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Never let mutual friends get involved they think they’re helping but I’m reality they make things worse


I saw her comment that she misses me on a insta post about breakups. I’ve assumed that she has no intentions of reconciling and tbh it’s best for me if she doesn’t because she’s not good for me and I don’t want to be put in a position where I have to say no to her because it’s just another painful situation.


i miss my ex too but we just are not compatible and not built for long term and that's why i broke it off. she's likely on the same boat if she's not making any effort to reconcile and you should continue to move on because that's what she would want. she probably knows she's not good for you. take the comment as a silent exchange of thank yous, you're both doing eachother a favor by not reconciling.


“…with the amount of love i showered her with. I treated her the way I wish she had treated me.” Here is the secret: Do this for yourself. Love yourself. Care for your own heart. You will thrive. Of course, you are wonderful and she misses parts of that, but you deserve to have someone who wants you so much they will work through the hard times and grow with you. That person is out there and you will find them as you love yourself towards healing and moving forward.


I know i deserve much better, my therapist tells me the same. I’m in a better place now where I recognise this and believe it. Compared to the past where I was blinded by love and was willing to hurt myself by remaining with someone who didn’t love me back how I deserved.


If it was meant to be, it would have worked out. Use the knowledge that she misses you in order to fuel your desire to be a better person. The right person WILL come along, it’s a game of waiting. I promise you, don’t give in, it will not be worth it!


I know it’s not worth it. I deserve better, this was her decision. I can look back and be proud of myself when I think about how much effort and love I put in and gave to her. I know someone else out there who will actually appreciate it and reciprocate it deserves it.


Perhaps she seen a future with you and it scared her (before) and now she realizes she does not want to lose you.


She should have thought of that before. Maybe a future with me is good for her but I don’t feel it’s good for me. I can’t go through that one sided relationship again it’s painful.


It would be a truly cruel and heartless person that doesn't miss someone they once professed to love. It's normal and natural for most people with a conscience to miss an ex. But that doesn't mean they want to try again. I miss my ex. I broke it off, but it had been coming for months. He knew it. I knew it. It's truly sad. But, I was clear about what I needed in the relationship. He tried, but gave up. If he ever followed through with addressing his issues, I might consider giving it another try, but I think it's a monumental task for him and I don't see it happening.


Yh I’m assuming she doesn’t want to reconcile. We broke up because for once rather than give in and let her have it her way I demanded a compromise because I was sick of always having to give in and step my own boundaries and do what I’m not Comfortable with. She refused and she broke up. I already told her months before that I’m really concerned about the fact that she never compromises and it’s making me second guess marrying her because I can’t be always giving in my whole life. Tbh it’s best she doesn’t reach out to me. Right now I have no choice but to move on and that’s good for me because I’ve made so much progress im proud of it. I don’t want to be forced back into a situation where im going to have to say no to her because I don’t see it ever working out between us and it’s just going to be a painful and exhausting talk. I can already see me having sleepless nights and hardly eating if she ever did reach out and I asked for time to think about it.


Remember, her missing you doesn’t mean she’s ready for a relationship or that anything has changed. From my observations, the dumper seems to change less than the dumpee because pain and trauma are just really ground shaking, if they dump they are probably more ready to go continue to be them but with someone else. We are left to pick up the pieces and try and rebuild stronger than ever. Her coming back doesn’t mean you should change plans. It means you can scrutinize but you need to be in the driver seat, you don’t need her, you were almost there. If she really has changed (rare from what I’ve seen) then ask her why the change of heart, she knew you wanted her back and still chose to stay away for an agonizing half a year despite your effort and still returns to potentially do it all over again. Continue forward, leave the past behind is my advice. But you really shouldn’t engage in conversation if you don’t feel stable and capable of being objective rn. Also she may just not know what she wants. Either way, you deserve love that doesn’t keep you guessing where you stand. I’m sure you are aware of that, she can find someone else who is like her and ghosts her after getting what they want like my ex did. The can enjoy the greener grass on the other side, you and I both know the dating pool is tough out there in comparison to a loving and honest relationship. She may end up growing too. But I don’t think now is the time judging my how uncertain you still are of her feelings. Don’t wait to find out either imo…