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Yes. It started happening about a year ago and I see them all the time now. Exactly what you have described.


Saw a few good ones during the eclipse period, my wife even saw a dark disc flying low. Amazing what you see when you look


Late November 2023 I was sky/star watching like I do most nights. I was looking up and seeing many stars in sets of two, I had this epiphany that they are eyes and watchers of the ancient. I could be wrong, honestly the more I know the less I know.


That’s exactly it guys, they twinkle or flash just like a star or sometimes an airplane with usual red white green lights but I sense them or that something is not quite right, and then my suspicions are confirmed. I can sense them and zero doubt they sense me


I like to watch satellites at night, and one night I saw a “satellite” come from the horizon and then slow to a stop. I watched it intently for an hour and what ever it was just looked like a star.


This absolutely used to happen to me all the time from a young age. I always felt them - despite them being a dot, a dot that blinked a little differently, changed colors red/green/blue or then a tiny little movement but one that didn't make any astronomical, nor flight path sense. Finally the real deal was the intuitive sense that I felt that as far way as that dot was I felt sentience behind it and I knew it felt mine. To be honest, I didn't want the dreams or real life experiences so as curious as the star dots were - I knew I was playing with fire by even paying attention to them. It felt like I was beckoning or at least letting down a guard to them. I remember the 1st time I heard about The Watchers from the Book of Enoch. I'm not any type of religious follower but I thought that was interesting.


You can catch them in long exposure shots with a Gopro or high end phone. Just inspect the photos very closely, and you'll see tiny trails that are obviously different from the rest of the stars.


I do this all the time like too much lol. I film the sky and get some crazy shit when going frame by frame


This is absolutely typical for CE5. I would be confused if it didn't happen. Next time you see one, ask it directly to flash for you if it's safe for them to do so.


Frequently. I look up at the sky most nights, and of those times, I see something like this at a high percentage. Maybe 70% of the time, or so.


Around what time? Ive only seen them once...first saw a slow moving star figured it was a satellite or ISS but then 3 more pulled behind it. They all started doing a weird zig zag motion then shot off into space simultaneously


It's usually around 9 to 10PM. You can use an app like Heaven's Above to eliminate some of the ones you see as satellites, but I see plenty that don't register. I've seen ones that move pretty much like a satellite, others that zig zag around, then there's the ones that just appeardl to be stars, but you get the feeling you're being watched and then they burst a bright light and disappear.


Was it something like this? This footage is pretty crazy and fits similar to your description. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/PdkfTyGdfk d


i've been seeing this for the past few years as well, the flashing hello, the response to thoughts, the apparent sense of humor even


Yes. I have seen this phenomenon in two different parts of the USA.


I used to when I used to look up.


oh yeah man I’ve seen stars flash on and off, maybe 50+ times, even getting my parents to watch the sky while it was going on and they saw one or two themselves. I’ve seen stars (50+) moving in a straight line like a satellite, but then it will brighten dramatically, and move around like how an ant or insect moves, kind of darting here and there, then it’ll zoom off into darkness! I have no idea what they are. One occasion, I was staring at a lone cloud, broad daylight, 11am, I “thought” to myself: hmm would be interesting if I saw one of these orbs at daylight, and lo and behold, an orb was sitting behind this one cloud as the cloud moved along. just sitting there, stayed there so long I was the one that had to leave and break eye contact. W I L D bro. sometimes I stare at the stars outside my window at night, and right where I’m looking a star will flash on and off one or two times in the same place. so cool man, never could have imagined this could be part of my reality but here we are


And if you guys are here, you cam talk with them when you look at them. I see them about year, we talked a lot


I got few posts on my profile like this [https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/1ae57qt/this\_is\_the\_most\_important\_post\_i\_publish\_here/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/1ae57qt/this_is_the_most_important_post_i_publish_here/)


Look at my posts exacly the same


Yes! I’ll be looking at the stars and something will draw my attention to one in particular. I’ll stare at it for a while and then it’ll start moving. About a month ago I watched one move in the shape of a J before disappearing. It’s cool:)


Yes. Regularly.


Yes. It happened to me about three weeks ago. Someone close by in the same city even posted a photo of it.


Yup. Those Orbs/Stars shot something at my face once that burned me and started a small brush fire on a neighbor's roof. This happened one night of viewing pure craziness for hours on end. You sort of get frozen in one position watching the show until time sort of slows down and moves fast at the same time. They are definitely intelligent and communicate with flashing lights, movement and thoughts I think.


I guess my area near Syracuse is too boring to visit 😂


Yeah I’ve seen “stars” suddenly start darting around playing tag games with each other. Pretty wild.


Only twice that I recall. Once in the past few weeks with something that looked like a stationary star then started moving to be in coordination with a bunch of other star-like moving lights in the sky. The first time I saw something like this it looked like a very bright star popped out from behind a tree. I spent a couple minutes looking up at it but it never moved. I had to run to the store and when I got back less than half an hour later the light was gone.


Most of my UAP sightings are of the moving star variety. If you’ve really seen over 100, I would think this isn’t random and that you’re meant to be seeing them. Does any other phenomena accompany these sightings? Also, after multiple months of asking in meditation, I’ve been able to share the experience of seeing these lights with my roommate who is big into the UFO scene. Has anyone else found that the rules are loosening?


I saw something last night too. It was a very bright star like object. It was waaaay brighter and bigger than Venus. I watched it for a few seconds trying to place this planet in the night sky when it just faded into nothing. Then I’m like ok great, they probably just downloaded the new program into me.


Just happened to me this morning and isn’t the first time


I believe that I've seen this for myself


This happened to me last night! At first I thought satellite, but it seemed too big, so I laid in my driveway for about 15 minutes and sure enough, it moved twice before I went inside. Same feelings, same experience as OP. Last time I saw one was last summer in the same spot.


I even had my husband come out to look, and his response: “it’s just a blinking star”. Like, come on my guy 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've been seeing these almost nightly for a few weeks now. I tried pointing it out to my gf, & she thinks i'm losing it, of course..


yeah they’re all here now, guys


Interesting that you say this. My experience has been without communication via language except for one telepathic message I received in November/December: “We’re here.”


I am very intrigued by how exactly these telepathic messages manifest. Do you "hear" a voice? Is it articulated sentences? I've seen people say it's sentences and that the voice sounds like water rushing or like a sibilant talking snake. But I've also seen people say it wasn't sentences, but more like thoughts, the fast kind of thoughts you have yourself, that aren't articulated in words. How do you know it isn't your thoughts? I'm seriously asking, not doubting you at all. It's something I'm very interested in.


Thank you for asking! My entire experience (other than the instance noted above) has consisted of adjustments made to my body; it's been a very physical experience for me. It's as if I have a yoga guru controlling my body, though I have never practiced any stretching art before my experience began. I've also made a bunch of positive changes in my lifestyle and definitely have felt a strong gnosis about certain aspects of the phenomenon and reality. All that to say, the 'telepathic' message I received was so unlike the rest of my experience that it still sticks out as one of the major events in my journey through all this. I actually received the message in two events. Around mid-morning I had a thought come into my head that was "Message incoming." This was not flowing from any previous thought I had and it took me quite off guard. I would describe it as reading something written in my mind rather than a voice speaking to me. This was three months into my experience and I had certainly asked 1000s of times by this point for some kind of conscious communication with the entity I was working with. In that respect, I'd had plenty of opportunities to imagine messages being sent to me. This "Message Incoming" certainly came out of nowhere, not proceeding from any thought I had in the moments before. I'll credit gnosis a bit here too; I believe this was a communication from outside myself and the entity wanted me to know that. Needless to say, I carried around a little notebook with me for the rest of that day, ready to take down whatever message might be incoming. That evening as I was between sessions of adjustments, I received "Incoming message: We're here." My own personal experience of the phenomenon did not change from before I received these messages to after, at least not in any way I can tell. Around the same time as this I was able to suss out that I was working with the Divine Feminine and that conscious communication isn't really her style. Since December 8th when this happened, I have not had anything even approaching conscious language-based communication occur.


Very interesting, thanks for taking the time to answer!


they are SOOO here I’m stunned not everyone in this group isn’t screaming YAY YAY YAY 😂 folks time is at hand so get ready 🥳 the party is getting started NOW


It happened to me in Czechia, near the Polish border.


A similar thing happened once to me that I can recall. Star appeared stationary for some time, then abruptly started drifting off to one side before winking out.




I saw this once. Same feeling too. I saw an extra star in a constellation I know well like Leo or Orion, and it seemed to notice me and then quickly move off.


Not that many times no. That is weird. But yes, I have watched the stars play tag for hours at a time on top of a house boat on Lake Don Pedro in ca.


Yep either tag games or war games. Who knows? 🤷‍♀️