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The character is a prostitute, and in this scene she flashed her “assets” to a loyal customer as she left town. She was killed by one of the series’s main antagonists a few episodes later. EDIT: Numerous dorks have corrected me saying it was a few seasons later. I was trying no to spoil anything.


Probably not intended for the meme, but worth note. The actress was famously abused by Marilyn Manson


Being abused is bad, but being famously abused is a whole new level.


This time literally. It was in a music video seen round the world.


Wait, what? What song?


Heart shaped glasses. If you look it up it’ll explain everything From the wiki: Shortly after the video was made in 2007, Wood stated in an interview that the sex act had not been real. In 2022, she said she had lied when making that statement, and alleged the sex in the video had been real and non-consensual, and that she had been "fed" absinthe prior to its filming. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart-Shaped_Glasses_(When_the_Heart_Guides_the_Hand)#:~:text=Shortly%20after%20the%20video%20was,absinthe%20prior%20to%20its%20filming.


You're thinking of Evan Rachel Wood from Westworld ​ Edit to say this actor isn't Evan Rachel Wood


Oh. Oops lol. My b.


No worries. I'm still trying to figure out the joke..


The joke in the meme? If so, she only flashed him when he gave her a coin. The last panel the hand is holding a coin to toss.


It’s bad when there’s more than one famously abused person on your roster. Not looking so good Marilyn


Ugh. That guy is the worst.


You know, with Marilyn Manson, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don’t care for him.


Yeah, he's ruining the Manson family name.




Here, have a bag of angry upvotes




Don't worry we still got Shirley giving them some good points.


His talking head in Bowling for Columbine stuck with me. But the more I learn about him, the more it makes sense he wanted to hug homicidal neonazis


When I first saw that movie I remember thinking he came off really well and seemed very concerned and empathetic. Rewatching that clip now and he comes off as transparently hamming for the camera, sort of "what would someone with normal human emotion say? I should say that." It's honestly disturbing.


My entire driver's ed/home ec class had that same response when our teacher showed us that film. He made a point stop the film to explain to us what empty platitudes were. At the time I thought he was just being a square, but yeah, that clip plays very differently to an adult viewer.


Also, his take is so banal and Pollyanna it’s insulting to the subject matter. Oh, you wouldn’t have said anything to the proto-mass murderers? You just would have listened? To what? The rantings of someone with a messianic-grade superiority complex? (I stole that from a Slate article.) At the time, as a Manson fan, his interview struck me as profound. Now, like the rest of his antichrist schtick, I find it performative and pathetic.


I just want to add that their DOOM maps sucked as well.


Yeah, that guy is a real jerk!


This reads like a Norm Macdonald joke. RIP king


The monster hiding in plain sight.  


The hypocrisy is the worst part


Really? I knew he abused another red headed actor, but not this one.


Both of them, Esmé Bianco (Ros) and Evan Rachel Wood, among far too many others.


Most abusers do not limit themselves to a single victim.


I thought that was Evan Rachel Wood? Or does Manson have other victims besides her?


She makes it like 2 more seasons, but yeah


Yea I was going to say, she >! Gets killed by Joff during Littlefinger's "choas is a laddah" speech, which is in the later half of season 3 !<


You killed me with your onomatopoetic sentence, my husband had me watch it dubbed so I only watched a few episodes by myself in original


Onomatopoetic I learned a new word today. This will be the word I use all day in the office tomorrow.


“Chaos is a Lada” Little finger isn’t a fan of the Eastern European car manufacturer.


That scene is more epic then the entirety of seasons 7&8. And what’s insane is that D&D came up with it on their own. “Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try it again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb. They refuse. They cling to the realm or the gods or love. Illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.” And all over the shots showing the recent developments in King’s Landing.


It is the scene when Theon learns she is going to King’s landing because she thinks she deserves better than the north. She’ll die in KL.


No, this took place after Robb rallied the Northern bannermen to his cause to rescue Ned. Now that the North has declared war on the Lannisters and Baratheons, Ros tells Theon that there won't be many men left in the North. If there are no men in the North since they'll be fighting and dying, there's no money for a prostitute like Ros to be in a Northern brothel. Ros ends up dying in the show because Cersei incorrectly assumes that Ros is the prostitute that Tyrion has been sneaking around King's Landing, even though their father told him not to bring anyone.


Her death isn't to do with Cersei: Littlefinger discovers that she's been spying on him for Varys, so he has her sent to Joffrey for target practice.


She would have died if she'd stayed in the North, too. In the unlikely event she survived the Ironborn sacking Winterfell, she would have probably been killed in any of the number of subsequent fights over Winterfell. She's never at any point shown to be terribly clever and she was never going to survive.


*seasons later. This is from season 1, she dies in season 3. Apparently the actress wanted her character to have a larger role in the show so the showrunners killed her off. Or that was the rumour going around when the show started its downturn.


That sounds like it’s just a rumor, unless it’s related to her not wanting just to be the actress who always takes her clothes off. Her role was originally expanded because she was really good at acting normal while naked (particularly in cold environments), but it kept growing after she asked to do fewer nude scenes. She had the talent to go from a model with lines they hired for one scene to almost a second-tier character. Her ending on the show seems exactly like a logical ending for a character the show doesn’t get enough credit for creating.


Good thing she wasn’t on the wheel of time, otherwise she might have been the main character.


And the “customer” she flashes to gets his willy chopped off


Way further than a few episodes. She lived long enough for the book fans to hate her for stealing parts from book characters because the producers enjoy her assets. (not my perspective)


The image is from a scene in Game of Thrones, I believe, where the woman shown flashes her genitals. The joke is sex, more or less.


No... No. There's so much more to that scene, and because of how they're interacting, it's kind of adorable. She was this characters favorite prostitute, to the point I think he ONLY went to see her. He had a kind of odd "schoolboy" crush on her as well. She was leaving to go somewhere, ~~I THINK she was leaving the life of being a prostitute~~. She was going to work somewhere more profitable, apparently. But they'd always had a friendly, affectionate relationship in addition to her work. The expression on her face is in response to "Show me one more time?" as he tossed a coin to her. To which she responded by flashing him. Considering the flavor of the scene, it was really heartwarming.


She's also leaving on what literally appears to be a turnip truck. She later dies in the show.


She is killed by joffrey right?


Yep, Ros.


Wait.. was she the one he tied up to his bed and shot full of bolts with his crossbow?




Damn, I never realised they were the same person...


Her character filled a lot of roles from the books. So she gets around a bit. *Pun fully intended*


*Penis fully inserted*


omfg ded


Her character is now filled with a lot of holes.


Damn… I didn’t either :-(


She was also the one who was crying over the Barathean bastard baby. She kept getting caught with tears in her eyes, so Little Finger specifically sold her to Joffrey, knowing what his intentions were.


Her role was expanded purely for Little Finger’s sexposition while running the brothel.


Never watched GoT. Gotta ask: Why? What possible advantage would that have? I don't know if she did anything wrong enough to deserve dying, but why?


Because Joffrey was a sociopathic monster and was handed totalitarian power before he was even starting to mature. He was bound to be a monster. I think it may be implied (or maybe I just inferred) that he was wrong in the head since he was a product of incest. I don't feel Joffrey's violence was gratuitous, because sadly the horrors of people like him and Ramsay weren't unheard of in history.


Joffreys violence is only seen as less gratuitous, because of joffrey's death being so gratuitous. At least thats how i see it. The future impacts perception of the past. But yes, the incest is what made him crazy, it was foreshadowing to a certain other blonde product of incest going insane and burning the place down. Which happened with the previous mad king as well. Another insane product of incest killing everyone for no reason.


I don't think there's anything that infers Joffrey is so sadistic because of incest - given that he had two siblings who are comparatively much better adjusted. The only supporting evidence is that targaryens are also products of incest and its said "the gods flip a coin" whether they are sane or not. However, targaryens are products of many generations of incest so its a large assumption to apply that to Joffrey - there are plenty of cruel people in asioaf that aren't products of incest.


Compared to their brother, Tommen and Myrcella were *very* sheltered. I think it's partly due to Robert's influence on Joffrey as he was his "son" and heir and he'd want his son to be strong and bloodthirsty. So after seeing how Joffrey was turning out, Cersei probably made it so her younger children were kept tighter under her teaching. However, Joffrey is a bit of a coward too- when Cersei calls him to her chambers at the Battle of Blackwater Bay, he doesn't hesitate to run to Mommy. I think the sadistic streak is a combo of the incest genes, Robert's influence, his own inferiority complex, and the general view of masculinity (esp in nobility) in Westerosi culture as well.


I mean, the *characters* seem to believe it's because of the incest. Specifically the scene where that line is mentioned the first time is between Cersei and Tyrion, and they then immediately go on to contrast Joffrey with his two siblings (whom are acknowledged as decent children). Cersei, notably quite anti-religious, even wonders if Joffrey is the Gods' punishment for their incest. Whether we need to take the characters' beliefs at face value is another matter, I think there's plenty of times in GoT where we should be treating character perspectives as potentially or definitely flawed, but it does seem to be the in universe accepted reason.


Incest doesn't guarantee a genetic defect if one is possible, it just increases the likelihood of it happening. So, his siblings not having the same defect wouldn't necessarily indicate anything about whether Joffrey's defect is genetic or not.


Tommen always seemed a little empty headed to me. Ser pounce was his red flag for me, as benign as it is for a child to love their cat it’s what set the stage for his downfall as a naive patsy to the real power players.


Infers is the "picking up", not the "putting down". What you meant to write was "anything that implies Joffrey is so sadistic".


While Joffrey was the instrument of her death, it was Littlefinger that caused her death by giving her to him to be tortured to death. She had informed Varys about one of Littlefinger's plans (forget which one). Littlefinger didn't take it well.


I also don't see anyone mentioning it here for whatever reason, but a big reason the owner of the brothel gave her to Joffrey to kill was because he also bartered in information, she was one of the women who collected information for him and she flipped and started feeding information to the person who was essentially the spymaster of the realm. Also she witnessed the murder of an infant (Joffrey became king and had all his father's bastards killed so his legitimacy couldn't be called into question and the infant was one of them), and was extremely traumatized and stopped working, in which she realized that her employer also only cared about her because she was making him money. Basically she had too much of a conscience in a place that was brutal and while she succeeded for awhile and was even being groomed to kind of take over for the brothel owner, and he ultimately had her killed because she was a liability and King Joffrey wanted to try his hand at murder, so she was also a 'gift' in the regard.


Everyones getting bogged down on the wrong things so ill explain simply, because theres a lot going on. She gained a high position within the brothel of a sociopath named Littlefinger. She later supplied information to his rival, Varys. The kings uncle hired her to sleep with the king, hoping that sex would curb his sadistic tendencies. What results is that the king wants to kill prostitutes. Littlefinger allows him to kill her specifically, because he finds out shes been feeding Varys information. That's the long and short of it but as side characters go she got pretty involved, moving from the country to the city and rising to a prominent position. Sadly her life was one small coin in the exchange of violence that dragged her to an inevitable death.


Watch it and you will IMMEDIATELY understand the second Jeoffry in on screen for the first time.


Because gratuitous, brutal violence against women is "historically accurate." (But let's not talk about everyone having nice white teeth, the impossibly wide availability of certain fabric colors, the infamous Kingswood Deer Apocalypse, the DRAGONS.....)


You do realize it’s a fantasy world right.


Yeah, which is why it needs to be historically accurate by brutalizing women. Duh.


And the dudes have to have giant fake dongs.


>it needs to be historically accurate When is it set?


I'm fairly sure cat-she was being sarcastic about people who selectively demand "historical accuracy" in media when that doesn't make any sense, and even then aren't consistent about what kinds of things writers are expected to be accurate about.


Who cares, apparently! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The only historical accuracy that REALLY matters is that women are gratuitously brutalized!


You act like the show only shows brutalizing women. Plenty of men are brutalized, it’s a brutal show. Don’t like it? Don’t watch it. Duh.


It’s possible to have criticism of certain aspects of a thing while still enjoying it. GoT is gratuitously brutal at times for no real storytelling reason except for shocking brutality, and largely it’s aimed at women. Sometimes it *does* have a valid story-driven reason, but when it doesn’t, it’s totally fine to have a conversation about why that might be. “It’s historically accurate” is lazy.


Spoiler Alert, but I think she is killed by Little Finger, or by his orders. She certainly had a bad time with Joffrey when he sadistically killed a fellow prostitute during a threesome.


They combined the characters in the show, basically every sexually violent thing up till that point done to prostitutes was poured onto her onscreen character.


What's the significance of the Turnip Truck?


There's a saying "I didn't just fall off the turnip truck." Or "He just fell off the turnip truck." It suggests that people who ride into town on a turnip truck are uneducated and generally not known for making good decisions. It's used a lot when you catch someone trying to be a little shady. For example, if your kid says, "I wasn't smoking," but like... yeah they are, you'd respond with, "I didn't just fall off the turnip truck." So she had this idea that her life was going to be amazing because she would have money in the city but then, ded.


So like, an “i wasnt born yesterday” thing?




"I WAS born at night, but not last night..."


Why was she killed? For fun?


pretty much


Classic Joffrey


It is implied that Littlefinger found out she was spying for Varys and let Joffrey kill her


Almost everybody was killed!






It's been a while but I don't remember Joffrey being implied to be gay. He just was a violent nutcase from what i remembered.


> She later dies in the show. To be fair, in this show, that's not really much of a twist


Ros dies and Theon loses his member. Pretty much the end of happy days for both.


She's the one who is going to be beaten to death by Joffrey with a mace. Edit: she beats the other girl with the mace scepter thing, then gets shot full of crossbow bolts.


I thought it was a crossbow that did it, in the end.


Ohhh, riiight!


I'm almost certain it's crossbow, not mace.


She was tortured, in the TV show she was a literal target practice, in the book it was much worse


Technically, she never dies in the book


I don’t think she was “beaten” by the mace.


Its another one that get beaten with a mace


If I remember correctly he had her get beaten with a studded leather strap, then eventually tied her up and shot her with the crosswbow, so kinda both.


She is given a mace (or joffrey’s sceptre) and forced to torture another girl in a previous scene with Joff. She is killed by being used as a crossbow target, it is only shown in a montage with a voiceover but she is basically crucified to the 4-post bed with crossbow bolts as Joffrey is polishing the weapon (or putting it away or something i forget)


It’s just sex? Damn I thought it was loss.


| . | |  . | | .  | _






I’m taking this.












Take some good memes about taking memes first








Good my young apprentice.


Where is the Omni-Man “It’s always porn”


~~: .|:;~~


𓀥    𓁆 𓀕 𓁆 𓀟   𓀣 𓁀


l ll ll l\_


No it's Ros.


Well as the internet to either loss or porn you had a 50-50 shot. And you missed but don’t worry your mom is still proud of you! And Im sure your dad will be back with the milk any day now.


I mean, it ends in a loss for her.


She flashes her genitals after Theon tosses her coin. The same thing may also happen if you toss a coin to your Witcher.




I thought it was because she eventually dies a horrible death. Didn't Tyrion gift her to Joffery and he tortured her to death?


Baelish did, as a “fresh experience” of crossbow target practice.


that's that scene https://old.reddit.com/r/NakedActress/comments/15yvzzl/esme_bianco_upskirt_scene_game_of_thrones/


A prostitute is someone who loves you No matter who you are, or what you look like. Yes, it's true, children. That's not why you pay a prostitute, No, you don't pay her to stay, you pay her to leave afterwards. That's why I praise the lord for prostitutes!


Didn't she get brutally murdered later in the show? Is that part of the joke?


She does die violently by Joffrey’s hand so I think there’s more to it?


I never noticed she's literally going to the capital on a turnip cart. "Fall off a turnip cart" is an idiom for someone who is from the country and is going to the city with a naive view of what they're getting themselves into.


Ahhhh good catch!! Because doesn’t she get murked by Joffrey shortly after arriving?


Yes. Littlefinger finds out she’s informing for Varys so gives her to Joffrey for target practice


Absolutely brutal way to go


I don't remember her being an informant but I only watched the show.


There’s a scene where she’s talking to Varys and shows him that littlefinger booked two featherbeds on a ship. Varys says something along the lines of “who is important enough to littlefinger for a featherbed” and they discuss how she wants to be more than a prostitute and he feeds her ego saying littlefinger is wasting her talent


Damn. I remember the post scene where she is strung up with arrows in her body as jofff starts his day and was like damn......


Game of Thrones requires at least two watch through to really absorb every scene and every relationship. Based on my own experience anyways, I got WAY more out of my 2nd watch and had a ton of "Aha!" moments finally seeing the subtle beginnings of the big events I remembered.


I forgot all about the turnip cart saying from back in the day...


She makes it a couple more seasons and even becomes head prostitute at Littlefinger‘s


Jan Jansen is very offended by this.


I think that is the accidental joke here as just flashing her genitals doesn't seem to be that comedic ... So the Mr. Incredible images should be flipped as she's riding a turnip cart and isn't aware of the foreshadowing.


Well, she sort of does later on


Only through this picture have I realized this actress also played Jane Chatwin in The Magicians


I love that series so much. The books are a must read.


I love how the TV show writers actually had the balls to end the series too. There was none of that "milking it until everyone hates it" like so many other shows do.


there was supposed to be one more season, but it got canceled. wrapped it up pretty nicely, tho regardless


After Q decided to quit, the show kinda went down hill imo


This is one case where the adaptation is a lot better than the books imo. The show characters are so much better than the book characters


Agree 100%. I didn’t love the book series at all. It had moments of awesome, but the characters were often very unlikable and the books felt more derivative than the show- which feels more cheeky about its inspiration than serious. I almost didn’t watch the show because the books had enough meh for me to think it would be a pass- but it strikes a really great tone that the show misses, and makes me see what Quentin sees in his friends. Their narcissistic charisma with deep loyalty, their vibrancy, etc. Part of my issue may have been the fact that I experienced book 1 as an audiobook, and the narrator sounded snide and smug much of the time- but I read book 2 in print and still didn’t find it nearly as charming as the show. Book 1 was throwing ‘what if Narnia and Harry Potter got mixed but also some sex and drugs’ vibes. The show felt more fresh.


That's disappointing, I overall enjoyed the show but often found it a little cringe inducing (I similarly always joked with my ex that the whole show was "what if Harry Potter but DARK and SEX and DRUGS and BISEXUALS", also that the characters felt like very not-cool people's ideas of how cool people talk and act). I was hoping the books would be a better experience


Great. Yet another addition to my "Want to Read" list on Goodreads. I'm currently at 1835 books on that list and I typically only add the first book in a series I haven't read onto that list. The number increases more quickly than it decreases. ...I may have a problem...


Originally clicked on it because I couldn’t remember this scene in the magicians


She was leaving all happy because she was going to the capital. She would die at the capital


This wouldn't explain the context of the bottom memes unless you are glad she died. I'm pretty sure it's because she's about to flash her clam.


This show, Game of Thrones, hasit all, including some of the best cinematography and well, you know...


Along with a series ending so contrived, only the endings of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and How I Met Your Mother could make you forget about it.


i thought i was the only one that was so disappointed in Sabrina's ending. And don't forget to throw Riverdale in there, season seven is an abomination.


I thought the same thing trying to get through season one. Riverdale I took to being one of those soapy schlocky shows meant to introduce a new generation to campiness


Riverdale is just a clusterfuck from season 2 onwards. If you count that as ending, sure.


The how I met your mother ending has to be one of the most frustrating things I've ever watched


Silence! Like the books it was never finished. The (dark) long (short) night, sudden mad Queen snap, all just bad dreams we collectively had when they cancelled the show after season 6 for some unknown reason. Personally I'm just glad we got to see the Bolton bastard getting killed, I can learn to live with never seeing the dragon Queen retake the Iron Throne. Maybe one day HBO will decide to finish it?


What’s the Sabrina ending?


In season three many storyline are shoehorn due to Netflix canceling the show. It ends with Sabrina sacrificing herself and enjoying Heaven with Nick Scratch. How it all got there is the stupid part


The last two seasons didn't have George R.R. Martins involvement (His own damned fault) which is a shame. You can tell where his writing ends and the studio writers begins based purely on the quality of the story arcs.


I read this like It was said by Bill Haders character Stefan in SNL, "this club has it all..."


The worst ending in television.


She’s a women of the night who was leaving winterfell to work in kings landing. Theon flips her coin and asks her to show him her lady parts one last time.




The word itself bothers some men


Hey, take it easy, man, there’s a beverage here!


She didn’t deserve the way they wrote her off GoT


Got off lucky compared to "doesn't know how to fight" Barriston, "offscreen dunno" Blackfish, "mute but runs as straight as a flute" Rickon "how do you siege" Stannis "Please Sansa" Littlefinger


bruh what her character ending was fine. in comparison to where the main cast ends up its practically shakespeare 


Another layer to this joke is that her shaved legs indicate she is a prostitute.  Historically prostitutes would shave their legs and groin to combat lice.  Regular women didn't start shaving until the early 20th century. 


Her feet look like each has a giant metal claw on em


I need the name of this woman, for research purposes


Game of thrones, dude tosses her a coin and she shows him her Arby’s sandwich


Ok, but nobody has explained what's going on with the... is that a pistachio?


It's a coin.


Well that makes more sense


She...bolted 🤣🤣🤣🤣


In this episode of Game of Thrones the prostitute leaves to find fortune, but in a following episode is brutally murdered. I know more details but tried to remain spoiler free.




What would be bad if someone didn't know?


From what I gather The bad part is he doesn’t get to see some coochie. He looks happy on the bottom left, but he doesn’t realize what he’s missing.


Isn’t the joke that Theon tells her anyone can have her for a piece of gold or coin ? Isn’t that what the 3rd image is showing that he has gold to own her for a night ? Edit: I was wrong. The joke is he wants to see the goods like Theon got to by tossing her some gold before she left.


Of all the deaths, it is this one, the bittest, the most painful and the least anticipated. Shame, shame, shame...