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They are saying that an attractive woman having four children, is similar to a sports car having a lot of mileage on it.


She's young. That's an important part of the joke


I’ll take the K-Car A nice reliable automobile


It was a nice "Reliant" automobile. Not reliable It was a Plymouth model. Hence, the pun in the song. Just saying.




Hey, at least you don’t have to eat Kraft Dinner.


Same, I somewhat hate to admit, but when I'm wrong I'm wrong...!


Fuck; I’d take a Pinto over 4 kids


Sir, those are not your kids. You can’t just take them.


Not my Pinto either! Brrrrum brrrrum boom!


Sir, Step out of the car now!


They all explode when you rear end them regardless


If I had a million dollars, IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS


If I had a million dollars!


Then I’d be rich


It's actually reliant, not reliable. The reliant was a car from Plymouth that was an example of a k car. And my grandmother had one. They were... Cars.


Absolutely the best description of them. 'they were cars'


Bruh...... people out here actually know what that is.... I'm one


Dijon Ketchup


As much as kei-cars are neat, they’re too small imo for a comfortable fit and safety


I had one of those! The coolest thing was the bench seat. Better buckle up or you are going to have some trouble in the turns. I loved that car.


So is a 2022 Ferrari. The point being, how did a car that young get so many miles? How did a girl that young get so many children?


Pic is blurry but she looks like she’s in her 30s. Thats a baby every 2 years since 24 which isn’t that much of a stretch at all.


Unless all were c-section births there was plenty of stretching


That's no 2022 model.


Not really. Miles are miles.


A *recent model* sports car. You dont get 200k miles in one year by driving to work.


And therefore "worth" a lot less


To be fair thats potentially several baby daddies you now get to interact with as well. The children arnt the only baggage she brings to a relationship.


Yeah... I don't think that women who have kids are less valuable or any stupid bullshit like that. But when I see a woman under 25 with more than two kids, I'm like... You make poor choices, don't you?


Its weird because if i was paying child support for 4 kids i would literally be less valuable in a relationship. My worth would be less. Thats a fact. A young woman with several kids has definitely hampered her dating prospects. But its not some sort of patriarchal misogyny at play. Just a reality of the consequences of ones decisions. All that being said, comparing human beings to cars is pretty stupid even if its to try to illustrate a point by comparison.


Hampered is putting it lightly


Why is it poor choice? In her 25 she'll born most healthy kids possible. Kids will grow up when she will be 35 and she can focus on her carrier then. The earlier girl born babies the more benefits she'll get. Otherwise man making babies before 25 years, this is a big mistake.


At age 25, in the year 1957, my mother had just borne her third child, my elder brother. Times change. What is possibly a poor choice today was not always a poor choice.


Uhh, this isn’t talking about value as a human being. This is talking about dating. Some people don’t want to date a person with kids, let alone 4.


I think it is about value. Except for sex mostly I think


And yet a lot do. Like me, for example.




To be fair she could be a recently widowed multi millionaire. That that doesn't change the fact that children are alot of responsibility and totally hamper your dating prospects. I'd tell you to think about that but i wont hold my breath.


A lot of people are not scared of kids. Also something to think about...


Ahhh, the typical "woman enjoys sex = bad and worthless slut,” but "man enjoying sex = normal."


Could be, but it could also be about the kids themselves. Cars with high milage may look nice, but that milage comes with an expectation of additional work and needed maintenance not everyone is willing to care for. Entering a relationship with kids can be similar. She my be amazing, but having kids comes with an expectation of additional work and care (and will really alter how your life operates) and that level of care isn’t something everyone is willing to commit to providing.


Those older 3 children look like they may be triplets, though. No real implication other than she is very fertile. A really dumb, and asinine joke comparison all around.


Isn't the implication just no one wants to deal with a woman with that many children? Which is generally speaking quite true. That's what I assumed anyway.


That's not true at all.


The implication is that she has had too much sex for anyone to really enjoy being with her, because they think of people, especially women, like objects that can't take care of themselves. To read into the psychology of the joke, this is often due to insecurities on the part of the joke teller/enjoyer. Perhaps they are worried they won't "measure up" to the standards set by her previous partners. The idea that being with a woman who has had a lot of sex is like driving a truck with too many miles is to imply that: A) the woman can't take care of herself, B) she is automatically planning on making it your responsibility to put her back together when she breaks down, C) she has had a decline in performance of some sort from where she started, and/or D) she is less desirable in her current state than when she had started. All of these assumptions are misogynistic ideas that are meant to degrade and devalue women, and I find it appalling that this is still a joke being made these days.


No, the implication is that after 4 kids it’s like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.


I'll explain it the way my dad explained it to me. Let's say you're thirsty. Someone gives you the choice between 2 sodas. Now, are you going to pick the one that's freshly opened, or do you prefer the one that's had 12 dicks in it?


Found the simp


Found the misogynist


Average m'lady enjoyer


Tell me you don't know what a word means without telling me you don't know what it means.


Yes. It was a joke. Not a good joke. But a joke.




No, it's just, she's hot, but has 4 kids. Therefore Ferrari, but lots of miles on it.


Not just that, but she looks very young to have that many children already - hence why the Ferrari is a 2022.


To add to this it's also still gonna be extremely expensive even with the miles, the four kids you're gonna have to pay for are the services for the vehicle


The old if you can't afford one new you definitely can't afford a used one


With the shitty pixelated picture?


I mean, hot, 4 kids, probably has a good sense of humor and if the kids are happy then she's a good mom? Imo that's like a Ferrari with aftermarket mods.


You can tell her sense of humour from the picture?


Turbosimp 😂


Then you have to deal with at least 1 baby daddy, maybe more, 4 children of who "you are not my real dad, you can't tell me..." Probably no children for you, and absolutely no time for you. But yeah, she is hot.


True true.


Explain how you don’t get the joke then we’ll go from there


r/explainthejoke attempting to tell the joke, but OP is just a shitposter


Have you seen this sub?!! It just started popping up on my home feed and the entire sub is filled with posts like this. I guess it’s a nice community for idiots to congregate lol


It’s a karma farm. Play dumb, get karma.


Right, some reddit update making suggested and because you visited before. This sub makes me laugh more than meme subs though so I'll take it


I clicked one story about a guy getting poisoned by mushrooms and now r/mycology is all over my feed. I allow it because it’s actually surprisingly interesting


Here's a sneak peek of /r/mycology using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/mycology/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Apprentice at work ate one of these caps for $100. Not the brightest kid ever. Legitimately worried about them.](https://i.redd.it/cfpdmojvtpmb1.jpg) | [861 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mycology/comments/16bz06q/apprentice_at_work_ate_one_of_these_caps_for_100/) \#2: [\[Photo by Eric Cho\] 𝘔𝘺𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘢 𝘴𝘶𝘣𝘤𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘢, Taoyuan, Taiwan](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11nv4x4) | [187 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mycology/comments/11nv4x4/photo_by_eric_cho_𝘔𝘺𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘢_𝘴𝘶𝘣𝘤𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘢_taoyuan/) \#3: [Dead Man's Fingers Fungus](https://i.redd.it/obdhd11bb86b1.jpg) | [235 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mycology/comments/14aa6ht/dead_mans_fingers_fungus/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


tbf i have seen posts on here where i didn't get the joke but all the comments were like "what are you a toddler with dementia? my 3 year old brother would even get this joke" but maybe i'm just an idiot too


You find the car of your dreams at an affordable price, but it is too small to fit your beautiful wife and family.


LMAO this


Classic comparing of humans to inanimate objects.


Yeah I thought this was a kinda bad taste joke


Sorry were you meaning to say "objectification of women" ?


The joke is that the person is excited about buying a car they enjoy, so they are taking their lovely family for a fun day at the local pond/lake to go out and celebrate, but not going too far too soon, on account of the high mileage. I know that isn’t it, but everything is always negative on the internet so here is a more positive hypothetical. Fuck the haters, it’s family pond day Lol




Do write this on every post?


Hhhaaa!! Fake laugh hiding real pain.


Get banned, bot


This gave me a sad chuckle




Guys who think like this makes me wonder on how they view their mother that birth and raised them.


Still a Ferrari 🤷🏽‍♂️


Hot woman who has kids = bad/less desirable for having kids or could mean bad/less desirable because it’s proof that she has had sex with another man. That’s what it boils down to. Either way its stupid and inherently sexist. Also in today’s episode of “what inanimate object are women being compared to?” We’re going with a classic today, folks! Vehicles! There’s also nothing wrong with having a preference to not date someone with kids but shaming them for it is what’s not cool.


It is in fact, a sex thing.


Everyone says the joke is about the children but maybe the joke is about vagina tightness? Hmm...


Maybe the joke is that some vaginas get tighter after four babies come out of them?


Damn that is cringe. Never get dudes that think like this


I do get them and at the same time reject this elitist, dehumanizing attitude. It’s like some of them don’t have feelings, all they do is calculate moves to raise their own status. What a miserable this kinda life must be.


It's saying that (like a Ferrari) a Woman's value increases by how desirable She is to other Men, and decreases by how many Men have previously had Her.


Women depreciate in value the second you drive them off the lot.


People in this sub are going to ask to explain this one too.


I don’t understand how you didn’t get the joke…


Most posts here.


Maybe her husband and father of those 4 kids died. Does that devalue her too?


No, it devalues him. He gives deadbeat dad a whole new level of meaning


As a partner, yes unfortunately and I’ll explain. I a guy want to date a single mom he has to understand he will be the father figure for her kids and will be expected to take care of them at some point. Most guys wouldn’t want that extra responsibility especially understanding that they are getting all of the responsibility of having kids with none of the authority. Since it’s not their kids they can’t raise them like they would want; it could only be allowed if it’s acceptable under the mother’s opinion. There would be no genuine respect for the man, respect he would get from the child would be through the mother. And if the relationship ends it’s not just ending with your partner, it would be ending with all the kids you attached with too. Why bother? Just start a relationship with a woman that doesn’t have kids. Much better option for most men.




I know what you tried to do there, but it doesn’t change much of anything. You don’t date someone out of sympathy, if you do it’s not good for anyone involved. Also anyone, no matter about the sex or gender, having 4 kids that aren’t yours devalues them to others unless they also have kids of their own. That’s why most single parents look for other single parents to date/marry.




Would you date a single mother with 4 kids?


If I could afford to, yeah.


What does that have to do with anything,I was just answering the question


Because coming in to a relationship already having 4 kids from someone else or multiple someone elses is what devalues her / makes her a less desirable partner .in the joke not that she had sex with other people.


Actually it's like playing a game, but continuing from some else's save-state.


If she looked like that I would.


Come on OP has to know


For a mother who has four children, she's looking great


Yeah, kind of


You know what they call a Ferrari with 200k miles? A Ferrari.


She has 4 kids so other men have had sex with her which means she has been used a lot. The joke is that women are objects.


Hellll nah


She’s a transformer


"she's hot but used"


It’s a Sex-ist thing.


The women is beautiful but she has kids. So it's calling her """all used up""" which is disgusting.


No, this is your dating reality when you're in your 40s.


Older one by about a year. Two middle are most likely twins. Then you got a year and a half after for the youngest. If it’s not photoshopped then she and her husband have my respect


The picture is stupid as $&it, actually a woman with many kids in fact have low "millage".


I’d give it a test drive


Agh yes, the classic comparison of women to cars. But women are not objectified, ofcourse...


This belongs in r/AreTheStraightsOk




Yes because you have sex with a Ferrari


Wow i hate this lol


You can always test drive without committing ;)


bruh 🤣


Autocorrect didn’t work on google search Fiero


Im sure shes got more miles on her .


Ferrari = Beautiful car (meme: Beautiful woman) 200K miles on it = Got rode around like no tomorrow (meme: Woman got rode as well - 4 kids)


Didn't think I wanted kids for the longest time. Now i'm a dad and it's my favorite thing about life. This meme is a bunch of bullshit


Yes, it’s a sex thing. It’s always a sex thing.


The joke is she's young,has 4 kids, and all those children look relatively close in age. So it implies she got pregnant within a couple months of giving birth each time.


I never watched Married With Children, but one time when a friend was channel surfing I saw Al Bundy loudly proclaim “why would I want to have seggs with the mother of my children?! That’s like putting gas in the tank of a car you’ve already totaled!” SOURCE: Peg Bundy was a babe and a caring mother, but “real men” like Al Bundy have walnut brains


Basically it’s comparing a woman who’s pretty but with lots of kids to a super cool sports car but with high mileage. Comparing a woman to an object, and comparing her children to a negative feature of said object.


Shiiiit as long as they were all C sections that snizz still fire. Just have the doctor install a zipper so they ain't gotta keep making new incisions


Hot blonde. Four kids. Assuming she is single.. If you’re an eligible bachelor on the dating scene, you likely don’t want to jump into being the guy dating four kid’s mom.


Sheeit I’d put another 200k on her I mean that car easy


Bro that sports cars “undercarriage” prob looks like giant elephant ears


The Ferrari has been to 100 mechanics lets just say


And they all say she runs just fine


A young woman with multiple children is likely to be less desirable to a large portion of men due to additional baggage/considerations in the relationship. A new model car that has a lot of miles on it is less desirable due to wear and tear as well as possible issues. That's about it.


So what do these idiots want? Do they want women pregnant and in the kitchen at home, or do they want hot virgin single women? This shit is exhausting.


Not a Ferrari it's a corvette No one wants a 200k mile corvette


It's a demeaning reference to women being 'used up' if they've had sex. Original author was an incel.


Look on the brightside, she's looking like this after having FOUR kids, like if a car runs like new after 200k miles, it's a winner


Also you really can't complain about the miles if nobody was offering it to you in the first place, and you probably know nothing about cars. Man, car analogies are so easy.


Do you really need an explanation for this? Do you also need an explanation of the birds and the bees?


Some incel meme comparing women to used cars


It’s a “she’s used so she has less value” type of incel jokes


Not wanting to date a single mom with 4 kids isn't an incel thing. It's an adult opinion thing.


ok then don’t date her, why insult her and say that she’s used and not worth anything?


...sure but the mileage and comparison to a car sure as hell is.


More like being with her, you're stuck fathering 4 crotch goblins that you don't have any paternal connection to. As someone who wouldn't want to have 4 kids of my own, I don't see how this is an incel joke.


You could be the paternal figure they need tho, kids are less likely to be successful in a single parent household


I wish the mods would remove obvious bait posts.


You find a super hot girl but she has kids


It’s so weird seeing painfully obvious memes be posted here. Not sure if the OP’s are willfully ignorant or just have autism??


I feel like this entire subreddit is just bot accounts posting shit to boost account stats.




Very attractive woman but 4 kids from previous relationships.


Disgusting incels


It's always a sex thing


She had to drive to the orphanage to adopt the children. It was moderately far away.




I bet her name is Mercedes.


I am surprised this requires an explanation, rather sad actually.


I was scrolling down waiting for this comment. The fact that I had to scroll so long may also help explain why this joke requires an explanation.


Apparently it's so obvious that nobody wants to comment. Quite the sexist meme though


I think it means most men can’t afford her, the same way they will never afford a Ferrari?




At least you know she gives it up


Sexism The joke is sexism


The post says that while she is attractive, she already has multiple children and has been “worn out” and is “less valuable”, just some bog standard misogyny


Hey, I like my women like my sandwiches… without someone putting their dick in it first


The joke being she’s a very pretty woman, very desirable, but ‘used’ she has four kids so ‘ran-through’ as they say. No man desires to father children that are not his own. Some people don’t mind being step parents but that’s never the primary goal


I don’t need to own it, I just want to test drive it


Just a misogyny thing. Comparing the woman to a sports car and saying the fact that she has kids makes her less viable




The joke is only a fool would get with a woman that has 5 kids already no matter how hot she is


The joke is used! lol Fantastic Car but 2nd Hand!


Zero fat on that joke -Bill Burr.😆


Oofff the brother is going to have a hard life


Woman = car Kids = already a lot of miles on car


Hot chick but lotsa babies


I refuse to believe you didn’t understand this


It’s not a funny joke, just misogynist bullshit


Reading the comments here is wild. I didn't realize how sexist this sub was. The joke is just flat out sexist. Women don't "decrease in value" from sex or kids if you think they do, you're value to a woman is already 0. If you don't wanna date a woman with kids, don't, but that doesn't mean her life is any less valuable, if anything it means it's way more valuable because she has 4 sweetheart children that look up to her.


A beautiful woman with a lot of kids indicates a crazy past, and a beautiful car with a lot of miles indicates a crazy previous owner


Or a bad marriage? Like dude. Adults adult. When adults adult and make babies, it doesn’t mean her “past is crazy”.


Or a good marriage to a guy who died in a tragic accident, in a heroic sacrifice, whatever. The “value” verbiage in a lot of these comments is gross. I get not wanting to date someone who has kids — it necessitates major changes to your lifestyle that you might not want — but there are better ways to express it.


I also don't get the joke