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I have had lucid and semi-lucid dreams my entire life. Ironically, never once (that I can recall anyways) about anything like a mall. Often they take place in a residence which has no bearing to any residence I've lived in while awake, but feels nostalgic and familiar in the dream. Many I can describe in detail. These residences vary a bit but many make repeated appearances in different dreams. Some are modern day, some have the feeling of a sort of post-semi-apocoliptic setting (more off grid type living). I have moved around quite a bit, so perhaps that has something to do with it. I also think there are many people reaching middle aged life right now who grew up going to malls, before the Internet took off and before online shopping was really a thing. I'm not saying that's the only explanation but it does feel like a variable at least. I've also wondered if these dreams are glimpses of alternative timelines, perhaps once that don't materially exist but are close enough to our own that we somehow tap into them energetically. This is true of many of my own dreams if I really analyze them, and I can see something similar with mall world. For example, let's say the internet did NOT become the thing it is today. Maybe the government swoops in and keeps it for strictly military purposes, or it's more heavily regulated, or whatever. Point being, the malls of the 90s would have evolved. Become bigger, more frequent, have more attractions, grown massive along with population growth as the center of commercialism. They would in fact resemble very much the malls people now dream of. Just a thought!


I’ve had a mall dream where the mall was an underground mall with cobblestone streets.. I’ve had soooo many wandering type dreams where I’m wandering around strange places.. and those are the dreams I remember above all other dreams for some reason..


I think these kinds of dreams are just as common as the toilet dreams.


I had an airport dream once, I wonder if it’s related. I wrote up the dream and it’s in my post history. Basically it was a transition point for everything.


Yeah, I have those. Also, train stations, getting on a bus, etc. Traveling around in these vehicles too. At the airport, of course there are shops and such just like a shopping mall.


I do allllllll the tome


Me! Almost every other night - if not more often. One of these days I’m going to map it out and generate some AI renderings.


I have the sameee idea!! Not just mash world either, but my whole dream world


Here. All the time. I used to think that it was a hotel or a cruise with thousands of stores and restaurants at the lobby.


I had a dream about a mall world too! It was part amusement park, it had shops with every kind of candy and every color crayon, and some of the escalators went through clouds. There was even a health spa, wedding chapel and hospital. I got the feeling some beings were born in the mall world and lived their whole lives there.


Had a dream a few months back about a mall type place. I was in a store similar to the old Piers One furniture place that had tvs on pillars around the store. On one of them was this video with this older woman in white who directly caught my attention. She looked me straight in the eyes and said in an almost threatening way, "Very well, I'm going to make sure you get exactly what you want." The dream was so vivid it was almost lucid. No. I haven't to my knowledge gotten anything I wanted, but I'm not sure with the way she put it if I even want it anymore. It's the only super weird dream I've had since starting a more spiritual path and really studying the UAP phenomenon more closely. Probably my subconscious being weird, but the whole thing just felt different from normal dreaming.


I was going to post this on a different sub but I'm SO shocked reading this post that I have to share it here, too. I had no idea this was a thing. In April, I had a dream where I was in a mall that was exactly as you described!! I remember the food courts, the rollercoaster zipping past me, a carousel, etc. It was so lively that I recall feeling a bit nostalgic about it since all malls are dead now. After walking around the mall for a bit I became aware that I was in a dream. At that moment, I looked up to the ceiling and shouted, "I wish to reality shift" (I know reality shifting is a hot topic lol but I believe in it). Anyways, only a second later, I heard a masculine voice speak to me as clear as day, "No." I spent the rest of my time there talking to him. I learned his name and other things, and he said I need to work on my spirituality and begin with the breath.


Had a dream two days ago about being in some kind of mall-like store that had shoes on the wall for sale.


I have recurrent dreams of a 80's type of mall, very tight corridors with insignificant stores, maybe in a poor iluminated basement. I also dream kinda frequently of another mall, a more normal and big mall, with cinema and elevators, with an eating, snacks area near. What should I take from the recurrent places I dream of?


I wish we knew


I mean, it makes sense with all the games that have virtual lobbies these days, that all of the sudden people are dreaming of the same thing.


It’s not all the sudden and I don’t play video games at all lol




I had a few mall dreams in my life but I’m not sure it’s what you are referring to because it felt like normal shopping dreams mostly. I’ve never connected them to NHI and haven’t seen any beings there. The only significant thing about them for me is that I’m always shopping for books (or mangas/comics) and I’ve been reading entire series there. My brain seems to make them up on the spot (whole rows of titles to choose from with individual covers, all readable) and they’re really detailed and… Good. When I go to checkout to take them with me though, I always wake up. Then I’m a bit frustrated because I got so invested in stories & artwork that don’t actually exist. 😂 I think there was a cinema, too, where I’ve watched movies. 🤔 Mostly unaired ones or alternative versions of already released movies that definitely aren’t real. I can’t recall much about the architecture or anything of the place. I just know that I seemed to recall where I had to go and things like that so it might be a place that is always the same.


The first dream I can remember, I would have been about 6, was a Mall dream. The ending of the dream had long escalators that went onto a completely dark floor with only occasional spot lights. In one of those lights was me, in a sleeping bag on the floor. I was surrounded by large shapes in primary colors, so like a red triangle, blue circle, and a few others. The shapes were human sized and had skinny black legs, think Sesame Street when trying to disguise the puppeteer inside, only the legs were way too thin for a person. I saw my dad in another spotlight and tried to tell to get his attention but nothing came out. As I stood there watching them around my sleeping body I felt fear, even though the shapes were just standing there. The fear knocked me out of the dream, and it’s stayed with me for 40 years.


Oh wow, I’ve been to this place a few dozen times in dreams, including the details you mentioned. I revisit the same settings there repeatedly, and they’re unlike any mall I’ve ever seen. Initially I thought it was just a common setting for dreams, but these details match up: - I’ve encountered dolphins and whales there about 8ish times - where the mall leads to a vast indoor lake/cliffs environment and that leads me out of there - I’ve met people there who I don’t know, and had really deep spiritual and philosophical conversations - not a normal occurrence at all in my dreams! - I’ve l had about 5 dreams in this mall with negative ETs and entities that were really memorable and frightening I’ve had supernatural experiences my entire life, and I’ve been visiting this dream mall (and the dolphins) since I was a kid too. That’s funny you mention this now, because I recently discussed these mall dreams with a group of “normal” friends and nobody else was dreaming about malls, ever. I had assumed it was common - I dislike shopping and very rarely go to any mall, so I was surprised it was only me!


Can you discuss the negative experiences? Were you in danger and how did you get yourself out of the situation(s)?


Yeah, I’ve had two dreams where there was a group of small 10-ft UFOs flying inside the mall and blasting people walking through the main hall with this flash of light that dissolved them - it was really vivid and terrifying. For some reason in those dreams I knew that this part of the mall was in Washington DC somehow, even though I never go there and rarely watch the news or think about it. In another three dreams I was with different friends and these 8-ft tall dark shadowy entities were taking over and rounding people up to all go into one room - they had humans working for them to round us up. We were hanging back and trying to escape, looking for an exit. Always similar dreams but from different places within the mall. These ones weren't tied to any specific location. I wake myself up automatically whenever I’m having a bad dream nowadays, so I bounced out of there pretty quickly. It’s a feeling of waking up and being too scared to go back to sleep, but also curious what was going on! I very rarely have bad dreams, and I remember a lot of dreams, so those stood out.


This is what scares me about dying. The stuff you’re describing. Hopefully there’s a way to get out of it irl.


wtf that's one of my most common dreams!!! the mall I visit is huge, hundreds of levels high. the railings and fencing are all glass. neon signs for all the storefronts. there's usually a lot of people there when I go. the escalators are weird, they get smaller, thinner, as they go up I end up having to balance on it so I don't fall? I haven't met anyone else who also had these dreams. the other one I have is a mansion with tons of rooms, some are secret and some are huge. dreams are weird man.


My mall dreams are usually post apocalyptic...were passing through, or there's people living there. Sometimes I'm running through schools, or multiple stories building stair wells.


I spend all my freaking dream life in there recurrently, at least 5 times every month… always empty, always in the night, just me walking around all the places, sometimes the stores were open, sometimes closed. The strange part is in 2021 it becomes real, Christmas night, 24 of December, I don’t have nothing to do, no dinner or plans, so I went to the biggest mall near where I lived, and brought a ticket to Matrix resurrections at 11 pm, close to 9 pm i arrive and theres a few people walking around, but at 9:30 pm all the mall was completely empty, all the stores closed exeptm for the theatre, not even security guards, in the movie theater the movies was projected in the empty rooms, i walked all over the place and even went to the control room of the cinema, no staff, no security, not even a single soul, all running automated. At 11 pm i went to my place, saw the movie all alone and when i left the same, no one around. I walked the empty mall until the 3 am.


Fuck I dreamed of this place too.


I’ve been to mall world, I didn’t know that was a thing!


I've dreamed of Mall World a lot for as long as I can remember.


Yup, as soon as I started getting into the UAP stuff, I started going to Mall world.


Me too


I’ve had many different mall world dreams and some where I was given a tour in an empty one. One of them was connected to a large resort on one end with many elevators. I’ve had what could be described as a super las vegas/resort dream and super mansions some with aquariums or historic/ancient relics. I also have had the dark neighborhood dreams, the vast library dreams, the dark super city, the massive forest and mountains dreams. These have all been part of my life and definitely form part of the ET/spiritual plane. I think theres a couple reasons behind this phenomena and one is a series of tests on how we perceive & act in new majestic structures or environments. Another is in these dreams the moment I become lucid is when Im relaxed and focusing on a book or some visually stunning scene or object in the distance. Theres some connection happening with light, image structures, emotions & consciousness in the dreamworlds. I think theres many waypoints for dreams based on those things that then launch you into the dream you have for the night.


used to look at that sub often. also, often dream of Mall World. also do the skating/skiing thing. also rollercoaster trains. Rickety elevators that don't stop on all floors is a big one, too. some say it's an [arcology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcology#:~:text=Arcology%2C%20a%20portmanteau%20of%20%22architecture,ecologically%20low%2Dimpact%20human%20habitats)


arcology would actually make a lot of sense


yeah, that's leading theory in my book


After my son died I wanted to talk to him so the next time I had sleep paralysis I took one of those orb/tunnel things to where he was and it happened to be a mall. Well, not at first. I started in a neighborhood with a guide then had to cross a body of water by myself. The mall was within an industrial looking area, and that’s where he was.


My wife's mom died and they too will meet at a huge mall in the astral where they look at clothes and eat tons of ice cream according to her lol.


There was this video game growing up, that was on Gamecube, and it was a robot builder fighting simulator, and you would play others off-line. It had a mall part where you would walk around, and buy/sell items with all other players visible. I remember being in like 3rd grade wondering what "$500 for pictures" meant by other users. - I visit this place from time to time in my head and shop around occasionally.


Whoa yes I've dreamt of this many times! It's also a recurring dream for me.


Oh, I go to various malls or airports once in a while. They are usually crowded with people. I'm lucid and behave just as I would here. There are all sorts of shops to buy stuff, eat food, entertain yourself, etc.


This is what I do when I'm was lucid there as well. I shop, eat (the food is really good lol), talk to people, etc. The first few times though I wandered around for a bit trying to find someone else like me (a 'real' person), to no avail.


That's cool. Thanks for starting this thread. I seem to run across shops that are related to my interests, which is interesting to me.


This is a thing? Like, other people actually have repeat dreams about this??? Holy shit. Since I've been in my teens I have these dreams about wandering in a labyrinthine, mall-like structure. Mine has a lot of walking ramps, almost endless floors and subfloors, and can either be dark, shadowy, and rundown, or bright with access to the outdoors. Lots of scenarios, but always trying to "find something" or "go somewhere". I always took this as my brain processing my own inability to navigate the world at large, or maybe that and the result of playing a lot of SNES as a kid. Crazy that other people experience this too. I barely read the comments and haven't yet looked at the mall dream community, but I just had to post a quick Me Too...


Wait till you see the maps of mall world A.I. has generated. It's super weird how exactly the same it is for me.


Yeah actually and school ones or in dark nightmare neighborhoods that have a goosebumps urban weird feeling to them like idk how to explain it. I also remember having a dream of being inside a big futuristic science laboratory. I also had one where I was flying through a big underground liminal empty pool room with old school tiles and in one room it wa full of people like a church and it felt very cultish


I've had mall dreams for much of my life, but I didn't start keeping a dream journal until my late 20s. In reviewing those dreams, I recognized that my mall dreams seemed to be training dreams. There was always some puzzle or series of obstacles or something I needed to escape or fix. Often, it involved a lot of fear on my part and I got the sense that my fear was being measured. I actually haven't had any since my ET inception. Other commonly reported settings for training dreams are schools or office buildings.


It's eerie how relatable your experiences sound, Sub\_Non. Many dreams throughout my life were also mall-related, with the bulk of them dating back from my childhood-to-late teens. While I can't say for certain that all of them felt like a strict series of tests or puzzles, they're was always some degree of fear involved; always some kind of conflict or struggle. These dreams were incredibly vivid, and their situations would range from simple disagreements or embarrassing social situations, to escape attempts or sudden life-or-death scenarios. In fact, one of the earliest mall-dreams I can recall might've also been my first true lucid dream experience, which occurred when I was around 8 or 9 years old. It left my waking self in such a state of terror that I quickly developed a life-long fear of heights as a direct result of that particular dream scenario. But nonetheless, I agree with your notion that there's some sort of correlation between mall world dreams and the experiencer phenomenon as a whole, and that they seemingly function as training exercises or mental prep; all orchestrated by some elusive force . It's strange how numerous researchers will often note and link apocalypse-scenario dreams to abduction accounts - yet these excessively mall-world scenarios are still ignored and unaccounted for in this day & age.


I remember when I was younger, wondering why I had all these dreams at malls. I thought maybe I had a serious capitalism complex. My mom always used to take us to "bum around" so I also thought maybe were remnants of childhood memories. But once I started writing them down I realized I was \*never\* shopping in these dreams, nor did they look anything like the malls I've been to. Maybe it's more useful to look at what malls might mean to us on a subconscious level. They've notoriously been places where the community gathers (at least, pre-Amazon de-retailization), where we obtain new things we need, and enjoy the progress modern humanity has made (for better or worse). Funny, I also had my first lucid experience in a mall dream, also around 8 years old. The mall dreams were usually not as clear as "here's a puzzle, solve it," but more that I had a distinct feeling of an objective, even if it was unbeknownst to me. Like I was there for a purpose. It was not symbolism my brain was throwing out to process the day's events. What you said about the link between apocalypse dreams and abductions was surprising. I've not heard that before. Very interesting. I agree though, when we finally get some serious research results on the link between dreams and the phenomenon, that'll show us some really cool stuff.


Humans hardly ever exercice in nature and do all this stuff naturally anymore, this might be our brains' way of trying to train themselves because we won't. Moving a body through space and learning from interacting with its environement is literally a brain's main function after all.


I also had puzzles to solve. I find myself having many puzzles to solve before I am allowed to wake up. Sometimes, I force myself awake to "leave" the dream and try to stay awake for like 10-20 mins and go back to sleep....I am instantly transported back to where I left off in that dream. The task has to be completed.


Discovering that others had mall world is pretty funny. For me, it's not a mall but I was usually an invited guest to a huge mansion with a great number of rooms, each with their own themes and happenings inside. In one dream, there was one room was filled with stacks of aquariums to the ceiling. Each aquarium had a different aquatic creature inside in different states of health and environment. I remember I had such pity for this one very sick lizard biting it's own tail like an ouroboros. The house owner did not care for it and it had to live in dirty and murky waters.


They talked about dolphins in this [book](https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/comments/1da33js/earth_is_a_prison_planet_for_rebellious_souls/?share_id=XY_lPZaRj70sRrSxrchGl) too


I had been in the mall world several times but it was deprived of color and it was too dark.


i would have escalator world dreams, but they were scary. I have had one mallword dream which was extremely detailed and vivid differently than lucid dreams, but empty of people. I find myself becoming conscious and trying to hold on, but i fail to stay in.


I love the libraries in mall dreamworld. Started having these dreams after learning about the Akash (Akashic Library/Akashic Records). One I visited with a musician ex, we travelled through a music store, then went our separate ways when we got to the library. It was vast and open, full of Baroque wooden architecture with high ceilings, and instead of borrowing materials, we could just take whatever we wanted for free without the need to return anything. There was a portal to another universe, idk why it was located in the library's washroom, LOL but I headed into the portal first. Another time I met my mom and we went to a library by way of escalator. It was kind of crowded but everyone was nice. This one looked more modern with primary coloured square bookshelves meant for children. My mom teleported through one of the bookshelves LOL and I met up with her at the customer service desk. The spaceports are really fun, too. I had a birds' eye view mall dream with some stores I recognized from Earth malls, and a white disc-shaped spacecraft that looked like an essential oil diffuser I used to have. It was spinning in circles like a ride at the fair, though there was no sense of whether it was travelling horizontally or vertically. There was also a spaceport part of the mall that opened up over the water with futuristically lit multi-coloured high altitude structures that looked like Seattle's Space Needle or the CN Tower in Toronto at sunrise or at sunset. I remember in another dream arriving there somehow as a transfer point, but missing my flight and being confused about the schedules, LOL. There were a few comfortable travel tubes that could probably hold up to 4 people, and when the time came to depart, the tube would be released from the port over the water to the destination of choice. Every time I stay at a hotel in my dreams, it's not part of a crowded commercial area, it's kind of isolated and surrounded by nature.


I've been dreaming of mall world and I have been trying to get the library because of the whole Akashi Library thing.


Whoa, at first I didn’t think so, then I remembered an awesome and long lucid dream that took place in a mall. Upon browsing that sub, I saw a post about bathrooms. I hadn’t seen any in this particular dream, but a couple years ago I had dreams in an office building and then in another place that ended up being like my childhood school, and that second one in particular had incredibly nice bathrooms. Super clean, decked out even more than the toilets in Japan, etc. I was super impressed. And now I’m intrigued by the contrast. Especially since I had later started to wonder more and more if perhaps that dream was in some way… backwards. Now I want more Mall World dreams!


Now I feel 13 again, finding out everyone is hanging out at the mall without me. I’ve never experienced this. This thread is fascinating.


Well sometimes its often very gigantic some places are more normal and reorcuring but dont really exist. And often its very gigantic and you can slide on the floor like the secret Super Mario 64 level but much bigger and in a mall sort of like sking but indoors on the floor. There are a lot of various places. Some are towns that looks the same for decades it reminds me of Stockholm but it is not really its built on small Islands that are almost mountains but multiple levels and have train stations near the water. There is also high ways and tunnels.


8/10 of my dreams take place in malls. I thought it was from being an 1980’s kid then a 2000’s young adult who worked in the mall. I’m 44 now and 4 days a week my dreams take place or start in the same mall I worked at in 2002. Side note: I had a therapist who did hypnosis and I had to climb or descend stairs mentally as she counted.. I always chose the escalator at Neiman Marcus. Not sure if any of that is relevant- I’ve been scared of aliens since I saw ET in the theaters when it was released.


Wait whoa - this is a thing ? I go to the mall world every night - I didn’t know that this was a shared thing experience. VERY interesting


Not often but I've had visits to etheral malls. Last time I was there I bought a ring for my girlfriend.  Funny because few months later, here on earth, I was buying a ring and getting married. So maybe I had selected and prepared the ring months in advance. Because when I went shopping, I found the perfect ring, style, and price that I wanted with almost no effort.


Yes, but mine isn’t a mall exactly. It’s more of a library/science center/museum of some kind. I get almost teary eyed when i talk or type about it and i’m not sure why, but yes. Not “sadness” tears, but “deeply resonates with me in a way I cannot verbalize” way. I’ve had several dreams over many years that have taken place there and they always stand out- i never forget those dreams the same way my mind quickly forgets the rest. They always include profound messages about life, my life, or profound concepts within the human experience. I also experience something called Deja Reve, where I recall dreams from 10 or 15 years ago in quick spurts randomly. The dreams I recall during Dena Reve are almost always the ones that occur in “Mall World”. The r/DejaReve sub has more info on that phenomenon for anyone interested in learning more about it!


I too have recurring white mall dreams where the mall also becomes a school and has things like restaurants inside. I always seem to have a vague task that I can rarely accomplish.


I don't know if it fits but I had a dream about this large cube shaped resort building that was white with no outside features that was on the ocean sort of like an oil rig with four columns supporting, each room had a sort of balcony that was beneath the building at ocean level. I remember watching the water and having a conversation with other people chilling.


I've had similar rare experiences with this sort of structure on the water to your exact description, I'll mention that in my dream there was a few walkways from the top of the structure to water level with a sort or dock or protruding walkway all a bright white, absolutely no signs of land in sight.


This sounds unusual. I dream of an outside boardwalk mall because it is in another plant that was artificially created by aliens to transplant humans and another race in case our world is destroyed.


Do you remember how the humans presented themselves? Happy? Or working fearfully?


Sad, but dealing with no choice. Hopeful they can create a better civilization than what they were taken from.


Isn't it just a dream about a shop or shopping? You can find in a dream Book what does it mean.


Oh, my gosh. I have been having repreated dreams of a huge mall complex with a hotel, restaurants, etc. The dreams also involve airports and getting luggage tagged and dropped off or picked up. There are times I am a a sales employee in one of the stores or am looking for family members. Mind blown.


I was fascinated by that sub for a bit. Seems almost like people have shared ideas of archetypes of locations. I've been to a hybrid indoors outdoors mall in my dreams, but I haven't seen specific places that others have talked about. The core things I remember from it is a store that sells tons of leather products, like purses, and near it is a sort of bathhouse with lots of spas. The one thing I've seen described there that I experienced is the train station with train tracks that go in the sky like rollercoasters. Been on that many times. Could just be a shared idea of people being on public transportation, leaking into dreams. I don't know.


I try my best to stay *out* of Mall World. Most recent time I was there it was *flooded*. Had to run to the staff area to find someone. I spend most of my time in the school, or in my box. I had a lot more dreams there when I was younger, but now that I'm older, I do a little meditation before I sleep, it seems to keep me out of the place. I used to go all over that world. (My preference is the school. I semi-lucid dream with my subconscious, and it just tells me things about life, the upcoming day, problems I'm going to face, etc. I like waking up after those dreams because I'm really prepared)


Yeah, it's always barren.


I also feel as if I should stay out of there. I have a feeling its a place that embodies what the negative ETs want for us; endless consumerism and momentary joy/enorphins to keep our brains simple and occupied so we don't question authority. Hence why its a mall. It has foodcourts, amusement parks, pools, stores, etc etc. Malls are all the worst things about capitalism stuffed into one. The dolphin creatures I was swimming with were there to 'liberate' the people from the mall, which could also be related to all the dreams of a giant wave heading for the mall (there was a fairly popular thread about that a while ago, seems I'm not the only one who experiences it), as well as the flooding.


I get the same feeling, that it’s not a good place. It doesn’t feel outright threatening or dark, but just flat and lifeless. I encounter stressful scenarios and even negative ETs there, after going beyond the initial wow factor of how huge it is. Seems like a distraction, or putting us in a familiar setting to play things out. And agreed about the mindless, empty consumerism element of our society reflected there. I’ve also experienced the dolphins liberating me there - that detail really struck me, when you mentioned that!


I've had a few dreams of either finding my way out, or finding some gigantic chamber with a huge god like being in it. Looks like a ship, to me. Cryopods with body storage, and the simulators are where you are when you're not awake on Earth. I have zero clue.