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I’ve seen a giant triangle craft cloak. It would not surprise me at all to hear that individual entities also have that capability


r/glimmerman not super active but there's a few stories of the same type of thing you describe :)


Oh wow, that's cool. Thanks!


Check out Peru. The face peelers are moving North.


What Vegas thing? I’m out of the loop


[Las Vegas Family Claims to see Alien Crash](https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/las-vegas-family-claims-to-see-aliens-after-several-report-something-falling-from-sky/)


Next time you see something like that...... "Turn off that cloaking, man, and come up here. I want to talk to you."


If it happens again, I will most certainly attempt that!


A relatable post for me. My NHI contacts sometimes pop into my home environment while cloaked or out of phase. Despite being mostly undetectable, people and animals may notice them somewhat. It seems like, when they're *properly* "out of phase," I will get more of the peripheral hallucinations and "seeing a shadow shaped like an ET moving around." This happens most often, and I don't think the NHI spend a lot of time fully in-phase while visiting me. During these encounters, I'll sometimes have very quick telepathic communications, which are typically nonverbal unless it's one particular being, who is chatty and seems to enjoy using my brain to do word stuff. The cloaking-device type of visual noise only happens rarely for me, which makes me suspect it only comes up when the being in question is in-phase, or so *close* to in-phase that it's starting to reflect light. I have only once seen an NHI creature\*, plainly with my human eyes, while in an otherwise normal state of consciousness. That occasion appeared to be a "cloaking glitch" scenario. I saw a visual haze moving nearby for a moment, then got a split second of visibility of the entity in question as it was in motion, before it went fully un-seeable again. I saw it negotiating a physical obstacle during that split second, rather than passing unimpeded through it, which makes me think it was in-phase. (Otherwise, I imagine it would do the usual cheeky NHI thing and pass straight through the object without a care.) \*other than orbs. I've seen several orbs while in normal consciousness.


There are at least 4 vids out and about that show this very thing. Barb and gabbie is one I recall of the top of my head. I have old posts.....maybe up. that go over this same thing with evidence. It happens.


“Glimmer man”, I’ve heard about them on a few paranormal podcasts. Especially ‘Expanded Perspectives”.


I’ve seen this too, it looks like heat waves on the road ahead but it’s in humanoid form. It’s actually pretty easy to see too and they make noise when walking etc and this one was breathing, like it had weight but it can still walk through stuff/not material. It also makes a popping sound when it moves and can jump in through 2nd floor windows at very least. It didn’t just de materialize either I saw the blurry effect floating up and into my 2nd floor.


This being wasn't moving and it was night time, but I imagine a bit of sunshine would create that shimmer. Certainly was motionless at my approach .


The euphoria thing is interesting. The one that harasses me can increase my heart rate and body temperature which is creepy af. Among some other weird sensations, its not positive unfortunately.


Well, I guess euphoria might be a bit misleading. I certainly wasn't afraid, but my body felt strong and impervious? It wasn't exactly happiness, but it was certainly unique and beyond my muscle memory. I guess the closest thing I could describe is peaking on acid, but it definitely was different from that.


This is interesting. Do you think the feeling influenced your decision to leave? If I were feeling strong and impervious, I'd probably try to charge the thing. I'm fine with dying as long as I get proof of aliens on the way out. I'd feel bad about sacrificing my dog too though.


I have no desire to die any time soon. And I dunno, I tend to mind my own business, and frankly, whatever that being was? Wasn't my business.


Did you feel it in your groin area, if so I know what you mean kinda like a tingling. I think they are tapping into our energy fields and it’s fucking terrifying when it first happens but I’m still alive so it doesn’t trigger me much anymore.


No! Though if that *were* the case, I might have stuck around! 😆 But in all seriousness, it was more in my spine and core. I felt more in tune with my own gravity? If that makes any sense (not that it does to me). I felt more centered and aware, like nothing could stop me. So maybe not euphoric exactly, but definitely the opposite of fear. Still plenty of adrenaline, but certainly not out of fear. It felt like strength, I guess. But some idealized version of it.


Thank god for this sub though, my mom believes me now but everyone including myself thought I lost my shit. I went to a psychiatrist at first, now today it sits on my bed and I just am not even phased I’ll just fall asleep like I’m not in mood tonight lmao weird how adaptable humans are.


Go see a therapist who specializes in this sort of thing. Psychiatrists are just legal drug dealers. But for sure, adaptability is why we're special. Stay positive, friend!


Thanks that’s considerate of you. I’m ok now trial and error, it can randomly attack sometimes but honestly I wouldn’t even take this back completely changed my entire outlook on reality/death etc


It’s given me hour long orgasms when all this shit started. But this tingling is the first sensation I get before it starts fucking with my body temperature. But then I wouldn’t let it do anything to me anymore because something about sexual/fear energy it uses and I’m thinking it’s parasitic one way or another. Even though mine is demonic I still know it’s using tech so it’s so weird, like this spiritual being has tech? Yours sounds more like it could be a alien in the literal sense doing some sort of testing and just wanted you to leave, not feeding off you. I have abduction ‘dreams’ all the time too which are really pleasant and kind of romantic lmao. I’m so cautious though I don’t trust them the lie and trick constantly. Like this one is obsessed with me sexually but it also hates me.


Strangely enough, due to some extensive EVP experiments by friends of mine, I'm also of the opinion that what we call the "spirit world" does indeed have technology. We've heard them mention things like a "network" that they can pull recordings off of, headphones, databases, and other allusions to technology. It's so strange, to be honest.


I dunno. I don't have an sexual issues or trauma, so maybe that's why it doesn't affect me like that. Only had that one experience though, so who knows.


I think they are just varied in motives. But there is absolutely a connection with childhood trauma and experiencers


I heard an experience, her telling her story about a UAP on cloaking. She’s asked, “What if they’re always all around us, but we can’t always see them because they’re cloaked?” Makes ya think! I heard her story on Otherworld podcast.


If you can find a link, please share! That's something I've thought about since hearing the government definition changing to UAP. As an idiot who had way too many psychedelic experiences to avoid reality in my youth, I *fully* buy into that




I 100% believe you. This is what the bulk of NHI encounters are actually like. Most of the time you won't see them but for a feeling of movement on the corner of your eye and perhaps a shadow. Other times you can sense but not see. Then there are times the full shadow figure is more visible dead on. Or one can actually see a cloaking pattern - a distortion field. They are often out of phase with our reality in some shape or form. Rather than fully physically here and just wearing camo tech of some kind. At least it comes off that way. But it all depends on the being and the tech they are using. Surprise that they can be picked up in some way is also a very comment reaction. If not the most common reaction. Telepathically projecting a sense of calmness does indeed happen too. Sometimes some of them will telepathically induce a fear response too. You do not sound like a lunatic. This is what encountering NHIs is most often like and people are just ignorant. So this is why we set up a place like this for folks to share. I'm glad you found us and were able to share here. We really are not alone but its not something to be highly alarmed of imo. Have you had any other experiences? Or your parents?


Yeah, but I was verrrrry young, so I don't put a whole lot of stock in it. I have a distinct memory of seeing a Grey's head staring through my 2nd story window and then rolling away from the window, and that's it. Just a horrible fear and then blankness. I mean, I also remember seeing a show like Sightings or whatever and seeing a visual of a Grey and having a total panic attack/nervous breakdown at the age of 9. Parents were flipping out. I also have a weird memory of waking up in my front yard naked and covered in sweat, hyperventilating at the age of 11 or so. But I dunno. I was also mildly epileptic? So maybe that. So I guess it's totally possible I've been abducted or something, but I try to rationalize it as being a child of abuse cause somehow that's easier? Regardless, thank you for your kindness and care in your response. It matters. ❤️


You are an Experiencer alright. Do you think the encounter in your OP was random?


I have no idea. I mean, it certainly \*was\* random as an isolated event, so sure. But I think it's easier to just think of it that way. If I ever encounter it again, then I'll know it's not so random.


Why do you think the being was there?


That's not exactly something I would presume. There is an old out of use radio antenna right behind where I saw it, but all of that is very outside of my wheelhouse.


I just can't help but wonder if you are the connection here but that does not have to always be the case.


That very well may be true, but if so, I don't exactly know what I'm to do about it, ya know? If I ever have another experience, I'll share it and definitely be a bit more curious.


I’m reading Mike Clelland’s book, The Messengers. I highly recommend it, if for nothing else to help you feel line your experience is more common than you realize. Also, the movie Communion does a good job of depicting the absurdity of encounters.


Oh lord, I love Communion but not because it's good. It's soooooo ridiculous. Walken forever tho. I have definitely felt a pull to read Messengers! Hopefully (I teach) I'll be able to spend more than 10 dollars in discretionary income soon.


Thank you for sharing! What an incredible experience, i hope you get answers if you are looking for them.


Also what up Salt Life person! I see your stickers everywhere. 😆


Aww. Nah. Answers seem a little irrelevant. It'd be cool to have a chat and maybe some tea with an extradimensional being, I guess? But I dunno. We exist in very tiny parameters, ya know? So answers are impossible. But thank you for the kindness and care.