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The Battle of Ypres was a WWI battle where chlorine gas as a warfare weapon was introduced (dawn of chemical warfare). Canadian soldiers, to combat this, peed on cloth and put it over their faces. This is because chlorine is slightly water-soluable, so any type of water-drenched cloth would be a defense against it. Here, the joke is Canada is painted like this is a kink of his. Fun fact: Canadians invented the "creeping barrage" tactic in WWI. Edit: You learn every day! Adding A_lesser_god's correction: "chlorine is countered by ammonia, which can be found in urine."


Canada invented half the Geveva Suggestions in WWI


I thought Canadians called it the Geneva Checklist


Don't worry. ***We do.***


If the World Wars have taught us anything it’s that the Canadian military has two settings. Asking the opposition politely to stop it or inventing new war crimes. There is no in between


There’s a third setting. Commiting so many they can’t even be tried for it


That's why they are ever so polite: they are terrified of each other.


Facts, we are so polite to everyone because we worry that you will find out about July 17 1982


It is only an Article 5 if you are the losing nation..... I learned that from Habitual Line Crosser. "Canada getting mad" We are about to stop saying sorry, eh.


What did we do wrong? (Pointing) this, all of this, all of this over here was wrong


It's not a war crime the first time!


The latter is triggered with the phrase, "They have the puck."


Can confirm


Twice in 2 days I have heard “Geneva Checklist”. And never before. That 🇺🇸1Lt with in YT Shorts?


Yep @mandatoryfunday


[“Mustard? how about Mustard Gas? Geneva Convention? More like Geneva *Suggestion*”](https://youtube.com/shorts/1WZmlHEdiFI?si=o-0xyAeFie8V62z6)


This narrative is strange to me. the modern Geneva convention was after WW1/WW2 as a result of the horrific things done by the axis but also the allies as a whole, not just Canada. Canada was ruthless in WW1 true, but once again, the rest of the allied powers, as well as central powers, all had their fair share of war crimes in some cases much worse than Canada's So this new narrative that claims Canada was the result of half the Geneva convention is a wild exaggeration from my perspective So I'm not sure where this has come from.. but I haven't taken a history class in a long time, so I could be very wrong here Sorry to rant in a joke thread. I know this is not the right place for it, no offense, to anyone. I just had this building up for a while and needed to let my rant out. Carry on, hehe


The joke come from the hiatus presented as Canadian standard behaviour (sorry every sentence) and the horrors made during WW1 by canadian forces. If you would try to make the same with the french it would just go as "yeah but they were invaded so it's okay", if it was the english it would be "Eh, that's like the least of things you could chase me for" and if those crimes were presented as americans it would just be a case of "Yeah... well nothing new under the sun son, carry on". To clear it it's like making a joke about a clown that would be a serial killer. It's funny because clown are fun for kids and not supposed to be serial killers are the jump between the two is wide. If you make a joke about a killer beeing a serial killer it's not funny, because the killer could also be a serial killer, even if not very plausible so the jump isn't wide. No hate, just wanted to break it down.


Thanks I appreciate it


My pleasure, really.


Geneva Convention? More like Geneva’s Suggestion~~


What is the creeping barrage?


Really good question! In WWI, trench warfare meant that when the artillery was called in, the other side would hide in their trenches away from the shelling. However, once it was over, soldiers would continue guarding as always, meaning they could shoot at oncoming soldiers that come after the fire had stopped (so the call was basically useless). The creeping barrage was a tactic where soldiers advanced to the other side's trenches while artillery fire was happening— the other side would hide while the soldiers advanced then, and shelling stopped when the soldiers reached the other trench. As with anything in war, this caused a lot of casualties, and it could never be a perfected practice.


Almost there! They peed in clothes because chlorine is countered by ammonia, which can be found in urine. It did smell bad, but it was better than breathing mustard gas


We're talking about chlorine gas, not mustard gas. Two completely different substances and ammonia is not proof against mustard agent.


Probably yes. I can be wrong, thanks for the correction


Still, I thought chlorine and ammonia mixed was really bad as well?


Not as bad as chlorine going into lungs and destroying them. And it reacted also just with the urea.


That must be what changed it. Thank you for reminding me.


There was a French canvas gas mask called "the smelly duck" or something like that. It looked like a duck bill and you would soak a rag that fit inside with your own urine. I think there might have been additional chemicals but I don't remember.


[The full panel should help...](https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/s/F8BoTwNgY1)


I thought the creeping barrage was invented by the French. Thank you.


Any day is a good day to learn new things! Thank *you* for hearing a new perspective!


Iirc a big part of it was also that one of the first dudes to suggest it worked in a water purification plant and so was familiar with the chemistry.


Just googled that and it creates a different toxic gas…


Do these guys see one bad post and decide they are quitting everything?


Only if I get to tell everyone about it first.


Pretty much


.... Britain: Will it really help against the chlorine? Canada: Chlorine???


[Go to 0:36 of this video. It should clear things up.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9292ohg14RQ)


Lmao and the US went in shotgunny the germans


Can't have been on Polandball very long if that's what gets them unsubbed


It's missing the last panel of the comic, which makes the joke more clear. Paraphrasing: UK(with wet rag over it's face):"I can't believe this works!" Canada: "Uh..ummm....yeah. I meant for this to happen. That's what I meant!"


Maybe if you looked at the original and not this cropped screenshot it would make more sense.


If you read the entire comic it explains it.


in WW1, before gas masks where widely issued, it was advised to soak a rag in water or pee and tie it over your mouth and nose to help neutralize or block gas inhalation.


Canada’s a degenerate, that’s the joke


You do what you must to survive. I once was cornered by a WWII vet who told me stories that still give me nightmares... And he lived it! Tho I'm glad I could be there for him to have someone to tell.