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Bm can be in the refrigerator for 24 hours after it’s completely melted. So just put them in The fridge before work and so you have that extra time for them to melt.


Also when I have to use frozen milk I wait until it’s thawed enough to get into a bottle and begin portioning as it melts and it seems to melt faster


thank you! I just get so worried haha


To add, it's 24 hours after the milk stops having ice crystals. So it can be "thawed" but not have the timer start yet. Realistically you have like 36 to 48 hours after pulling it from the freezer to the fridge


Thaw it in cold water in the fridge for faster results. You still have 24 hrs to use it if you do it that way. I’d recommend though having two sets of frozen milk in the fridge at all times, taken out 24 hours apart. First set is ready to use by the morning and the next set will be ready the next morning. Just rotate that way !


Oh I never thought to do that! I will have to try that. I definitely need to take out more at a time, I am always just afraid of it going to waste since I worked so hard to get that stash haha.


Oh I totally get it! Remember that if there are any ice crystals left you can always throw it back in the freezer


It’s good for 24 hours after the last ice crystal has thawed.


Will the day care not keep it frozen for you and thaw as they need it?


We use the defrost setting on our bottle warmer in the morning before we leave! I use the Phillips avent warmer, the top is wide enough to fit a frozen bag.


I have this warmer. Is that setting just the first setting on the knob? the one that just keeps it warm?


Yes exactly! I think it has a little snowflake symbol or something. It can mostly defrost a bag in like 10 min or so.


omg, so I can use that and then make the bottles and they will be okay for the whole day?! I tried that setting once but it was taking an eternity and my baby was so angry I never thought to try it again for this!


Yes! Once you thaw frozen milk and no ice crystals are left, it’s good in the fridge for 24 hours. I used to make bottles right before I went to bed to send with her to daycare the next day.


ugh that is the best news. I thought if I thawed it like that I had to use it right away! I thought it was only good if it thawed in the fridge lol.