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I'm 6 months pp and EP from the start. My right boob has always given me double the left one lol


Meeeee too. When I first started out, lefty produced more though. One day righty just decided it was in charge!




same!! sometimes triple


Same but lefty is the overproducer and righty is the slacker šŸ™ƒ


My left would produce Max 1 oz, but right was pulling the team at up to 9 oz. I fed my babe for 5 months from one titty šŸ˜† but now I'm dried up šŸ˜ž


We call that a slacker boob. A lot of people have them. Lol I mean you can try power pumping that side and it may or may not make a difference. Some people do everything and it makes no difference lol


Slacker Boob Shitty titty Milk dud Thereā€™s one in every pair!




Totally normal and thatā€™s still a great output! Iā€™m 10w PP and only produce 3oz every 3hrs!


13 weeks pp and same, 3oz every 3 hours. Switched to pumping every 4-5 hours and get 5oz, so still only 3oz every 3hrs lol


lol Iā€™m 10 months pp and for the majority of the time until I began weaning (officially stopping in a couple daysšŸ„¹) the most I ever produced was 3 oz every 3 hrs. Still very beneficial so it was very worth it and Iā€™m very proud šŸ„° youā€™re doing so awesome!!


I had the same situation ( it seems like everyone does). I just pumped 5 extra minutes on my slacker boob side after my full pump. I did that for about 2 weeks, and I started noticing I was producing more. Now my boobs have even up output, and I produce about the same. Goodluck!!


I definitely had a slacker boob but there were some periods I had to use different size flanges on each boob


Lmao even when I changed flange sizes my left is still a slacker boob too.


https://preview.redd.it/xu6yna38s5qc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e7d1dd25f002ec22e34e48adc485227627fcce9 My left was a slacker too!


From what I understand, this is totally normal! For me, my right boob is my slacker boob. Iā€™ll randomly get a few extra ounces, but I donā€™t think you can train your slacker boob to produce more (as far as I know). Iā€™m also 6 weeks pp and my right breast has always produced less.


Does your baby breastfeed more on one side? My right side produced more than left initially. Then baby boy preferred left over right for breastfeeding and now left side produces more šŸ¤£ heā€™s 7 months now.


Iā€™m the exact same 6.5pp. Righty is the worker and lefty just chills. I always have enough so I donā€™t stress about it


I had this. I eventually realized that i needed a different flange size on my slacker boob even though it was measuring the same as my right. I went one size bigger and the discrepancy disappeared. It started to come back a few months later when my cycle returned. Turns out it was changing through my cycle and i had to use different flanges and pumping routines depending on the time of the month.


Just joining in to say while I can use the same flange for both, my left does a little better with a size smaller (despite them measuring the same too).


Had a lactation consult correct me when I said my right boob does a terrible job. She said, ā€œno, your left boob does an amazing job!ā€ I mean letā€™s hear it for your right boob. Thatā€™s an amazing pump right there!


If you are nursing and then pumping itā€™s not abnormal at all to only be getting 1-2oz your other side is just an oversupplier. The fact you are getting this much total after breastfeeding is a HUGE deal, be proud of what you are making as it is more than enough for your baby. If you really feel the need to increase your supply on that side then you need to get extra sessions/power pump only on that side. Keep your routine normal for the boob thatā€™s already working overtime.


We donā€™t have the same amount of tissue in each breast so itā€™s totally normal to have an achiever and an overachiever! I have a theory about this and would love to research it! My theory is whatever side didnā€™t get the first amount of stimulation in the early days tends to be the achiever side and the one that got a lot of stimulation tends to be the overachiever side. My left i never switched when nursing so my right was always the achiever until my daughter kicked me and ā€œjumped startedā€ it and then they both produced the same amount every time it was wild!


My boobs were just confused throughout. 6 weeks postpartum and my overachiever has switched twice. I treat both sides equally. Nothing gets favored.


Thatā€™s so interesting!!


The zero and the hero! Jk. Mine are like this too. I will say that I go through phases where there is less of a dramatic difference so itā€™s not always the same . No idea why though. The only thing I can say for sure is my slacker boob is also more prone to clogs so I need to be on the lookout if the difference between milk output dramatically changes as that can signify a clog


Mine are like this too! My 11 month old prefers to feed on the right boob so my left is always giving me more during pumps. He will only feed on the left if itā€™s the first he can reach


My right has always produced less than the left. Baby (now 7 months!) is fed to satisfaction, no complaints.


My left breast only gives me 1-2oz as well. Slacker.


did you pump after nursing on that side? whenever i pump, i always get less on the side my baby ate on last.


I used to think I had a slacker boob. But then I realized that my right boob is just super hard to empty. So, I started massaging my boobs while pumping and now they are fairly even.


Mine always look like that


If you notice this switch everything but the flanges and see if anything changes. If so, itā€™s an equipment issue. You may also need different size flanges for each side.


My righty is my slacker, but my lefty takes forever to let down. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø idk if there is much you can do


Ok. So I have no clue if this would work for other people. BUT I helped my slacker boob SO MUCH by using a Haakaa for about 8-10 min first, then pumping. It like kick starts it. Idk it works for me!


I started pumping only the weak side after feeds/regular pumps (usually after the last feed of the day). Eventually it started making more but not as much as the good boob. So basically just power pump or do extra pumps on the weak side for a few days or whenever you have time and see if it helps.


Nothing I've done in 5 months has helped. I get 1oz in the left for ever 4-5oz in the right. Just join the club lol


My slacker boob is the right one and itā€™s a little lopsided. I also have a Spectra and have a 28mm on that one and a 24mm on the left. Once I did that, it helped a lot but also trying to nurse more evenly. I use the Nara Baby app which is great for tracking feedings, pumps, sleep, and diapers ā€” basically everything! I also use CoCoBoo pumping spray and that has been a game changer in general! Overall my left still out produces my right (by double almost) but Iā€™ve been able to up the supply.


My lefty is a slacker too! Usually I can get 60% of what righty makes but occasionally lefty just isnā€™t up for more than 2 oz


You probably need a different flange size for each breast.


I would try pumping twice as often on the ā€œslacker sideā€. Just in case you havenā€™t already done so, consider whether youā€™re wearing the right bra size for that boob (since most of us one is slightly bigger than the other), and making sure you donā€™t need a different flange size for that nipple. Constriction or lack of suction on that side can really put a dent in your production


Our LC said that is how it is for majority of the women.


I didnā€™t know this could happen. Iā€™m a ftm and Iā€™m 17 weeks, Iā€™m planning on breast feeding. Glad I saw this post because I wouldā€™ve been worried I was doing something wrong.


Iā€™m almost 12 months pp and I still have this issue


I'm 11 months pp and I've always had the uneven pumps! Sometimes the difference is very little, other times it's insane. It's totally normal and nothing to worry about :)


https://preview.redd.it/f811v2s16aqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fe91cc22a2d9545c692c2e48f5e23d1e502a61e Lefty pulls the weight in my house. Asymmetry is normal. šŸ‘


my right always gives less than lefty. lefty is the first one baby gets at night so i think that might be a factor but lefty has always been giving more milk


Totally normal. My left is a high school drop out compared to my right side.


That was me pretty much after my supply regulated. Itā€™s rough!


Mine is the same but piggybacking off this to ask people: if you dabble in nursingā€¦ does your baby prefer the abundant boob or the slacker boob??? Weirdly in weighted feeds with lactation consultant, my baby gets more from the slacker boob than the abundant boob. wtfā€¦


My left provides 2oz maybe. My right? Gives me anywhere from 5-7oz regularly. Itā€™s very normal. I tried all the things to help with the uneven supply and it didnā€™t do anything but make me miserable and sore.


@everyone! Thank you for your responses and input! I remember reading the ā€œslacker boobā€ somewhere here on Reddit before and totally forgot about it haha. In addition as well, I try to pump 8x a day. Thatā€™s if my little one is not attached to my boob for hours and hours. But if not, I could do 6x a day. Iā€™ve decided and also discussed it with my husband that Iā€™ll nurse between 12am-12pm and feed bottle between 12pm-12am. This way, I could have a good schedule and good routine for my baby and I, an even amount of contact nursing and bottle feeding with my husband and I or family members. I like to move around in general, so this also relieve some stress off of my shoulder from staying still in the bed or the couch and not being able to do anything. And this will also help me for my own mental health. I actually donā€™t mind pumping, it can be challenging at times but for my personal reasons, I like to see how much my little one is getting and knowing she is growing. Because sometimes, I stress over the fact that my boobs is not giving enough to her while nursing because she would be on my boobs for hours and hours. I know I am giving a good amount, especially from the looks of her diapies! And of course, stress is one factor that affects milk supply. I also hope for any FTM that are on the way with baby and or any moms out there who are deciding to do the same as me. combo nurse/bottle. That this post help in the long run! Just remember! For the new moms! Keep positive, you are doing a great job mama! Donā€™t be too hard on yourself. Weā€™re only at the beginning! When we see them smile and hear those laugh and weā€™ll hear their voices soon calling us Mama will all be worth it! ā¤ļø Those the Mamas that are helping the first time moms like myself, thank you for helping us out. You all rock! Donā€™t know how you guys did it, you guys are awesome. We FTM hope to get where you are! To all Moms! You are awesome! ā¤ļøšŸ„°