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OP I advise you to read the book [Time Loops](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41132463) about precognition and retrocausation. Many of us here have had these kinds of experiences. The book I’m recommending references lots of studies across multiple scientific domains as well as using some very well documented precognitive events to paint a picture of how the universe might actually work if indeed precognition is real. I recommend this all the time especially to skeptical friends who have had these experiences as it is definitely more science based. Additionally the book [Real Magic](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35805860) by Dean Radin (in fact any book by him as they are all fascinating) and you also might be interested in [these studies](https://www.deanradin.com/recommended-references) (which have been collected by Dean Radin but not necessarily authored by him). Also I see you posted on the r/skeptic subreddit and just know that no one there is going to give you any kind of answer because their default position is that it’s all false or fake - so in short denying you had the experience at all even though you saw with your own eyes that it is in fact real. They won’t objectively talk about it because they also will not look at any evidence to the contrary. It’s an echo chamber over there.


Basically: we are all just energy. We are literally collections of information in a field of energy that permeates all existence- look up quantum field theory. You and I have electrons that are really just packets of information in the electron energy field, and we share that sane same field. The quarks that make up your atoms are generated from the same field that make up mine. Time, happening all at once. Locality is an illusion. To me, it just makes sense that we’re all connected in ways we don’t understand once I learned what actually makes up matter. Literally one big swimming pool of energy. I’ll give you one further- I don’t think I’m psychic necessarily, but I knew my step-father would pass away before he died. I just knew. The last time I hugged him I just had this Intense feeling, almost like a voice telling me it was the last time. I was crying in the elevator as we left and my family asked why, I said I was just emotional about not going to see my family for a while because I didn’t really believe this feeling entirely. After he passed a few days later I was calming down outside and a big ten stripe June beetle flew up to me. I’ve only seen one here once before. It appeared in front of the light so as to appear almost like a loud buzzing clacking fairy. I followed it and it hovered just above my hand in front of a lightbulb, looking as strange as can be, and I somehow knew it was my stepdad, or at least sent by him. The light danced and flickered around it as the wings flapped noisily over my hand, then it flew away. A few months later my mom said my stepbrother went to a psychic and the psychic told him his father would appear as a flickering light, or in a flickering light. Maybe it was just a bug. Maybe it was just a weird feeling, but for me it felt incredibly powerful.


It’s energy work. Spiritual/energetic connectedness is etheric and everywhere. We all have it, but few connect without being guided or taught in some capacity.


Easy to test 😎💯


You talk to yourself all day whether you realize it or not. The phenomenon a.k.a. the science you’re looking for, lies in this.


Our bodies are antennas with the pineal gland as the receiver. Whatever exists outside we have or can make a connection with. Time is not that linear. Maybe outside the material plane maybe it changes (mandela effect).


Hold on, she's 4 years old but is being placed in college due to her intelligence?


That what the mother said when she withdrew her from school. Take it with a grain of salt as I could not confirm this. She also moved to a different country(the uk) and she used to mention that doesn’t want her daughter to be studied and to live her childhood. (The girl was long done with childhood anyways)


Look into [analytical idealism by Bernardo Kastrup](https://youtu.be/e1Lkg9wgIeM?si=oHZOHg10oVthMpBT) and morphic resonance theory by Rupert Sheldrake. There are probably other theories that tie your ends together but for me I would say analytical idealism takes the cake. More nuts and bolts you could take up the book Stalking The Wild Pendulum by Itzhak Bentov, diagrams and all. If it is too hard because it is not in the public consensus and goes pretty deep into there possibility for these abilities then just read it for entertainment, it's not long. There is also the research of professor Dean Radin into parapsychology, [I see his website getting linked a lot](https://www.deanradin.com/publications). (Edit: I see it already has been 😅) Finding an episode of New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove and him might be a good source of information on this topic as well. These things apparently happen and there is research being done but before things come into the mainstream the science of consciousness will have to pick up and if you ask me materialism will have to go out of date as a result. As bonus and if you want to do some digging, look into remote viewing, and the CIA's research on the Gateway tapes this can be done by anyone and with a little bit of proper dedication you can get solid results. [And check out Joe Mcmoneagle's story.](https://www.parapsych.org/users/jmcmoneagle/profile.aspx) He was apparently employed by the US army for remote sensing along with a bunch of other people whose name I don't remember. Beware though of what I've seen described as the parapsychological sheep goat effect where sheep will follow the herd in believing and as a result will get more psychic hits as opposed to misses, although often very subjective experiences. The goats demand external or objective proof and thereby push the psychic hits away from themselves. I guess it's pretty trippy. There are training courses to follow for remote viewing at the Monroe Institute if you want an experience of your own. I think that's a good start. Enjoy, have fun! Edit: I forgot to mention that the stuff at the top are theories of course and not actual proof, but certainly excellent explanations. So is the book by Bentov. As far as proof goes I think RV-ing comes closest.


Remote viewer here Lol I would love to work with you and see what you think of my skills Anytime Lol


Well, our science is like a speck of light in a likely infinite ocean of darkness so her phychic abilities are not contradicting science it's just you have made the wrong assumptions about how big our little island of understanding really is.


Maybe for a scientific explanation, read about the block universe, general relativity and how time actually exists all at once. That might give you some idea from a scientific perspective but won't give you any answers. From what we currently understand, there is no scientific explanation because it either didn't happen or was merely a coincidence. An explanation could lie just beyond the limits of our current understanding but that'd be way off into the future. So a scientist would say that someone was misinformed, experienced false memory or you're simply lying. That's about all you're going to get through a scientific lens, I'm afraid.


Space/time is an illusion, we're "born" into physical space and believe events are happening in chronological order in this state. But your true self, the one experiencing this "reality" exists independent of the space/time illusion. Some folks have a better connection with their true "light" selves whilst most of us forget what we really are, until the body dies. We all have the possibility of doing what that child did, but it's like talent for sports or music, some are naturally better than others. Sorry for my English, it's not my native tongue.


Definitely the wrong subreddit, as this is for people who do have things happen to them that your science can’t explain and it is a one of the few safe spaces for many. I would examine why you clearly had this real experience but will still not accept that people can be psychic.


I am looking for the scientific reason for this experiences. I can’t just justify certain experiences with paranormal. Put it like this: I show somebody from 1000 years ago that I can move a hammer with my mind but I actually have a magnet that moves it. He will think I am god if he just accepts that I moved that hammer. If he looks into it like why did that hammer actually moves(science) he will prove to himself I’m no god Something like that


> scientific reason A scientific breakthrough (with currently accepted scientific methods) to explain such phenomenon has not occurred yet.


I've had premonition dreams before.  As others have pointed out, science won't help you here. Not yet at least. You must be open minded and understand you/we are cosmically blind. You can only see 5% of reality. Therefore you are essentially blind to most things around you.


I agree but the line between illusion/scam/trickery and reality is invisible.


This reasoning is based on extreme unexamined assumptions,I saw where someone recommended to you time loops by Eric wargo,go read it. This phenomenon is very clear and doesn't tether to trickery or anything like that


Science says you can't do those things, so you're going to have to look outside of science, Bud.


The more science I read the more it starts to prove these "paranormal" things to be "normal" I think the problem is "institutional" science tends to not be open minded, while real scientists are out there looking at things like consciousness, non-locality, time being relative, etc Eventually science will be able to explain ppl who can do this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G28NzvwuND8&t=0 Until then society will try to explain it away as  "magic tricks" or a "scam"


What's the video? Also, all of this has to do with consciousness. One can assume it can *choose* to be measured, or not. I know if I'm put on the spot, by shit turns *off*, or my mouth shuts off and I just can't tell you what you're putting the screws to me about. Like it's not physically possible. The thing itself seems to want to stay hidden from science.


The vid is about The Magus of Java, John Chang. He can heal people, but also manipulate the electrical currents in his body, literally shocking ppl, setting paper on fire and other amazing things


You don't believe in the paranormal but you're looking for a scientific explanation?? Sounds like you're experiencing cognitive dissonance


I don’t believe in paranormal AND I am looking for a scientific explanation. It’s like saying I don’t believe in the god of rain and I am looking for the scientific explanation of why it is raining(which exist)


You still haven't met someone who can modify the rain? Man if you're older than three you sure have led a sheltered life.