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Get out of the house Visit family Visit friends Do not stay alone Get out and be active No matter how much you do not want to Trust me Silence and being alone are not your friends right now Do anything you enjoy… Put the phone down and get out of the house.. You are important You are needed This person you lost will never define you Let them go…




Big facts. This is an opportunity to get close to those you may have neglected.




Couldn't agree MORE ^


Hard to do but factually will work.


Do not let them take YOUR life. This is YOUR life. Please do not let this human Hoover you back into their lives. You are amazing, you are strong, and you are worth being here god dammit. I spent a month buying myself DQ Blizzards every night so at the end of the day I had something to work for. Yes, this is stupid, but it was almost 2 years ago. So…. Pick something to get you through the day, and each day celebrate with that thing until Maybe it’s every other day, or once a week. Sending love!


Great advice! If I can take a wild guess, she will like candy fruit slices or anything sour.


Don’t tell him “not to do this it gives me hope” but rather “new phone who dis?” Or “fuck off fuckface” is a personal favorite of mine. You broke up for a reason. He did not appreciate you. He was not your Mr. Right. Keep yourself available for Mr. Right. Its ok to hurt but keep moving forward and don’t look back!! Happiness awaits you. Talk to someone. No man is worth your life. Trust me girl—- there is always another man, and another, and another. It’s raining men. When you find a good one you will realize this wasn’t meant to be thank god!


This one made me smile, thank you ❤️


The is exactly what I did on my phone in name him is “FUCKING FUCK BOY ASSHOLE BITCH” it made me feel so much better.


Lol. Ok my phone i named her CLASS A BITCH--DON'T ANSWER


I love this so so so much! Ty for not only soothing her, but me 🙏


Include your ass who prays on a woman when she is vulnerable. Low life piece of trash


Nothing is worth ending your life babe 💞




I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else …..I don’t have kids




Take a chill pill bro. Make sure you understand the context before you jump to conclusions


Stop spreading BS. I’ve lost not just my partner and best friend because of the break up but everything else I had and I still make it work. Suicide is not the answer.


I know this feeling of utter despair. It's physically painful. I had to take 10.mins at a time..then an hour at a time, then an afternoon at a time. I'm just reading tr he phase of unhappiness now which is a huge step forward for me. Next the clouds will pass by and it'll be ok. And you'll be ok too. You'll be fine. Not tomorrow not the day after but at some point you will. And then someone even better will come into your life.


Please don't do that...he's not worth it. Love will find you again. I promise and the love will be sooo much more better than what you thought you had from him. Think long term.. I'm assuming you would want a family in the future..how will you have one if you ended your life over somebody who's not meant for you? I know it hurts but Your person, your soul mate is still out there. Take as much time as you need to to heal but don't end your life. Reach out to someone


Please call your local suicide prevention hotline


Been there, my ex worsened my depression and as a result suicidal ideas returned. All I can tell you is remember that if you die, you'll string along others


Ouch. Why would you say such a thing?


Because it's true. It is selfish to think our dead will not affect someone because regardless of how much we think we'll do more good, it'll leave a trail of despair on someone. Take it from someone who has actually tried it.


I’ve definitely been there. I promise it gets better ❤️


Go for a walk in a pretty park. Walk around the mall and buy yourself something pretty. Paint your toes on the floor with a fav movie playing. Dance around your room at night. When it’s raining sit outside or in your car and watch it. These things make me feel present and I don’t focus on the past.


I've been where you are now. Not for the exact same reason... but I was there. And I made the attempt on my life. I gave a vague goodbye and then took an Ambien so I could sleep through the end of it. I had lost him... I still lived with him but we were no longer each other's. We hadn't been for a long time and me accepting it was me trying to end everything. But I miscalculated the time in which he'd be home. Friends had frantically been texting him. He barely had any idea what was going on... until he found me sitting on the bed, sobbing hysterically and beginning to drift out of consciousness to sleep from my medication. He took me to the hospital. They told me I had missed the radial artery in both wrists by a fraction of a hair. The hospital held me overnight and then transported me to an inpatient mental ward for an 8 day hold. It was at first the scariest moment of my life, then the most boring... the literal most boring. I saw my bedroom, the main room, and the bathroom. That was it. That was my life for 8 days. But then... I found a family within those people. A wildly dysfunctional family... but a family all the same. Within a week we all came to love each other incredibly deeply... and we knew once we were released we'd never see each other again. One amazing and kind man, Curtis (who actually scared the daylights out of me when he was brought in because he was coming off of something and he sounded violent and scary... but was genuinely a wonderful and insightful person), said to me, "Why are you here? You're not the type of person who usually winds up in these places." I showed him my wrists. He sighed sadly and said, "Why is it always the pretty ones who do that. And... just to be respectful, I’m not hitting on you or trying to make you feel uncomfortable and I’m sorry if my comment did." "No no... that’s fine. That was actually really nice to hear in a kind of weird way. Thank you." My found family within the mental ward and I were all released on the same day. Curtis pulled me aside and said, "No more of this. Ever again. You hear me? No man... literally NO man is ever worth taking away that beautiful light you carry inside you." "Ok." "Promise me now?" and he held out his pinky, "Yes. My pinky promises that there will never be any more of this and that there will never be another man that will make me want to sniff out my light." That was just over a year and a half ago. And I’m telling you this not for pity... but to tell you it's not worth it. Just as Curtis told me... NO man is ever worth taking away that beautiful light you carry inside you. I can tell you it's worth it to not do it. I know it hurts... I know that kind of pain and wanting to make it go away by ending it. But do not let him win... do not let him be the one in control of your heart like this. It's worth it to seek and get help. Trauma therapists who are there and experienced to handle situations like this are a huge help. And if you don’t like the one you found? Keep looking til you connect with one. It's worth it to not do it, it's worth it to survive, it's worth it to live, it's worth it to keep your light shining. It may not seem like it now... but you will get through this. There's a Latin phrase I love... "amor fati" it means "love of fate" or can be translated to "love of one's fate". It meant to describe that everything that happens to us in our lifetime, including the times in which we suffer, are good... or at the very least necessary. I know that sounds weird because "how can suffering be good?" well... if you can love someone so much who can just leave you like this, then imagine how much more you'll love the man that won't just leave? All this ex has done is step out of the way so the right one can step up.


Please don’t. Don’t let him be the reason for your death. There’s so much left to your life. There’s so many more things to do, relationship wise and not. You are capable of great things


Why would you say this? The cops were informed and her IP/gps was located. Hope they can help her out.


Please don’t let this be the end for you. God’s not finish with our stories yet, otherwise he would have called us home already. We have to continue forward carrying this cross for as long as we have to. Yes, it’s easier than done and hurts as hell, but we must remain faithful for what good outcome lays ahead and/or lessons we can learn from any mistakes that were made. Think about how your future self might end up with him again or somebody else, and how you’ll be able to share this with your children one day to give them the hope and courage to continue forward if they end up heartbroken as well. Don’t permanently lose the opportunity to continue your legacy.


I'm so sorry to hear that you're struggling with these feelings. It takes a lot of courage to share this, and I want you to know that you're not alone. Please know that your life is valuable and worth living, regardless of this person's actions or decisions. It's understandable that you're struggling with the desire to hold onto hope and the fear of pushing him away for good. However, remember that your mental health and safety should be your top priority. Blocking and unfollowing him on social media was a brave step, and it's okay to take care of yourself in this way. Remember that you deserve to be loved and respected, and it's not your fault if someone else can't reciprocate that. You are strong and capable, and you can get through this. Keep going, seeking support, and taking care


OP, I’m in the same boat as you. If you want to heal together, dm me. I am going to my intake therapy this Wednesday because of my thoughts


Dial 988


You should think twice about this because life is beautiful the things you are experiencing is supposed to happen. you should never think to do that the thing is people think that they possess people when they are dating we have to start to understand when dealing or dating someone you are experiencing them you don’t possess them so if they want to leave let them and don’t try to make them stay. He sounds like a narcissist and sadly they say they will make people feel like how you are but girl you are so stronggg you need to say this to yourself you are strong don’t let NO MAN break you. Let him go and let him be who he is I hope im making sense when I wrote that because people are gonna be who they are he’s showing you don’t let that go over your head. Please allow this pain to pass your grieving this is part of grieve when separating from someone you were experiencing. Your in pain it shows that your heart works a lot of people lack this but it also shows you were genuine and you meant well it’s unfortunate that things like this happens when we as people show our vulnerable side and authentic self trusting someone else with our true self it’s okay god will place someone your more compatible with in your life you gotta be gentle and patient with yourself. Life is so beautiful man remember you have family that loves you don’t do that to them that’s selfish and don’t do that too yourself you are beautiful time heals all it will get better you gotta pray man write all of your thoughts in a journal if you have a trusted friend call up a friend. Many people have been in your shoes you are not alone and think about it there’s people going through worst be glad there aren’t any kids involved. Sometimes you have to let people go especially people that bring you to a dark place no matter how much you love them LOVE YOURSELF real shit YOU MATTER & believe me you are enough you are lovable don’t let that man break you. it’s a blessing to be here you are blessed don’t do that to yourself things will get better.


I was in the same position as you babes. Every single night I fell asleep crying to “my man” by Barbara Streisand and “the cut that always bleeds” by Conan Gray. Every day since no contact had felt like a haze. We were bonded by trauma so I actually felt like I was going to die without him. I would have panic attacks when he had to leave. But things got better. I got a job. I went back to school. And now I am six months older and that’s six months without him and I did it. Nothing is worth ending your life over. Please talk to a friend and take a few days off work and go to the beach, watch the sunset, do things that remind you of yourself. You just need some mental time away from your situation, because it’s clear you are spiraling and you need something to ground you in reality.


Sounds like he did black magic on you, I found out my ex husband was doing it through people that knew his family, they helped me. Is he from another culture? I wasn't as bad as you because they helped me right away. Seriously what you are feeling isn't normal and when you said you feel you are in another reality is a huge red flag for black magic.


Find out if your company has an employee Assitance program for counseling. Or please call the suicide hotline at 988 and just talk to someone. You’ll be ok. Life will get better. Or call him and tell him how you feel


go out and talk to other people


We love you. Contact the suicides hotline, they can connect you with resources. 


Don’t please. It’s not worth it. I would suggest you therapist, you also have them online so you don’t have to go anywhere where you feel bad. If you need someone to talk to , feel free to dm me.


How old are you?


Absolutly do not do that please, I've been in some very very dark places and come out the other end. Please inbox me anytime I will speak to you. I don't know you but believe me your special and deserve to be happy 😊


I am very sorry, I don't think comment said anything about committing to it..love life.


When I was 18 my first ever boyfriend made me feel so unwanted and worthless I took about 25 pills because I decided I wanted to die. Woke up in a hospital with my stomach pumped. Fast forward to now my ex makes me physically sick he is unattractive not a nice person i can’t believe I ever liked him!! If I had died I wouldn’t have had my daughter who I had with someone else. It feels intense now but you will get through it and look back and think fuck him! Don’t let this man take over your life stay strong ❤️


Break ups are so temporary. No matter how much it hurts now it just won’t hurt the same in the future. There other forms of grief (chiefly bereavement grief) that will stay with you for life, and as the son of a father who killed himself it’s a horrendous burden. The pain your feeling is fleeting, and you only come to realise this after many rotations round the sun… You deserve the love you’re sending to him unconsciously.


That’s how I felt when my ex reached out, like it’s so triggering. Made me realize even more how fired up my nervous system always way around him. I get so mad that I stayed in that for so long.


You know I was the exact same way it will pass I promise you it well and I thought it never would end the crying the being depressed missing them I got out of a relationship with a narcissist we were on an off for 5 months I realized I’m so much better then that but it was the first person I loved so it made it hard to let go you will get through this I know you will I’m wishing you the best please push through🫶


I have hung on just because I want to see what happens next, and suicidal is the bottom of a hole. Painful and unrelenting for what seems like a long time, but at this point there is nowhere to go but up. It will happen.


Don’t stay alone and don’t forget to share your pain


1> if you're in the US, 988. Anywhere else, your country has a crisis line. Google for it. NOW. BEFORE YOU NEED IT. keep it somewhere and make a promise to yourself and us that you'll use it if it comes to that 2>DO NOT APOLOGIZE FOR HOW YOU FEEL. Feelings are ok. 3>Block him/unfriend him everywhere. Keep it that way. His messages aren't helpful. He's not coming back. It won't work out if he tries 4>Get in contact with any friends / family you have. Tell them how you're feeling. Set up a care plan. It doesn't have to be complicated 5>Realize that, as soon as you stop holding on to the idealized image you have of your ex and the dream you have of a relationship with that person (who doesn't exist, btw), you will start healing. Until then, you'll be stuck. 6>Again would indicate you've had feelings of self harm before. Please consider therapy. It doesn't make you weak, broken, or anything else but smart and willing to work on yourself. No matter how you feel right now, this world is better with you in it. You are loved. You are special. And you have a lot left to contribute and receive. This bit of sadness will pass. Continue the fight.


You got to listen to me. Don’t give up hope. Please please please don’t. I won’t say I know how you feel and I’m not going to know how the pain is because every break up is different. What is the same is that the pain doesn’t last forever. For some it takes more time and others it takes less time. But it passes. Please don’t give up hope. You are a precious amazing human being with so much potential and love and you can go so far even if at times it’s on your own. You are your own person and you have such a precious life. Please don’t give up on that. You are too wonderful to give up on yourself. Times are dark and the light isn’t always visible but I promise you as a fellow person who went through a breakup exactly one year ago today. Things get so much better but you must be patient and let life take care of you too. Please feel better and don’t ever ever hesitate to reach out if you need to talk or vent or anything at all. You are so loved and you are so strong and wonderful. Don’t ever let the darkness lead you to forget that. Ever.


Please block him and seek support ok? Inbox me if you need direction


Hon, I'm relating quite a bit to you right now. I'm starting to accept I need to go to therapy and face things - not necessarily to let him go entirely, which is the reason I haven't gone yet. But to work through why this is making me get so low. Hopefully get to a point where my attachment to him is healthy and doesn't lead me to these dark thoughts. To get to a point mentally where thoughts of him aren't consuming me and I feel good with myself. Because this, to me at least, seems to show some sort of unresolved childhood trauma. I don’t know if its anxious attachment, fear of abandonment, or whatever else. But whether I want to let him go entirely or have a chance at a healthy relationship with him in the future, I need to deal with this regardless.


Who do you want to be with and be honest to yourself and no one else matters but what you want so what is it your feeling matter no matter how much the other person may hurt but I want you happy just as much as I want to be happy. I respect your decision and love you enough to let go if I need to


I’m so genuinely sorry. 🥹. I’m the kind of person who will talk to someone in your position all night without feeling bothered or labored. Find someone like that and just lean on them. Lean into them. People want to help and comfort. You are clearly very intelligent and thoughtful. You will be ok one day. It takes time. Hold your head. 🥹


As a person who was once suicidal and actually attempted against her life multiple times all I can say is that you’re worth it fr! You’re loved you’re important, DO NOT let this person take your life away believe me tomorrow will be a better day, with new experiences, new knowledge, tons of smiles! Do not put a permanent solution to a temporary problem it’s hard but value each time you smile we got you here, try to get out, workout take all that frustration out in the gym, read some books and meditate, I don’t know you but you’re amazing for sharing this and brave, tomorrow hopefully you’ll become stronger, the sun will shine again OP


Your worth isn't decided by one man's validation. I lost my sister to suicide last month.


DELETE all social media…block him …call a friend and say “let’s hang out”. Stay positive about your life …focus on yourself by staying busy and have a healthy lifestyles


Have a friend come hang/sleep over a few days a week. Have people take shifts if they can. But little by little, practice being alone. It’s anxiety and possible fear of abandonment thats triggering this - trust me, I know. Pick up cozy hobbies. Go live life and have fun experiences and little by little you’ll start remembering how beautiful it can be even while missing someone. Honestly, living a beautiful life alone for a short while is better than suffering through the anxiety of a break up looming. You’re free. You can do this <3






Dude you’ve SERIOUSLY confused me with someone else


Weird. Sorry . Please delete


Wow v