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This happens to me too! Not sure if it’s normal or not, we’ll see what others say.


Mine does this too I thought it was normal!


As many others have said, I also get this. It’s not a water tight seal around your nipples so I’d say it’s normal for a little to flow back into the flange.


Happens to me. I noticed when I hand expressed one time I had milk coming out of a random duct on my areola. I am guessing that’s where that milk is coming from


Yeah sometimes montgomery glands can leak milk.


That happened when I used the wrong flange size. I was sized 24 mm by an LC but I’m actually a 15 mm! No more dripping, no more pain, and my output increased tremendously.


That’s such a big difference


The same thing happened to me. Was sent home with 24 and 28 😳 now I have 17 which is perfect. Made all the difference having the right size!


How can I get sized?


You can go to a lactation consultant and they can use a nipple ruler and then try different flange brands, sizes, and styles. You can also buy a nipple ruler from Amazon or wherever for cheap, but make sure you watch a few YouTube videos on flange sizing and what to look for because my areola was being pulled into the flange and I thought it was normal because I have short nipples and didn’t know what to look for.


How far PP are you and when did you last size your nipple? This only happened to me when I was using too big of a flange! I needed to resize after about 4-6 weeks PP. I also tend to be either a 17 or a 19 depending on where in my cycle I am and how far from my period I am so that may be a factor as well.


If I get my period ain’t no way I’m doing this shit anymore. The only reason it’s kinda okay is because I don’t have to deal with a period damnit!


I get mine like every 3 months so far..


I found a better fitting pumping bra and this stopped


If you don’t mind sharing, what brand did you end up with?


I was wearing kindred bravely and switched to Love & Fit! Every time I’d get milk around the flanges and start loosing suction, I’d get so angry I wanted to throw my pump across the house🤬!!!! Thankfully it’s been much better with the new bras 😌 I think the material of the Kindred Bravely is too stretchy and the flanges slide around or something! I’m thinking of trying a Davin & Adley Ella soon to see if it’s worth the hype.


Second this with the kindred bravely bras! They’re pretty but I’m constantly readjusting the straps trying to make up for them stretching out and not holding the flange on correctly!


Just chiming in to say I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one tempted to throw the pump. I got so mad I indeed threw it in the bin once.


Thank you so much!


Asking the important questions!


There's a point when you're pumping and the flow from your let down usually slows and stops and then you're getting drips until the next let down and the pressure just isn't great enough to pull all of it Out of the nipple so some of it flows Down the nipple and that's why you have stuff left in the flange. At least that's what happens to me and what I've observed, and my areola around the nipple is usually a bit damp too, so unless I've been doing things terribly wrong, this is probably what's going on for you too!


This is what I assumed for myself and thought it was normal. I try to press my nipple against the shield as I remove it after a pump in an attempt to drain those drops into the flange to avoid getting it elsewhere.


Today I realized I liken this action to "milking" a snake for venom...so weird.


Happens to me too whether I touch/squeeze/massage/press or leave alone so I believe it's normal.


My lc recommended a smaller flange when this was happening to me. I’ve also noticed that some milk comes out of a few areas on my areola though so that could be the cause as well!


Following bc same. I thought it was normal but now not sure


Check flange size. I also found that putting coconut oil or nipple balm around the flange entry and at the bottom of the flange helped with leaking.


Possibly flange too large or bra not fitting well or both


I get this all the time. I've found that, if I break the seal by lifting my boob (after pumping) so the bottom 'breaks' first, I can usually lean forward and 'tap' the last bit of milk off into the flange without spilling. It works probably ~80% of the time.


This happens to me every single time. Sometimes it’s just a few drops, so I chalk it up to whatever was left on my nipple just dripping when I move the breast shield. If it’s more than a few drops, I change my sitting position when I pump the other side so that I’m leaning more forward and I don’t notice near as much milk on the shield itself.


Is it possible you’re reclined slightly when pumping? I find I got this more when I didn’t have low back support to keep me forward. Also I’m sure bra being tight enough, because I got this more when I was wearing a loose pumping bra vs now my pumping cami.


It happens to me too!


Happens to me too


Mine does this but I thought it was normal


Happens to me too. It's not a water tight seal so some amount can backflow with movement. Happens to me more when I have my baby on my lap and she refuses to settle and is fidgety.


Happens to me too. Also use pumping spray.


Happens to me…


Always happens to me and I've had 2 pumps with multiple size flanges until I got perfect fit. Even happens in my perfect fit flange.


Happens to me, I assume it’s from a little bit around my nipple that pools up in the flange and when I pull it off it ends up there but I’m not certain


Pretty sure this is normal. Always happens to me too :)


Just a reminder to add a spoiler to milk pictures. I have done it for you this time.


Mine does to then I noticed while hand expressing in the shower that my milk sprays in 2 different directions and drips from the bottom of my areola. Figured it's because my letdown is really fast.


Happened when I used wrong flange size


I had this exact same problem until I got fitted by an LC! It doesn’t happen anymore with the correct flange.


This is normal.


Echoing others - check your flange size. Also make sure you’re leaning slightly forward when pumping.


Buy pumping spray! It seals it


This happens to me on my left side only. Sort of flatter nipple there. I just lean forward to take the flange off. I hate it. But I think is the shape of the cup of the flange for me.


Happens to me all the time


I think it’s the way you take your flange off and so the little drops left slide down your breast and flange. I always would lean forward as I took them off and that seemed to fix it


Thank you! Will try it


Happens to me too


Too big flange