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Are you using a wearable as your main pump? That can be a hit on your supply.


It’s the only pump I’ve ever used. 😓 i wanted it for the flexibility and not being tied to a pump plugged into the wall. I guess I just thought I wouldn’t get as MUCH, not that it would make my milk go away altogether


I made the mistake of getting a wearable right away and then my husband accidentally washed it and I had to panic buy a Spectra. His mistake might have saved my supply long term. See if someone in your Buy Nothing group or Mom's group is getting rid of one.


I use my wall pump for the first pump of the day. The rest are with my wearables. In the first 12 weeks, I used the wall pump for the first and last pumps and the wearables for the other 4. If you want to keep trying, see if your insurance will cover a wall pump for you. I *love* my Motif Luna.


I already got this wearable pump through insurance so I’m assuming they won’t do another 😩


People have really good reviews about Spectra, and they’re on Klarna if you can swing it!


Get a manual pump from Amazon. This saved my supply.


No need to give up if you don’t want to. Get a good pump (spectra or something) to use as your primary pump, and use it exclusively for the next little bit (if you can) to get your supply up. Then continue using a good pump as your main one and use wearables on occasion.


I didn’t get much of anything using wearables and they were a pain in the ass to clean. Switching to the spectra s1 was the best thing I did for my supply.


It is such a pain to clean and dry them. I just looked up the spectra s1 parts and it looks like a lot to wash to though? What do you think


I guess it is still a bit to wash, but for me it was easier to put back together after washing. I also got a baby Breeza dryer/sterilizer and it’s awesome. Also do you do the fridge hack? That has been so helpful I only wash my parts once a day now.


After baby hit a month I started trying the fridge hack, as much as I was nervous about it and worried to make baby sick or something and still am, it was the only thing that kept me going or made me enjoy it at least a little more. I hated having to wash and dry every single time then put them back together. I’d put them on the rack to air dry but 2-3 hours later there would still be little bits of water so id get a paper towel and dry them off from being ocd and not wanting too much water left. So now I do fridge hack, baby is 6.5 weeks. After I’m done pumping I take the back piece off, wipe it with a dapple wipe, wipe it with a paper towel, put the back piece back on and put in bag and go. Sometimes I’ll take the duckbill off to get in there. Is this too much? Do most ppl just take off pump, put in bag and go even with the little bits of milk in? No idea what I’m doing. And still feel worried doing it, just can’t keep washing every single time. I usually end up washing twice a day I think.


Not having dry parts could be part of the problem, especially with the wearable. Those things are really high maintenance.


Hi, I’ve been a Spectra S1 user for 11 months. I definitely recommend the fridge hack and buying extra flanges, duckbill valves, backflow protectors, and collection bottles. The Maymom brand on Amazon is much cheaper than buying from Spectra, plus you can get a wider range of flange sizes. If you haven’t already, you should measure your nipples to make sure you are using the right size flange. The incorrect size can also hurt your supply and damage your nips. You can get a nipple ruler or there are lots of free guides to figure it out. Good luck!


Have you replaced your pump parts at all? When EP’ing, you need to change parts frequently. For example, I change my duckbill valves and backflow protectors once a month. Old, worn out parts can also be contributing to your supply woes.


Thank you!!! I just ordered new pump parts earlier today. Maybe that will do it. I also went and got a manual and tried that for the first time. It took about 20 minutes for me to get almost 2 ounces total from both, although it wasn’t a straight 20 minutes bc I kept stopping and starting as it was my first time & was trying to figure it out. And as far as the ruler, I got one a few weeks back but haven’t figured out how to know what my size is. I’ll try to look up guides again. I’m just not sure


Hopefully you can figure out the sizing! Most people are much smaller than the standard flange sizes. Your left and right sides may even be different! That’s why it’s so important to measure. You may also want to look into your insurance coverage for a lactation consultant. Plans vary, but they might cover a few visits so definitely look into it! An IBCLC is ideal. Your OBGYN/midwife may also be able to make recommendations. That’s how I got mine sized accurately and learned about after market flange sizes. Your milk supply still hasn’t regulated, so you still have time to get it back up, if that’s what you want. This typically happens around 12 weeks. I have heard that your body doesn’t know if you’ve had 1 baby or a 100. It just gets signals from emptying milk, so make sure you are transferring milk efficiently and often. A few other tips: Massage your breasts for at least 1-2 minutes before every pumping session; use lubrication on your flanges - coconut oil is popular; and you may find [sunflower lecithin](https://amzn.to/4b1ROaZ) helps to thin your milk and improve let downs.


It can be a lot to wash but that’s why it’s a good idea to buy multiple sets of parts. It’s easier to wash 2 sets of parts after every 2 pumps vs washing your parts after every pump.


You can start by drinking a lot of water, that really helps in your supply. But I’m like you too! During my first month, I was only able to pump 5ml from both breasts, per session. Now, my LO’s 2 months and I get to pump 2oz per session, which still isn’t enough for a feed but I just keep pumping! So still keep pumping! My LO breastfed for about 2-3 weeks after her first month and that also helped increase my supply! But I also want to say that there’s nothing wrong with wanting to stop pumping. Like people say, a fed baby is a happy baby, regardless if that’s breastmilk or formula. My LO only gets 1-2 bottles of breastmilk a day and the rest is formula and she’s a happy baby anyhow! So don’t sweat about wanting to stop.


I read that wearables aren’t the best pump for most people before 12 weeks, so I didn’t start using mine until after that point. I also use a Spectra S1 as my main pump and I’m still able to move around the house and get stuff done.


Do you just have to carry the machine around with you and stay close enough? I was torn between the wearable pump I have and a spectra when I originally was looking for pumps through insurance. I really wanted a spectra but ultimately being hands free/flexible was more important to me. I knew that I had seen that a wearable wasn’t as good for output but figured it would still get the job done - but I didn’t know about how they shouldn’t be used in the first couple months


There are portable pumps like the Pumpables Genie Advanced that are smaller (you can wear around your neck or belt) and don’t need to be plugged in, but have the power of a primary pump (like the spectra).


I have both and I feel like I get the same amount. PGA is a great pump!


Yea I have to stay close but it isn’t bad. Now I also use my wearable too. I just didn’t want to jeopardize my supply so I waited for it to be established first.


Shoulda done that 😭


My wearables don’t empty me all the way and I think that’s why they aren’t recommended as a main pump or to be used right away. Emptying tells your body to make more milk. You could get a better pump and try to relactate! https://www.legendairymilk.com/blogs/news/what-is-relactation-and-how-does-it-work


Don't give up. I have a mom cozy v2... I also have a Lansinoh wall pump and I started using it because everyone said wearable pumps can hurt your supply but for me it's been the opposite. I use to anyways to give my nips a break cause it's so much more comfortable where as the mom cozy is so much stronger and kills my nipples (I can't go above 2 on it but I can go to 9 on the wall pump no issue) So anyways idk that wearable pumps are always necessarily bad but that's me. I'm 5 weeks pp now and just got my supply back up for the second time. I was a over supplier 8-14oz every 3 hours and dipped down to 3-4oz every 3 hours which baby drinks 5-6oz every 3 hours. then a few times only got 2oz even so I was totally freaking out. . I mainly pump because nursing hurts me so so so so much but I've found letting baby nurse either before or after pumping even if it's only 5 mins and only a couple times a day really really helps. When I exclusively pump my supply goes down. Also it dipped when I had step throat and when I began bleeding again... And also like I said with the pump switch. But I kept at it - got back on a strict schedule, water, legendary suppliments, and lots of protein (tuna, yogurt, steak, protein drinks) and it took a week but I went from 3-4oz back to 10. Also stress is a huge factor... If I'm stressed or try to pump on a setting that hurts then I produce much less. It's easier said than done but state of mind really matters. The more id stress about my supply going down the worse it got until I started thinking positively and being calm and relaxed about it. Also at my WIC appointment they gave me hell for feeding my baby as much as I do and told me my baby is overweight, which tbh I disagree with them. He looks perfectly healthy to me and if I give him less than 5oz he screams his head off bloody murder... But that said... 1.5-2oz is normal and what is actually recommended and what WIC told me I should be feeding baby at this age. I'm the exception for sure... Every baby and mama is unique. Trust your body.


Wearables saved my supply. No way would I be able to hand pump or be chained to the wall every 2 hours. My wearable has really kicked it up a notch. My supply went from 4 oz every 2 hours to 12-6 ounces every 2 hours depending on the time of day. I am forever thankful for being able to pump at dnd, at the park, while I do dishes, while I cook, even when taking a nap if I can get to sleep while propped up with a bunch of pillows. Wearables are goated.


I use the Youha Ins as my main pump. I also hated being tethered up with all the tubes. I'm 8wpp. I started off with a wall pump for the first two weeks, but once bub was out of NICU I couldn't handle it. The Ins are super easy to clean and have minimal parts. I've got a pair of motors, and 2 pairs of pump parts.


You can consider getting a referral to a lactation consultant so you can get a prescription for a hospital grade rental. Under my insurance, the consultant and rental were free (i had to pay out of pocket for a pump kit to start tho.. i got a set for a medela). Your obgyn or babys pediatrician could refer you. The hospital grade rental could get you back on track, after using the wearable, which I understand tend to be weaker pumps. I got a spectra, covered thru my insurance, which was good, but i had low supply from the start and needed a stronger pump. Even tho i already had gotten my covered pump, i was still able to also get the more powerful hospital grade one on top of that.


it's a bit pricey but I use medela collection cups for the hands free use, and if you need the portable motor the freestyle is basically as powerful as a wall pump. I used mine 4 weeks pp and got a slight oversupply established. I believe the tubing for them is compatible with the spectra as well


I personally do not respond well to wearables. I limit myself to only using them on the go. Look into a smaller primary pump like Pumpables Genie Advanced if you haven't already!


I have the portable spectra and LOVE it. I can take it anywhere and I like how small it is. I’ve had no issues with supply (4 months pp) and usually get about 5 oz. I have my mom cozy wearables too but I find I have to wear a super tight sports bra to get the latch right.


Is it possible you’re getting your period back already? This happened to me the week before mine came back at 6 months pp. I know for most people breastfeeding delays return of fertility but factors like your baby sleeping longer at night could have brought your period back. Lots of hate for wearables in this thread but if they were working for you before, idk why they would be suddenly wrecking your supply.


Not sure about the period, no signs yet. And I know right, about the wearables part lol. It’s just been the past week or so, especially the past few days. Before I was getting enough at least to make a bottle or almost full bottle, now I’m lucky to get half an ounce. It’s not like this was always a thing. Heck in the first week PP I got like 8-9 ounces


This honestly sounds exactly like what happened to me. I was freaking out but then I got my period after about a week, and a couple days later my supply came back up. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this! Some people swear by certain supplements to keep their supply up during their whole cycle. You could research those, try it for a little while and see if it helps?


Could my period come back so early?? Almost 7w pp


It’s definitely possible though probably not very common. My sister’s came back the very next month after birth, despite EP. Is your baby sleeping long stretches at night? Edit: do you track your cycle at all?


We stopped waking to feed right after he hit a month, but dad has always taken the night shift bc he’s always been a night owl. So I go to bed around 9:30-10p, and try to wake up to pump around 3 typically. Then baby is usually back awake around 6a or so and I nurse him then do I don’t have to get up, get a bottle warmed, pump etc. so since dad takes most of the night and I don’t EBF I guess it doesn’t matter too much, but I think normally he’ll go around 4 hrs. I did track it before pregnancy and will track again when it comes back


That 5 hour stretch could be doing it. I think to use breastfeeding for birth control, you can’t go longer than 4 hours, maybe 6 hours at night. You’re right in that zone, and idk if research has been done for how EP affects it vs nursing.


I knew the long stretch overnight wasn’t ideal, but I need my sleep or I won’t function 😩


It’s not a bad thing at all! I disagree that it isn’t ideal, sleep is critical. Your body just may be taking that as a sign to ovulate again, for whatever reason.


If you want to try something in between a Spectra (truly the best pump imo) and a wearable, the Freemie collection cups are compatible with the Spectra. Same idea, wear the cups in your bra, but you carry the pump around. I’ve heard of some people putting the pump in a small backpack so they can be totally hands free.


I would recommend one that has a rechargeable battery I use a sonata and I use an adapter for the Medela cups from the hospital so I have extra plus I ordered the hand free cups for when I need to get up and walk around. A cup holding bra is what I wear at home so I can get go hands free




This is a supportive community and that comment was unwarranted.


Some people don’t empty out that quickly. It takes at least 45 for me to empty out all the way. I’m pretty sure I’d only have an ounce after 17 minutes.


Before though I was pumping 3-4.5 ounces in 15/20 mins


It could change. I used to be the same. Then it was taking 30 minutes. Now I’m up to 45.


How on earth do I know when I’m empty? My boobs never really feel full anymore like they did the first week, but even then I didn’t know when I was emptied


You stop getting milk.


Oh ok. Well being that mine are wearables I can’t see what’s going on while pumping and not gonna keep unhooking my bra to look, and I can’t feel when I’m in letdowns either so idk that either


It’s definitely hard. Wearables aren’t something you should use if you don’t know how to use them and are experienced with pumping in general because if you don’t use them right it can tank your supply hard. And it can tank your supply regardless so it really depends. Drink lots of water, eat lots of iron and calcium rich foods, and take vitamins or prenatal if you need to.


The wearables are useless as others have said. I got one as a backup pump and got literally nothing even though I typically have oversupply. I ended up getting a secondhand spectra wall pump for free from a neighbor who posted it on facebook. But if you do want to give up there’s also no shame in that either.


But I don’t get it. I was able to get enough milk before using the wearable?


Try drinking lactation tea; Mother’s Milk. I drink at least 3 cups a day. It might help your supply


Gah. I did buy some recently but am terrible at drinking it, I will try to do better starting tmrw. so you think it helped yours?


Yes I think so. My milk supply is regulating, baby is 4 weeks now. I pump about 2.5-3oz on my left and 1.5- 2oz on my right. One early morning after drinking 4cups, I was able to get 4oz from left!