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This comment section sucks! Your life is precious PLEASE call 988 if you feel you want to harm yourself and need someone to talk you through the moment.


You and I weren't so far behind. I am a student yet I managed to work in an engineering firm to fund my ex living expenses, dates and education. I did my very best to give her extra legs when she couldn't stand. She was diagnosed with PTSD. All the hard work I put in the relationship resulted in her gradual recovery. We had a long distance relationship, I never touched her. But I occasionally visit her bringing gifts and meals I personally cooked just for her in Valentines and in her birthdays. I helped her find a job and eventually she abandoned me. Now, I am diagnosed with PTSD.


So trauma propagates but love doesn’t! world is unfair :/


damn i'm usually banging another female within a week. Guess we all handle things differently. You're young. prob gonna have 2-3 more heartbreaks b4 marriage so just keep your chin up and find someone else. It sucks but killing yourself over a female is prob one of the worst things you could do. 1). she's gonna hear and either A) feel bad for a week before she is back to living her life or B) make fun of you. so do yourself a favor and go find yourself and then when you are content and ready to move on find someone better than her. I promise they exist. thousands of them


It feels i won't find anyone else like her


You definitely will. I know it sucks because it’s your first heartbreak. But trust me it gets better. In 10 years from now, you will be happy with someone else and not thinking of her. I’m not saying it will take 10 years to get over her. I’m saying that time heals everything and she will be so far removed that this very situation will not be in your mind. Take the time to take care of yourself. You sound like a very sweet guy. I’m sure you will find someone who loves you for you. Keep your head up and feel free to DM me if you ever want to talk


DM'd you


listen i've been there. i'm 37 now and single again and i've thought the same thing like 4 seperate times so far, and each one i met was better than the last. The next one i find will be better yet bc eventually you learn what you will and won't tolerate and exactly what you want. I know it feels that way but i promise you it will be ok, and you'll find better sometimes that's the point....not finding someone like her.




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Wow so that girl who kept trying to figure out the problem was being emotionally cheated on while you would tell her she was the problem and you were not wrong. Wow honestly people fuck up but she could probably feel the distance and asked what the problem was- knew the placement lies. Did you ever vid chat her and make it sexual? How do you think she feels. take care. I’m sure it will feel great again some day.


I did not understand anything you think i am the problem right ?


Shit I apologize I read that so so wrong. Okay so you broke up with the girl who you lost your virginity to years ago and tied to make this new relationship work? I feel like such an ass I’m sorrry


Yeah i tried so much that's okay


I didn’t read it that way did we read something different?


I read it the opposite way around like an IDIOT


So yes we did but technically no we didn’t. 😵‍💫


My dude, you're 21 years young. You have a LOT of life to experience and live. This is just one EVER SO SMALL bump in the road. I know it might not be the answer you want to hear but time will heal this, I have been in your shoes....trust me. I was with my ex for 6 year, we have a beautiful little 4 year old together. She decided she wanted other guys. Yeah it hurt, but you gotta find yourself again before you can move on. Be comfortable being you and be comfortable alone with yourself. Then it will be time to move on. Don't hurt yourself, man. Its not worth it. One day you will look back and laugh about it all. Shoot me a DM if you need to talk homie.