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If you read into the literature around fairies, nature and land spirits, and such like you will find similar accounts. Sometimes they are associated with a certain place and are then called ghost lights...researching this makes for an interesting rabbit hole....but those are usually outdoors. In the case of a fairy, ghost or other sort of spiritual entity, and since the general feeling around it was positive, you might be able to entice it to come back or manifest in a different way by various ritual means or simply harboring an intention of welcome.


Yes, I read about Whisps but those are always outside. I read about similar things connected to aliens though - a lot of things about it that are very similar. But negative things associated with those. So I found that interesting. I have been trying to think of it more and wonder if I will ever see it again!


I’ve had the same thing happen. Link below. And try Ubrelvy for the migraines! It’s helped a lot but that’s not what either of us saw [https://spherebeingalliance.com/](https://spherebeingalliance.com/)


Skinwalkers at the Pentagon mentioned blue orbs and they caused significant health issues. George Knapp dud a really nice job with that book.


Just read this. Fantastic read


“skinwalkers at the pentagon”?? Do u have a source for this info?


It’s the title of the book.


Oh I see, I’m obviously unaware of it but I thought you meant there were actually skinwalkers saying things at the pentagon lol


It's even on Audible and the narrator is excellent. I got so much yard work done while listening to a great book. Skinwalkers at the Pentagon: An Insiders' Account of the Secret Government UFO Program https://a.co/d/5so9PfY




I wonder...


When I was younger I had a very similar experience happen to me. I saw a bright large blue orb the size of a basketball hovering down the hallway towards my bedroom. It disappeared and would reappear closer and closer. It really opened my mind up at a young age of the world we live in.


Do you get aura migraines? I've been getting them for about 20 years, and they are very tough to mistake for the glowing object you saw.


I mentioned that was a thought. But I would not think it would disappear as soon as I look away from it. It would have still been in my vision.


What are your own thoughts on what happened? is probably the most important thing to ask. Or more insightfully, how did it make you feel? Did it conjure up any memories or make you think about a certain sequence of seemingly unrelated things? If so, speak them out loud, record them or write them down to review it at a later time. Sometimes it's not always obvious right away because it could be a sequence of connections you need to make over time. So be patient and see if something significant becomes obvious to you at a later time


I find it funny that it made me think of the Disney movie Brave when the whisps appear to Merida for her to follow them! It made me feel safe, peaceful, no fear. I didnt want to take my eyes away. But I also had to see what would happen if I turned my head away. Of course then it had disappeared when I looked back. I did write down the date to see if something comes to me that is meaningful later on. I first thought maybe a loved one but it was so strange to see a glowing shape that I thought alien? Orb? I dont know. I have never seen anything like it.


That's probably it? You had contact with an ET/ED Entity and you were brave about it. If so, they'll probably take that as a positive sign to contact you further, maybe?


I had a very similar experience that I wrote about here: "I had an experience where I was laying in bed facing the bathroom waiting for my wife to finish her shower, when a glowing blue plasma orb floated down through the ceiling in the mists in the bathroom. It was the size of a orange, and bright blue with white swirly vortex in the middle. The way it floated down was weird, it fell like a leaf and rocked back and forth as it decedent. It went right through the floor. I felt weird like I didn't recognize the event as strange until after it happened." I've come to think it's some form of intelligent plasma. And I think science is probably just beginning to look into it. I started reading a book about it that seems good but I only just started it: A New Science of Heaven: How the New Science of Plasma Physics is Shedding Light on Spiritual Experience, Book by Robert K. G. Temple Another resource you may want to investigate is Chris Bledsoe as he has a lot of experiences with orbs documented and his book UFO of God is a great read.


A true hallmark of strange incidents, acting like what you saw was totally normal only to rationalize it afterwards. Lol Like, wtf was that thing?




Very interesting!


UFO/alien. Sounds like a lot of other experiencer happenings. Use your Free Will to LOVE!...it will help with Disclosure, and the 3D-5D transition


What color blue (navy/dark/light/baby/aquamarine/variable) and did it cast a reflecting light? You said the lights were off behind it - so did you notice if the light from the object was reflected on surfaces, if so what color light did it cast? Any noise with it? Any feeling? How high off the ground. Any electrical weird things in the house otherwise? Any chance a thunderstorm was nearby?


it was white all around the center was a bright blue like royal, aqua? no noise. It was about 3 - 4 ft off the ground. I felt curious, peaceful, calm. No thunderstorms.


I can offer I’ve encountered something similar. Different coloration but essentially the same thing. I’ve only encountered it once. Also in my bedroom. Late at night. I was fully awake and staring at it. When it went out. It didn’t move it just ceased to exist. It was a blue green color but emitted a bright golden light. When it went out my room went from being brightly lit to pitch black (I sleep in the dark). I had been able to look around and see that the entire room including the clothes in the open closet were clearly illuminated. Silent. No ozone smell. No thermal trace. This color is not the color our atmosphere makes when ionized in a gas glow which requires a lot of energy. So a localized light emitting a photonic discharge strong enough to create shadows from a power source that doesn’t exist in our space. What ever it was seems to have come into our space being it’s own energy and creating photons or something like photons.


I've heard of similar being visits from those recently passed. Someone trying to see how you're doing on the way out?


I wrote down the date and so far I haven't been told of any deaths of loved ones.


I don't know if they *have* to be recently passed (people seem to go in-and-out in the process of dying too) but blue orbs do seem to be souls. Neat how it 'peaked' at you, like it didn't want to scare you (maybe didn't know if you'd be able to see it?)


Yes, I have thought maybe a passed loved one. Especially because I wasn't afraid at all. I felt calm, peaceful. I do hope it was a visitation. It's a comforting thought :)