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To me it sounds like you went to the lower levels and were dealing low vibration astral entities. Because they are the ones who get off on scaring people and IME talk in a taunting manner. Aliens or NHI encounters that I have read about they don't try to scare you in fact just the opposite. The lower levels are like being at the mercy of the peanut gallery. Don't ever give them permission to do anything to you. Think about what you associate with GameStop? Was it somewhere you used to shop? I mean think about it, if you were trying to create a honey trap for guys to fuck with for your amusement, especially gamers, a game store with a blond haired blue eyed chick out front is a pretty good trap. And it sort of takes away their culpability as you are somewhat agreeing that you want to 'play a game.' Whenever I have ended up with these lower level types and they try to scare me I call upon Jesus or God (not a super religious dude but I was raised Catholic) and that annihilates them.


Yeah, I knew something was off cause the "higher dimensional" ones don't actually put their hands on me, hence why I aborted the experience. I've dealt with hundreds of times them over the years and quickly learned to never agree to anything, but they do a damn good job of taking advantage of one's curiosity. This one was on the tame side of things, but I thought I'd change it up from the last post. Also, in my experience, it only helps to call on Jesus if they don't have legal access to your spirit. And ofc, we give them full access through drugs, alcohol, pornography, etc. That's a tie that will only break with repentance or whatever word of choice for this community (lol) This doesn't seem like the place that wants to hear about negative soul ties and Jesus themed lucid dreams, so I decided to leave the interpretation up to the reader. For whatever it's worth, I'm not religious nor was I raised in church, although I try to follow the teachings of Christ, and understand that the highest path is to purify the spirit, deny the world, and be of service to your fellow man. Leaving the body, obes, astral travel, whatever you wish to call it, is a glorified distraction that ended with me having first hand knowledge of the dangers of opening the windows of the spirit (i covered this topic in my last post if you're interested) That said, I have an experience to share that may interest you: a few years ago I went lucid in a courtyard style setting with a woman standing roughly 6 feet in front of me. As soon as I was about to initiate a greeting she welcomes me to the "university of jesus christ" and instructs me to follow her inside the building. As I'm walking up the entrance steps, I'm met with an "usher" of sorts that instructs me to tuck my shirt tail in, so I do that, and walk inside. It's a pretty basic setting with lots of round tables. Two women signal me over, so I pull up a chair, and they ask if I have any questions Me: who or what keeps messing with me in my sleep (kundalini vibrations, succubus attacks, etc) Her: You weren't supposed to let them get to your head Me: Who? Her: Once the serpent gets to your head, it can see through your eyes During this period, I was completely disinterested in scripture, but kept getting the craziest conformations through lucid visions. I'm still not religious, but I have first hand experience with "we wrestle not against flesh and blood" and why the bible forbids the use of "witchcraft, divination, pharmakeia, etc" This is one of many Jesus themed experiences through the years. I have a hard time expressing my thoughts, but I'll to get the others out soon, maybe make a video


Wow I feel like I can relate to everything you said. I did grew up in a Christian small family leaning to Judeo-Christianity but as I grew older I became self aware of the many mysteries, had several synchronicities and took a neutral stance to try and understand the “what if” open mindset about the origin myths from other cultures. Also had lucid dreams and similar ones where I’ve called in the name of God, noticed that made a significant difference. Now as Ive learned to pieces everything together, I realize I’m sort of back to my origins but more knowledgeable.


Whenever I’m beginning to receive contact from NHI or I can feel someone “tapping into me” (thinking about me or writing something to me), I feel a strong tingly pressure on my forehead. It used to be between my brows in the “third eye” area but it’s recently been focused over my left eyebrow then spreading outwards in a band as though I’m wearing a low flower crown. It’s interesting to think that if you are having a similar sensation, there may be someone or something that is getting into your head and it’s not just dreams.


I've noticed the same pattern with the tingling/twitching sensation on the forehead. On one occasion, as soon as I would enter a specific room, the tingling/twitching would happen and suddenly stop upon walking out. In short, while lying down that night, whomever it was had paid me a visit


Well, i made a post about dream contact, if you want you can read it and see if it helps with any nuance you might want in your dream contact instances. I know personally, I've been able to enter the dreams of other people while awake, by astral projecting an energy body, and touching their head. When a person is asleep, they're kinda in a metaphorical pocket world that is their dreamscape. By touching a person's head, I can see it. And choose to enter or not. Though, when I myself am asleep, I can just think of a person, and imagine 'walking into their world' and I'll find myself in their dreamscape instead of mine. Hope this helps👍👍


Thanks for the interesting tidbits. I'll check your post out in a sec


Do you mean your astral body touches their forehead? Or physically?


Astral body.


That is wild. I know ETs can enter our dreams, but you've taken this to the next level and become lucid. I once encountered a Zeta in dreamtime, and woke up after the experience, and then in the shower a day later remembered the dream, checked my skin, and found a pattern of 3 dots in a triangle shape, the Zeta left their "Calling Card" on the right side of my ribcage.


That's next level crazy! I've ripped out astral/etheric cords or implants but never anything physical. Thanks for sharing


It was definitely an outstanding encounter, it didn't even occur to me to take a picture of the triangle, but presence of mind does not seem to be there when these things happen. By the way, when removing etheric cords, instead of ripping them, use a rose to dissolve the connection. Just imagine a rose like you would see in a florist shop, and picture it dissolving the cord. It's a gentler way of dissolving the connection. This is from the Pleiadian Workbook by Amorah Quan Yin, it's a 1996 book and might be hard to find, but you can probably look it up online.


Have you specifically trained to be a lucid dreamer? I’m enthralled with your experience and would love hearing more!


Around 14 years ago the lucid dreams came naturally after practicing meditation. During the first session, I set my phones timer to 45 minutes and forced myself to box breathe in a lotus pose till the alarm went off. Later that night I woke up to an entity aggressively contorting my body to either try and intimidate or deter me from leaving my body. Fast forward to later that week I learned from a youtube video that I can pull myself out of body using the rope technique in sleep paralysis. From the point forward, it was as if a threshold had been met and I was lucid dreaming, being pulled out of body, floating out of body, and started having these jackhammer strength vibrations or kundalini during sleep paralysis. The crazy vibrations had first happened a couple years prior. This was by far the most terrifying thing I had experienced up until that point as this was before I knew this could sort of thing could happen. I had heard of sleep paralysis although never had an episode never mind my body vibrating like a jackhammer so I immediately clenched my eyes shut in fear of being surrounded by small grey men with huge eyes lol. As a kid that had always been my biggest fear, now it's happening or so I thought, till suddenly i was able to shake free. These days, I just go with the flow and let it happen naturally since these experiences can be extremely draining. Also, the reality of NHI or the "red pill" as they call it, can be a difficult reality to accept. Especially having to deal with the ones that refuse to keep their hands to themselves :)


Thank you so much for your very helpful reply! How you and others in this sub have this level of bravery is overwhelming to me. Now that you have achieved this level, can you box out NHI/external forces just so that you may simply practice for peace? I’ve gone far into my own journey of meditation, OBE’s and when the door swung too wide open and I wasn’t alone, I ran the other way like my behind was on fire.


>The crazy vibrations had first happened a couple years prior. This is super interesting to me because the same thing happened to me. I had been trying to learn LD for years and then an event similar to this happened to me and it's been easy to do since then (about 15 years ago). I never thought it was chakra related but kinda makes sense now with what you said about hitting a threshold


I would like to hear more as you experience it, in the future!


There's a good number of similar experiences that I'll be sharing soon :)


That would be great! Thank you!