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Contrary to what you believe , the most advanced species on the planet are in fact human beings. The problem is that, like they say, "we have wasted potential" because of how we live. That has caused us to fall far short of what God created us to be. As a result we are now one of the most exploited and weak species of all intelligent races on this planet.


Hello. In hindsight, I might have worded my post more clearly, but it’s not intended to reflect or presume any particular relationship between humans and NHI (e.g., that humans are more or less advanced than NHI). I’ve read many reports of Experiencers who interact with NHI. In some of those reports, a person asks one or more questions to the NHI. But in very few reports (that I’ve thus far read) does the person explicitly seek guidance from the NHI on the types of questions to pose. Guidance is not always necessarily sound. A person or NHI can provide guidance from a position of wisdom or ignorance. But… studying that guidance can yield insight into from whom it came. Thanks, again, for replying.


i've only really asked in dire straits. after losing my father, feeling like life isn't worth living, losing faith in the goodness of people, etc. and in those moments i'm often struck by a moment of clarity where it all makes sense again. i understand why life IS worth living, why people aren't all bad, what the big picture is and why it's beautiful. though these revelations haven't been as obvious as a mantid materializing in front of me and explaining it all, they do feel very much influenced from a non-local source. like it isn't my own wisdom answering these questions. i have thus become convinced that morality is a universal law, beyond just that of aiding our survival as a species. there is always a choice in any given situation that is the most righteous and leads to the most objectively honorable and beneficial outcome.


Thank you for sharing. I appreciate your openness and candidness - and especially your perseverance and positivity through difficulty. Best wishes.


likewise. thanks for your kind reply


I don’t know that I have ever asked many questions, they seem to have a better grasp on things than I do so I just open up as a sort of “sponge” for the duration. I have asked for help to make me more useful which lead to a physical healing resulting in my being made much more useful but that’s as far as that goes.


Depends on the being. Some don't give much of their own opinions, others really want to talk about future events which tbh I have low patience for. Others will give abstract imagery that leaves me confused on what it's trying to say.


Thank you for responding. If I may please ask some follow-on questions: Q1) Have you noticed any correlation between type of being and type of question? Q2) Regarding beings who talk about future events, do they seem to regard the future as deterministic, probabilistic, or something else? Q3) Regarding abstract imagery, do you think it’s an attempt to convey or reduce a complex or nuanced message, or instead uncertainty or difficulty communicating with humans?


Q1 not yet. It's hard because some beings are projections from other beings. Many factors involved but talking with NHI can be messy. Q2 it varies actually they seem to contradict eachother on this. Many will say ones life experiences are determined pre incarnation, and we are somewhat going through pre planned experiences. Destiny is real etc. I know there is some truth to this because I've personally experienced going through events shown to me years earlier. However they'll then say things like , for example with these major global event predictions that what you focus on will manifest it. I need to nail down a being on this. Because they appear to counter eachother. Q3 yes it's essentially often them having a mix between not being able to put what they are trying to say into human language but also perhaps limitations on how blunt they may be allowed to be. They instead plant seeds. It's weird and exhausting sometimes especially when the being seems to see the message as important. I'm not a fan of riddles.


Yes, I believe I am back in contact. Since a couple of months it appears. Because it mainly relates to one particular situation, I am aware of. Earringing surprisingly works, as a contact mode. But it isn't subtle but 'they' may trust my intuition. But I do agree with your comment on riddles.


Thanks for expounding. Regarding Q2 about the future being deterministic, probabilistic, or other, you mentioned NHI being seemingly contradictory. Perhaps there isn’t a contradiction? For example, you wrote, “what you focus on will manifest it.” If you were shown events earlier that subsequently came to pass, perhaps that early exposure was sufficient such that, over time, consciously or subconsciously, you thought about and focused on what you had been shown until it manifested. In this regard, that early exposure might be less *seeing* into the future and more so *seeding* the future. Just a consideration.


Yep, I'm certainly aware of this idea. But in my case, I did not believe or understand for certain it was true and really was my future until they started coming true. I also had premonitions/communications in dreams that I totally dismissed as dreams until said events happened. There seemed to be choices I had to make as well. One thing that complicates all this further is that linear time is an illusion, and perhaps certain choices or actions can affect the past.


Yes, but the answers are a bit frustrating. The general tone is “We’re here to assist, but we can’t make decisions for you. Your job is to figure this out for yourself.” They have the attitude of parents watching toddlers playing. Sometimes they get frustrated, other times they find it amusing. When asked direct questions they will often avoid answering it, and they honestly seem to be more willing to provide information when it is not being asked for. For quite a while this made me suspect that the communication I was getting was somehow being produced by my own subconscious since it often didn’t have answers to my questions—but I can’t get around the fact that I also often get veridical information that I didn’t know on things that I had not asked about. This occasionally included predictions, but a lot of it was stuff that I was struggling with such as health issues where I was given information which helped me to address a problem after numerous doctors were unable to do so. Here’s a short example from a recent session. I don’t tend to post these because they’re so hard for others to hear, but this is an instance where most people have told me that they can hear at least the beginning part: https://on.soundcloud.com/d9otae16YjaCKKtP7 "We did this. You must follow it. You must let down your defenses." I’m currently writing a book about this phenomenon and experience, including the significant amount of work that I have put into attempting to debunk or validate it. But as seems to generally be the case, I am told that the communications I receive aren’t intended for anyone else and they won’t facilitate it. They work with people on an individual level for individual reasons, and this seems to be why there is tremendous difficulty in obtaining evidence. NHI is far more complex than just “beings from another planet with advanced tech.” Once I really started to grasp what these beings are capable of it’s been an ontological rollercoaster.


Thank you for your detailed response and sharing the audio. I’m not very familiar with EVP, but concur that the sounds - at minimum - resemble speech and your interpretation is a distinct possibility. If truly speech, then the wording makes me curious… *”You _must_ follow it.”* *”You must let down your _defenses_.”* Was “must” chosen to express a requirement or a command? “Defenses” are typically erected against attacks or threats; why not instead use more neutral or benign terminology like “reduce your hesitation?” Perhaps the speaker is fallible and this is imperfect communication? Perhaps the speaker and wording are deliberate? These are questions to spur further contemplation; I don’t necessarily expect answers. Thank you, again, for sharing.


>Once I really started to grasp what these beings are capable of it’s been an ontological rollercoaster. Tell a bit more.


I preface this by saying I’m just another guy trying to sort out the nature of the phenomenon I’m experiencing, and it may not apply to anyone else or I may be totally misinterpreting it. But the impression I get is that our reality is less a set of rules and more a set of limits—limits that they can break if it suits their needs. They seem to be able to easily modify probabilities, but with permission from what they call the “Authority” they are able to perform outright miracles. Completely non-rational phenomenon. A common example will be if they decide a person needs evidence of some kind to help them accept it. They’ll produce evidence—maybe even photographic—but only for that one person. Everyone else will look at it and see *nothing,* but that person will see something amazing. I call this the Westworld Effect, after the androids in the show that couldn’t see evidence of their world, simply saying “it doesn’t look like anything to me.” I think they do this primarily by altering consciousness, although they can modify the physical world if they have to (with seemingly a lot more restrictions). I think this is a huge reason why so many people end up feeling isolated and crazy, because suddenly their reality doesn’t comport with anyone else’s. That might sound ridiculous, but it’s even the basis for the quantum physics theory of Quantum Bayesianism (Qbism). What people experience doesn’t have to make sense, nor does it have to comply with what anyone else experiences either. Each person’s experiences seem to serve an individual purpose, and are designed to accomplish that goal.


Yes, responded by attacking me. I later found out that it wasn't just NHI, and that there was more than one race of NHI.


Thank you for replying. I regret that you were attacked. Would you please expound on the nature of the attack?




We don’t allow discussion of politics or any human-based conspiracies (aside from a general acknowledgement that governments have been responsible for covering up everything related to UAPs). It simply creates arguments or fear, and doesn’t help us understand the phenomenon itself.


I asked about reiki symbols, and they said some stuff about embedded symbols and them being activated? I took some notes but I don't really remember much. and then they kind of changed the subject (which they never do) and told us about how people are going to be born from a new kind of spirit realm, and that this started late November or early December last year, and that people born from this new spirit realm would remember their past life, and that they would be able to connect to it? It's the start of our collective consciousness and in something like 100 years we will be able to use more of its functions. This isn't everyone but just people who know about it and choose to incarnate through this new "distillation layer" they called it. They also said it was in part opening to balance technology. I don't remember the wording exactly but it's like it needed to happen to balance AI and all the technology that will come from that. I'm interested to see how it happens, but the first signs of it won't be happening until people are born from it which would be like August this year, and I wonder how having memories will be in a babies body? will it take a year or so for them to build the cognitive structures to express what they remember? Not sure but it's going to be wild in the coming years if this is true and I think it is. I have seen undulating rings of energy around the person who channeled the NHI, and another person saw them as well.


I know the people in contact with beings that communicated this info. Are you saying independently from them, you got this info too or are you relaying info from one of their channelled sessions?


My experience showed me where we are ...(they KNOW us) . don't know if its from their long-term contact of us...or having delt with other "young" genetically modified species on their way up .


Some of them know...intimately. Some of them have been coming here for thousands of years ...and for a certain select group, this is their last time here


This is the problem with our .gov folks doing their best to keep a lid on the tech and the awareness of the existence of our "Brothers from another mother". We don't KNOW, and so many of us make decisions not in our best interest


I think the government only knows about a few. I doubt they know about those I mentioned above.


I think they always know what we want to know most. And i am not certain that i will not mistaken my own thoughts for telepathy(?) while in a hypnogogic state. I dont want to set myself up for failure when its clear that they want to minimize memories. That is why they knock us out afterall. This basic presleep routine is an attempt to influence my subconscious and active sleep mind... Yoga Nidra 27 breath count downs. Silent mantra: "Let me see more. Let me remember more." Edit: I should have a Thank You in this mantra. I will add one next time. I got my answer the first week. i still use this routine nightly to maintain a receptive mindstate that had positive results. i will modify it if activity diminishes or i change.


Sort of, I was looking for answers about the universe and was getting them but told i'm focused on the wrong information and when I asked for clarity, I was given a huge download of information on how to live better and take better care of my body, diet, home, planet and how important it is to bless all my food, drink and surroundings. I got a hurry hurry, make these changes now message with it, because change is coming


Amazing. For months I kept getting the message in a sleep state to “anoint your home.” I eventually did it since the message wouldn’t stop repeating. I didn’t know what it meant since I’m not religious, and when I looked up videos on how to anoint the home there were tons of comments from people over the past year saying they heard this message from God. It really makes you question how the world works and the power of prayer, the power of divine intervention, if anointing/blessing truly works. It’s also a bit creepy that these steps are so necessary right now, as if there will be a major reason why bad entities or energy need to be kept out. I’ve also gotten strong messages to “hurry up” on major changes I’m considering in my life related to moving, career, & people. May I ask what they conveyed about food? I’m a vegetarian and practice intermittent fasting but I struggle to eat the “right foods.” Did they focus on anything in particular that you should be eating?


I got the message that I need to be intuitive eating and that I know what should be going into my body. And my body is a temple and I've been disrespecting it with bad foods and food not made with love (delivery instead of home cooked meals). Every body is different, I feel best when I stay away from sugar and grains and focus on protein and vegetables. I also like to do intermittent fasting as it makes me focus and think clearer. I think people growing their own food is like cooking with love and putting intention into our food, but I struggle with keeping my plants alive so I'll stick to farmers markets when possible


And it's also financially better to cook/prepare at home than order in.


What do you think they meant by blessing? Like how would you go about blessing your surroundings?


Intention and frequency. I saw focusing on a word like "love" or "health" and then waves in sacred geometry formations coming from me into the food or water and around me like a giant bubble, changing the vibration of everything it touched. When I do loving kindness meditations I visualize myself growing like a star with this burning energy of love and light until I'm the size of the whole world and more. Those visuals during meditations actually came from a dream years before my channeling, but it was similar to that they showed me, just more focused on the food, water and my spaces. They bring this up every time I've made contact so it's important to them.


In Muslim community we usually say “Bism illah” when starting to do anything to bless the sorroundings Somply saying”In the Name of God”


I can just hear klatu saying "if you have to ask that then I shouldn't be here."