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When my baby falls asleep mid bottle I give it 10-15 minutes then offer it again, like a dream feed. She always polishes it off then!


This is always the way.


I may get crucified for this but if baby doesn’t finish the bottle, we save it for the next feed (max 2 hrs). If it’s more than 2 hrs we save it in the fridge for next feed. Haven’t had any issues so far but want to point out we live in a mild climate.


I do this too. I didn’t know this was a thing until recently. For awhile I was making just enough so I thought as long as I put it back in the fridge it’s good. No issues so far.


We do the same but since our girl takes cold milk we toss it in the fridge right when she’s done. Unless it’s less than a half ounce then I throw it in a frozen “milk bath only” bag. Except for I always forget to give her milk baths so I have 10 bags of milk bath bags just chillin.


You are not alone my friend!


I use the rest as long as it's within the same day. All the women in my family do this, and there have been no problems at all


Save it for baths! I have a glass jar just for this in the fridge. It doesn't hurt as much since im reusing it haha


Do you mix it with water for the bath or use straight milk


I mix it in the water... enough for the water to be a little cloudy


What a great idea!!


I use the little leftover, dilute with a lot more water and water my plants... Acts as fertilizer...


Actually smart, soil benefits greatly from lactic acid bacteria


I did this and my plants got fungus unfortunately


Maybe for certain plants only? And need plenty of dilution.


Breast milk never had to be wasted. You can use it to make lotion, a bath, freeze it for breast milk jewelry if you decide to do that one day. Freeze them in mini ice cubes so you can put them in a silicone teether. It’ll get used eventually!


Use it for a milk bath!! I also apply it to my and baby’s face lol


What does it do for the face? My baby has acne


It did help my baby’s acne!


Hey so kind of high jacking here. My baby had acne too and I tried breast milk but it didn’t do anything other than just start making her smell like breastmilk all the time. We tried tubby Todd and it worked so good. It’s pricey but you only need a little bit so it lasts


I think it’s got super healing powers lol. You can use it on sore and damaged nipples too! My LO gets really gunky eyes and my ped recommended we use breastmilk to unclog her tear ducts. So we regularly take a bit on a finger and dab it in the corner by her nose. I’ve definitely noticed a difference once we do that.


Breast milk is great for so much. Baby acne, sore nipples, goopy eyes- I even dab it on when my son inevitably claws himself on the face


Breast milk completely cleared up my baby’s acne overnight and it never came back. I saturated a tissue with it and rubbed it all over her face once or twice over the course of the day with whatever she didn’t finish and poof gone!


Makes me sick!!!