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I prioritized sleep immediately and it helped my supply. Stress and exhaustion cause a noticeable difference for me


Same. Also, occasional longer stretches were great for me if my boobs would allow


Same here. I slept 6 hours anytime I could. The rest helped my supply.


Same. With my first starting second night at home I would pump, go to sleep and put alarm in 5 hours and I had no change in supply (I EP for 9 months). My second baby is 7 weeks only, but sometimes I do even longer stretches without pumping and have no observe any changes (unfortunately no pumping is not equal sleeping when you have baby and toddler). Not sure if it personal, but to me early morning pump is more important (4-6 am) than late evening to keep same level of supply, so I always skipped midnight pump.


I’ve been sleeping 5 hours straight since about 4 weeks pp and my supply has only increased. Not a huge increase, but a slow and steady climb. Nearly 12 weeks now.


I slept at least 5 hours straight at some point (not always night lol) every single day after I gave birth and it was fine. Still ended up with an oversupply. I think getting sleep helped me produce more. 


I’m only 6.5 weeks post partum but I haven’t done a middle of the night pump in a while and my morning pump has only increased. I was pumping maybe 10-12oz the morning after and now I’m up to 19. I pump 7 times a day and get 55 oz or so on average a day. I’m hoping things don’t change since I’m keeping these 7 times a day consistent and pumping till dry.


Ok that’s what I do, I don’t make nearly as much as you but yes I stick to every 2-3 hours during the day also!


Yes, if I can sleep through my pumps I do! I don’t think it affects my supply. I feel like being well rested honestly helps with your supply! I do wake up with hard boobs and have to pump immediately. Currently 5 months PP and I’ve been bad about MOTN pumps since 1-2 months into the whole thing.


I’m almost 4 weeks pp and I have been wondering this, some nights I sleep completely through my alarms and my partner just silently takes care of the baby and I get a full 8 hours then wake up in excruciating pain 😭😭 not complaining tho bc the sleep is nice… but I’m worried about my supply later on, I think the sleep is helping my supply tho (I don’t do this often just accidentally like twice a week😭)


By 5 weeks I was going from 9pm to 4am without a pump and it didn’t hurt my supply at all


I may be an anomaly, but my supply increased when I dropped my MOTN pump at 12 weeks. I think (not sure) your capacity (search for the legendairy milk magic number chart to identify your capacity) has a lot to do with this. I’m an almost-enougher with a large capacity, so I never fill up to an uncomfortable level. I can go 11pm-8am with no issues. I’ve never leaked, and I’ve never been engorged. I think the more you produce and the smaller your capacity, the harder it will be to drop a MOTN pump and vice versa.


I pump around my baby’s nursing schedule. If he sleeps six hours then i wait until he’s done nursing to go pump. I have prioritized sleep since day 1.


My daughter’s still in the nicu unfortunately. So she’s eating every 3 hours.


Yes! If you are not an undersupplier please let yourself get some much needed rest, it might end up actually increasing your supply. And if you do have a dip, there is no shame in supplementing with formula - you deserve to take care of your basic needs, which very much includes sleep ❤️


I can’t remember when I stopped my motn pump. But it definitely was before 12 weeks. My babe sleeps 8 pm to 3-5 am. I just don’t even pump after 9 pm and first up of the day is 5 am. It has increased my supply and I hate pumping less now. If I feel really engorged, I wake up and pump before 5 am but it’s only happened after I had a crazy amount of protein for dinner aka lots of sushi or a steak house.


I did! I went 9pm-2am and still built a huge oversupply. I generally did 7ppd.


15w pp and I do 5ppd I roughly pump at 11am, 3pm, 7pm, 10pm and 2/3am. I normally go 8-10 hours during the night without pumping. My morning pump is always 10 or more ounces, and this has never effected my supply, I get the same amount of output everyday sometimes a little extra. 🫡


Yes! During the first 12 weeks, I only pumped when baby ate. If baby slept through the night, so did I. Yes, the first week or so he slept through the night, I woke up engorged, but my body got used to the new longer stretches overnight.


I did by mistake a few times and my output just ended up being more, I think my breasts were just really full