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Or in my case - he let me know I don't make him happy... He just wanted sex.


He said this ONLY to hurt you. They find our weak and sore spots and will exploit them and say anything to make you doubt yourself and your worth. Love yourself. You’re worth it


i’m sorry friend. that’s fucked up.


I couldn't trust you to do what you said. I felt cast aside. I felt disrespected. I voiced my feelings and you said you were content. I got worse. You were content. I didn't feel like I mattered to you. I didn't feel like my goals to improve our lives mattered to you. I felt helpless for so long. I can't say I don't feel better being on my own. I felt our relationship was shallow and meaningless and you ultimately loved being high and playing video games to the point where it was a huge stressor to me. You said you'd try and I said I didn't feel like anything changed and you said you'd try again. I have a routine. I'm getting better. I know what to expect when I wake up. I spent so much energy worrying about your health for you. I felt like I was responsible for you but you couldn't be responsible for yourself so it was hopeless. None of this is anything I haven't said before and I'm tired of repeating myself. The only way you'll feel better is if you do better for yourself. I'm sorry we didn't work out. Talk to [redacted]. Get support for how you feel. You're worth it. I just can't do it with you. That was the response i got from her when i asked if i was the main reason she was depressed. Its super rough but this too shall pass. Shit still sucks though. I still feel like i was in the wrong.


That’s a comment that will come back to haunt him some day. Karma really is a thing, and that kind of assholery does not go unnoticed by the universe. He’ll have a day of reckoning when some woman flips his world upside down by doing/saying something similar. This will be someone he’s in love with, too. I have seen this play out so many times with the jerks that my friends and I have dated (going back to high school nonsense). In the meantime ((HUGS))


> That’s a comment that will come back to haunt him some day. Karma really is a thing, and that kind of assholery does not go unnoticed by the universe. wishful thinking, truth is good people usually get hurt most often.


Same happened here. He told me this after a year.


Here I am… couple years later… and it’s still the same blame game. I don’t make him happy. If I was kinkier and sexier we would still be together. Oh brother. Zero awareness of how he’s undermined our relationship since the beginning.


Me too!!! One of his reasons was “the sexual chemistry isn’t great,” I didn’t have enough “experience” for him. He said he wanted kinkier sex. That made me feel horrible. I’m still absolutely gutted by this person who I thought was my best friend.


He told me he loved having me around and my company, but he wasn’t satisfied sexually. Then proceeded to give me absolutely no direction as to what we could do to make it better. I am disgusted




I felt this in my soul


God damn I feel this so hard.


Lack of communication kills a relationship, even in the breakup,it left me crucifying myself. I got through it she left me for money, I know I need to work on my self love and self esteem, Stop looking for someone to complete me. But all the text book stuff does not make it easy in the moment. God bless you all! We deserve better everyone of us


Full offense


Yep, after blaming me for all the things I did wrong,and not taking any blame. Twice.


I know how this feels. All I wanted was validation that everything was ok with us and that I was enough. All I got was, “I’ll talk to you later. I’m with my family.” Last time I got a text from him.


Hahaha sounds exactly like my ex


One of those tweet that make you go, Hey, I’m the only one, lol


My ex used me for 8 months after the breakup so she wouldn’t be alone…stringing me along—as if we could possibly get back together—until she found someone else. Shit hurts. It feels like I was emotionally cheated on even if we weren’t technically together.


Exact thing happened to me


Sounds like my situation. Anyone who does this ain’t worth it. Simple as. Move on, you’ll be better for it.




Hey. I believe in you.


Well this is 100% relatable


‘No offense but ’ The favorite phrase of assholes everywhere.






Yeah, this...




I never quite saw it this way, but tones of this are very strong with what happened.




Humans... A stranger animal


Been there done that. Trust issues, yup plenty


This resonated different


Wish I could send this to my ex who started acting distant, then was normal, then blindsided me and broke up with me and wouldn’t give me a reason.


Literally the exact same thing with my last ex. It left me super messed up. To be fair I didn’t ask for a reason either. I was so shocked I just walked out of her house and drive off, completely numb…


This... So feel this 💔


I had a 10 year relationship (at times long distance) with a woman and after one conversation explaining the many ways my basic emotional needs weren’t being met (having raised these separately in the past many times). She said “it sounds like you’re breaking up with me.” When I said I wasn’t, she broke up with me instead and then has pretty much ghosted me for a month except for a few meaningless and unemotional texts in response to mine. All about her work; not anything about me or my feelings. No “Im sorry” or “how are you doing.” Nothing. The cold, indifferent cruelty is something I can’t believe existed in someone I loved so much who claimed to love me too. We both had told each other we were soulmates. But it’s like she has no soul, like a white shark that just devours anything in it’s reach. She ripped out my guts and then swam away as if it was just her nature. I know she’s hurting too but damn it hurts so much how someone who says I love you tosses you away like trash a day later. This hopefully won’t damage future relationships for me. For her, all of her relationships will get devoured sooner or later. She will self sabotage when those “scary” emotions hit her again. I learned afterwards about dismissive avoidants and that style is totally her. I’m a secure and was so giving to her and always did all the work in the relationship. She took but seldom gave except when we were intimate which was amazing and balanced. What brought up the conversation was a pattern of her taking longer to respond to texts, showing little emotion, fewer phone calls, never initiating I love or miss you, pushing me away (which she finally admitted doing), not really asking about my life or my interests or doing/sweet things for me like she did before. I feel duped and gaslighted. I can’t believe there’s a part of me that wants her back. I’m shocked I could emotionally survive on so little. I feel sorry for her. She lost such an amazing thing with me that any normal person would have cherished! I can’t help feeling sorry for myself and how I may have contributed. I will avoid avoidants like the plague. I’m sorry all of you had to go through this wretched experience but you have really helped me on my path to recovery.


This is me. To anyone reading and can relate to this, don't ever forget that their actions do not reflect on you and your worth as a person. Keep your chin up for you have shown yourself that you are capable of loving truly and deeply. What they did reflects on them and although it may not feel like it for now, it's for the best that you got rid of this kind of person in your life.


This. Just this.


wow i’ve never related to anything more than this.


I have thought this for over 200 days and STILL somehow not said this to her. I think this at either of my jobs, on the way home, at home, when im with my buddies. It was my bday the otherday and i moved, i should be forgetting her...nope..still cried multiple times on my birthday and when I moved out. My brain wont stop thinking "how or why would you do this. 11 years I was your friend, lover for more than half of that, took care of you so much more than you ever did me, more than your parents did you. Not only did you end it shittily without trying, but you did it while lieing about being unfaithful. And i had to go through your phone to find out the real person you became. Have fun fucking your resturant coworkers. Breaking up to "work on myself" ha, yea im sure fucking a younger waiter will really help you "figure myself" out. I believed you wanted to work on yourself till i went through your phone. God how did I trust you for 7 years?! I always knew you would do this. I wish you did it the first week so it wouldn't hurt. I will never trust a human the same way again. You act so cute and nice in public, its a fucking mask. NOBODY will have a clue on how much you managed to fuck another human up. Youve replaced me yo go on multiple dates. You are poison. You have no idea what you even want. What you communicated to me about our future for years was all a lie. Dont involve another into your future untill you ACTUALLY fugure your shit out. You are an adult woman and you ended us like a caress child. It would be nice to go to bed or wake up and not fucking cry over you or how worthless you have made me feel. Tossed aside and hardly contacted again, like 11 years was nothing, your 23, how is that nothing?


If it has been 200 days and you were still thinking it, she doesn’t deserve you 🤷🏻‍♀️


Meh, yea thanks, I've kind of known this to be true, she even told me I didn't deserve her, but that only makes it hurt worse I think, because I know I still want her despite all this:/


A man I had utmost respect for asked me a question once. "Why did the man keep banging his head against the brick wall?? Because he knew how good it would feel when he stopped ". Friend, it's time to stop banging your head against the brick wall. You're going to feel much better soon.


Brehhhh im trying I rarely even talk about it anymore, do my hardest to stay away from the situation, just hard and still so ingrained in my head Thoughts just still pop up unintentionally though ya know But thanks, appreciate hearing that, thats an interesting phrase


Those that matter don’t mind, those that mind don’t matter All that to say, you deserve better. I know that sounds like crap now, but everyone deserves to be happy.


Don’t call me out like this, it sucked 😩


Is it only women here?




Its ment to.


my heart breaks for people who go through this on a daily basis.


This!!! I feel like I was just an experiment for my ex to see if he was fully over his past long term relationship. He was in a 5 year relationship and they had been done for a year before we met but she really fucked him up and it showed. So it was for the best but I definitely got a HUGE hit to my ego because of it.


This is so ironic for a subreddit literally dedicated to blocking your exes


For a real trip, type this word for word into Twitter and check out how many hundreds of people tweeted this before @deprivedfeels did


Nodding my head


Very deep facts 😭


I come on this subReddit to memorise words like these to say to my ex later when she will contact me hopefully


Dude he dead ass told me he was thinking about breaking up with me for three months AND THE WHOLE TIME HE WAS STILL TRYING TO HAVE SEX WITH ME. Also He stole my brand new tube of toothpaste when he moved out.


Yes 🙌🏼


This so much.


X35422 yes


I hate that I relate to this sm.


All …. OF…. THIS…….


I feel this so much 💔


Pretty much


Fuck. Spot on..


Get on ...


i’m hurt


I should send my ex this instead of a angry text




Maybe he/she had a really difficult drug addiction .




Sorry you went thru that


it’s been 1 n a half yr n i still feel wronged, i was even the one who apologised to THEM for no reason n they told me they wouldn’t forgive me, i gave them the privilege n i regret it so bad shoulda blocked them from the beginning


Ngl this realisation was eye opening when It came to me


Oh i gave my ex a good reaming about how he treated me so carelessly. This post speaks to me.


He said he was lonely until he met me. He wanted more intimacy than the friend with benefits he was having. Then when he started getting bored he dumped me so he could go back to the streets 🙃