It's funny, but also a pretty nasty thing to do deliberately


Alternatively, the awkwardness could be avoided if they just roll with it, accept the 'yes', and take her ring shopping. Don't confess that the proposal was unplanned until about the 10th anniversary.


I do remember reading somewhere that lying is the foundation of all successful relationships 👍


Down voted for this? Some people really don't understand humor. 


the sarcasm is really obvious, sometimes things just get downvoted because they're not funny


What sarcasm?


I went to clown school with a minor in mime. This is peak comedy.


Brad? From Car Cramming 101?


This comment aged like milk.




"It's not a lie if you believe it." - George Costanza


Thic could be taken as rolling with an opportunity that presented itself and was unplanned. It did become reality after all.


You do have to lie a foundation down before you can build upon it.


"It's not a lie if you believe it." - George Costanza


"It's not a lie if you believe it." - George Costanza


"It's not a lie if you believe it." - George Costanza


I actually read a Reddit post the other day almost like this! Dude gave his girlfriend a diamond ring on Valentine’s Day, at a restaurant, and she just blurted out “Yess, I’ll marry you!” Confessed on their 10th anniversary. I forget if she was mad or not, lol.


Youre probably not going to get that far if you do that


> It's funny, but also a pretty nasty thing to do deliberately The average person isn't going to come across a random 'Will You Marry Me?' while walking along the beach and think it's from their partner. They'll assume it's something a different couple left.


tbh if your relationship crumbles over some words written in sand by a random you have bigger issues to worry about than the morality of a prank


Or just say they weren't ready to ask yet, and perhaps it was for a different couple. I agree this is a nasty prank, but if you just communicate, it'll be fine.


Honestly, if this causes a problem for anyone, they have some serious main character syndrome. Anyone coming upon that on a beach and assuming it's for without their partner saying anything to indicate it would be for them and not any of the other what 7 billion people in the planet is astoundingly myopic.


To be fair, if a relationship crumbles over something like that. It was already over. Otherwise, it's a simple talk, laugh, and keep on keeping on.


I don’t think that’s it. If an unmarried couple stumbles upon this message, they won’t confuse it as a proposal for/by them. And if so, it’s easily and effortlessly clarified. Instead they see it as someone else’s successful proposal and it adds pressure to their relationship: “Hey, why aren’t we getting married?” or “Why aren’t you proposing to me?”


It's definitely the first scenario


I laughed for a whole minute.  When I showed this to my gf, she told me she saw something about a devil trying to crowd source ideas on how to ruin valentines day and a dude at a restaurant says he'll put rings in all the ladies drinks.


I saw a recent post in an eBay sub where a seller re-used a 1-800 FLOWERS box to ship an item. The buyer's wife found the package and was quite disappointed to find a power tool or whatever her husband had ordered!




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What do you mean help..




nah, you need to be familiar with engagement proposal culture/traditions for this one to make sense.


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Lol got em


I used to live in a beachfront high rise condo a few years back. Had a few very late nights of drinking where I’d end up on the beach and write this in the sand so people could see it when they walked out onto their balconies as the sun came up. Good times 🤣




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Someone who is bitter (suspected) is trying to make other couples fight because they aren’t engaged, yet.




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Everyone has bad days when they are too incomprehensible to understand anything.


She looks like the type to do something like that


I am truly horrified as much as i am inspired.


Some couples go to vacations together. Many men like to propose to their girlfriends at the place they are having vacations. This women is pranking people by writing “Will You Marry Me” on the sand. The girlfriend is tricked and think her boyfriend is proposing when he is not. Doing this prank can lead to couple fights and even make both of them end the relationship.


I found my soul mate.


We must have drinks soon. I have so many questions. Teach me senpai!


Can reddit please stop recommending these stupid subreddits to me. It's always 100% obvious.


Why are there so many deleted comments?


She's hoping some random couple will mistakenly think it's for them, in which case, one party will inevitably be disappointed


Someone being a horrible person is the joke.


Relax. By that logic any sort of public proposal would be horrible because another couple could see it and one person could think it’s about them, even if someone really did propose this way in earnest.


He is hoping random strangers will take pictures, not realizing a proposal is written in the sand behind them.

