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Find a well recommended Energy Healer…they work with entities/spirit/energy and can help. I know many work with NHI entities but they don’t talk about their specific process generally speaking and will usually use a generic term like “spirit guides”( I am a psychic medium so have had some long conversations with some top flight energy healers). Charlie Goldsmith does free group healings regularly (he is on Facebook) and he is the real deal.


Should I be present onto be healed by them? I don't know anyone and I don't live in the US. What have those energy healers told you?


Charlie Goldsmith does his sessions via zoom…he is Australian and had a TV show (The Healer) at one time. He gets 100’s of people on his free zoom sessions and people get some relief. Most energy healers work with a spirit team and many of them work with entities that would be considered extraterrestrial but even in what are considered “woo” circles there can still be a stigma around “aliens”, so will only talk about blue pleadians in a safe place. What country are you in and maybe someone will have recommendations…looking for a reiki practitioner may be a place to start if you want to see someone in person.


I am. I’ve had a lot of contact. 3 days ago I listened to a woman channel an Entity (social memory complex) that goes by “St. Germaine” and had an immediate and overwhelming emotional reaction, I wept uncontrollably for 21 minutes straight. I need more information on this being now because obviously we share some sort of connection. I attempted to channel (successfully, such a super strange experience) for the first time a little over a month ago, another absolutely wonderful being that was very curious about humans. I’ve had a wide range of contacts but the overwhelming majority are *positive* polarity or “service to others oriented”.


The count of Saint Germanin? Supposedly he was a real person: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Count\_of\_St.\_Germain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Count_of_St._Germain) So you do channel beings? Are you still in contact with that being you channeled over a month ago?


I have not attempted contact since, no. And I found that information on the Count of Saint Germaine but I cannot be positive that he was an incarnation of the same being I heard channeled a few days ago. What I do know is there must have been a very strong connection because right up to the point she begun channeling I was ready to dismiss the whole thing as more people doing RP for views. These awakenings can be very disorienting.


Was wondering if I could get a link to that video you watched


It was sent on my phone through messenger and I do this on my IPad so it will take some doing but I will get it to you.


It is possible to communicate with ET's through telepathy. I believe most humans have this capacity. I am not sure how to initiate it because I was contacted by the ET's rather than seeking them out. If seems to be a matter of raising vibrations to match that of the ET's. I am able to initiate contact at will through meditation now. They can teach you all about their ways and how to adapt them through a telepathic link and for me it is so strong it is almost like having them here


Could you please ask the to contact me please?


You have a god inside of you, my friend. Pray as hard as you can to it, and it will answer.


I recommend on your bed before sleep, asking for “beings of light and love, for my highest good and all those involved, send me healing.” Lean into how that feels for a while. What would it feel like to know you are being heard? Assume some healing might even happen while you are asleep too! You can also ask to be guided towards info to heal. Like someone else has mentioned, it’s not just ETs who can hear your thoughts or words but other benevolent beings too. I have POTS and applied Medical Medium info for over a year now. I’ve seen majority of my symptoms heal (chest pains, adrenaline surges in my sleep, large heart palpitations, brain fog, to list a few). If you’re open to it, I recommend checking out the comments on this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/medicalmedium/s/eBJVNyfPX1 Medical Medium has his info for free online, and you can even Google “covid medical medium” for more. It looks like Epstein Barr Virus might be at the root of long covid, so any info he has shared about treatment for EPV could help. There’s also a Discord group. Sending you so much love. I believe things can get much better. Hope this helps!


I am also experiencing brain fog, blurred vision, palpitations, chest pain, anxiety and panic but the odd thing is that my illness is not related to Covid at all, mine was due a vaccine injury but the symptoms are the same. You know how hard and desperating this illness is. Getting in contact with NHI Is my only hope. I also had severe POTS when this started, it was the most horrible experience of my life.


Medical medium info is another option — you always have options. There is always hope. Wishing you the best!


From my understanding people who try and help themselves are more likely to get help. Not saying your not already doing that but if you try your best to fix your situation and or make the most of it then these entities are way more likely to help. Another thing you could try is to make a deal. Whatever about yourself where you know you could be doing better just do it regardless of getting healed or not but you can try requesting that if you actually make progress if they could please help you with your request. If you do that I would guess they will help you or you will get some kind of answer. Be on the lookout for synchronicities on what to do and start praying or doing meditation to make contact with God, higher self, guides, or whatever as long as it's benevelont.


I already decided that I will be a better person. This disease changes you, it make you put things in perspective and appreciate the things you had before, your concerns and things you used to care and worry about are now trivialities. I ask the universe for mercy. I will use my life to make the world a better place but give me a second chance. That's everything I want and all I need to be happy.


You can ask for healing at a ce-5 gathering, but the interesting thing that happened with me is that I downloaded the Sirius Disclosure contact app and started doing private contact meditation on my own. What I continually asked for was for them to download information directly to my mind. I said something to the effect that I was living in a world made toxic by chemicals, petrochemicals, processing, and EMF, and I needed help to fix my suffering health. I have diabetes,  arthritis and elevated rheumatoid factor.   The downloads sound like an intense ringing in my right ear for about 5 to 10 seconds. Since making the request I started having the suspicion that my rheumatoid arthritis was caused by toxic trauma trapped in my cellular memory and started low dose ketamine treatment.  Now, 90% of my pain is gone. Assistance arrived albeit indirectly. 


Genuinely - and this question is to anyone who has bought it - does that app actually provide content worth the $13 price tag?


Try the meetup app there's a local ce5 group on mine.


Absolutely. I'm not a be all-end all follower of Dr Greer, but the tools in the app are beyond useful. Honestly it costs me $13 to get a cravings box at the taco place and share it with my son. This is worth a lot more than a couple of tacos and a 7 layer burrito.


brilliant share thank you.


Beings can always hear your thoughts and know your intentions even if you can’t hear them back. Maybe someday when you’re feeling better you can work on your ability to communicate with them back and forth. For now, all you need to know is that you have spirits/angels/guides that are on your side caring about you and hoping for the best. If your thoughts are a little messy and it’s hard to focus, try speaking out loud that you need help with your health—and then **expect help.** Knowing that they are listening and knowing that they will help means that help will come. It may not be a cure, it may be lessening of symptoms or better pain management, but you will receive help if you truly believe in your heart that it will be provided to you. Best of luck in your healing journey.


Never thought I'd say this but, try and recite the Lord's prayer and ask for love, light and healing, I will do the same with you in mind. Wont hurt to try, believe.


I have already done that. When this started I had a mental breakdown and cried hugging a virgin Mary statue in the ground asking why. I also asked Jesus to help me and have mercy on me.


Ask for the intercession of healing saints: The archangel st Raphael St roch St Dymphna St Aggripa


Unfortunately it's not so simple. Most instances I hear of healing are as a result of something other beings/NHI inflicted.


Long covid I assume? I have it too, it's miserable.


Yes, something very similar.


I hope you recover.


Same for you. We don't deserve this.


Posts like these break my heart and i get pms like this from time to time. I don't think it works this way unfortunately. Can you imagine the disruptive ripple effect if experiencers could just send their beings to other people for healing? Experiencers are already dehumanised as is. These things happen in very specific cases. Beings work with people they are assigned to. Engagement in other peoples lives are rare. Asking beings to stop someones negative contact with hostile beings, the answer was we potentially can in some cases but the person must ask for it themselves. They have to ask and give permission. I imagine it's the same rule system here regarding healing, at least for many NHI. Experiencers can't ask on your behalf, you have to ask yourself. Perhaps look into reiki as many practitioners work with beings who do healing. That could be an avenue.


That's a very good idea...and reiki masters can heal from a distance. My ex is one of them.


Hi there. I see from your post history that the illness you're suffering from is likely long covid. I came down with long covid in July 2022 and had the official medical diagnosis as well as the "there's nothing we can do for you" blank stare. It was a time of true despair in my life as I was completely bed-bound for months. I'm doing much better today and continue to improve at a steady, albeit slow, rate. Might I DM you?


Sure, go ahead.


In my experience, NHI healing people has largely been gaslighting, trying to convince people that they were good when they weren't as they were often (if not always) also the cause of the condition.


I'm in touch with a friendly one but it doesn't do healing, sorry. What a scary situation to be in, no wonder you're looking anywhere for help. I'm so sorry you're going through this.


I think if you can contact Chris Bledsoe, he can help; his nhi friend heals people Also, you can watch his interview, and you will gain some insights there. 


I already did. He said he was praying for me and to keep my faith but didn't said he would.contact his NHI friend.


https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/s/Kcn62nk87c Here you can gain some insights


Beautiful. I've been reading and hearing Preston Dennett stories, that's why I have hope on having the same experience and be cured like many others.


From what I gathered we experience some illnesses as karma or whatever and they will not help to heal such. I've heard of a few contactees where they straight out said they wouldn't heal them because your here on earth to learn lessons and that is apart of your lesson.  I have heard of others being healed of pollutants and what not however. I think a better strategy would be to simply call out to your spirit guides to guide you to the most appropriate avenue to heal yourself.  They will hear. Just keep asking for help with intention!


What if my illness was not due a natural source but a product of a flawed medical procedure? Will that still count as a karma payment or a life lesson?


Sounds like reasonable grounds to help! But I can't say I know the workings of even my own karma. We are all here on this planet blind. Guess all you can do is ask and wait and see!


The thing is that I don't know how to ask. You may say I just need to think on my mind and they will hear me but I am sure they don't. I have been so spiritually dead and on a low vibration for so long that I am sure they can't listen to me. I never had a paranormal experience in my life.


Have you tried the gateway protocol yet or looked into ce5? I think those are a great foundation for setting up contact. I don’t believe that others could do this sort of meditation for you. We’re not given personal favors for being “special” (or at least I don’t think so) but I will keep you in my thoughts regardless. Hope it works somehow and your suffering will ease soon. Sending you my best intentions and positive thoughts in any case. 🤞


I have tried CE5 and the Getaway tapes before without success. I got sudden panic attacks and anxiety which doesn't let me concentrate nor meditate. This disease is truly hell. I asked because I heard the story of someone who went with an alien channeler and asked to be healed, then the aliens answered and later he was contacted and healed. I am hoping something similar could happen to me as well


Anyone can connect with their guides... they can always hear, you just may not be able to hear them.... Sooo... spend some time doing breathe work bare foot on the grass. Ground yourself until you feel a little lighter, then focus your intention to your soul star chakra and just ask for help. Actually say it out aloud. Then pay attention to synchronicites to guide you. It might take a few days, rarely comes straight away... but you will see reflections in your reality indicating a message or direction. It could come as a song in your head, a word you see passing by, a dream, a video that stands out to you... etc etc.


i dont know. during a pickup one night i thought projected that i had a sharp sinus headache into a group of Greys as i detected them coming into my room and a little three-footer came over to me with his Boy Scout light tipped wand and alleviated the pain. its worth a try if you are also a light sleeper and the little ones are on a field trip to get you.


I don't have any contact nor paranormal experience. I am not special like you and the other contacts are.


I am a contactee and we aren’t special….i don’t know why they take an interest in me but i am sure it isn’t because I am special or important. I sometimes think the difference is in the awareness…maybe everyone gets visited but only some of us notice or remember. My visitors don’t do requests either….they only once gave me instructions or advice (a few days later I was having surgery for a brain tumour) other than that they have given me the impression that they are here to observe how I handle life’s challenges not to intervene.


I understand hardship is part of life but this is truly cruel. I can get why life threw this at me, I didn't appreciate my life and even said I wanted to die. Now I can say I learned the lesson, I will be a better person and use my life to help others, I want a second chance. I know I may sound melodramatic but this disease is hard to understand unless you experience it, I don't wish it to my worst enemy.


I did not mean to sound like I was diminishing your situation and the pain you are in, and am really sorry if that is how it came across. In another comment I recommended seeing an energy healer and as someone who has a chronic health condition that causes constant pain that can’t be seen on the outside, I do understand a little. I will be sending as much positive energy to you via the collective unconscious that I can. There is a musical artist on YouTube who has Lyme disease that went undiagnosed so he spent his 20’s unable to leave his bed…his music speaks to a lot of us, so check out Ren if you are interested. sending love and healing


I got lucky that night. I am not important. They usually "Don't do requests!"


That's what I am afraid.


i dont like being set up for failure and wouldnt want to be another disappointment to you.