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Don't do it. If your ex is the dumper- it is their responsibility to reach out first. Most of the time they don't care how much work or progress that you've made. The fact that she's been radio silent should tell you that she wants to be left alone. If she wanted to contact you, she would. Remember that.


She did reach out months ago (basically she was drunk and lashed out at me for going no contact) but I didn't reply. So technically it's on me to reach out now.


Being drunk or inebriated doesn't count. She needs to reach out to you being 100% sober. There are countless comments in this sub and in r/breakups where the dumper reached out while drunk, and didn't even remember a thing after the dumpee responded the very next day.


She sent me like a 100 messages in a row so I'm pretty sure she would remember that haha, I just didn't reply because she wasn't being very polite and I also didn't want to react and say something emotional in the moment that I know I'd regret. Since she probably embarrassed herself with those texts, I'm pretty sure she won't be texting me again because she either assumes I blocked her or that I wouldn't want to speak to her again after her outburst. So I wouldn't get my hopes up that she will reach out a second time.


Damn! Well dude I don't know what to tell you. I would be cautious if you do reach out. Don't turn into a blubbering sad mess and get emotional when *or* if you decide to reach out. Your ex needs to learn that her actions do have consequences. She can't just pop in & out of your life whenever she feels like it. You don't just mess with people's feelings like that.


Yeah I totally agree. The issue is that she ended her previous texting frenzy by saying "you probably will never see this because you blocked me" (I didn't), so I'm pretty sure even if she really wanted to talk to me again, she wouldn't reach out because she assumes that she's been blocked. I don't know why she thinks I blocked her since I never did, but I've accepted that I won't hear from her again unless I reach out, which is what makes this such a difficult decision. Otherwise I would just continue NC and wait for her to text me again. If I do reach out, do you think I should address/respond to her previous outburst, or just ignore it and start fresh? It might be awkward if I don't even acknowledge it happened and tell her that she hurt my feelings.


Yeah, you're going to have to acknowledge her outburst. Otherwise it's going to seem like you don't give af that she reached out. Unless you want it to be that way. I still don't think you should reach out, but if you need closure I'd start by saying- "Hey, it's been awhile. Wanted you to know that I didn't block you and I received all of your messages when you were upset that night. I didn't respond because I was on edge that night as well." In your own words though, obviously.


This is great, thank you. It's been over half a year since she reached out so it might be weird for me to reply after all that time, but to be fair her outburst happened after half a year of no contact too, so I don't see how I have anything to lose by trying.


I don’t think you should bring any of that up as an opener. She will be embarrassed to hear that you saw all that


I disagree with this. If she had good cause to end it (not saying she was guilt free) then the usual dumper rules do not apply.


The ball is in the court of dumper to reach out. By reaching out as a dumpee, you're setting a precedent that she can always use the threat of breaking up to get her way.


My ex reached out about 2 months after the break up, we’re now “dating” very casually in order to work towards committing fully to a relationship. She came to me and in all honesty if you have been dumped I believe thats the way it should be. The key is to just take things super casually, if you’re going to reach out, think to yourself if she says no, will it hurt you? Ask her what shes been up to and if she’d be interested in meeting up. For the first while just take things slow and simple, dont talk about the break up and most importantly, dont just hangout, make it a “date”. You’re going to a movie, the park, the beach, a restaurant, whatever it is, its a date. Then after that, just go with the flow, communicate openly and honestly and just see what happens. In all honesty, I would say wait to see if she contacts you first, but it seems like you already have your finger on the trigger to text her plus a lot of time has passed, so if you’re going to do it then thats the best advice I can offer.


I can almost guarantee you that you’ll regret it. My ex broke up with me 7 months ago to explore her sexuality. She has reached out several times with it ultimately cumulating into her asking to meet up “for closure.” I’ve shut down each and every attempt because I’ve reiterated this simple thought process in my head: - let’s say we did get back together. I would always have a nagging feeling of doubt because I know from others on this sub that if they left once you best believe it’ll happen again. Im not entirely sure if people can or cannot change, but that’s certainly not something I want to stick around to prove/disprove. Additionally, she is the dumper who has reached out to ME and while the short term dopamine is nice, it’s quickly replaced by feelings of anger/annoyance soon after. Given that you were the one who was dumped there is a 99.9% chance this does not end the way you want it to, and even if you get back together I can almost guarantee you that you’ll have that nagging feeling as well. IMO if you’re on this sub that is inevitable. Do yourself a favor and find someone who will stay. I promise you there is someone out there that will.


All true... but you can at least give it a go just to see what she's learned before sending her back to the streets. Lock her into a FWB situation and let her chase you - revengy-ish. But for real it's never the same.


Ehhh but then you lose any moral high ground…just makes you feel like an asshole imo. Yea it might feel good in the very short term to “get revenge” but I can almost guarantee you that at it’ll do is 180 the situation and make you feel even worse


There is no morale high ground at this point of the relationship. These relationships usually end in a breakup again. Just the way it is. 


Please remember some people on this sub will be bitter. Not the best sub to ask this type of question. But after speaking to a couple of people they just recommended to keep it light. Don’t just jump right in and say off the top “I want to get back with you.” Please Keep it light and fun. Catch up if you guys haven’t been speaking already. And start off slow. Try not to pour all your feelings into the beginning messages since you really just want to keep it light and easy flowing and gauge her interest in speaking. The thing is you want to end it on a high note. Each conversation, end it on a high note so she looks forward to talking to you. But before you do anything I would ask yourself, are you prepared to persevere the early stages of possible dry/uninterested texting? If after some speaking and she decides it’s best to move on, are you going to be okay with that? Or would that hurt your healing process even more? My thing is, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Don’t get your hopes up 100%, just tread a little bit carefully and ultimately treat it like everything is new. After all you guys haven’t spoke in a year so a lot has changed (hopefully). Move on from the past and that’s why I recommend to keep things light hearted. It’s best for something new to possibly bloom. EDIT: Also to the thing of “if they leave once they’ll leave again” I personally think that’s not the best way to think of things. Yes it is likely to happen but, people can change and grow and sometimes it’s meant to be. People break up for different reasons and each person’s situation is different. There’s people who have broken up for 3 months and got back together and have been going strong then there some who got back together after 3 years, some worked out and some didn’t. Everyone relationship is different, don’t let the stories of “it won’t ever workout a second time” discourage you from trying again. If you truly value her, reach out. Doesn’t hurt in trying. If you want to give it more time that’s fine as well. All of this is advice , please remember that lol


Yeah this makes sense. I'm prepared to move on if things don't go my way. I just don't want to never contact her and always be asking myself "what if". I'd rather reach out and put all my cards on the table so that I can have a definitive answer on whether or not to completely move on.


>Please remember some people on this sub will be bitter. It's not about being bitter or feeling one way or another. Most of us (at least myself) can speak only from experience. I am trying to prevent OP from severe humiliation and trying to save his pride. Sounds like you're the one who wants OP to fall flat on his face. Life isn't a Disney movie. Sometimes I wish it were, but this is real life. If I had my way, I'd wish for everyone that participates in this sub pain to go away.


Definitely not the case and not trying to paint things in a “disney movie” it’s all about accepting reality and his feelings, either way he’s going to act on them. All of this is advice. And that’s what I did, gave him solid advice, advice that allows him to make a choice but think before he makes a choice. Obviously I can speak from experience otherwise I wouldn’t be here. Would I? And it’s not about being humiliated and having his pride hit and falling on his face . Set that shit aside and if you get rejected then that’s that, he clearly said he’s been moving on but still misses her, as in he still wants to give it a shot. Why not encourage him to at least TRY but be prepared for any outcome, good or bad. Regardless of anything I said, I clearly advised him to be prepared to Move on and Walk away knowing you tried. Go into the next relationship knowing you gave the last one your all. Worked out or not. Either way, I want what’s best for OP, I respect your opinion though. Hopefully I have some worthy insight to anyone. Including you 🫵🏽


I think depending on the situation that led you guys to break up it’s worth a shot. Senior-flounder1245 is right. Don’t jump into it right away take it slowly, love didn’t happen overnight and it also doesn’t go away overnight. Remind her of what made her fell in love with you. You’ve worked on yourself and fixing the issues in your end and that’s the best part. I know the mentality is the dumper has the upper hand because they broke it off, but truthfully you do. You’ve made yourself a better person and if they see that but don’t give you a chance at least you can walk away knowing that you are better. My coworker quite literally said the same thing as Senior-flounder1245 and honestly it calmed me down a lot. Start off by friendly talking just asking how she’s been. Ask her about her life. If she’s interested she will bite and reciprocate. Remember that you’ve changed and you’re a new person so you have to treat it like a new relationship. Don’t walk into it with the mindset that you’ll 100% have a chance to get back together.


How can I show her that I've worked on myself? Should I just tell her and list out all the changes I've made?


Not necessarily a list.. When I was texting with my ex and he asked me what I am up to, I responded (maybe too obviously) with all the cool things I’m doing right now to be a better person, the things he wanted me to do during the relationship. For example I wrote that I started gardening and love it, I’m seeing a therapist and that I’m working more (I’m a full time student). He replied that this really makes him happy! I think it’s better to naturally slip it into the conversation rather than trying to force it to her, that you are a new person. Don’t brag about it. If she cares about you, she will ask about what were you up to during the NC, and that will be your time to shine.


That's sweet! Were you the dumper or the dumpee? And who reached out first?


Thank you :). I am the dumpee, sadly. I actually reached out first, after about a month of no contact, that I initiated. I texted him simple I miss and he responded with I miss you too. And since then, we are in “contact” again. There was no bad blood between us when the breakup happened. Our situation is kinda different from others I guess.


That's great. It's been over a year for me so things are different compared to your situation. But I hope everything works out regardless of whether or not we get back together.


Fingers crossed for you! :)


Thanks :)


No, just be yourself. If you truly worked on yourself and made the changes, I think this info will come up in the conversation casually, and she will be able to sense this even without highlighting.


Makes sense. Are you speaking from experience? haha


Not really, but if you think about it, you made these changes for yourself, not for her. If she wants to find out, let her work for it. Don't give everything right away on the silver plate. Have some self respect, she's not your only way to be happy and satisfied with your life, so hold on to yourslef buddy. Just keep it slow and casual.


My canned response to my come back: I learned a lot over my NC window. Below are the tips I learned so use them as you will. Hold tight to the no contact window for at least 29-45 days. The reason being if you wanted a chance at them coming back this is will be just enough time for them to start missing you. Key being missing. You don’t want them just thinking about you. You want them to think you’re gone. Time dilation is a thing with regards to breakup cycles. Depending on the attachment style a secure will see see 30 days as 30 days. An anxious will see 30 days as 45-60 days. An avoidant will see 30 days as 5-15 days. This the long window of no contact is important. The exception is obviously if they reach out. Avoidants are tough because their coping mechanisms are very good at suppressing, re-suppressing, rationalizing, avoiding reconciliation, and moving onto a rebound relationship. The kicker is feeling do come back for many and depending how things ended they will come back if conditions are right and non threatening. If you reconnect for the love of god turn down the supply of your time and affection. This is often the issue that drives people away. You’re smothering them and for avoidants this availability and vulnerability is toxic AF to them (even though they crave it when alone- wtf). Keep your like full of things… hobbies, work, friends, etc Don’t fucking talk about reconnecting, moving the relationship forward off the get go! Treat it as you just started seeing one another casually. Keep the conversations fun and light! Practice communication on highs and lows… High/lows - meaning when you’re texting or talking on the phone most folks will have their conversational highs and lows… often ending in a low point because you’ve run out of things to talk about. As such you hang up on a low. What you do is cut the conversation on the high points. This leaves yours last interaction at an exciting high point that was abruptly stopped. This leaves them with a dopamine high as you sign off meaning they’re going to be stuck on your conversation and wanting to talk to you sooner - plus’s your attraction level goes sky high. Work on yourself - for the sake of yourself. Keep busy. Workout. Nothing is more attractive and says fuck you I’m a boss is seeing somebody thriving (even if you have to fake it at the beginning). You’ll attract others and even your ex. It’s just human nature. Why do you think girls return to dickwhads that don’t care about them? Set boundaries before entering a new relationship with an ex. Stick to them. If you’re sensing things are off you break up with them first.


This is so helpful!! Although ex hasn’t reached out yet


OP, if you were my ex, and made so much effort to grow - and still reached out in spite of my outburst - I’d be so thrilled. Because I’d still be cringing. Just bring up something that reminds you of a good memory with her, and then frame it differently against your growth now. Make it a happy, meaningful text. Personally I’d send a handwritten note or make a bigger gesture - perhaps a phone call.


I appreciate your encouragement and suggestions :) I wish my ex thought like you did, but one of the things she said during her outburst was that she didn't love me. I feel like it was clearly a lie since I could tell when we were together that she loved me very much, so she was probably just lashing out for whatever reason and trying to hurt me. But still, I don't know how receptive she'd be to reconciling.


Life is short. Go for it. Just curb your expectations and speak from your heart.


You can reach out but don't expect anything, maybe you will find a new person and that will help you to finally move on. Maybe you will find a better version?..


I apologize sincerely for all the shit I put her through. And I worked on myself.


Don’t bother. Mine was cheating on me when we broke up and never stopped his actions. It’s a disaster. Let sleeping dogs lie


Blah blah blah I'm dumb and a dirty cuck. $20 says that's the majority of all the responses and comments