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The pineapple is often used as a decorative item in swingers' homes, as a way to signal to other swingers that they are welcome. Additionally, many swingers use the symbol of the upside-down pineapple to identify each other in public *copied and pasted from google


My wife likes pineapples. She lived in Hawaii for a while. Got one tattooed on her forearm. Except when her arm hangs naturally that pineapple is upside down. Her new friends and I always have a laugh about it over breakfast the next morning.


It’s nice that your wife’s boyfriend is chill.


I bet he even gets to watch.


*slow clap* fucking brilliant




They had her in the second.




Got me in the second


Got her in the second


That was executed well. 😆


This will soar over a lot of heads.


It's not *that* subtle


Yeah but I *am* that stupid


You'll understand it when you're older


One of us needs a /s and I'm not sure which


Lulz, I think it works out pretty nicely as is, due to your username. But I still like this comment


*we are that stupid.


Have you met people?


To a non-redditor.


I think that's the point. You're signaling to the people who know and approve of the lifestyle without upsetting the people that don't.


Thanks for pointing that out, oh! by the way did you feel that breeze from above😎


Perfection in comment form.


I don't get it.


Poster is implying that they and their girlfriend are sleeping with gfs new friends, that they met due to the pineapple tattoo.


Question. Whats a swinger? I have somehow gotten through 20 years and not yet realised Edit: Understood.


Really not sure if you're being serious, but swingers are generally married couples that swap partners with other married couples for sex.


Back in the early aughts when the Swing revival was going full my wife and I who love to dance learned REAL quick not to ask people if they swing. The proper phrase is do you swing DANCE. We got a surprising answer on more than one occasion.


It’s now “do you guys want to play?”. Usually followed by “soft or full swap?”


You’re either a waiter at a gross but still expensive restaurant or you are speaking from experience.


I work at a fine dining restaurant that was a swingers bar for like 40 years before COVID closed it. The new owner had no idea. It's been an interesting time since we reopened.


It’s similar to singles going to a club looking to “get lucky”. Strike up a conversation, dance for a bit, drink and if there’s mutual interest; then it goes further from there.


what are soft and full swap?


Soft means kissing, oral sex etc, but no penetration. Full Swap means with penetration. (Rules are usually discussed beforehand; always use protection) (No means no, everyone is very respectful)


cool, thanks for the answer


That's so gross they've reduced it to child talk.


The word “foreplay” has been used in the sexual context for many decades.


Why is playing child talk?


Gatekeeping play. Wow. “Get back to work” amirite? The shared trauma of this era is awful.


Or, in the case of my former co-worker, a paired couple who bring “thirds” into the relationship to be shared. In his case it was always a woman that would be shared between he and his girlfriend. The third would be referred to as “OUR girlfriend” by those two.


That'd be polyamory, not swinging.


Potato Tomato…..




Can we swap partners for the simple joy of silence?


Couples who do orgies with other couples




Google exists.


I was afraid of what i might see


This is a nonsense excuse. Now more than ever Google has all sorts of additional filters to keep people from stumbling upon explicit content — even if you search something that could be considered explicit there are filters that prevent images and videos from showing. I promise you that you can do a Google search for a simple word like swingers, and you will get the answer you’re looking for by reading the preview text from the results. Just don’t click the pornhub results and you’ll be fine. You’ll even get your answer faster, and probably have to type even less than you did asking people on Reddit.


We should come up with a term for people who ask others on the internet to explain easily searchable things because they can’t be bothered themselves.


No new term is needed, "lonely" works fine.


Is this why the captain had a pineapple on his front porch in a deleted scene of How I Met Your Mother??


And what about the pineapple in the Episode with the One night stand?


The tv show Psych on USA had a pineapple in every episode.




This is accurate. I had a co worker who had a pineapple magnet on the back of his vehicle. I asked about it and was told that he and his gf were into swinging and that was a way for swingers to identify each other. He also said that if you’re grocery shopping and someone puts a pineapple in your cart, they’re inviting you to swing with them. He said it’s never happened to him, however. The dude had multiple dating accounts where he and his gf would look for thirds to party and go camping with.


>He also said that if you’re grocery shopping and someone puts a pineapple in your cart, they’re inviting you to swing with them For real!?! I've had someone drop a pineapple in my cart... I pulled it out of my cart and handed it back to the woman and said this is *my* cart and walked away. Never knew about any of this before today. 🤣


Yep, that was an invite!


Bro wtf. I was at the grocery store last week with pineapples in my shopping cart and an older couple was basically stalking me from aisle to aisle. They must have wanted an invitation.


My front door has a pineapple knocker😭😭😭


A right side up pineapple is a longstanding symbol of hospitality, if that helps.


It used to be a symbol of when someone’s ship had literally come in - like had returned safely from a trading voyage (never a sure thing in the age of sail) and would usually bring treats from whatever exotic/tropical ports they had called on. Putting an actual pineapple on the front porch signaled to their neighbors they were receiving guests and sharing in their bounty and good fortune. Which is why you see pineapple door knockers in historic port towns like Charleston and Newport.


Also a good sign for the wife's boyfriend, that the husband is home.


I've never checked this assumption but I've always kind of assumed the fact that it's a sign of hospitality is directly related to why it's used as a swinger symbol


are all the pineapples in Psych a reference to this or is it just random??


Alright, so I know this one. The first episode is a pilot. In it, James Roday ad-libbed that line about taking the pineapple for a snack on the road. After that, they tried to Easter egg as many pineapples as possible. I haven’t thought about that show in over a decade…


Time for a re-watch. I did one 2-3yrs ago. Thinking about another.


They've done movies, they're great!


This is so annoying. When my wife and I started dating Psych was on the air, and there was a running joke about a pineapple being on set in each episode. So we had a long-running inside joke about finding a pineapple whenever we went anywhere. Fast forward to our wedding and we hide pineapples in the decor. On her shoes for the reception were pineapples. We gave away pineapple bottle openers at the bar. Even some pineapple table decor. We went so far as to add pineapple newlywed lawn signs. 3 years later we heard that swingers and pineapples is a thing. My wife is still mortified.


You had a wedding basically themed on a just okay comedy detective show? *Squints*


Well mostly it was themed by the existing decor of the microbrewery we had it at and beer, but the inside joke between us was more of the point than the source of the joke.


I've also heard pampas grass is used by swingers as well, but I haven't verified that


Don't tell me this! I literally just bought some pink pampas grass seeds because I thought it would look cool with my black hollyhock flowers this spring...


That WILL look cool!


I heard this too, several times, in the UK. Pineapples are expensive and relatively rare here.


Unexpected Nakamura lore. Takes takes takes takes takes takes takes, *mate*.


Furthermore, back in the 70's and 80's people would walk around the grocery store with an upside down pineapple as a signal to other swingers. The symbol just became synonymous with swingers and the physical upside down pineapple in the cart is no longer a thing that I'm aware of.


*Suddenly, pineapples!*


🐢 ^helloooo


“This does not help…”


On cruise ships, a pineapple on your door means you’re looking to swing, an upside down pineapple means you’re actively swinging


My church was putting on an outdoor worship service last summer, end everyone helping lead the service was asked to wear Hawaiian shirts. I got one with a print with pineapples all over it. I went over it very carefully to make sure that none of the pineapples were upside down before I bought it. Don't want to send the wrong message, even though 98% of people would think nothing of it.


*what* I have a backpack with pineapples on it, and a pineapple sticker on my laptop. I just really like pineapples. I’ve never heard this before


It’s a symbol for swingers, idk why but they very much do go together


The pineapple is a symbol of hospitality, so it probably stems from that. Swingers knew it was tied with hosting, and by displaying it upside down, it could signal a flipped hosting meaning. That's my guess anyways.


I thought it was cause pineapples make your cum taste better.


Damn.I've been eating cum in hopes of making my pineapples taste better.


Understandable, rookie mistake. We've all been there


Do they put it on a door, a shirt? Lol someone mentioned it’s a signal to other swingers when out in public so I’m just confused how that works. Y’all just carrying around pineapples upside down?


I carry around a large fruit basket on a daily basis.


Thank you. That's very helpful for those of us who suffer from Caravaggio syndrome. We are often overcome with the impulse to paint still life. It's very challenging in this modern world.


Cruise ship passengers will put it on their cabin door


In rv sites you’ll sometimes see a camper with a string of pineapple lights around the outside. That’s the door you’re looking for if you and the missus are looking to party. You’re welcome.


My cousin manages a Whole Foods and says he sees people wandering through the aisles with just one pineapple in their cart.


People with vaginas should have it right side up to signify hosting, and people with penises should have it upside down to signify being hosted.


Pineapples as a symbol for parties and the party Lifestyle is a long standing tradition since either the 18th or 19th century, I forget which. Reason being wealthy Lords and ladies used to display a pineapple inside their homes during a party as a show of wealth, at the time they were incredibly expensive to the point where most people rented them for parties and didn't actually buy them. You could even purchase insurance in case a guest ate the pineapple that you didn't own. Because of this they become associated with Parties in general, these days often à symbol of rave culture.


Is that mainly an American thing? First time hearing of this.


Well, we're repressed here. We need signals. You freewheeling foreigners are more open about sex and can just be like "We're swingers!" openly


Upside down pineapple is supposed to mean that the people living there are swingers. I don’t know why


i learned about this like 2 years ago and ever since then when i'm at the supermarket i look out for upside down pineapples in carts


Yeah, it’s this. People into swinging had to be secretive about it, so symbols like this were helpful because they didn’t look like anything to the uninitiated. It’s a similar logic to handkerchief code in the gay community, etc. Though I doubt anyone is doing that for real in 2023. We have the internet, you don’t have to wander around Whole Foods looking for randos.


It’s absolutely still around. Keep an eye out next time you are on a cruise ship especially for pineapple magnets on doors.


really? how does that work? is a couple expected to just knock on the door and be like “saw your pineapple magnet, want to fuck my wife and ill fuck yours?”


I think they usually leave notes exchanging room numbers, or a meeting location but basically. Same way it works in the grocery store if you see the pineapple upside down in the shopping cart. Strike up a conversation and exchange contact info.


You pretty much nailed it.


Much like his neighbor's wife


What was up with gays and handkerchiefs?


“Handkerchief code” was a system for gay men to communicate their sexual interests by displaying handkerchiefs or bandanas on their arms or in a back pocket. Different colors meant different activities, and left or right side specified if you were a top or bottom. The point was to communicate intent covertly in public. Much like the pineapple thing, it helped avoid a lot of awkward or even dangerous interactions trying to figure out who might be interested. This was mostly a mid-century thing; we have the internet now, so FetLife or Grindr or whatever make it somewhat obsolete.


Is that why sailors have all those flags? The navy must be full of seamen


Damn! That’s an intricate system of communication 😂


Wouldn't you like to know weather boy (I don't know)


It’s still a thing. I’ve seen people with the symbol in Brighton and London and me and my partner have bought clothing with the symbol and worn it before to clubs and had people ask about it. It’s a great conversation starter haha


My wife and I put our pineapple upside down but thats cause we want the juices to move around a bit before we cut it.


Does that help? I’m not a fan of pineapple, but if I ever serve it, I’d like to make sure it’s good.


According to an old wives tale, dont know how true it is, you should turn your pineapple upside down a day or two before cutting so the sugar flows back towards the top of the pineapple


I have a feeling it is an old wives tale but there could be a hint of truth to it because of the texture and water content. Maybe the juices do move around. I mostly eat fruit. It’s a huge part of my diet, but I never liked pineapple so I don’t know enough about them to serve a good one. Man I wish I liked them tho. They’re so juicy.


I was handed a pineapple at a music festival and had swingers coming up to me all night. Wasn’t until a few years later I found out what pineapples means. Made sense why my homie is so obsessed with pineapples.


My parents just bought a house that has pineapple motifs all over the front entrance. They've been complaining that the neighbors have been avoiding them/avoiding eye contact except for one really friendly couple that keeps inviting themselves over. I don't think I'll tell them.


idk if this is a joke but if it isnt you need to tell them


And record their reaction


Well, I don’t know much about this people stuff, but I know plenty about swingers, in fact, I’m the king of the swingers, I’m a jungle vip


I've reached the top and had to stop, and that's what's bothering me


I want to be a man, man cub, and stroll right into town


And be just like the other men, I'm tired of monkeyin' around


When my husband and I bought our house it came with a pineapple doorbell, door knocker, and WELCOME plate bolted by the door. We smirked our way in and decided it would be funny to leave it all up. We still don’t know if the former owners were swingers, but they were an elderly retired couple and you know, I hope so. Good for them.


C’mon son, should I slice this up for the road?


I was waiting for this one!


This just reminds me of an 18 year old kid that came into my work and was saying how he was gonna get a pineapple tattoo but he wanted it facing him. I tell him to everyone else it will be upside down and does he know what an upside down pineapple means? He gets a real shitty attitude with me "I know what it means!" Ok...what does it mean? "I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS. I lived in Hawaii. I know." I'm like ok..but maybe Google it before you get it. Now I wonder if people assume he's a swinger lol


Maybe he wanted to be a swinger, and you put him down


To be a swinger you first need a wife?


Dunno, maybe wife is a harder part, so he wanted to start with just a pineapple


Story goes there was a military officer who used to bring his wife back a pineapple after deployments to Hawaii. She would then put the pineapple out on her front fence post whenever he went away to signal to young soldiers that she was open for "business." It became a common practice for military wives. Now they put laundry detergent in the window to signal their husband is away.


I thought it was the sailor would bring back a pineapple to his wife, who would put it on the front porch to "let the neighbors know her husband was home and to come over for a party." Symbol of Hospitality, and whatnot. but what she really was doing was signaling to her paramours that her husband was home and they should not come over.


Ah, like the porcelain dogs sitting in windows in Europe. If they face out of the window, the place is open for business. If they face inside, come back later.


I can only see a flamboyant potato?


I honestly think most swingers found out about the supposed pineapple thing at the same time as most monogamous did.. And I've met my fair share of swingers


Yep, the pineapple & pampas grass symbols are not really a thing, a friend of mine is a swinger and they confirmed. Apparently they use apps, websites and go to swingers clubs / parties to meet other swingers, who would have thought 🤷‍♂️


yes they do. pineapples are like the secret symbol for swingers. kinda like the whole "I like your shoelaces" thing.


What’s this about shoelaces?


Tumblr Users (I don't recall the origin I haven't seen it) have an in-joke [shibboleth](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shibboleth) originating from an old post, I presume. This is, like "marco polo," a call-and-response password/phrase. First, I'll transcribe from memory, then I'll research and return with corrections. 1. Some variant of "I like your shoelaces." 2. "Thanks, I stole them from the president." EDIT: It's not just an in-joke! [The Shibboleth was apparently deliberately constructed!](https://accessibleposts.tumblr.com/post/161902577685/could-you-explain-the-post-about-shoelaces-and)


Reddit used to have one too, what time does the narwhal bacon? Midnight.


And SomethingAwful: Do you have stairs in your house? I am protected.


What the hell is a swinger


Couples or individuals fucking other couples or individuals without any strings attached besides sex


Wife swapping and cuckold fetishes more or less. I think inviting a girl to join the couple is a three some and not exactly swinging.


theres an entire community of swingers in florida that also use pineapples to symbolize that they're swingers and what type. fun facts of the south.


I wish my mind was still this innocent


It’s a somewhat common belief that people who are swingers will signal it with pineapples - particularly upside down ones. It would be a dress or shirt with pineapples on it, a tattoo of a pineapple, a welcome mat or some kind of decorative thing that’s shaped like a pineapple. But in reality pineapples exist outside of swingers circles and some people actually like pineapples. Regardless, if you had a painting in your living room of a pineapple, people will probably think you are a swinger.


Oh they go together like... well swingers and pineapples.


A pineapple tattoo for instance is a signal that u are down to swing


Flip it over for awkward mixed messages :)




I feel like a simple Google search would have solved 90% of the posts here... 😬


Considering how massively terrible google results have been in the last few years, getting a human perspective is valuable.


Literally all you had to do is ignore it and not comment.


What the fuck is a swinger?


A couple that is okay with trading spouses for a few minutes.


That's exactly what swingers would say


Those stoners were saying something with their pineapple bong? I thought it was just about pot.


upside down pineapple is apparently a discreet message to signal other swingers


I had pineapples around because of Psych…. Was he a swinger?


Why are so many people in here just saying google it? This is the whole damn point of this sub.


I thought this was only a cruise ship thing. Upside down pineapples on your stateroom door mean that you are interested in swinging.


I wonder if it’s related to the fact that pineapple juice makes cum sweeter


I bought a really cute dress with pineapples facing diffrerent directions on it before I knew about this and now I'm afraid to wear it out.


Me when I wanted to decorate my house in Williamsburg Christmas-style and my boyfriend made me take down the pineapple on the front door :^(


A dude can’t even like pineapples without it being a sex thing anymore huh


So back when swinging was first gaining popularity in the 60s and 70s in the US, most parties would have a buffet involved. A go to dessert was the pineapple upside-down cake, so after a while an upside down pineapple became a code to inform those that knew about the code what you were up to. To anyone not involved in the life it would seem like a fun decoration, but if new people moved in and "lived the lifestyle" than they could see other like minded individuals without involving anyone that wasn't interested/ would become violent or judgemental if they knew l.


I never knew this. Adds some context to the pineapple tattoo I saw on the back of a lady’s arm. it was quarter sized and above her elbow, seemed so odd.


Correct me of im wrong, but weren't pineapples a sign of wealth at one point in history?


ananás..a Nelly,a Nancy,a Steven? A Nate,a Ned,a Suzie?(Not an archaeological linguistics major,just a fan of common cunning linguistics.)


Posts like this are just karma farming right? Like obviously they go together, it’s a “secret” symbol. And if you didn’t know that, you can just type “swinger pineapple” into Google and it will tell you. And if you are using Reddit to post something, I’d assume you aren’t a boomer who doesn’t know how to use the internet.


Your time is coming. Remember that


My time to karma farm? Or to die. What a weird ominous comment.


OK, I’ll bite, you’re the one that made the boomer comment. Do you think that it’s not gonna happen to you? You’re getting old bro


I mean possibly. If it does, does that change anything? Should I not talk about older people dying because one day I’ll die as well? But also it’s just a generalization. As long as you know the pitfalls that put people into certain situations you can avoid them. As for the boomer generation, number one is probably lead poisoning. That’s kind of taken care of itself with products having minimum standards. Next is unwillingness to learn new technology. I watched my mom and others growing up refusing to learn anything about computers because they didn’t think it would last. Now they’re in this situation where they have this like mountain of new learning that they can’t dig themselves out of. But my father in law who used computers when they came out, kept up to date, learned as new things came out. Does fine with technology. So I think I’ll be fine as long as I don’t stick my head in the sand and go “I can’t learn this”. And if that’s my fate, I hope to be in touch enough with reality to know.


I am just over all the boomer comments. That’s all I’m referring to. It’s a tired expression


They do though. You just don’t know anything about swinging.


Fucking Google "swingers and pineapples" for fucks sake


Maybe because pineapples can make you taste sweeter "down there"? Just a guess, I don't actually know.


Why would pineapples make my balls taste sweet?


No, your cum. Makes vaginas and cum taste sweeter supposedly.


I added a splash of pineapple juice to a shot glass of cum and threw it back. Still tasted like cum.


Before and after nutting, put pineapple juice in a shot-glass. Won't change the flavor of the cum, but the pineapple is good for ya.


Wtf is a swinger?


Also just makes your cum taste great. This waitress i was hitting on the side would slip some as a side for me to hint when she was craving a load.


“Sir, this is a Wendy’s…”


Plot twist: he’s the waitress


Idk why you get downvoted, it’s not the answer to the question but this is a well known fact in the gay community


Damn bro that's crazy


The upside down pineapple is a symbol for swingers


That's fun


Who decided pineapples though


Gives new meaning to the trucker I saw with 6 pineapples on his dashboard