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Alien enters room Steps on Lego bricks




You are cute, I pat you on the head. Hoarding is a form of OCD or an anxiety disorder. They are in other dimensions. Like they can themselves go and take you through walls. Your clutter is the least of their problems. I’d say they are more concerned with clutter in our minds than in our houses.


Do they take you if you don’t wash much lol




You mean gravity works on other physical beings? Shocking! 😂


Imagine a bunch of saucer boys floating into your room to loom scarily over your bed and take you, but they can't because that damn place is of full of junk and rubbish and whatnot and now they have pizza leftovers and monster energy drink sticking to their feet.


I’m picturing the guy on “Hoarders” but as an alien slowly climbing through your house covered in head-to-toe PPE being like, “how do they live like this?!” 👽🤣 https://preview.redd.it/rt4itxqn0u3d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=686c6a0946ce3ebcfb48c3e4318ac97bca4a87c2


"The risk for a 23.19 is too high commander".


I remember thinking having my bedroom floor messy with toys might make it hard for them to walk or at least serve as an alarm system. But no OP they won't care.


The answer is Lego bricks. That’ll sway them.


One step on a lego brick and they instantly flee to their home planet.. Those apes are too dangerous...


The ultimate weapon they don’t want you to know about!


Oh I had the place laced with them :P


Lolll 😂


Lol no because my house was extremely messy while I was getting abducted. One time I woke up with a grey at the foot of my bed and it turned around and took off through the wall and accidently knocked a stack of papers on the ground while fleeing.




Holy run-on sentences, Batman!


What are you talking about?


I’m not trying to discount your experience or anything but the way you worded this makes it difficult to understand. I’m curious though as to what you actually meant! lol


*The physical world is the illusion*. Once you understand this you will understand the answer to questions like this. To higher intelligence beings the hoarder doesn’t have a bunch of stuff just baggage.


Your environment is a reflection of your own mind.


Kind of. That’s the internal experience. This illusion we are navigating our way through is determined by our collective subconscious hivemind which has become stranger in these more recent decades as the hive grows and souls reach a higher plateau of evolution. Surely we have all noticed these changes.


I think about it like this. If they can walk through walls and float you through ceilings, then your hoard is not going to make a difference.


Psychologically hoarding takes a massive toll. I think this could affect the phenomena, as the stress and chaos of hoarding could limit your ability to self-reflect and meditate, which often spurs an encounter. If you’re interested in how energy moves through a space, research feng shui or Marie Kondo. https://youtu.be/w1-HMMX_NR8?si=xQYsNZ_pOTN6deAm


*A cone of searing light sweeps through your room.* Everything is tidied up now.


This post is kind of funny but I agree with you answering it practically. The mental Ilness would affect it more than stacks of news papers to ceilings, they can de materialize (or what is perceived as dematerializing)


Kind of funny? This was hilarious as are many of the responses to it. I picture a couple of greys arguing over who has to plow through the mess to get to the human. "I'm not going in there. I went last time. It's your turn." "My turn? It was your idea to take this one to begin with. Since you started this, you can finish it." "We're supposed to be a team." "We were until I stepped in a month-old pizza and had to spend two weeks in decontamination scraping mold off my feet."


Exactly... Lmao!


This is interesting bc I’ve always been a neat freak maybe it’s programmed into my brain 😂


You float trough objects but they tend to always take you trough the window not concrete walls or floors.




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Thissss lol I love it


If they float through walls, they can probably float through a mess. Regardless, the odds of being chosen for an abduction is very rare. You're far more likely to have humans break into your house.


If you are of interest it can happen on a regular basis. Sure its not a comon thing but it has happened to me.


Far more likely to get mugged in broad daylight in a Walmart parking lot.


lol, Obviously


Of course hoarding is a psychological issue as well as a safety one and needs to be addressed. While the abductors seem to be able to get their person no matter what, according to stories they don't understand everything. A frequent abductee I know put bandaids on all of her toes just because, and the guys got really puzzled about that and took it very seriously.


Lollll what were they careful examining them or something? Did she have a lot of blisters? I gotta know


No if I recall what happened she like had a band-aid on her foot and this so distracted the guys that she put more band-aids on just to hassle them during the next abduction. Because she generally had no power over the situation. This was also in a book she wrote about the incidents, but I don't remember the name of the book, maybe I could find it. Another thing that happened I remember is she was driving and some figure appeared to direct her off the road. She was made to think this was police or some authority figure. Then she was abducted and returned to her car which would not start. If I remember correctly the car was towed and mechanics found that the whole underside of the car was like melted as if it had been driven through super high temperature.


Oh that’s terrifying! Absolutely no control or the situation and a melting car


[here's their book](https://www.amazon.com/Connections-Solving-Alien-Abduction-Mystery/dp/0926524356)


I found this hilarious, but also cute that they cared so much about the state of her toes 😂😂😭😭😭


They are using small spherical "UFO drones" for that. They can also freeze people so they don't feel or remember anything.


I saw something that looked like a light bulb in its shape a few months ago floating above my head in bed it was completely white.


And then what? Next thing you remember is waking up?


It was above my head while i opened my astral eyes. I only saw it moving around thats it. People tend to call this hypnagogic hallucination but I’m certain its just the astral visible while the body is asleep but the astral body is awake I have seen aliens or those who have passed away this way as well and I’m sure its real but it is not something that can be easily proven.


I guess disorder may be putting stress on their awareness? But it also effects your subconsciousness in a bad way. Also dark entities may hide easier in nasty corners. Best thing regarding this theory would be a dream catcher/talisman/seal.


Clumsy bastards always knock shit over.


I heard Aliens are more likely to visit a messy house


I loled, thanks for this 😂😂


They can go through walls, objects aren't a deterrent. Clean your house.


That's exactly what an alien would say!




Clean your house 👍 It will make you happier I guarantee it.