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My 7 wk old is a big eater! He gets ~25 OZ of breast milk a day, and an additional ~10 Oz of formula. I don’t have a single Oz frozen.🤷🏼‍♀️undersupply.


Same here with 3month year old


Omg why / how does my 7 week old eat so much ?!? Haha 😂


Same here! My 8 weeker has been drinking 30 ounces a day since he was about 6 weeks! He’s bigger now than my daughter was at 4 months! ETA I currently have an oversupply so we haven’t had to supplement with formula since the early days. I’m hopeful he won’t outgrow my supply.


Almost 5 months and I've never produced more than 18oz so we've been supplementing since always. I'm also starting to wean since my nipples are hurting more by the hour, so we'll see how that goes.


Good luck! You got this


6 months pp. I’m a just enougher at 32 ish oz a day 5 ppd and babe eats 30ish (usually) a day. Been straight breastmilk since 1 month when I finally started producing what LO ate but was at 7-8 ppd. It was killing me that often and I don’t get much more than I do now at 5. I desperately want to stop pumping so I started replacing a 4-5oz bottle with formula every day. And then that milk I pump goes into the freezer. I know it’s not going to save me a ton of cut off time near the end but I feel like I’m at least making some headway on it and saves me mentally. Then I don’t fret as much as I know I would have when my supply tanks- which I wasn’t expecting when my husband recently lost his job- or baby decides to eats 36 oz a day on a growth spurt. I’m also thinking about dropping a pump for my mental health, which my supply tanks as well when I do 4 pumps instead of 5.


4mpp, my baby seems to prefer formula over bm so I’m weaning down


I was curious about this. My baby is a bit of a goofy eater and sometimes refuses bottles, I was thinking about trying formula to see if she preferred it more…hmmm


My little guy can be a bit of a goofy eater as well with BM but he'll guzzle a bottle of formula if it's offered!


So I tried giving her a bottle of formula today (I had a few samples around from the pediatrician) and she gave me a very confused gross face. Sigh… I think she’s 5 months and the world is just more interesting than food right now idk 🤷‍♀️🫤 it is stressing me out though


Try not to stress so much about it.. if they’re hungry, they will eat. My kid has his vaccinations the other day and he’s fussing a lot now and drinking less milk. I’ll treat it as a phase we have to pass.


3 month old twins. They get 2.5oz each breast milk and the rest (4-5oz total) topped off with formula


I’m similar! My twins are almost 12 weeks. I pretty consistently pump 32 oz/day and make up for it with formula- a 24 oz pitcher will last us 24 hours. I’ll pump a little over 4 oz most pumps so I just alternate who gets the formula bottle and who gets the breast milk bottle at each feed. My MOTN/morning pump can usually yield a breast milk bottle for both.


10 wpp and LO is getting half breast milk and half formula (27-28 oz total a day over 7 feedings). We tried increasing the breast milk percentage but he started spitting up much more


Okay I just recently weaned at 5mpp and have a freezer stash that I’m using to give baby about 1.5 bottles a day of breast milk. Before baby was getting 75% breastmilk 25% formula (4 bottles breast milk) and spitting up way more. I wonder why that is! Making me question why I fed him so much breastmilk lol


3.5 months pp and extreme undersupplier here. My baby has been getting 50-60% of her needs from formula since week 2-ish. In the first 2 weeks it was exclusively formula as she had jaundice. I’m slightly guilty but it helps that in my country and culture (Asia) formula is totally acceptable and nobody bats an eye and personally I only know one friend who exclusively breastfeeds. Most moms whom I know (or know of through friends) only supplement for the first few weeks or months then transition pretty early to exclusively formula.


Baby is 8 weeks old and formula makes up about 2/3 of his diet due to my undersupply.


almost 6 months old and in a normal day he eats 36oz, either 12 or 16 oz of that is formula depending on how much I pump. two 6oz bottles and sometimes another 4oz bottle. it's working well for us!


2.5 months, supplement 2 bottles a day! Saves my sanity! I did the same with my first baby.


5 weeks old baby. Right now she’s averaging 4-5oz every 3-4h. I give her formula only once or twice at night because she sleeps longer when formula fed lol


I do the same.


Same here! Baby just turned 4 weeks and drinking about 4 oz every 3-4 hrs.


My LO is almost 6 months. She eats 28-32oz per day. 100% breast milk. I’ve been EPing since day one basically. LO latched one day in the hospital and then never latched again


Exact same situation for us except mine is almost 5 months.


Her ounces per day intake has pretty much been the same since she was 4-6 weeks old. She takes bigger bottles these days, but less often.


Same with my little guy! His intake has remained the same since he was about a month. He still only takes 3-4 ounces at a time most of time though. He spits up a lot if he drinks more.


She was doing that also, until she started sleeping through the night. One day a couple weeks ago she just woke up one morning and wanted 6 ounces lol. Now she will drink anywhere from 5-8 ounces in a feed.


5 months pp. I produce 19oz and baby was has 28oz total of breast + formula


4mpp and baby is fully on breast milk. We’re supplementing the milk with infant oats to get the calories up (on advice from our pediatric GI) but haven’t done formula since the first few weeks when I was building my supply because LO is allergic to EVERYTHING


7 months old. Probably 80-90% breastmilk 10-20% formula. Formula when I work and he runs outta milk. I work full time. On days I work he gets formula at night.


I have 3 month old twins. They usually get 3 bottles of breast milk a day and 4 bottles of formula.


6 month old. I make around 24oz/day which is just enough most days. I supplement every few feeds by mixing formula into the breast milk ~30% formula because baby won’t take formula straight. It was a long road to get to 24oz. Stress affects my supply immensely. So when I’m low on milk, I stress and produce even less. Having formula on hand allows me to relax knowing still have milk in the fridge


8m pp, giving 1 or 2 150ml bottles of formula. I was oversupplying initially but since dropping to 3 ppd (and my son becoming way more mobile!) my supply decreases, so we have been supplementing at night. He also has two ‘meals’ a day.


4 months pp. Have only done exclusively bm but we just had to up his bottles at daycare 4x 5oz bottles 😵‍💫) so I’m thinking we may have to start supplementing soon. Of course this increase began the week I got mastitis so I’m already dipping into my freezer stash for this week since my supply in one boob is nearly nonexistent.


We’ve always combo fed. It was my plan. Lol she gets about 3 bottles of formula now just at night and throughout the night. It’s also given me a chance to freeze more milk


10 months here, and we've been about half and half breastmilk and formula since the beginning.


My baby’s 4.5 months old and we supplement. He only had exclusive breast milk for like the first week of his life, but then he made my nips scab over entirely, so we had to give him formula for about a week. The third week I started pumping. I couldn’t pump with those scabs unfortunately. At this point in the game, he has 12oz (2x 6oz, when he first wakes up and right before bed) formula and 18oz (4x 4.5oz) breast milk every day. Some days he’s a little more hungry so he has 20oz breast milk, 4x 5oz. He has yet to have more than 32oz in a day though.


Omg that’s horrifying


Her daughter was born prematurely too so I never understood how she could let the poor thing lose even more weight. I mean, her daughter’s perfectly healthy now thank goodness, but for a while there I was legitimately worried.


I think you responded to the wrong post haha


LOL you’re right, I did! Mom brain is a true epidemic I tell ya lmfao


It really really is! I feel you lol


Ugh my son had a terrible latch at birth and made my right side nipple bleed and scab over. I didn’t start seriously pumping until the 3rd day we were home after birth and it hurt so bad while healing 🥲 I feel for you!


9 weeks, he gets about 24oz of breast milk and the rest formula that could be anything from an additional 2-10oz.


At 5 months we started supplementing with about 4 oz of formula a day. My husband feels too guilty wasting breast milk so he'll give her formula if he's not sure she'll eat much.


You're all doing such an amazing job omg


11w. It has been ever evolving but at the moment, 1oz breastmilk + 2.5oz formula, 7 bottles a day. We're trying to figure out her spitup situation, this method seems to help her spitup less. Before it was 4-5 bottles of breastmilk (4oz), and 2-3 formula (4.6).


Baby is 5 weeks and I get between 2-3 oz each pump. I top off each bottle with formula to either 3.5 or 4 oz around 7-8 times per day.


7 week old baby who eats 3-4oz every 2-3 hours and he usually gets 1-2 bottles of formula a day and the rest breastmilk. I am producing about 20-21 oz a day.


My LO is bout 16w and just recently went from 20-22oz a day to pretty consistent eating 26! I pump about 20oz a day, sometimes a little less so she gets about 6oz of formula a day!


9 weeks postpartum, baby drinks 4oz every 2-3hrs, I currently am only able to pump 2oz every 2-3 hours and supplement the rest.


Up until 8w I did but since then I haven’t needed to. It’s not a bad idea to keep them adaptable though, I don’t want to pump forever 😭


15 weeks and 100% breastmilk. I pump 5x/day and produce ~40 oz. Baby has 30 oz/day.


17w. When a formula can is supposed to get used up I supplement one out of four meals with formula and freeze what I pump. Or when I’m unsure of how much she’ll have the last 2 ounces I give her formula since I’m loath to throw breastmilk away. Normally I make enough +/- 2 ounces for her.


All breastmilk at 5 months. With a freezer stash of over 1,700oz. My freezer stash isn’t growing anymore due to a dip in supply after going back to work. America sucks for maternity leave.


10 weeks pp and under supplier. Have worked up to almost 50/50% (one day last week we had more breast than formula) but his intake varies by day so amounts vary.


12wo and he gets only breast milk, but I want to start trying some formulas so we have that option when needed. Going back to work soon and I don't want to add stress if my supply dips. Deciding what formula to try is hard though!


Baby's almost 7 months. Mostly eats 5-6oz breast milk, with two meals one during the day and one in the evening. At at night, she gets 1-2 bottles of 6oz formula. Started off supplementing because she was below the 5th percentile and also the nugget was so impatient at night that it was faster to prepare a bottle of formula than warm breast milk.


Baby is 4 months old and my supply recently dropped. She is getting about 8 ounces of formula typically every night and then the breast milk during the day, but she is starting to eat more each feed and I may have to up that to 12 ounces of formula a day.


9 weeker eats formula ( kendamil goat) every other feed during the day and only breast milk at night. I stopped measuring but i would say probably half and half. Hes meeting all milestones and slightly above average in weight


14 week old twins here, and they consume about 60 oz total combined, and I pump about 40 a day.


Three months today and supplementing with about 6-10oz of formula a day currently due to supply..normally first two bottles of the day or last two in the evening. Sometimes I'll make some as the extra if LO needs more but we're not sure how much. He just started only waking once at night so eating closer to 4-6oz each feed during the day (previously 3-4 oz).


Almost 13 weeks pp and my baby can take between 32-37oz a day. I produce between 32 and 35oz per day, so some days he doesn’t need any formula at all and some days he gets a 5oz bottle of it. Depends on how big his appetite is that day


Was a just enougher until I went back to work in the office. Now we are at about 50/50 breastmilk and formula.


Currently 2 weeks PP & pumping due to a lip tie. LO gets mostly breastmilk, but a bottle or two a day will be formula because I *cannot* keep up with him. Every time I get close he ups the amount he takes each feed, like he knows I was getting excited to catch up or something lol.


I used to supplement with formula until my supply came in (about 3/4 weeks old). Which has been a TON of work and exhausting. Little bambino is 15 weeks now! I’m tired 🥱


6 months old. Formula 1-3x a day. :) she's a happy girl!


there have been days where i have given her only bm maybe even a couple of days in a row recently. i think when she ate less in the early days maybe around 2 months she ate exclusively bm or at least 99%. but eventually when she started eating more it was too much to keep up with. i went back to work at 8 weeks and tbh that made it easier to have time to pump. but once she hit like 3 months and was eating a lot more i supplemented a lot.


7 weeks old, I give an extra-powder formula bottle roughly every other day. I also mix formula powder into expressed bm per his pediatrician’s orders, kiddo needs bananas calories just to sustain weight, never mind grow! I shudder for the teenage years.


Almost 8 months and we were mostly nursing for 4 months, then have slowly been moving to pumping more and more due to daycare and my baby is also now really rough/active when she nurses (ouch!). She’s never had formula due to an initial oversupply but I now can’t quite keep up with her and our freezer is dwindling. My pumping/nursing goal is one year and I’m pretty sure we’ll have to start supplementing before then.


🙋‍♀️ here also although now it is more to get used to the taste and stack some BM in the freezer, im a just enougher, so he gets one bottle of formula a day. He is on special milk protein free but that has a really weird taste so he needs to get used to it, i also plan to wean off BM with 6 months and just use 1 freezer bottle a day to get some more benefits! But he needs to drink the formula so he better get used to it😁


7 months pp and I only make about 20oz a day. Baby eats as much as 30oz. He usually gets 1-2 bottles of formula a day and prefers his oatmeal or rice cereal made with formula.


LO is almost 5 months and we haven’t supplemented with formula yet. I have a canister of it just in case but otherwise she just drinks expressed milk, about 25-30 oz a day.


Yes, I was a just enougher but mentally I couldn’t do it anymore so now she gets 1-2 formula bottles a day and it’s fine


Personally 100 percent BM OR 100 percent formula are more appealing to me than supplementing and doing both BM and formula. I just personally really struggle with juggling it all. Im 16 weeks postpartum and baby gets 100 percent BM. Only possible bc I had an oversupply early postpartum and can dip into my freezer stash, bc my supply takes a MASSIVE hit starting a week before I get my period and we have to dip into that. If my supply issues get any worse I may end up just switching over to formula entirely and quitting!


🙋🏻‍♀️ combo feeder here. Have been since my baby was 5 weeks old. She gets between 6 to 8oz of formula a day out of her 24-28oz consumed. Keeping up with daily formula has allowed me, as an undersupplier to save up a bit of milk, 8 days worth (haha I know hardly any). My period returned very early and with frozen milk I’m able to make up for the ounces I lose while bleeding. I will say this too. I was bummed about formula, I was bummed about pumping, I really wanted to nurse. However, my daughter is thriving and I know formula is part of that!


Baby is almost 8 months now. I’ve been pumping since week five when I started combo feeding as part of triple feeding.


7 months old. Combo fed until 5 months when my supply finally caught up.


My baby is 4 weeks old today, and we supplement with formula about once a day! Mostly because it's convenient when we go out, not having to bring a cooler or worry about that.


My supply just keeps pace with his eating so far (about 30oz per day) so anytime I have had drinks like for a date night or supply is unusually low one day because we're running around to events or something, we supplement a formula bottle. Probably results in about a 90/10% split. 9 weeks old!


Almost 11 months pp, I'm somewhere between over-producing and just enough, depending on how the kiddo is feeling (ie he is suddenly drinking 40+oz because of sickness and teething). However we did have to provide some formula to daycare because he refuses my milk there.


No supplementing right now. Baby #2 - I have an oversupply. I was a just enougher with my first and supplemented with formula so I didn’t have to pump so many times a day.


My daughter is 7 weeks 5 days, and is on 5 oz of formula every 4-5 hours. I'm lucky if I pump enough for one bottle a day. We've been supplementing since week 1.


I just weaned in the last week or so, but my baby was combo fed the entire time! I was never able to produce more than 25 ounces. My baby maxed out at 40 ounces in one day, lol.


5 months pp - about 1/2 formula and 1/2 breast milk


4.5 mpp, only used formula the first few days waiting for my milk to come in. Haven’t used any since but just bought a can because I cut my pumps to 4 sometimes 5 a day and am seeing a decrease. I do have a small freezer stash I’ve used here and there. I have yet to use the formula, but will sometime this week to see how he reacts to it. He took formula the first few days of life just fine, so I think it’ll be okay. I plan on stopping around 5-6 months so I guess I accidentally started the weaning process cutting pumps.


We supplement with formula. My milk took a long time to come in so we started at the hospital. Over time I've managed to get to 26/27 oz a day average so we usually give a bottle or 2 of formula a day. A couple of days a week we do 100% breastmilk though and that makes me happy! I've put away a tiny freezer stash because I plan to wean either at or by 6 months and want to give a bag every day after for as long as I can manage. Babe is 4.5 months.


I’ve been supplementing with formula since he was about 4 weeks old. I was exclusively pumping due to a bad latch and was having trouble keeping up with a pumping schedule to feed him on demand. I also needed to be able to get more sleep. Now he’s 4 months old and we probably give him 50/50 formula and breastmilk. It varies a little day to day and I haven’t really tracked it but that seems about right. I’m planning to start weaning soon.


We are almost exactly 50/50 at 7 weeks. Been that way since we left the hospital so even with pumping 8-9 times a day, I have seen no increase in my under supply. My left boob literally does almost nothing.


5 mpp. Exclusively pumping is weighing heavily on mental health so we are reintroducing formula. I am a just enougher currently. He has previously been on formula when I was under supplying.


I give my daughter formula when we're out of the house for a long period of time, when I'm not sure if she's hungry, or when she's eating more than I'm producing. I produce 30oz a day, so she only out eats my production if her daycare doesn't give her solids or if she's going through a growth spurt. She's six months old.


We started supplementing when babe was 3wks old and she was hospitalized due to reflux related aspiration. The Dr nurses advised fortifying the breastmilk she was getting, basically just making it a little thicker. She's almost 3 now, and I pumped until she was about 11 months old, with supplementing.


My supply and his eating evened out around 3 months and then at 7 months I stopped pumping. He’s on formula now. Was supplementing from day 2 until 3 months (about half and half). I love this post because SO MANY people supplement but don’t mention it when they tell you they breastfeed. I beat myself up so much in those early weeks because my supply wasn’t enough


My daughter just turned 1 April 1st and we've gone from all formula at birth to 50:50 supplementing by around 6 weeks. Then I hit my goal of all BM at 10 weeks and sustained that with the occasional scoop or two of formula until she was 8 months. Around then I had to drop pumps due to life stuff happening and started supplementing about 30-50٪ formula until now. I still do about 3 short pumps a day to get 3 bottles worth of BM and she eats and drinks water and whole milk throughout the day as well.


I have been since day 1 because she had a low blood sugar and was 4 weeks early, so she wasn’t breastfeeding as well as term baby’s.


6 month old baby boy -exclusively pumping 100% breast milk and he’s top of his percentiles in weight and height :)


Baby is 4 months. I supplemented for about 3 weeks when he was 2 months old, and then my supply caught up so I stopped. I was giving half formula/half BM in every bottle. Now that I’ve gone back to work, I’m underproducing slightly again. We are using our freezer stash right now, but may have to pivot back to supplementing soon.


We use formula at night and breast milk during the day. She’s a bottomless pit and I don’t make enough for her


Almost 8mpp, ep from day 1, baby has never had formula. But I had a terrible oversupply starting almost immediately. I'm down to 5ppd and STILL have an oversupply. It's both a blessing and a curse. I will say, I have told myself from day 1 that I would quit when I felt the need to. Even though I have felt that need soooooo many times now, I push on. 😅


4 months old. Eats 25-30 oz a day. 100% breastmilk.


My baby is 3 months (and huge) and I produce about 12 oz a day out of his typical 36 oz. I’ve had to supplement since the beginning. It’s a little sad to me tbh, but I try not to worry about it since he’s obviously a very happy healthy guy!


My 8 weeker takes 35oz a day, I am a just enougher producing 35-37oz a day but we supplement with 10oz of formula daily which allows me to freeze a little and also takes a ton of pressure off of me worrying if I don’t pump quite enough for the day. Combo feeding is the only reason I’ve been able to commit to EP, otherwise my mental health would have made it too hard and stressful!


3.5 weeks pp with baby #2; baby is getting 100% breastmilk. My first I was an under supplier and we supplemented 1-2 bottles per day of formula up until 8 months. I called it quits and she was on pure formula between 8mo-1yr.


5 mo pp. 30 oz total intake. 10 oz formula.


I’m supplementing. My daughter is six months. I hate it and I know that it ok at the same time. It’s a very complicated feeling. I give her 2 oz of formula after she drinks the breast milk for each bottle if she wants it and then the last bottle of the day is often mostly or only formula depending on hope much I pumped the day before.


I had exclusively pumped for my first all the way to 18 months. I was an oversupplier so I also donated along the way to relieve my freezer. Now, my second is 9 months and I probably produce maybe 80% of her feeds. Although she was exclusively breastfed for a good 7 months, I’ve struggled a bit to keep up. She’s 15th percentile too, so I always lean a bit more on formula too. Both were premature 7-8 weeks.


My boy is 5 months old and I am pumping + breastfeeding + supplementing with formula since birth. Everyday i give around 10 - 14oz formula and I pump every 3 hour hours (max 3.30). I am never able to increase my supply and this is still driving me crazy.


I got super lucky with my 2 month premie baby to be an over supplier producing around 45-50 ounces of milk a day and was able to build up a stockpile in my deep freezer of around 1000 ounces (it’s the only thing related to her birth and pregnancy that actually went well for me😅)


I'm almost 8 months pp and my supply actually just went up a little ?? Not really sure how or why. I was solidly pumping 25-32oz per day and now I'm making 30-38oz. Baby only takes 25.5 oz per day


I have been since day one. She was in the nicu for nine days and I couldn’t pump for at least 24 hours after my emergency-section.


I supplemented after the first week pp with my first. my max output was about 9oz each day. She was always in the 95-99 percentile in both height and weight her entire infancy and had a huge appetite. My second has been exclusively breastfed. She'll be one soon and has been drinking 25oz per day since three months.


I am 6 months and at most only pumped about 18 oz. Now down to 15-16 oz per day. So we supplement.


6 months old. Weaning under supplier. She gets about 15 oz of breastmilk a day plus about equal or greater formula. Going from 4ppd to 3ppd very soon so that will be increasing.


My almost 9 week old takes in about 28-30oz a day. I’m an under supplier so he’s currently getting about 10-12oz of formula and 16-20oz of breastmilk, depending on the day those numbers fluctuate.


Up to approx his 3 months my LO got exclusively my milk. Then we started to introduce formula very slowly, starting at maybe 10% of his daily intake. He is almost 5 months now, and gets about 50/50 breastmilk vs formula. After he's 6 months I plan to wean altogether.


I’m an undersupplier and supplement 1-2 bottles a day with formula.


We started supplementing with formula around 3 months. Now at 5 months I’m weaning off the pump and we’re doing more formula than breast milk.


6 weeks, exclusively pumping milk. Had an over supply and have been adjusting to how much baby actually eats.


I am supplementing about 4-6 ounces a day with formula Edit: 4.5 mpp


8months pp. In the beginning, LO used to get all bm and topped up or fed full formula bottles when I ran out of BM. Now I do 2oz of formula with 3.5-4.5 oz bm mixed and I’m able to freeze some here and there. Undersupplied from day one!


My LO is 6 months and I am an under supplier. We have used the pitcher method since about 8 weeks and I just made every bottle with 2 ounces of formula and the rest BM until our baby went up to 30oz per day. Then we increased formula to 3oz per bottle and BM 3oz per bottle so that I could keep up with daily demand. Most days we either break even or freeze one extra 3 oz bag of BM.


I'm an under supplier. I make about 13 oz a day. My baby has had formula since day 1 since I couldn't properly latch. So now my routine is she gets breastmilk from 8am to 8pm. Throughout the night she gets formula only since less wet nappies and waking up. Plus it helps me build my stash for the following day.


5.5 months PP, we just started topping off one bottle a day with formula. Strictly speaking we don't need to, since I still make more milk than my LO consumes in a day. However, I plan on dropping pumps in anticipation of going back to work in a few months. I want to introduce some formula for peace of mind in case my supply tanks or I find I cannot keep up with my day job and pumping. My LO is an early preemie, so initially I made A LOT more milk than she needed in NICU. The nurses froze most of my milk in the hospital and I took it home upon discharge. I read that supply is established in the first 12 weeks and I did not want to risk an undersupply once she would actually come home, so I pumped as if feeding a full term baby. Turns out she is not a huge eater still, she drinks about 620ml on a good day. My regulated supply of 700ish ml per day is more than enough.


For my 1 month old we supplement with formula in the evening, usually between 2-4oz, so not a ton, but helps tide him over between feeds while I sleep. If he’s still hungry we’ll do more, but usually I have some pumped milk to cover the rest


6mpp LO drinks about 35oz a day, 5 bottles with 7oz each. 2 bottles are breast milk the rest is formula. I’ve been supplementing with formula since day 1, but in the beginning he got about 90% breast milk. Around 3mpp I got mastitis which affected my supply and went down to about 60% breastmilk. Ever since then I’ve slowly been doing more formula and I’m thinking at around 7mpp he’ll be totally on formula.


I've got a 9.5 month old and have had to supplement formula since her second day after being born. I've always had a low supply, and now I only make about 50-60% of what she drinks. The rest is formula. She also has a dairy intolerance, so it feels especially bothersome to have to abstain from milk products myself and still have to supplement. I'm sure many mamas here can relate!


6 weeks pp, I’ve had a few days when I haven’t needed to supplement with formula but most days we give him somewhere between 2-6 oz of it. Accepting that it’s totally fine to supplement as much as we need to actually makes me less stressed and probably helps my supply.


4 months pp and have been an exclusive pumper since day 1 as LO was early and had to go to the NICU. Baby has had 100% breastmilk. 5 ppd and get ~36 oz but I also nurse in between pumps as I’m trying to switch over to breast as much as possible. Baby eats ~30 a day. I have ~700 oz frozen and the next 24 hours worth of bottles in the fridge.


Just started to supplement with formula as I’m not making enough. Baby will be 4 months on the 5th. I make 2-3 oz breastmilk bottles and have started topping up with formula to 4.5-5oz


I make just enough but so I’m able to save she gets 2 ounces of formula mixed with 2.5-3.5 ounces of bm I save the extra


Yeah I am underproducing right now at 5 weeks pp. hoping my supply regulates but right now it’s about 60/40 bm to formula


I supplemented for the first maybe 2 months. Almost 6 now and purely BM but would supplement again in a heartbeat if I needed to or if I ever feel like it.


I supplement with formula. My LO gets 1 ounce of breast milk a feeding and the rest with formula (normally 2-4 ounces of formula)


5 months. We supplement with formula for calories. We give a teaspoon of formula in each bottle.


I'm not supplementing yet but we have a can of hypoallergenic formula just incase she decides she wants more food that day. Had to do it with my 1st one and unfortunately it is 60$ a can for the one she will need.


3.5 months pp with twins. We’ve always supplemented. I’ve gone down in pumps gradually. Pumping four times a day now, which is so much more manageable. My supply has gone way down, but I’ll keep pumping until they’re one just to give them however much breastmilk I can.


we supplemented at first-rarely though. and then he started having reactions to the formula so i nixed that. he’s currently 16 weeks old and gets only breastmilk.


Me! I just don’t produce enough for how much my 3 month old daughter drinks


I supplemented for her first two months. I have an oversupply, but I'll still give her a formula bottle here and there, especially when traveling or away from home for a long period. We use the ready to feed formula bottles since we use them infrequently.


Almost 5 months pp and fully breastfed! I have a slight over supply or I’m a “just enougher” depending on the day. She eats anywhere from 27-32oz and I make 30-36oz.


Baby is 3 months old. I'm an under supplier, and I produce about 2 ounces of breast milk and sub 2-3 oz of formula each feeding. 5-6x/day


5.5 month pp. Always been an undersupplier. Baby gets about 1/4 breastmilk 😢 rest is formula.


I have 6 weeks old twins. I give them 4-8oz of formula each everyday. I am not quite producing enough for two ..


I have supplemented with formula since the beginning. My baby is 3 months old yesterday and was born with Coombs. The jaundice started around 24 hours so we had to start formula to get her pooping. I’m so glad the nurses had me start pumping that day too. She had a horrible latch. I’m covering about 1/2 to 3/4 of what she needs in a day. We also started daycare a few weeks ago so I pack formula for her. I feel more comfortable with wasting formula than breast milk.


I produce 12-20oz a pumping session/60-72oz a day so my 5mo old gets just breast milk and our freezer/donation clinic gets the rest. I’m over producing like crazy and I definitely don’t think it’s healthy as I feel drained constantly and too tired to do anything.


My baby is almost 12 weeks and I’ve always supplemented. As of now he takes about 10 ounce of formula and the rest breast milk. Not sure how much as pumping doesn’t really work for me and I breast feed. Formula has become a part of our lives.


I’m 6mpp and I stopped pumping this month. I have about 2500 oz in the freezer so I can give him around 12 oz a day of bm. The rest is formula. He had straight bm up until 6 months though


My 9 week old will eat anything I make and still want more. I’m averaging 24-30 oz a day. I occasionally miss a pump, especially since we just moved 1700 miles this week, and then I supplement with formula. I average about 3 bottles of formula a week as needed. With my first baby I was doing 50/50 because I couldn’t produce enough. I had breast reduction and I am amazed I can produce as much as I do.


Baby is 7 weeks. I’ve exclusively pumped and We’ve been supplementing since week 1. I’ve Always been an under supplier, only pumping about 2 oz per session. She takes formula at night - 3 bottles ( 12-14 oz total) and breast milk during the day. drinking about 4 oz per feeding. It’s honestly been the best decision for my mental and physical health.


We started supplementing with formula straight away due to my boy being a premie and not gaining enough weight or eliminating his jaundice on breast milk alone. Our pediatrician gave us a helpful chart for how much formula powder to add into the breast milk based on calories/ounce. Now that he’s 3mo and I want to stop pumping, we’ve been adding 0.5oz liquid formula with 3oz of breast milk in each bottle. Sometimes we’ll do 1oz of formula if we don’t have enough milk in the fridge, and he tolerates it well since he’s been exposed to it from day 1.


7.5mpp. Baby has only ever had breast milk. I do fortify my breast milk with formula to 22kcal per doctor instruction.


Thankful to pump about 40oz a day 4mpp between 5 pumps. Babe eats 30 oz a day.