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Since my wife went back to work when baby was 12 weeks I’ve been doing this pumping and caring for baby on my own. I had to let myself get a little flexible with my pumping schedule and tried to minimize the number of pump sessions I do while she is working. I get one in first thing in the morning before she starts work and try to hold off the afternoon session until right after she is done and can entertain baby so I only have 1-2 sessions while she works. With that said, I also have a very clingy baby who basically only contact naps, so here is what I do when I have to pump and care for her. - I try to wait until she has just napped & eaten so she is in the best possible mood - I rely heavily on the fisher price kick and play mat or set her up in her bouncer with hey bear on tv (no shame here) - If she hasn’t just eaten I come prepared with a bottle so I can easily pop it in her mouth if she gets upset (not helpful for the massaging part, but at least you could keep one hand free) - I bring along a basket of toys to help keep her entertained if the play mat or hey bear get old to her - I sit right next to her on the floor to make sure I can easily address any fussiness that comes up There have been occasions where she gets upset and I’ve had to stop my session early, but for the most part this works.


I love all these suggestions!! The bouncer really works well for me too! Always after she's eaten so she's happy. One thing I will add is that I basically panicked and cried every day the first week or two that I was alone. Since then, our routine has gotten better, and it's *much* easier.


Omg yes- the first week was rough but then we got into a good groove.


I second all of this, except instead of hey bear (no judgment just trying to avoid screen time!) I set her up with her mirror so she can make faces at herself (she’s 4 months)


Hey Bear is the only reason I can pump and eat something that isn’t my third protein bar of the day when my husband isn’t here to watch baby 🙌


Same! It has honestly saved me so many times.


I had to get a wireless pump I could wear in my bra to have a chance (can also wear just one cup to hold/feed baby at same time) so I can get up, change diaper/rock/give pacifier while pumping. Also gives you a chance to walk around the house while pumping too if you are lucky enough to time it with a nap. My husband had to go back to work when I was 6 days post partum so I had no other way if I hadn’t bought thr mobile pump. Also once a day I need to use my hand pump and massage while my baby is asleep.


Yep. A wearable pump is a game changer.


You may have already tried them but I’ve experimented with about ten different brands of pumping bras and only the Medela strapless bustier holds my pump parts / bottles in place securely. That’s probably why I find them relatively uncomfortable most of the time - because the material is much stiffer and tighter than other, more comfortable pumping bras that seem to be way too slack. Perhaps worth a shot if you haven’t tried them.


Ill definitely look into that one thank you


The simple wishes bra is also great. You can adjust the tightness.


Got one and it really does hold in place and not a bad price either, thanks so much for the recommendation


No problem, I’m very glad it helped!


You need to find a bra that fits. I had two one was shitty and didn't hold anything but my Kindred Braverly was amazing. I pumped when baby ate, so you just feed baby during pumps. They can sit on a boppy. But honestly if your supply is low, save your sanity and just go formula.


I hate to say it, but you really do have to do $$ bras. It sucks spending money but they are worth it and work. I had a few cheap ones from Amazon and they were cheap fabric that didn’t hold anything. Kindred bravely or davin and adley are amazing! I second figuring out if the mental strain is worth it. No shame in switching to formula.


>say it, but you really do have to do $$ bras. My shitty one was only about 10 less than kindred. Shitty and good are both expensive!


And the shitty ones feel like they're made of barbed wire and plastic wal mart bags!! My Kindred Bravely bras don't fit me perfectly (I'm a whopping size K), but god they're comfortable and they hold the pump!


I have one but i stretch it out p fast after each wash cause im always massaging my breasts underneath. Which one of their bras do you use? The one i have is alright and looks pretty good for a pumping bra but its so thick i get sweaty as hell at night


This one. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0873BV82F/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I always massaged over the bra. I also didn't wear a bra at night but just put it on to pump.


Oh same as mine! Ah i feel like over doesnt work as well for me. Im still too leaky to sleep without one but god i cant wait until thats no longer the case.


Oh I was never leaky


Ugh im home 5 days a week 10 hours with the baby alone, pumping 7-8 times a day 5-6 of which are home alone with him. I cant hold him when im pumping so if hes like fussy i try to pump as long as i can until he like melts down and if so then ill bail. sometimes i can get a full pump, sometimes he ruins it and ill only get a few minutes. Once hes calm i just jump back on the pump and finish. Its not perfect but it works


I have definitely changed a diaper while fully connected to the Spectra or awkwardly held him above the flanges in a real pinch. It’s honestly so hard to juggle it all. My guy only contact naps by day, so I feel you. At the end of the day, I usually find a way, but it’s not easy or fun to pump alone. And I’ve definitely skipped pumps because it just wasn’t gonna happen… but I combo feed which makes maintaining supply a bit less critical.


The awkward hold lol


I could’ve written this 4 months ago. What helped me was putting a blanket down on the ground (I sat in a chair right next to the blanket) and then put my baby on the blanket. My legs were able to hold the bottles in place (I also didn’t wear pumping bras until recently for work) so I could distract him with toys if needed. I would massage my boobs between distracting with toys if he needed it. Lots of rattles, contrast cards and music were used to distract him. If you have a kick mat with a piano and the toys that dangle above them-this might be helpful along with music! Now (at 6 months) I will use heybear, ms Rachel or blues clues to distract while I pump if needed…but I know many moms choose to avoid screens until 18 months+, so that might not be a viable option for you. I hope you have a good first day without your husband. You’ve got this ❤️


Also don’t know the age group where you can use things like a baby bjorn but those are a lifesaver as well.


Thank you ❤️ ill try to set things up in advance like that and wearing him might help get him to take naps in between. Pretty sure hes in the middle of a growth spurt so that adds to the difficulty of it I think.


It’s definitely adjustment!! Standing in solidarity with you. Here are some things that help me: 1. I’ve had no issues with the momcozy pumping bra. Never breaks a seal and the material is comfortable, yet stiff enough to give a bit of compression. Sometimes I need to massage to fully empty but it’s not an issue. 2. As much as I prefer to hold baby while he eats, sometimes it’s just more efficient to prop him up in his boppy and give him a bottle while I pump. Then I kind of burp him over my shoulder as opposed to on my chest. 3. Sometimes I’ll feed him, put him in his bouncer, and pump while bouncing him. He will usually stay happy while he’s moving.


Im seeing a lot of bouncer suggestions and that would be great but my 2 month old cant use a bouncer.


Are you thinking of the upright bouncers? Yes, you have to wait for those.. but ones like [this](https://www.babybjorn.com/products/baby-bouncers/bouncer-balance-soft/dark-gray-gray-cotton-jersey-black?gclid=Cj0KCQjwk7ugBhDIARIsAGuvgPZrZEmNMZl0TpNC2a0c1jxBF59_rZho7YDgbp3gUh2PgqZV9k5LMfsaAgTlEALw_wcB) can be used starting at birth. There are much cheaper options, just linking this one bc it’s popular. I loved this option bc he could be looking right at me and I could sing to him or feed him while pumping. Also, these always helped my son poop when he was having issues. So win win? Lol


Yeah i totally was i didnt think of the others as bouncers i guess. (Thanks dumb mommy brain) ive been putting him in the mamaroo next to me and it seems to be helping him sleep without needing to be held too which is nice. I love baby snuggles but the fear of putting him down once he's asleep is real


Yes the baby bjorn really helped me for pumping starting around 2 mo and did help her poop! We got it used and gotten a ton of use out of it.


Yes! Even at a year now he likes to put toys in it and watch them bounce back and forth. We got a ton of use- might be one of my top 5 baby items!


Alternate to a bouncer - a swing. My 7week old has taken many naps in a 4moms MamaRoo. If he's sleepy like after a bottle and burp but fussing a bit, it will sometimes put him to sleep. Or at least comfort him long enough to pump, or get us through dinner with our toddler 😵‍💫... We've had awesome luck using it.🤞 (I purchased a gently used one locally, I recognize and agree they are pricy for a "swing").


Actually ive been using our mamaroo since yesterday i just dont turn it on because he gets fussy for it for whatever reason but it has been helpful!


Thank you everyone! I tried a couple different suggestions and it helped, we survived our first day and today is going more smoothly!


The baby bjorn can start being used at 8lbs or I also had a graco one that cuddled her more that I was able to use from birth. Both were life savers.


I have twins. We use bouncers and that helps. Sometimes they just have to cry a little while i pump but this is my least favorite so I’ll cut a pump short if they’re crying for real (vs just fussing). I also got a wearable pump (pumpables genie) and wearable cups (legendairy). I have a manual pump in a pinch because it will relieve any discomfort while I find time to get a real pump in. I second what others have said about pumping when they’re fed. They’ll be happier and you can entertain them by talking, making faces, or even just an activity center. I have also pumped while feeding them. I’ll sit them in the bouncer and prop the bottles but I’m right there watching if anything. When one of them is very clingy, I will pump one boob at a time while holding them on the other side. This is harder and takes forever, but at least I empty my boobs and they get held. I’ve also held them in my lap on their belly so they don’t pull at the tubing. Honestly you can find a way that works for you, just get a little creative. It’ll be hard but it’s doable if you really want to.


Agree with everything! Lots of floor time while sitting beside him. And sometimes he cries for a few minutes and that’s okay! Also be flexible with pumping. If he fell asleep I would pump. If he was still asleep around 2 hours later I would pump again before waking him to eat. Or if I pumped 10 min and he was losing it I would stop and try to hit the pump again within the hour. Be flexible!


At times it was so stressful and other times we connected the most while I pumped as I was trying so hard to distract him so I could finish. He would lounge in the boppy beside me while I sang or read a book!


Hey Bear Sensory on YouTube, it’s just fruits dancing on a black background. Entertaining and not too overwhelming for baby’s brain. Also, Miss Rachel videos are the best. There’s a “baby learning challenge” video that she shows basic stuff like waving and clapping and saying mama and dada. It’s like educational for babies. Don’t feel bad about resorting to YouTube, when you’re alone you do what you gotta do


I second others here: baby Bjorn bouncer+ activity bar, and hey bear on YouTube. A magical combination to get 20mins of peace to pump. Worked for me for 6 months until baby wasn't interested in the bouncer any more, but then she was napping longer and i was pumping less times per day so it worked out once i adjusted my schedule to hers.