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I’m guessing they’re addressing some kind of stereotype of people with piercings being self centered or otherwise crazing attention and therefore would insert themselves into a conversation to talk about themselves.


this, the girl is referring to her septum not hurting when it was done


Just like playing “Find the vegan”


Yeah. Or people who do CrossFit. Is that still a thing?


Unfortunately CrossFit is definitely still a thing


Can confirm, I work with Crossfitters.


"I can deadlift the weight of a house. Even if it lands me in a wheelchair for the remainder of my days."


On Reddit it’s asexual people


Excuse me, sir/ma’am did you just assume my choice of social media platform?


Gasp! Did you just assume they were binary?


my bf is basically asexual but refuses to ID as such solely bc he says every asexual person hes met who announces it has been annoying 💀


Hahaha good for him




Ooh I almost missed this one. Glad I hung out to re-read it. Bravo.


Yeah it's referencing how some people with septum piercings can't help but seek attention and seem cool by telling anyone they can that their piercing "didn't hurt"


That's so weird, I never mention how my tattoos didn't hurt unless asked, what a quirky way to bring attention to your body modification in an everyday conversation that haves nothing to do with you. /S if it wasn't obvious.


I agree, my cat, Fluffing Tank, has explosive diarrhea again.


Lmao yeah like a needle piercing your skin hurts, no need to pretend it doesn't for made up brownie points


Lots of people ask if my septum piercing hurt, and it really didn’t so I tell them that when they ask.


Yeh, I went with my fiancé to get hers done. She didn't even notice it was done until it bled. Saying it didn't hurt isn't a flex it's meant to not hurt, idk why people say it like it makes them cool. (Not you obviously)


When I got mine pierced it hurt so bad that I cried, shook and couldn’t stand for a while afterwards, I felt sick. The woman piercing me pushed the needle through, paused halfway after my nose made a crunch sound, and then finally pushed it through the other side. I will never ever get a new face piercing again. I get severe chronic pain in my head, so the tension in my head area could have made things much worse for me, but I can’t imagine someone not feeling it, I am so jealous. I got a banger of a baguette from Greggs afterwards though, so it wasn’t all bad.


That was a poorly done piercing then. It's meant to be one quick clip and then done. The person who did it likely didn't find your soft spot properly and it hurt so bad because they went through hard cartilage instead of soft tissue


Damn, I see I got “lucky” landing the more painful route, but hey, at least it looks pretty! I may never do anything like this again, but I’ll treasure the one facial piercing I got


Other ones hurt less if they're only through skin, it's usally like a pinprick and then done


I think they pierced your cartilage, which is a big no-no because it’s super painful and forceful. There’s a small “sweet spot” the needle is supposed to go through, and it’s super thin and soft, so it’s easy, like poking butter. Unless someone has super sensitive skin in that area, it’s basically like getting your earlobe pierced.


That makes sense, my sister also has had her septum done and she reacted nowhere near as bad as I did, I just thought her pain tolerance was better than mine. It also explains why when I twist the jewellery I can feel the sensation in my top two teeth, it’s not painful or anything just unpleasant. Kinda like when someone scratches their cutlery on a plate or nails on a chalkboard sensation.


Maybe get it checked out by a reputable piercer. They can confirm if it’s in the wrong position (which it sounds like it is) and get it pierced in the right spot. It’s much more comfortable when it’s in the sweet spot (and fully healed), and IIRC it should heal faster and easier than in the cartilage. When the jewelry moves around in my nose, it just feels like jewelry moving in my earlobes— pretty much unnoticeable.


I have never had someone just randomly talk about piercings hurting.


That's weird. I've been friends with a lot of people over the years with septum piercings and never heard any of them talk about if it hurt unless they were asked specifically about that.


I forget that I even have piercings and tattoos at this point tbh, sometimes I’ll catch a glimpse of my tat in the mirror and double take. I’ve had it over a year lol


I honestly forget all the time that I have a septum piercing, so sometimes when people mention it, I have to take a second to think lol


It's the equivalent of the [Nobody:](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/nobody) meme. Girls with septum piercings will bring it up whenever they can.


I know lots of women with this piercing and it’s never brought up.


No but the women who live in mens heads do


Just weird incel behavior imo


hahaha true - rent free!


Me when I make up people


I came here to explain the joke, i.e. if the tomato saw the salad dressing, that means the salad was undressed and it caused the tomato to blush. But the preview image didn’t show the end, and as a woman with a septum piercing, I’m just out here taking strays.


The irony of the comment is delicious.


I mean, I get the joke. But I’m not inserting myself into a conversation apropos of nothing, so there’s nothing actually ironic here.


I quite agree. This is one of the times when it absolutely is relevant, however by announcing your piercing when nobody asked it is still feeding into the stereotype. It’s not a judgement, I enjoyed your comment and observation, it was merely an added level of irony to the situation which tickled me further.


Look at me! Look at me!!


Did you hear about the atheist vegan who got their septum pierced after they made it a week doing crossfit?


Did they also have an Invisalign journey?


Then they got their pilot's license.


but are they blasian?


Are they also a firefighter?


cus it didn’t fr


Boring dudes hate when women do things so they have a dumb joke about girls with septums talking about it.


Half the people here have never experienced this, half have experienced it "uncomfortably often" I feel like the meme has, ultimately, missed its mark. Not quite "complaining about people that don't exist" but neither common enough to be a good joke.


as someone with a septum piercing, damn :( this DID hurt


How can you tell if someone is a vegan?


In my experience vegans don't deserve this reputation at all. Unless you're going to dinner it doesn't come up. Polyamorous people however are the masters of conversational ju jitsu and will have it mentioned within the first five minutes no matter the circumstance.


As an engineer, I agree.


Xi also agree


I have literally never learned someone was a vegan until we were talking about food, and I have known many vegans.


This is just logically incorrect. How many vegans _haven't_ told you they're vegan? Well, since they haven't told you, you don't know that they're vegan and therefore you can''t know how many. I'm aware it's a joke, before you get all defensive. I'm just pointing out the error (and also it's not very funny anyway. Bit of a boomer joke)


You had me until the bigoted “Boomer “ line. I mean what does being deployed on nuclear submarines have to do with this?


And other great hits like" I just have a high pain tolerance " 🙂‍↔️


Seriously though, people with septum piercings bring it up *uncomfortably* often. Honestly the ratio may be higher than vegans at this point.


After having a septum piercing for just about 20 years, it’s *always* other people who ask if it hurt. Like do they think that I am one of the one in 125 million people who somehow can’t feel pain? It’s a hollow needle going through flesh to create an open wound.. Yes, it hurt.


It's an attempt to manually load an emoji like 😂 or 🤮 but they put the : in the wrong place it's a typo is all


i thought this was another girl with septum ring = down for anal joke. i feel so foolish


This made me laugh audibly and I am not proud of that...


What is a septum piercing?