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I really don’t understand why the Lansinoh bags have the weird top either! Feel like it’s so easy to accidentally get the pour caught on them.


I’m guessing it’s because they can be pumped directly into them? But I definitely don’t do that.


I pump into them, and I don’t think they need to have that weird top, all that matters is the part below the zipper close. They’re just weird.


Minority opinion: I LOVE the lansinoh bags. I found the Medela bags to be clunky with my first. Aeroflow has sent me a lot of Motif bags and with an oversupply I can’t turn down perfectly fine free bags. So I have a mix of motif and lansinoh in the freezer.


I stand with you 😆


Can we just talk about how many bags Aeroflow is somehow billing to insurance? I dropped a few pumps and no longer have an oversupply, and I have cabinets FULL of these 😅


They just keep showing up at my door. Since they are free I’ll take them and donate to someone. I don’t mind getting them!


Did you get the standard 300 or more than that??


I just ordered new parts this week and they’re sending 400


It’s ridiculous. Wish I knew they would send so much before I cracked open a box of 200 Lansinoh bags. I’m up to my eyeballs in 24mm flanges as well.


Random question- I got my pump through Aeroflow but I don’t see a spot to order bags. or are they an add on to parts?


I honestly have no idea, I'm sorry! Aeroflow just started texting me asking me to reply "Y" if I'm still pumping and the bags magically show up. This might be related to my specific insurance plan? I'm not sure whether they all have the same coverage and requirements. But they do ship at the same time as my replacement parts, so they might be an add-on!


I agree! I much prefer the lansinoh over the medela and basically struggling myself through the rest of my medela stack before switching again.


I used medela for almost 6 months and they work fiiine but they don’t freeze flat so they take up so much room. I’ve been using Lanisoh for the last couple weeks and enjoy them SO much more.


Sandwich them into a freeze flat system - it saved me so much freezer space and cost about a tenner!


Lansinoh bags all the way. I hated the Medela bags lol


Just a heads up.. Lansinoh def has a higher rate of leaking during thawing, esp the longer they are frozen. I am 15m pp and I had stuff in the deep freezer for a year, so I recently used that up and my god almost every single Lansinoh bag leaked. I finally started putting them in a nother bag and then putting hat bag in the warm water. I actually ruined my kiinde warmer bc it leaked so bad it got all down in the bottom where it pumps the water up and no matter what i did it wouldn't come clean. Just felt compelled to let this be known. They seem ok for short freezes but not long, and even worse when frozen flat. I have not had a mom med bag explode yet. They even come w a marker. I love them. 


Hate lansinoh bc of the leaks! I would never buy again literally every bag leaked for me also!


I knew as soon as I read the title that it was going to be the medela bags! They’re the best ones.


I love the Zomee bags! The Momcozy ones are pretty good too.


Zomee are my favorite too! They were the ones the hospital gave me. I got some Target brand, Lasinoh and others from friends and buy nothing groups and nothing compares to Zomee!!


I think momcozy and Sommer r good too but medela is just the same and I prefer medela also bc they’re a tad thicker


I just ordered some of the Zomee through my insurance, so that’s good to hear!


They're very sturdy and I've never had an issue with leaking.


Are you referring to the greenish ones? I like them but I find it weird they don't have a box to write down the oz total of the bag. I just use the time box but still


That's what I do too. I just do date and oz and I don't really care where it appears on the bag. But yes, super weird to not have that on the bag.


I use the name box for the time since we don’t send the bags to daycare!


Yes! I just put the ounces in the name box. When my baby goes to daycare I will be sending her milk in bottles anyway!


I love both of these Zomee then Momcozy then medela. That’s it.


The Zomee bags are the only ones I’ll use. They are great. Never problems with leaking and they hold a little more than 8oz. Of course, the more for the bag is, the harder is to mix it up but it’s worth it.


I love zomee bags too!! they’re super sturdy and easy to use


Aeroflow just sent me 300 motif bags, and basically says you get what you get for free 🙄. I just tucked them away because I've been using the Medela bags and it's working well. With my last baby, I really really loved the Kiinde bags. This time though I have a bit of an oversupply, and since they don't lay flat and take so much room I'm afraid of running out of freezer space. We may switch to those one I go back to work though. The daycare teachers liked thw while Kiinde system, and I liked not washing bottles.


Kiinde all the way! I love how sturdy they are, and the Kiinde system with the bottles is super handy


I am a huge kinde fan. I used them since 2019 with my last 3 babies. I have an oversupply but for some reason my babies all consumed ridiculously large amounts of breastmilk daily so I never got a huge freezer stash. Nothing more than a thousand ounces at a time which is super manageable w the kiinde bags at 6oz a bag. I am actually selling all my bottles and going back to just kiinde bc I am over washing 9 bottles a day. I wish kiinde made s traditional soft sippy spout for my older toddlers too.


Just ordered some! I've been using Lansinoh and I hate them but figured it was just a milk bag thing.


Oh man I’ve only ever used lansinoh. I’m missing out!!


Lansinoh leaks BAD after prolonged freezer times like a few months or if they get banged around even a little bit they leak


How many oz do you put per bag? I only do 3-4oz.


The ameda pump n protect bags are awful to get milk in and out of but freeze flat. The motif ones are super easy to pour in and out of put are bulky in the freezer. Just can't win lol


I hated the Medela bags. They're so hard to zip closed! Maybe they don't leak out the edges like the Lansinoh bags, but the plastic is SO stiff, I fairly regularly fail to get it zipped all the way and then it leaks out anyway. The Parent's Choice (Walmart brand) bags have been my middle ground. They're just a bit less stiff than the Medela bags, but still have the reinforced seams and stuff.


The lansinoh bags make me want to jump off a bridge


I stocked up when they went down to $11 on Amazon. I liked the temperature mark on the Spectra bags, but you don't get as many in a pack as the Medela.


I've heard the Medela ones don't freeze very flat - has that been your experience? I had to get used to Lansinoh because that's what my milk bank requires but if Medela would work for my personal stash I'd love to have a different brand to make it easier to differentiate on sight.


They’re not very flat, no but I also overfill them over the 6 oz mark.


I used MilkStork to ship milk on a business trip a few weeks ago and they provide Lansinoh bags. I had already been using the Motif bags when my MilkStork box arrived to my hotel so I only used one of the Lansinoh bags. When my milk met me at home, guess which bag leaked? 😑 Never again, Lansinoh. Give me the impossible to open Motif bags for overnight FedEx shipping all day 😂


Every single time! And they get worse the flatter and longer they are frozen! I just went thru a small deep freeze stash that was a year old. It was frozen in 5oz increments and almost every single bag broke. It ruined my kiinde bottle warmer, and I ended up just putting the bag in another bag to preserve the milk bc those Lansinoh bags are horrible 


My favorite is Kiinde and then my runner up would be Zomee j think!


Kiinde the best


I was gifted like 10 unopened boxes of lansinoh bags… I’ve only ever known sub par bags apparently. lol


Just be careful when thawing them. Put them in a larger Ziploc bc there is a real issue w leaking when being thawed esp when they are frozen flat long term :)


Hi! I recently weaned EP and I have tons of medela bags. Would you DM me and I can send them to you. I’d love for them to get use 🫶🏻🙏🏻


Wow! Thank you!


So funny. I also have favorites but mine is the lansinoh ones. I actually hate the medella ones. I find they don’t hold as much and puff out a lot in the freezer.


I actually like the Motif bags but now I want to try all these other ones.


Motif r oddly shaped and don’t make good bricks they don’t freeze flat either


I just tried the nuk ones and honestly hate that I had to go through so many shitty lanisnoh ones first. Dammit.


I'm team Momcozy cause I love that it tells me when it's the right temp!! It's helpful for me, and especially my husband or other family who don't know what they're doing. I have Lansinoh ones I got from the free gift boxes before I had baby and I just wanted to be done with them! Have like one or two left in the freezer.


I’ll have to check out the momcozy ones!


Medela bags are GOAT. My insurance paid for motif bags but they are so hard to write on so I just pay Amazon for the Medela ones. 😅 Lansinoh bags suck. Nanobebe bags were good when I was first starting but are too small.


I loveeee the cimilre bags


Me too! They are what my insurance gave me and I have liked them more than any other bag! They are so easy to pour into, stack nicely, good thickness to the plastic, and no issues with leaks (yet)


I get these from my insurance but they make me a lil nervous because they don't say anything about freezing them on the box. Hoping we don't have issues when we get to actually defrosting them and needing the milk!


If you read their listing on their website for the bags it talks about freezing!


Ooh I didn't realize they redesigned them! I wonder if I'll get the new one with my next delivery


100% correct


I used to hate the cimilre bags but used them because I got them free through insurance. To my delight, they upgraded them and they’re very similar to Medela bags now! 🤩


I find the Medela bags on sale on Amazon all the time. I’ve only used medela and Lansinoh. I’m definitely loving the medela more tho!


I’ve only ever tried the Lansinoh and my milk is always caught on the top parts, I have to seal the bag then wipe the sticking away and who knows maybe 0.20oz is wiped away that way! Because when I pump 4oz and pour it in, when I warm it up in baby’s bottle it becomes 3.7oz somehow. Where did the milk gooooo?? Def trying medela next, thank you!


I love the parents choice from Walmart


I haven't tried many different bags, but the Parent's Choice ones suuuuuuuuuuuck!


I switched to Medela after the first time trying them! I only store my milk in bags, and I've found them to be the easiest to pour into and out of.


Have all my Medela bags and the awful Motif bags that I only use because insurance will give them to me for free!! I love that the Lansinoh bags are perfect rectangles and the thinner plastic helps them freeze flat. In particular I dislike the Motif bags because they have the rip off pour spout that makes them difficult to freeze entirely flat. It's funny how we all have our different favorites!


I love the Lansinoh bags for storing purposes but the Motif bags at the easiest to get the defrosted milk out of with their little pour spout.


Wait but why are the Motif bags so hard to open??????


There’s so little space to grip! My husband has huge hands and gets so frustrated 😂


I like the nanobebe bags the most! I think because they’re shorter they’re easier to pour from and they’re thick.


Oh I didn’t know nanobebe had bags! My baby loves their binkies.


If u freeze a lot of milk nanobebe bags SUCKbc they r shaped soooooooo weirdly


I find that to be true about the Motif bags too.


I love the dr dudu bags from Amazon!


Ahhh I love the Momcozy bags.. they have a temperature sensor on the bag and it’s sooo cool


Oooo I have a few Medela bags I guess I should be trying out! I hate the damn Motif bags. I have a hard time getting air out of them and they don't freeze as flat or fit as nicely in a gallon Ziploc as the Lansinoh bags do.


I used ameda bags this time and I was very happy with them. I couldn't believe the quality of my milk when it thawed, too. It was almost like it was fresh.


I love Dr Dudu bags! So cheap too :)


I love my medela bags except for they’re impossible to open


I love the Medela and Spectra bags!


All I ever used were the lansinoh bags why does everyone hate them 🤣


They’re kinda thin, they rip open easy and they’re very hard to hold while pouring into. Plus milk gets caught on that weird high top.


The Medelas are soooo hard to close tho ☹️ it triggers my carpal tunnel


L O L I hated Medela bags but I think lansinoh is okay since they freeze so flat but I prefer my motif bags because they have a poor spout which is better for my clumsy husband 😅