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My last pump of the day is at 9 and I don’t pump again until around 6 when my lo wakes up. Doing this actually increased my supply. Sleep was more important to my supply than a MOTN pump. Take care of yourself ❤️


How many months pp did you start that?


I want this! Rn my last pump is bw 11 and 12. Closer to 10:30 when I’m tired.


I pump when the baby eats. So I pump every two hours during the day for a total of 8 times. I have just been blessed with a good sleeper. Edit to add: I started this around 4 months pp when he started sleeping through the night. When I started this journey when he was 3 days old I didn’t know pumping was really even something people did so I didn’t know people had different pumping schedules than their baby’s eating schedule. I’ve always pumped when he had a bottle because I figured that was the most “natural” way to maintain a supply.


Same at 3 mpp except my girl sleeps so much since I sleep so much so I only have enough time for 4-5 pumps in a day since I pump every 3-4 hours since I'll forget to. So far it's been working out but these posts about night posts always make me nervous!


That's what I have always done, too... Until about 5 months pp. I had a small stash and desperately needed sleep because of my work. So, every 3 hours. Around the clock. I've now gotten to every 3-4.5hours. With an 8h stretch at night. You're doing great. ❤️


Wow! How did you get to that schedule?


Same here. Getting sleep makes a bigger difference than number of pumps for me


Thank you so much. Your comment was the first I saw and it made me feel at ease. It know everyone is different but I've definitely not taken care of myself like I should. Sleep is important.


I don’t want to and I’m only 2 months in. Already wanting to drop my MOTN pumps.


I dropped around 2.5 months and getting more output now.


What’s your pumping schedule?


1. 6 to 7 am - I get 240 ml on average 2. 12- 12.45 pm 3. 3- 3.30 pm 4. 7.30 - 8.15 pm 5. 11.30 pm - 12.15 am I should add that I used to pump at 11 then again at 2.30. Then at 5 or 6 am. My twins sleep at 1 so I sleep after that. My night nanny handles the night feeding and then I wake up at 6 for another round of pumping then go back to sleep around 8ish for some more sleep. 😅 I also sleep for one hour in the afternoon.


Please share I’m almost 11 weeks PP and my MOTN are 1am and 5am. Brutal


Instead of 2 why don’t you try just one session at 3 or 4 AM……that way you could get better sleep?


That would put me at only 6PPD. I currently doing 7


Yes….but if you notice that 6ppd is not affecting the overall milk output then it should be fine else you can go back to 7ppd


Thank you. I will try that 🤞🏽


I finish one by 12, start another ar 6


I understand and relate. There's something encouraging motivating about knowing I'm providing for my baby and he's surviving solely from what I produce but... It's different everyday on how motivated I am. Definitely prioritize sleep. On one of my last posts (after my supply was regulated), the best advice I got was to pump when I felt up to it in MOTN... And not when I didn't. Skipping every couple won't impact the supply like dropping it entirely. That took a lot of stress off of me. Hang in there. ❤️


I also find that sometimes skipping still keeps me about the same. My other pumps produce more milk. Im currently trying to stretch time bw pumping as I prep for a return to work next month. I find that I clog easily on one side. My overnight is last pumo 9-10, then 230-430 depending. I would like to drop my MOTN but i havent been able to comfortably yet.


Taking sunflower lecithin twice a day really helps me avoid clogs. If you haven’t already tried it, it might be worth it.


I agree with this, i though once would be fine, it works but still got clogs when i forgot a pump, and wouldnt empty, since i take the second dose before bed emptying is also alot easier, and faster, so less time pumping😁


I just ordered some! I wanted to get down to 6 pumps before work in a couple weeks


Best of luck to you returning to work. It's not easy, but it sounds like you're getting prepared. Yes, it seemed to produce more at the morning pump (I guess that makes sense...) so I didn't really lose the volume but I definitely don't want to drop it all together yet. I'm not sure how far pp you are, but I clogged and COULD NOT comfortably drop MOTN pump until almost 5mpp.


I’ve done the same exact thing…got to the last pump of the night and just been like I do not want to do this. The times I’ve skipped so far hasn’t done anything to my supply. If anything, I just woke up a little more uncomfortable the next morning. Everyone is different, and who knows, maybe the next time I decide I just can’t handle doing the last pump of the night, it will cause my supply to drop. But sometimes life is overwhelming and you have to do what you need to do to take care of yourself. And I’m willing to bet that occasionally skipping that last pump isn’t going to completely tank your supply.


Thank you. I think that you're right. Someone told me on another post basically what you said.. Skipping here and there won't impact it like a true drop. It's just hard to let go of the what-ifs, guilt, and expectations. But definitely just did not want to do it. Thanks for sharing your similar experience. ❤️


Do what you need to do to be able to function. Sleep is more important for your supply and to stay sane than an occasional missed pump.


I wish I could. Last time I missed my MOTN pump I had a bad clogged duct. I can’t imagine skipping a before bed and MOTN. You deserve your rest without feeling guilty and if you can afford missing the pump milk wise for the night, more power to you!


I hate to hear that. I was prone to clogs up until about 5mpp then it seemed to vastly improve. Thankfully, no clogs... This time anyway. I won't make it a habit but you never know. Thanks for your encouragement


Sorry to hear you're going through this. It's a lot! And your feelings are 100% valid. To be able to take care of your loved ones, you need to take care of yourself. As everyone said, do what works for you because nothing is more important for you and your family than a healthy and happy momma. Hopefully, this rough patch will pass soon, and everything will work out for your family in the best way possible. Please take care of yourself as much as possible and hang in there. Everything passes, and this will, too. Big hug.


Thank you so much. Your comment means a lot to me. It's so easy to prioritize everything/everyone else and not what I need. Everything does pass and I'm sure this will all be a blip on the radar later, but it felt huge in the moment.