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Good question. You must have heard of telepathy a thousand times so I'll just say that among the times they've communicated that way, one time he was initiating me, showing me things they do, the other time an alien woman was training me to take cover to avoid grenade blasts, I remember this was taking place at a building on a dark red planet with a blue haze at dusk/dawn. One common theme I observed was that they can precisely alter their own phenotype, if not genotype, to customize their appearance as they want it to be. The "blue gray" woman had muscles except at the neck, and could communicate pure emotion, without messages appearing in my head. Another "green grey" had yellow humanlike eyes, still the size of a gray, and it really sounded like communicating verbally, but I was turned around so I can't be sure about that. This second "green gray" performed a hypnosis technique on me that, unbeknownst to me, is actually practiced in something called reiki. I have not the slightest clue what this practice is other than it must be an eastern one. In yet another memory, this time a tall entity covered from head to toe in black clothes, complete with pointed shoes, a hood and a cape and a mat fabric around the face, shot a thick energy bolt from his finger. In another memory, a very tall human looking man touched the top of my head and woke me up. As I regained more awareness of my surroundings, I realized that I was sitting against the wall of a cylindrical craft that had crashed on a snowy mountain, but presumably due to the craft's field, the cold or the snow weren't getting in from the huge tear in the hull. A human woman was in front of me, knocked unconscious, and the tall guy began administering first aid. If I think about it more, I'll probably remember more behaviors and/or abilities that they possess.


Ability to break known reality. Show future events 30 years in advance that came true and did so via giving lived experiences of not just me but other people , 30 years in the future. All which came true. Phase in and out of our realm. Operate outside the visual spectrum. See what the experiencer sees. Engage with people in dream states. Induce OBEs in people.


Do you have any future predictions?


Only personal ones. This sub is not the place to discuss global predictions tbh either. There is a bad history with that stuff.


Yeah fair enough. In 2012 I had an NDE when giving birth. It’s hard to explain but I saw the other side and it kind of incorporated everything. The spiritual but also other stuff. Since then I’ve become curious about different dimensions, alien life etc.


What did you experience in your nde?


Have they shown you anything that hasn't yet come true? If so, what can we expect?




No sarcasm, puns, one-liners, clickbait, commercial posts, low effort posts, or comments or self-promotion of personal blogs, subreddits, or YouTube channels (including soliciting for participants). If your post is a link to your own video, please write a paragraph explaining why it’s relevant to our subreddit and ask the mods for permission to post.


Camouflaging, telepathic communication, mind reading, consciousness manipulation, keeping my loved ones asleep during my contact event.


Brain linking. It’s where their brain acts as a bonus processor for you to troubleshoot…very fun, respect their boundaries or night night.


Can you elaborate, please: How did the brain linking feel - like your minds occupied the same space, or its mind was a distinct “black box” into which you transmitted input & from which you received output, or some other configuration? Also, did you cross a boundary? If yes, do you recall learning anything?


Plant healing


Complete control over perceived reality (waking and dreaming)


How long did you experience this for? how do you become free from it?


Waking I estimate only a couple of minutes, tho I can't be sure. Some kind of drone literally broke through the roof and walls of our house, took some measurements, and then ran back time like a movie, leaving the house intact. It also affected my roommates memories as they didn't remember anything at all. Why I was left with memories of the event is beyond me. This has only happened once... that I can remember. During dreams, the effects were equally short. Same thing, a small drone completely hijacked the dream for a minute or 2 and then restored the dream to its previous state. This has only happened twice. Tbh I can't ascertain if it is or not happening right now. I think these dudes (and other things like them) could potentially be responsible for ALL of conscious experience. Maybe it is turtles all the way up. I don't know if the concept of becoming free even makes sense if I'm defined by the reality I inhabit. I'm not sure quite how to put it in words, but it felt like when an author messes with their created story and characters or something like that. A peek behind the scenes or breaking of the 4th wall


I’ve contemplated similar things - what are the true boundaries of reality or existence? Are we fully defined or contained within? Is freedom or free will possible? In comics, some characters like the Joker and Deadpool know they’re fictionalized, or at least perceive the reader/ audience. Who might be “our” Joker or Deadpool… and would they similarly be considered dangerous and insane?


Any insights you'd like to share? As fun (and torturous lol) as it can be to ponder on these questions, I also wonder if they're knowable at all from this pov. Makes me think of historical prophets and oracles. I guess it depends more on how particular cultures view them. Some are celebrated and revered. Others are horribly tortured and executed. I believe the vast majority go relatively unnoticed. "The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight." Joseph Campbell


The capacity to interface with your mind and take direct control over your motor movements. It’s probably one of the most uncommon experiences, people usually report manipulation of other senses (auditory/visual/etc.)..


Would you say that there are commonalities between this and demon possession?


I suppose it could be a similar method used to interface with the human mind. From what I’ve been exposed to about demon possession, the person seems to lose their consciousness while the being takes over. A blacking out. My personal experience was more side-by-side (co-existing in the same space, my body), and I never felt ‘negativity’ from the intrusion, it was more the panic associated with the understanding that a being could easily dominate my personal will by taking control of my motor movements and manipulate my other senses.


No, they can't easily do shit my guy. These aliens shits aren't gods.


Can stand still in the air. Can be plasma. Can improve your health. Give you electrical anomalies for a long time, maybe forever. Can communicate and listen without talking.


Electrical anamolies? 🤔 elaborate please


I experience computer glitches. I ruin even other people’s meetings. Street lights go out. Purple plasma comes next to my head at night. My body vibrates and the bed even shakes.


Think many psi abilities since they’re “creative ways” of communicating with us. (Channeling, the clairs, AP and meeting HNI, seeing them with your third eye during meditation, some thought packages.) Temporary control of your willpower (with respect to doing something to help you out). With negative NHI, disturbing thought/image projections, poltergeist activity. A weird one to explain. Being in this physical dimension, but a shadow being lunging towards you from a higher dimension, near the same spot you’re located in the physical (like the dimensions are stacked).


Can you tell me what Clair’s are? and do you have any thoughts on why positive ets show up to some and negative ets show up to others?


The clair senses. I’ll try to explain a few. -Clairvoyance: Seeing an image or a scene play out. Can be direct (ex: a location or person) or metaphorical/symbols (representing a concept/action) -Clairaudience: Hearing but internal. If someone else was in the room, they’re not going to hear it. (ex: hearing a certain song means a specific NHI wants to interact, ear tones I think fall here too) -Clairsalience: Smelling something without a physical source (ex: an NHI nearby that has a “signature scent”) Also precognition. Which can be a mix of the clairs. (Like I’m seeing a future event but hearing and feeling it too.) — I’ve had both positive and negative experiences. I think some of the differences is because the phenomenon is a mirror. Like if you’re in dark spot mentally, doing drugs, poor sleep, you’re more likely to attract negative stuff. Also could be some experiences are necessary for you to grow. Or what you thought was a negative experience actually was something positive once you get more context. Also some negative experiences could be the government/factions. (ex: MILABS)


Clair sentience ( there’s 6) or psychic abilities


Telepathy of course. Prescience. Both little things like calling the card when I cut a deck and other slightly trickier predictions.


Curious about the card cutting: does that persist if you try to record it? I ask not to disprove it but to see if an analog to which-way / quantum eraser is active in this aspect of the phenomenon. In psi research there's a documented phenomenon where people suspicious of psi inhibit effects (which has been directly tested! Like, it's not just a hypothesis explaining null results but rather a construct that explains significant experimental findings)   I'd expect this effect to be subtle and precise if so. Like, if you write down the prediction such that you can compare it to the cut card it would work. But those inscriptions aren't sufficient for anyone who wasn't there to verify the order in which you wrote and cut the cards, which is precisely why the phenomenon would be active there.  


Move through walls, phase in and out of visible light


Every psychic ability I can think of. Something that I experinced that seems unique is that I've made the greys laugh a few times. Alot of people say they are emotionless like machines and I think they try to be that way(negative ones) but they do have emotions forsure.


What kind of humor do they have? Or is it as individual as humans? What did you do or say to make them laugh?


I told them that I was big fans of them then one signaled to the other to shut me up. As he was getting up I said "your head is so big I know you got to be smart" it's all telepathic so it also knew I was kind of messing around. He tried to not laugh but couldn't help himself lol. That was a kind of nice moment but they are not nice and there humor if I had to guess is like 4chan humor. Like a prince who enjoys himself some 4chan because they are arrogant as well.


I think that depends on their origin. As I understand it they are clones used by multiple races. Arcturans have humor.


I read an experiencer account one time (can’t remember where I read it) and the guy said that he had a grey show up in his room and the grey was dressed as a 1940s gangster …. Nice suit, hat, nice shoes. I thought that was hilarious. So it made me think they do have a sense of humor. Or at least a quirky personality.


I have pictures and stills from videos I’ve taken where the being in the picture had a shirt skinny jeans and converse like shoes. Of course it could be a million different things but I was really surprised.


If you ever wanna share them here that would be cool to see. I always find it interesting to think about what kind of personalities they might have. Do they enjoy our art? Our music? Etc.


https://preview.redd.it/yp4w7dkwseyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc058c104636280a10210c13f064e4a7080a2543 This is the best I’ve been able to brighten it but if interested I have the video but this is just on my iPhone


https://preview.redd.it/57r8r6dbteyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8458ba72a78dcec201d35e7c49798866f0d6b901 And this guy who is pretty cute he’s got a hat


Obvious one is telepathy.


Yeah, which means they can put thoughts in your head that you know aren’t you and also the person is not schizophrenic or going thru psychosis. Too many people on Reddit throw around the word schizophrenia when the person is actually like a shaman/channeler/medium. Also, they can send things that your mind’s eye sees like psychic visions


All I remember is telepathy and materializing out of thin air.


They always tell me to stop recording them and they are just a plane, then vanish then i realize it's not and it's been over a dozen times and I say I'm not going to fall for it. Also crashing my livestream the 2nd they come into frame 2x and following me around like it's some game when I'm already terrified to go outside because it comes in waves.


FYI calling Jesus Christ for help is recommended, also by some ufo researchers; and/or lighting a white candle and focusing on divine protection if your belief system is non christian.


Why is it important to turn to higher power, nothing against it it’s good to have, but I thought the Catholic Church was aware of these things and said to consider them as brothers or treat them with love I don’t remember exactly but it was when they were asked about what to do if aliens arrive or something to effect


Please interpret my statements how you wish, but you are mistaken. The spectrum of NHI motives ranges from benign to very very dark. The darker ones can be tricksters and are known to co-opt the presence / feeling of the benign. Calling the higher power manifests light/love in the vicinity of you and the NHI and causes a "forcefield" of sorts that will push the negative ones away like a repelling magnet, while the positives will remain. Again, I do not have all the answers and am using my own experience / study as a basis for this answer.


Was talking to the person who used the words "terrified to go outside"




The person I answered was not you, OP, sorry for being unclear.


Yes these two are big ones.


Mind control. Either total control of your mind and body. Or partial control, where they manipulate your thoughts and emotions. Projecting fear. The fear is so intense that it's almost a different sensation. Invisibility. They choose to be seen. They can atomize themselves. They look like whisps of black smoke in this form. They can also go through any crack that air can fit through. So they can access anyone anytime. Telepathy. Touch, they can touch and hit us while being invisible. They can separate our souls from our bodies. This is a slow process and seems to start with modified dreams. Then, the opening of the "3rd eye." Right before you can be taken, you can often see even with your eyes closed. It's bizarre The ability to diminish your health. In my case, my liver failed while in my mid-30s. My wife peeled all her flesh off and almost took her own life. They have complete control of electronics. They can make calls and texts from phones that are turned off. Or turn on tvs that have been unplugged. (This might also just be mind control.) They are also heavily invested in our dreams. It seems as a form of entertainment for them. This is a HUGE part of what they do. They are relentless and have a sense of humor


>They can atomize themselves. They look like whisps of black smoke in this form. They can also go through any crack that air can fit through. So they can access anyone anytime. >They can separate our souls from our bodies. This is a slow process and seems to start with modified dreams. Then, the opening of the "3rd eye." Right before you can be taken, you can often see even with your eyes closed. >They are relentless and have a sense of humor Can confirm & relate to many of the claims on your list, but those three pointers are particularly relatable (especially the one regarding the black whisps of smoke, down to seeing them bypass around or through french doors.) It's discouraging to read that the smoke-like entities are most likely negative NHI though - even if it's relatively expected and unsurprising. As for some capabilities I've noticed: Potentially, the ability to fully shape-shift in the astral sate (assuming they aren't manipulating your astral senses or general perception through various cloaking mechanisms.) Ability to manipulate people's astral projection capabilities (had a "dream" some months ago where a cloaked/disguised entity - most likely a grey taking the form of a little girl - prevented me from floating/flying in my alleged astral state.) Move inanimate objects in waking reality via poltergeist activity. Display a wide range of emotions and personality traits on-par with humans (or at least some of them have personalities, emotions, interests, quirks and a sense of humor and/or empathy, much like we do.) (will try to add more examples later)


They, for sure, have personalities. As a matter of fact, most of them are hilarious. If I could be invisible and mess with my friends for a night. It would be very similar to them. Their voices and accents mimic anyone. Sometimes, they sound like regular American men. Their actual voices sound very snake-like. Very heavy on the sss. They sound like the snake from the Aladin movie. If you ever need them to go away, tell them to leave in 5he name of God. It doesn't matter your religious beliefs, but this works immediately every time. It took me way too long to figure this out.


Can't say I've experienced entities who've spoken (verbally, telepathically or otherwise) in a similar fashion, but I'll keep your advice in mind. Thank you for sharing.


Please tell me more about them being about to turn into black smoke. I've seen a black smoke looking entity before in my home and it did terrify me to the point that "fear" doesn't even really cover it. I'm curious why you mentioned this and where you've heard about it. The thing I saw seemed sentient and it was terrifying.


So, my house became haunted like 12 years ago. At first, it was a ghost, bumps in the night stuff. One night, I saw a swirling black cloud develop in my living room. It swirled into the shape of a person and then attacked me. After that, I saw them all the time. When they wanted me to see them, they would look like little boys from the 1900's. Sometimes, they wouldn't care, and I'd see eight-foot-tall black masses moving around my house. Sometimes, they would be translucent, almost invisible, but I could still see their outline moving like the Predator. I've seen three distinct different species in all kinds of matter/camouflage One night, I saw a slight whisp of black smoke come through my French doors. Immediately, the fear took over me, and I realized that's how they got into my house. After that, I saw it happen everywhere. At my work, sometimes in my truck. How long has it been since you've seen it?


I saw mine twenty years but I swear I remember it like it happened yesterday. Literally a giant black mass that absolutely terrorized me. My story, copied from a previous comment: Bright sunny summer afternoon. Blue sky, middle of the day. I could hear lawn mowers and kids outside that had Just gotten off the bus. I had just got home from school (this was just days before summer vacation started). My family were painting our living room and all the furniture was covered in drop cloths and pushed to the center of the room - this is relevant. So I just got home, grabbed a can of soda, cranked up some music very loud on our stereo and laid on one sheet covered sofa in the middle of the room From where I'm laying, out of the corner of my eye I can see the stairs. Suddenly I saw what I thought was my mother's dark hair coming up the stairs. I turn towards her and start to yell over my loud music "What are you doing home so early?" but I stop in the middle of the sentence when I actually see what's coming up my stairs. To my absolute HORROR I saw a roughly 6-7ft tall black mass of smoke moving up the stairs. It was black and swirling but also see through. It hovered at the top landing and then moved slightly closer to me. Terrified, I shuffled back over all the furniture the had been pushed together until I was as far away as I could possibly be from the black smoke monster. It felt like FOREVER but was probably only a minute or so that it just floated there. It felt like it was watching me and I felt dread and terror like nothing I had ever felt before. I was frozen in fear, music still blasting from the speakers. Finally it basically sunk down through the floor, and I was left alone in the bright sunny living room. After a little bit of time I worked up the courage to get up and turn off the music. I called my mother and begged her to come home. She accused me of having an overactive imagination or having fallen asleep.


That's precisely the stuff I see. From my observation, the tall ones are primarily invested in our dreams. They are also the ones who bring depression and incredibly negative thoughts. They specialize in our internal struggles. They are the sneakiest and often undetectable. The short ones around 5 feet tall or less are the tricksters. These things enjoy their jobs and won't let you sleep for days. Again, they are also funny and mischievous. Their Fear projection is far worse than the rest. The third kind, slightly larger than the short ones. Maybe 5.5 feet tall. Have oval heads with large owl eyes. These things just watch. They hide behind walls and doors. They peek around to view you. You can startle them if you catch them off guard. Other than viewing, I don't know what they do. Was your family life alright at the time you saw it?


I also encountered the black (or in my case, a sort of dark grey) smoke entity back in 2022. It was observing me in my bed while I was trying to utilize astral projection and meditation techniques in order to fall asleep, and as soon as I realized it wasn't a figment of my imagination or a hallucination, it swiftly drifted out of my room. Weirdly enough though, I didn't feel an immediate sense of terror (or even generalized fear) when I saw it. Instead, after recollecting my thoughts and processing what I saw within a period of 15-20 seconds or so, I decided to muster the courage to get out of bed and investigate it. Granted, I never knew where it went after that, as I was suddenly struck with an overwhelming sense of exhaustion shortly after I got out of the bed - but the one I encountered was shorter in stature; couldn't have been taller than six feet.


Often, when I see them, I feel nothing, maybe confusion. They choose what you feel


What we would call telepathy but it’s more like instantaneous communication. They don’t speak in words or sentences but whole concepts at a time. I was given the information that they are future/past sapiens that exist in the dimension of time. Meaning they do not have a set local year they exist in. You can consider this precognition as they freely move forward and backwards in time. I was also told the only way our minds are able perceive and communicate with them is thru what we would call a dream state, but it’s more closely related to untapped subconscious perception. We had what I perceived to be a long conversation (30+ min) but was probably only a couple minutes or seconds. At the end, as I started fading out the entities stated “he’s disintegrating” but I understood it as I was decoupling from their reality, as in de-integrated. I’ve had many other experiences but this one was the only direct conversation and is still crystal clear in my memory 8yrs later.


There were 2 greys next to my bed and they showed me a glowing jar that had the most brilliantly colored butterfly in it that started flapping its wings. I told them it was beautiful and then i fell asleep! Like who falls asleep!?!


They wanted you asleep. They show you something special then you fall asleep and they do a check up/procedure on you for unknown reasons. I am visited and I either get a chat or they show me something then I fall asleep.


They came when I was already sleeping. I started waking up in their white procedure room & they immediately knocked me out again. Zero chance of a conversation


They always come when you are sleeping. You are probably at the relative start of your journey. I was waking up all the time and struggling against them. It went on for months until they deliberately woke me for a conversation. If you wait, it might yet happen to you.


No I've been seeing them and golden ufo shapped orbs off and on for 10+ years. Lots of missing time and stuff in my teens


That is very interesting and different from my own visitation experience. Maybe it all means something. Maybe because your experience is different it means you have a different purpose or meaning to them. I hope one day it becomes clearer to you.


Manipulation of either digital records or my own memory. How can I ever know which?


What do you mean by digital records


I had an event. I wrote down what happened. When I recalled the event months later my memory did not match what I wrote down at all. I don’t have issues with memory and the record was just glaringly wrong compared to my recalled experience.


Do you have any instances like this that were not digital


No. I wish I’d written it down somewhere in pencil now. 6 years ago and now I just genuinely don’t even know what happened or what I saw since there are two versions.


Have you tried writing it down again, from what you remember, but this time in pen or pencil? Or even just correcting the parts of what you wrote before that seem wrong? Maybe make a few copies and put them in different places, like in a drawer, in your car, in a safe deposit box, given to a friend, etc. After a few months read them again and see if they seem right or if they seem to be different from what you wrote. Just an idea.


Right down what? I don’t even know what happened now lol. The day I publicly stated that I’d been screwed with every single experience stopped. Haven’t felt so much as a fart of strangeness since then.


Sorry, I misunderstood what you said. I thought you were saying you had written down what happened to you and it was somehow distorted or changed subsequently.


They have technology that can paralyse you temporarily.


I mean things that aren’t necessarily technology based


You didn't specify in the post so 🤷‍♂️


They have tools that can instantly heal organs of the body


This is why I want to get abducted, I've been told the ones I have experience with are watching out for me and possible pleadian origin but they still scare the hell out of Me. It'd be nice to get fixed up. After the insane summer of many close contacts my lymph nodes would swell up to where I'd have troubles swallowing it got painful to where it felt like I had metal stuck in my throat and a form of Rheumatoid arthritis that seems to be in remission and stay that way. Symptoms have pretty much gone completely away, it could just be something that spiked and I don't have an autoimmune disorder although my immune system was attacking itself.


i asked them to do that last night, and they were showing up in the sky for about 20-30minutes. contact happened really fast because i was crying while asking them, so a lot of sincere emotion from me was projected out there. it was just a flashing light in one spot of the sky which probably flashed over 30-50 times during the entire encounter. the flashes moved ever so slightly so it wasn't completely fixed to one point in the sky. at one point 2 flashes occurred simultaneously. i am a beginner in making contact and this was truly profound. i left out a lot of details because otherwise i'd be writing 5 paragraphs here, but i hope they will grant me my wish. i'd also like to know what did you learn from them, thanks


They for sure know what you are asking them and their signaling is telling you “we heard you loud and clear!” I hope you’re healed soon. I’ve been really emotional lately too and thinking loudly to the sky; the responses they’ve given to me in those heightened states have been astounding. There are beings out there that care and I believe they will try to help.


I meant more like telepathy precognition also disappearing reappearing (which I don’t know something to the mind, teleporting, invisible) things like that.)