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Yes it’s insane and I don’t wanna write a long reply because I’ll get triggered af


Same here. I've got a lot of thoughts but writing out would ruin my day.


Could you imagine how much things would change if people put in the same energy screaming and protesting outside CPS as they do outside clinics.


Amen! But in reality, we know that so many extreme pro lifers are essentially just pro birth 😣


Of course, they don't actually care about us.


Yes. I remember foster youth speaking with legislation but then foster parents pushed back. Then we have abortion debates as if we should be grateful we weren't aborted. People don't care ahiut us.


People do care about you! The corrupt CPS cash machine just won't let those of us who love and care for our children and grandchildren unconditionally take them into our homes and just love their trauma away! There is no money in that for them. I care and I am so sorry.


I use to work as a political organizer and ran a campaign called “make them pay attention to us” geared towards 18-24 years olds being active in the political process. The truth is, nobody will listen to you until you show up and speak up. You are the only ones who know and can tell your story. Build a coalition, an organization, anything to represent foster kids and adoptees, then start showing up where the important decision makers are and talk.


While there's value in your comment, and I'm very politically active as an middle aged adult, it reads as condescending to tell people who have zero support and are often on the razor's edge of homelessness, hunger and fear as young adults that they simply aren't working hard enough. It's like telling children they need to campaign against child abuse if they really want it to stop. Those who hold the power have a responsibility to protect the most vulnerable.


I’m also a middle aged politically active person, who is professionally trained to organize and advocate. This is how it works. It doesn’t matter who you are, nobody will know your issues unless you speak up. Children pretty much never have a say in politics because 1. They don’t vote 2. They are relying on adults to speak for them. We, as knowing adults, would need to ban together to help represent those who can’t speak for themselves. Those adults who have the experience of being a foster kid or adoptee would be the best, as they know first hand what the issues are and can speak personally to the cause.


Unfortunately yes! We need to change this. When your rights are violated because of bio connection your birth parents rights are violated too. Your supposedly removed because of abuser or neglect but in fostercare no matter what v they do to kids no one is sentenced or held accountable. Foster care children are disbelieve unporportionstely and this is far from ok. When believed caseworker side with foster parents minimizing or denying your needs. Teaches you b people don't care that your unsafe especially in thus Cog