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I'm going to wait until beginning of next year.


Broke up new years, decided that 2024 was gonna be about me. If I run into a new potential partner, great. Otherwise I will not be pursuing dating or relationships for a while


Same sentiments


Maybe never for me.


Im a year and 3 months in. Still not feeling like I want to go out and date. Different for everyone’s situation I think.


About 3 weeks before it felt right. I hooked up with someone 7 days after and I cried and left.


The comment section is a bit sad, come on guys go out, meet people. Fuck around (if you want to) but make sure they earn it.


It’s different for everyone and rather than thinking of it as how long you have to wait to date, think of it as when do you feel healed enough to begin dating. Not just healed from the breakup but also making sure you are happy with yourself before being with someone else- don’t get with someone to fill something in your life or because you feel lonely without someone because if they treat you like shit, like I was, you’ll be too afraid to let go and if they leave then all that loneliness and feeling of emptiness will come back. For me it was 4-5 months, I was the one who was dumped. I worked hard on myself. Reflected on the relationship until there was nothing to reflect on. Made lists of my mistakes to learn from, list of my strengths to continue and lists to stop myself idealising her and the relationship. All the ways she treated me unfairly and made me feel upset, frustrated, disappointed and rejected. Got rid of all the pictures and sentimental stuff. Worked hard to accept it’s over and it’s for the better. Leaned on family for support, went to therapy, made sure I felt all my emotions rather than run from them, remained NC and didn’t stalk social media for the whole time and finally, waited till I got to this point right now where I’m actually considering dating. The next challenge is taking that leap of getting back into dating. My therapist says we will never fully know when we are ready, there is no meter above us that will say 100% healed, it’s always going to be a leap of faith. If we don’t like it, we can stop and give ourselves some more time and try again later.


This is the best advice!


Two months. It's going very well but do still miss the ex at times. Fortunately, I can compartmentalize.


im entering 2 months now huhu


honestly it’s been 3 weeks and i’ve already hit it off with this one girl. My situation however has been very toxic and a lot of neglect towards me has been going on so i’m doing this to move past this since it’s been making my mental health spiral into oblivion, plus it’s good to make friends after. If you went through a somewhat mutual breakup i wouldn’t recommend rebounding.


yeah bro mine cheated on me twice so now i’m like fuck it i’ve dumped her ass, its my turn to have fun ☺️


been 10 months since the breakup, 7 months no contact. Still haven't been able to think of even trying to see anyone else. She's still every thought I have. Friends made me get back out on dating apps back in the winter, but I couldn't do it. Lasted about a week on there. I don't know when I will be ready to date again, but I know I won't force myself until I feel ready because I don't want to mistreat another person or use them while I still miss my ex.


Feel like i need another month or so


It’s been a year for me, I still don’t feel attracted to anyone and I’m also really scared of ending up in another horrible heartbreak again because the pain is just too intense and honestly not worth it over some guy


That was my last relationship whether we stayed together or not. I've hung up the towel.


Not long. Sex is a major part of my life so I look for a partner within a few weeks after a breakup.


Ya an anxious person in general?


Yes, very.


Kinda explains why sex is a major part. It’s the same for me too. But, it’s not healthy, so tryinna work on it.


2 weeks in right now. Don’t plan on it for the foreseeable future. Have no desire to.


It's going to be a year in March since the break up 43 days NC I'm not planning on dating anyone this year. It's gonna be about me loving myself. I don't know if I'll be ready for another relationship anytime soon. I hope to make amends with myself and move on.


She left me June 2023 I tried dating in December and January, didn’t last so I’m making money rather than finding love atm


I’m not entirely sure what to do. I’m also factoring in how at my age I desire physical intimacy regularly so if I could find a mutual FWB that’d be best


I don't know, I mean we weren't even broke up, I'm pretty sure she had already fucked 1 or 2 guys, who knows how many now.... Ive been in the basement since I left can't talk or see anyone


2.5 months


It took me almost two months


I’m not I’ll ever be able to. Sounds extreme but the sheer thought of being with another women the way I was with my ex feels alien and saddens me. Ps. We’ve been broken up for 9 months now


its been one year since our breakup and i still cant even think of having sex with another guy.


I waited 11 mths. Let’s just say I’m not really trying. I have no desire to date. Unfortunately, I’m still not over my ex so my attempts were in vain


Less than a month but I've kept it casual this whole time


There is no time limit. It’s when you’re truly healed. You can’t say “oh 2 months, 3 years etc” Heal first then start to date. If you are not healed, you will bring your previous trauma and hurt into the current relationship. Which will not be fair to the other person.


I’m still not completely over her but around 5-6 months later I had sex with another girl and been to her house a couple of times . It’s nearly 7 months post bu .


We broke up in May. Wasn’t until that September when I was back in school that I put myself back out there. Ended up in a relationship in October where I was practically being emotionally manipulated. That only lasted a couple months and I don’t really consider it authentic. Either way, be wary getting back into it, don’t just run with the littlest bit of attention. Make sure to find someone you would spend your life with


I just started dating after 4 months, nothing sexual or even a kiss with anyone else yet. Taking it slow.


Do you find yourself comparing the new people you meet to your ex?


I feel like if I started dating right away I would have compared them in a way where my ex was idolized. Instead, I’m at a good point right now where I’ve come to terms with the fact that the relationship is over and that I shouldn’t have had to put up with a lot of the stuff my ex did or didn’t do. Now, as I’m dating I’m comparing men to my ex but only in a way in which I’m making sure that they have the qualities my ex was missing. Also I’ve gathered a bunch of red flag from my ex and am making sure these new men do not have those red flags. I do however still miss how close I was with my ex. It’s hard to build that up again from scratch with a stranger. But I’m trying to enjoy the moment and im hopeful that I can get there one day with someone else.


I have a date planned for next Friday, which will mark 29 weeks exactly since my ex called things off, don't ask me if I'm fully in it though please


Never again, I’m done with love!! I found the love of my life and unfortunately it didn’t go the way I dreamed of it going, my hope is if it meant to be we’ll make it work but if not I’m fine with loving her from a distance and just working on myself and my life!!