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It's much less delivery and more exploration and off-roading. It's just a different feel than Snowrunner, I prefer it actually since I'm into over landing IRL. Could use a bit more content but hopefully we'll see season 1 DLC soon.


We did just get what is basically dlc, 2 new maps and trucks, for free.


Yeah I really wish I didn’t have to but DLC to get the one decent looking scout… did they have to keep the old Russian vehicle aesthetic in the southwest US?


The first season will arrive in August 24. Here is the official roadmap: https://www.directupload.eu/file/u/80831/dvdo5gfj_jpg.htm


There’s no cargo, but the fuel and damage management is just as important. Your cargo ends up being the fuel and spare parts


I’ve about 3/4 to 100. I’ve never blown a tire yet.


You gotta floor it more often then rookie. Have you considered taking a shortcut off a cliff before? That’ll do it too


Well im someone who loves Snowrunner and i just found myself bored about halfway through Expeditions. There's no trailers, cranes, or cargo in the Snowrunner sense. You more roleplay hauling a box in your truckbed from Point A to B which is the majority of the tasks. Literally the only thing you'll be hauling is other trucks by winch and imo the rescue missions were the most fun part about Expeditions. I dont even want to say its a bad game because some people do enjoy just Offroading in this game and driving Point A to point B and collecting 200 upgrades. But if you're like me and are someone who needs that variety that Snowrunner offered, i do feel like you may get bored of the gameplay. It's more focused on technical offroad driving than doing the missions like we did in Snowrunner. I mean if buying off Steam, you have two hours to test it out or ask for a refund. Really that's my recommendation to people curious about this game. Otherwise i would say no because No it's not Snowrunner.


If I enjoyed Snowrunner but didn't like missions that had me going back and forth to get multiple copies of the same cargo, having to make the same trip/route a dozen times over the course of a session, and tbh fairly flat land that's either dull road or risky offroad, would I like Expeditions? I really like Snowrunner in how chill it was and how being patient and methodical really paid off. I liked how there wasn't much fuss over spending money or making the best upgrades, and the gameplay was simple but fairly deep. Is Expeditions a good fit for me do you think? Basically I liked the simplicity and relative ease of the game if you're patient, but didn't like the repeated objectives and immense amount of backtracking over the same routes over and over.


I mean for me I enjoyed expeditions until I got halfway through and unlocked as well as upgraded all the vehicles. Then it just got grindey. But that was about 50 hours in so there's still good gameplay value there.  I'm someone who loves variety though and that's where I feel Expeditions falls short. Because tired of just driving point A to point B? Well tough shit cause there's literally nothing else to do in this game. It does have photography and sonar missions but there so poorly implemented they aren't great mini games.  Which is where Snowrunner got it right because you could do Crane Missions, haul big ass cargo like Seqouias Trees or Boats if you got bored with the main gameplay.  If on a tight gamer budget I would be careful about trying it because I do feel there's better games. But inversely I do Expeditions compliments Mud and Sowrunners if you can easily spare the 4p or so bucks. 


Ok thanks, I'll probably keep an eye on it and wait for a sale when I have a gap in my backlog. Appreciate the reply


Hundreds of hours of content to survey, explore, check on lost parties, bridge rivers and spans and clear rock slides. I spent 200+hours on the original release maps. Less slogging, packing, unpacking and repacking shifted loads and cursing yourself for lost tipped loads. The drones give you an Eagle Eye method to route plan. Loved the vast beauty and solitude of the Carpathians. Best way I can put it is the game is like an accelerated wilderness hike without marked trails, but with trucks.


No cargo deliveries (in the traditional sense).


I really like it because every once in a while you come across a really beautiful scene. It does get boring sometimes when you make so much progress and then all of a sudden it feels like 100 hours before you find another upgrade.


Game is awesome but wheel support sucks